Examples of Stats

Examples of net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.stats

    _userCommandHandler.registerUserCommandHandler(new ChannelListUpdate());

        _log.config("UserCommandHandler: Loaded " + _userCommandHandler.size() + " handlers.");

    _voicedCommandHandler = VoicedCommandHandler.getInstance();
    _voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new stats());

      _voicedCommandHandler.registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Wedding());

    _log.config("VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded " + _voicedCommandHandler.size() + " handlers.");
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Examples of net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.Stats

      if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && _activeChar.isChampion())
        bonusAtk = Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ATK;
      double attack = _activeChar.getTemplate().baseMAtk * bonusAtk;
    // Get the skill type to calculate its effect in function of base stats
    // of the L2Character target
    Stats stat = skill == null ? null : skill.getStat();

    if (stat != null)
      switch (stat)
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Examples of org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats

     * <p>
     * @see org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCache#getStatistics()
    public IStats getStatistics()
        IStats stats = new Stats();
        stats.setTypeName( "Abstract Disk Cache" );

        ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();

        IStatElement se = null;

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Purgatory Hits" );
        se.setData( "" + purgHits );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Purgatory Size" );
        se.setData( "" + purgatory.size() );
        elems.add( se );

        // get the stats from the event queue too
        // get as array, convert to list, add list to our outer list
        IStats eqStats = this.cacheEventQueue.getStatistics();
        IStatElement[] eqSEs = eqStats.getStatElements();
        List eqL = Arrays.asList( eqSEs );
        elems.addAll( eqL );

        // get an array and put them in the Stats object
        IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[0] );
        stats.setStatElements( ses );

        return stats;
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Examples of org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats

     * @return IStats object
    public IStats getStatistics()
        IStats stats = new Stats();
        stats.setTypeName( "Remote Cache No Wait" );

        ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();

        IStatElement se = null;

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Remote Host:Port" );
        se.setData( this.irca.getRemoteHost() + ":" + this.irca.getRemotePort() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Remote Type" );
        se.setData( this.irca.getRemoteTypeName() + "" );
        elems.add( se );

        if ( this.irca.getRemoteType() == IRemoteCacheAttributes.CLUSTER )
            // something cluster specific

        // no data gathered here

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "UsePoolForGet" );
        se.setData( "" + usePoolForGet );
        elems.add( se );

        if ( pool != null )
            se = new StatElement();
            se.setName( "Pool Size" );
            se.setData( "" + pool.getPool().getPoolSize() );
            elems.add( se );

            se = new StatElement();
            se.setName( "Maximum Pool Size" );
            se.setData( "" + pool.getPool().getMaximumPoolSize() );
            elems.add( se );

        if ( remote instanceof ZombieRemoteCacheService )
            se = new StatElement();
            se.setName( "Zombie Queue Size" );
            se.setData( "" + ((ZombieRemoteCacheService)remote).getQueueSize() );
            elems.add( se );

        // get an array and put them in the Stats object
        IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[0] );
        stats.setStatElements( ses );

        return stats;
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Examples of org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCache#getStatistics()
    public IStats getStatistics()
        IStats stats = new Stats();
        stats.setTypeName( "Block Disk Cache" );

        ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();

        IStatElement se = null;

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Is Alive" );
        se.setData( "" + alive );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Key Map Size" );
        se.setData( "" + this.keyStore.size() );
        elems.add( se );

            se = new StatElement();
            se.setName( "Data File Length" );
            if ( this.dataFile != null )
                se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.length() );
                se.setData( "-1" );
            elems.add( se );
        catch ( Exception e )
            log.error( e );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Block Size Bytes" );
        se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.getBlockSizeBytes() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Number Of Blocks" );
        se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.getNumberOfBlocks() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Average Put Size Bytes" );
        se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.getAveragePutSizeBytes() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Empty Blocks" );
        se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.getEmptyBlocks() );
        elems.add( se );

        // get the stats from the super too
        // get as array, convert to list, add list to our outer list
        IStats sStats = super.getStatistics();
        IStatElement[] sSEs = sStats.getStatElements();
        List sL = Arrays.asList( sSEs );
        elems.addAll( sL );

        // get an array and put them in the Stats object
        IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[0] );
        stats.setStatElements( ses );

        return stats;
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Examples of org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.jcs.engine.behavior.ICacheEventQueue#getStatistics()
    public IStats getStatistics()
        IStats stats = new Stats();
        stats.setTypeName( "Pooled Cache Event Queue" );

        ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();

        IStatElement se = null;

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Working" );
        se.setData( "" + this.working );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Destroyed" );
        se.setData( "" + this.isAlive() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Empty" );
        se.setData( "" + this.isEmpty() );
        elems.add( se );

        if ( pool.getQueue() != null )
            if ( pool.getQueue() instanceof BoundedBuffer )
                BoundedBuffer bb = (BoundedBuffer) pool.getQueue();
                se = new StatElement();
                se.setName( "Queue Size" );
                se.setData( "" + bb.size() );
                elems.add( se );

                se = new StatElement();
                se.setName( "Queue Capacity" );
                se.setData( "" + bb.capacity() );
                elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Pool Size" );
        se.setData( "" + pool.getPool().getPoolSize() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Maximum Pool Size" );
        se.setData( "" + pool.getPool().getMaximumPoolSize() );
        elems.add( se );

        // get an array and put them in the Stats object
        IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[elems.size()] );
        stats.setStatElements( ses );

        return stats;
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Examples of org.apache.jcs.engine.stats.Stats

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see org.apache.jcs.auxiliary.AuxiliaryCache#getStatistics()
    public synchronized IStats getStatistics()
        IStats stats = new Stats();
        stats.setTypeName( "Indexed Disk Cache" );

        ArrayList elems = new ArrayList();

        IStatElement se = null;

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Is Alive" );
        se.setData( "" + alive );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Key Map Size" );
        if ( this.keyHash != null )
            se.setData( "" + this.keyHash.size() );
            se.setData( "-1" );
        elems.add( se );

            se = new StatElement();
            se.setName( "Data File Length" );
            if ( this.dataFile != null )
                se.setData( "" + this.dataFile.length() );
                se.setData( "-1" );
            elems.add( se );
        catch ( Exception e )
            log.error( e );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Hit Count" );
        se.setData( "" + this.hitCount );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Bytes Free" );
        se.setData( "" + this.bytesFree );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Optimize Operation Count" );
        se.setData( "" + this.removeCount );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Times Optimized" );
        se.setData( "" + this.timesOptimized );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Recycle Count" );
        se.setData( "" + this.recycleCnt );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Recycle Bin Size" );
        se.setData( "" + this.recycle.size() );
        elems.add( se );

        se = new StatElement();
        se.setName( "Startup Size" );
        se.setData( "" + this.startupSize );
        elems.add( se );

        // get the stats from the super too
        // get as array, convert to list, add list to our outer list
        IStats sStats = super.getStatistics();
        IStatElement[] sSEs = sStats.getStatElements();
        List sL = Arrays.asList( sSEs );
        elems.addAll( sL );

        // get an array and put them in the Stats object
        IStatElement[] ses = (IStatElement[]) elems.toArray( new StatElement[0] );
        stats.setStatElements( ses );

        return stats;
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.codecs.blocktree.Stats

        // no terms, eg there used to be terms but all
        // docs got deleted and then merged away):
      } else {
        if (fieldTerms instanceof FieldReader) {
          final Stats stats = ((FieldReader) fieldTerms).computeStats();
          assert stats != null;
          if (status.blockTreeStats == null) {
            status.blockTreeStats = new HashMap<>();
          status.blockTreeStats.put(field, stats);
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Examples of org.digibots.graph.Stats

        new DigibotInfo(app, hud);
        this.parametersAsker = new ParametersAsker(app, hud);
        this.stats = new Stats(app.getOperationScheduler(), app.getWorld(), tabbedPane);
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Examples of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.LRUCache.Stats

  public synchronized String cacheToString(String prefix) {
    return this.cache.toStringFillingRation(prefix);
  public Stats debugNewOpenableCacheStats() {
    return this.cache.openableCache.new Stats();
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