The following features are supported:
A statement describes a rule for allowing or denying access to a specific AWS resource based on how the resource is being accessed, and who is attempting to access the resource. Statements can also optionally contain a list of conditions that specify when a statement is to be honored.
For example, consider a statement that:
Statements takes the form: "A has permission to do B to C where D applies".
There are many resources and conditions available for use in statements, and you can combine them to form fine grained custom access control polices.
This represents either a {@link RegularStatement}, a {@link BoundStatement} or a{@link BatchStatement} along with the querying options (consistency level,whether to trace the query, ...).
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
An example query text might be {@code "WHERE status ='ACTIVE' ORDER BY id LIMIT 30"}.
Statements support bind variables. These are substitutes for literals and can be thought of as input parameters to a PQL query.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE id =:idValue"}.
Statements also support use of the LIKE keyword. This provides partial and wildcard string matching.
An example of such a query might be {@code "WHERE nameLIKE 'startswith%'"}.
If using an API version newer than V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Value} and is one of{@link NumberValue}, {@link TextValue} or {@link BooleanValue}.If using an API version older than or equal to V201010, the value for the variable idValue must then be set with an object of type {@link Param} and isone of {@link DoubleParam}, {@link LongParam} or {@link StringParam}.
statement ::= {@link Block block}| {@link VariableDeclarationStatement initializedVariableDeclaration ';'}| {@link ForStatement forStatement}| {@link ForEachStatement forEachStatement}| {@link WhileStatement whileStatement}| {@link DoStatement doStatement}| {@link SwitchStatement switchStatement}| {@link IfStatement ifStatement}| {@link TryStatement tryStatement}| {@link BreakStatement breakStatement}| {@link ContinueStatement continueStatement}| {@link ReturnStatement returnStatement}| {@link ExpressionStatement expressionStatement}| {@link FunctionDeclarationStatement functionSignature functionBody}@coverage dart.engine.ast
A Statement is not a Resource, but can produce a ReifiedStatement that represents it and from which the Statement can be recovered.
A statement instance tracks which model created it, if any. All the Resource components of a Statement are in the same model as the Statement, if it has one, and are in no model if the Statement isn't.
This interface provides methods supporting typed literals. This means that methods are provided which will translate a built in type, or an object to an RDF Literal. This translation is done by invoking the toString()
method of the object, or its built in equivalent. The reverse translation is also supported. This is built in for built in types. Factory objects, provided by the application, are used for application objects.
Only one ResultSet per Statement can be open at any point in time. Therefore, if the reading of one ResultSet is interleaved with the reading of another, each must have been generated by different Statements. All statement execute methods implicitly close a statement's current ResultSet if an open one exists.
@author Mark Matthews @version $Id: 20 2008-01-17 12:47:41Z gnovelli $ @see java.sql.Statement @see ResultSetStatement
object represents a primitive statement in which a single method is applied to a target and a set of arguments - as in "a.setFoo(b)"
. Note that where this example uses names to denote the target and its argument, a statement object does not require a name space and is constructed with the values themselves. The statement object associates the named method with its environment as a simple set of values: the target and an array of argument values.
@since 1.4
@version 1.31 05/23/06
@author Philip Milne
To have multiple ResultSet objects open concurrently, multiple Statement objects must be used.
This interface is typically implemented by a MondrianOlap4jStatement, but not necessarily: statements may be created internally, not via olap4j.
Not part of Mondrian's public API. This class may change without notice.
@author jhyde这是一个内部接口 @author 王志亮 []
This interface will have different implementations for the execution-only and compile-and-execute versions of the product. In the execution-only version, some of the methods will do nothing but raise exceptions to indicate that they are not implemented.
There is a Statement factory in the Connection interface in the Database module, which uses the one provided in LanguageFactory. @author Jeff Lichtman
The grammar combines both Statement and BlockStatement.
Statement: {@link AssertStatement}, {@link Block}, {@link BreakStatement}, {@link ConstructorInvocation}, {@link ContinueStatement}, {@link DoStatement}, {@link EmptyStatement}, {@link EnhancedForStatement}{@link ExpressionStatement}, {@link ForStatement}, {@link IfStatement}, {@link LabeledStatement}, {@link ReturnStatement}, {@link SuperConstructorInvocation}, {@link SwitchCase}, {@link SwitchStatement}, {@link SynchronizedStatement}, {@link ThrowStatement}, {@link TryStatement}, {@link TypeDeclarationStatement}, {@link VariableDeclarationStatement}, {@link WhileStatement}@since 2.0
@author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot @version 1.9.0 @since 1.9.0
@author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot @version 1.9.0 @since 1.9.0
This class represents the a statement in the stored procedure language. The subclasses of this class represent specific statements like an IfStatement
, AssignmentStatement
New Statements can be created via the methods of {@link StatementContainer}.
@see StatementContainer#getStatementList()