GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
gc.set(GregorianCalendar.MILLISECOND, ms);
gc.set(y, m-1, d, hh, mm, ss);
fastTime = gc.getTimeInMillis();
BaseCalendar cal = getCalendarSystem(fastTime);
date = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.getCalendarDate(fastTime, tz);
return date;
BaseCalendar cal = getCalendarSystem(y);
if (cal != getCalendarSystem(date)) {
date = (BaseCalendar.Date) cal.newCalendarDate(tz);
date.setNormalizedDate(y, m, d).setTimeOfDay(hh, mm, ss, ms);
// Perform the GregorianCalendar-style normalization.
fastTime = cal.getTime(date);
// In case the normalized date requires the other calendar
// system, we need to recalculate it using the other one.
BaseCalendar ncal = getCalendarSystem(fastTime);
if (ncal != cal) {
date = (BaseCalendar.Date) ncal.newCalendarDate(tz);
date.setNormalizedDate(y, m, d).setTimeOfDay(hh, mm, ss, ms);
fastTime = ncal.getTime(date);
return date;