calendarlist.put(new Integer(i), new CalendarListElement(start, end));
// pre-populate the row to contain zero items.
TDColumn.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(0));
GregorianCalendar listRenderCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(tz);
int counthour = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < totalnumberofrows; i++) {
// The Calendar fields will be used to track the current place in
// the displayed calendar, we will increment through the blocks
// and compare the activites returned from the list.
int calendarDate = listRenderCalendar.get(Calendar.DATE);
int calendarMonth = listRenderCalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int calendarYear = listRenderCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
Iterator activityIterator = calactivityVector.iterator();
int uniqueId = 0;
while (activityIterator.hasNext()) {
CalendarActivityObject activityobject = (CalendarActivityObject);
GregorianCalendar starttime = activityobject.getStartTime();
GregorianCalendar endtime = activityobject.getEndTime();
// If somehow we squeezed an illegally formed activity in we should skip
// it.
if ((starttime.getTimeInMillis() > endTimeuser.getTimeInMillis())) {
// calendarStartingBlock is the starting block for an activity on the
// displayed table.
int calendarStartingBlock = 0;
// The critical info on the currently selected activity.
int activityDate = starttime.get(Calendar.DATE);
int activityMonth = starttime.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int activityYear = starttime.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int activityHour = starttime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int activityMinute = starttime.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int activityAMPM = starttime.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
if (activityAMPM == 1) {
activityHour = activityHour + 12;
boolean flag = false;
// If the selected activity has the same month, date, and year
// and we are looking at the Daily View.
if (activityDate == calendarDate && activityMonth == calendarMonth
&& activityYear == calendarYear
&& (totalnumberofrows == 24 || totalnumberofrows == 48 || totalnumberofrows == 96)) {
// if it is daily hourly blocks then the starting block is the
// starting hour
calendarStartingBlock = (activityHour);
// otherwise we need calculate the starting block because the number
// of blocks may
// have doubled or quadrupled (30 or 15 minute intervals)
// It needs to be the floor function of the division also.
if (totalnumberofrows == 48) {
int diffMinute = (int)Math.floor(activityMinute / 30.0);
calendarStartingBlock = (calendarStartingBlock * 2) + diffMinute;
} else if (totalnumberofrows == 96) {
int diffMinute = (int)Math.floor(activityMinute / 15.0);
calendarStartingBlock = (calendarStartingBlock * 4) + diffMinute;
flag = true;
} else if (activityDate == calendarDate && activityMonth == calendarMonth
&& activityYear == calendarYear) {
// it is still the same, but we are not one of the daily views.
flag = true; // no setup required for numberof rows = 28 through 31
// ??
calendarStartingBlock = (activityDate - 1);
if (totalnumberofrows == 168) // if weekly columnar
calendarStartingBlock = starttime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
if (calendarStartingBlock == Calendar.SUNDAY) // if SUNDAY
calendarStartingBlock = 6; // then move to the end.
} else {
// else normalize monday to be zero (coupled to UI) // normalize
calendarStartingBlock = calendarStartingBlock - Calendar.MONDAY;
calendarStartingBlock = (calendarStartingBlock * 24) + (activityHour);
// Display as an allday activity on top
if (activityobject.getAllDayEvent()) {
flag = false;
allDayMap.put(activityobject.getActivityID(), activityobject);
if (totalnumberofrows == 7) {
// if weekly non-columnar
calendarStartingBlock = starttime.get(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
if (calendarStartingBlock == Calendar.SUNDAY) // if SUNDAY
calendarStartingBlock = 6; // then move to the end.
} else {
// else normalize monday to be zero (coupled to UI) // normalize
calendarStartingBlock = calendarStartingBlock - Calendar.MONDAY;
if (flag) // It matches one of our calendar blocks, we need to display
// it
// Get the blank element we stuck in there before as a placeholder
CalendarListElement element = (CalendarListElement)calendarlist.get(new Integer(
// monthly will only use the element at 0 on calendarlist (I guess the
// rest is designed for that)
if (element != null) // if the element is null then our
// calendarStartingBlock is totally out of
// whack.
int numberOfRows = 1; // assume it only takes one row
// We probably should take account if the activity spans to a
// different day.
// right now this doesn't seem to accomodate that.
int activityEndHour = endtime.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int activityEndAMPM = endtime.get(Calendar.AM_PM);
if (activityEndAMPM == 1) {
activityEndHour = activityEndHour + 12;
// calculate the number of rows the activity spans, if it is one of
// the daily views
// use ceiling function, so that any activity that impinges on the
// above activity
// will fill that row also.
if (totalnumberofrows == 24 || totalnumberofrows == 48 || totalnumberofrows == 96) {
// We must have to do the ZoneOffSet and DayLight Saving to
// Offset.
// off zone time values we must have to add to TimeInMillis
long startTimeValue = starttime.getTimeInMillis()
+ starttime.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + starttime.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
long endTimeValue = endtime.getTimeInMillis() + endtime.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)
+ endtime.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET);
double activityDuration = endTimeValue - startTimeValue;
numberOfRows = (int)Math.ceil(activityDuration / (timespan * 60000));
// When we have Scheduling and activity for two whole day event