Package com.pardot.rhombus.cobject

Source Code of com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.CObjectCQLGenerator

package com.pardot.rhombus.cobject;

import com.datastax.driver.core.Statement;
import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Delete;
import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder;
import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.pardot.rhombus.Criteria;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.shardingstrategy.ShardStrategyException;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.shardingstrategy.ShardingStrategyNone;
import com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.statement.*;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

* Pardot, An ExactTarget Company
* User: robrighter
* Date: 4/8/13
public class CObjectCQLGenerator {

  private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CObjectCQLGenerator.class);

  protected static final String KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME = "__keyspace_definitions";
  protected static final String INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME = "__index_updates";
  public static final Long MAX_CQL_STATEMENT_LIMIT = 1000l;

  protected static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_STATIC = "CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" (id %s PRIMARY KEY, %s);";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_WIDE = "CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" (id %s, shardid bigint, %s, PRIMARY KEY ((shardid, %s),id) );";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_KEYSPACE_LIST = "CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"" + KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME + "\" (id uuid, name varchar, def varchar, PRIMARY KEY ((name), id));";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_WIDE_INDEX = "CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" (shardid bigint, tablename varchar, indexvalues varchar, targetrowkey varchar, PRIMARY KEY ((tablename, indexvalues),shardid) );";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_CREATE_INDEX_UPDATES = "CREATE TABLE \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" (id timeuuid, statictablename varchar, instanceid timeuuid, indexvalues varchar, PRIMARY KEY ((statictablename,instanceid),id))";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_TRUNCATE_INDEX_UPDATES = "TRUNCATE \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\";";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_DROP = "DROP TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\";";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_TRUNCATE = "TRUNCATE \"%s\".\"%s\";";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_INSERT_STATIC = "INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"%s\" (%s) VALUES (%s)%s;";//"USING TIMESTAMP %s%s;";//Add back when timestamps become preparable
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_INSERT_WIDE = "INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"%s\" (%s) VALUES (%s)%s;";//"USING TIMESTAMP %s%s;";//Add back when timestamps become preparable
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_INSERT_KEYSPACE = "INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"" + KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME + "\" (id, name, def) values (?, ?, ?);";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_INSERT_WIDE_INDEX = "INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"%s\" (tablename, indexvalues, shardid, targetrowkey) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);";//"USING TIMESTAMP %s;";//Add back when timestamps become preparable
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_INSERT_INDEX_UPDATES = "INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" (id, statictablename, instanceid, indexvalues) values (?, ?, ?, ?);";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_STATIC = "SELECT * FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE %s;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_WIDE = "SELECT %s FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE shardid = %s AND %s ORDER BY id %s %s ALLOW FILTERING;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_KEYSPACE = "SELECT def FROM \"%s\".\"" + KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE name = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_WIDE_INDEX = "SELECT shardid FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE tablename = ? AND indexvalues = ?%s ORDER BY shardid %s ALLOW FILTERING;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_DELETE = "DELETE FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE %s;";//"DELETE FROM %s USING TIMESTAMP %s WHERE %s;"; //Add back when timestamps become preparable
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_DELETE_OBSOLETE_UPDATE_INDEX_COLUMN = "DELETE FROM \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE  statictablename = ? and instanceid = ? and id = ?";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_FIRST_ELIGIBLE_INDEX_UPDATE = "SELECT statictablename,instanceid FROM \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" WHERE id < ? limit 1 allow filtering;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_NEXT_ELIGIBLE_INDEX_UPDATE = "SELECT statictablename,instanceid FROM \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" where token(statictablename,instanceid) > token(?,?) and id < ? limit 1 allow filtering;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_ROW_INDEX_UPDATE = "SELECT * FROM \"%s\".\"" + INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME + "\" where statictablename = ? and instanceid = ? order by id DESC;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SET_COMPACTION_LEVELED = "ALTER TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" WITH compaction = { 'class' :  'LeveledCompactionStrategy',  'sstable_size_in_mb' : %d }";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SET_COMPACTION_TIERED = "ALTER TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" WITH compaction = { 'class' :  'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy',  'min_threshold' : %d }";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SCAN_TABLE_MIN_TOKEN = "SELECT * FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE token(id) >= ? AND token(id) <= ? LIMIT %d;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SCAN_TABLE_MIN_ID = "SELECT * FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE token(id) > token(?) AND token(id) <= ? LIMIT %d;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_SELECT_TOKEN = "SELECT token(id) FROM \"%s\".\"%s\" WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_TABLE_SCAN = "SELECT * FROM \"%s\".\"%s\";";
  protected static final String TEMPLATE_ADD_FIELD = "ALTER TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" add %s %s";

  protected Map<String, CDefinition> definitions;
  protected CObjectShardList shardList;
  private Integer consistencyHorizon;
  private String keyspace;

   * Single Param constructor, mostly for testing convenience. Use the other constructor.
  public CObjectCQLGenerator(String keyspace, Integer consistencyHorizon){
    this.definitions = Maps.newHashMap();
    this.consistencyHorizon = consistencyHorizon;
    this.keyspace = keyspace;

   * @param objectDefinitions - A map where the key is the and the value is the CDefinition.
   *                          This map should include a CDefinition for every object in the system.
  public CObjectCQLGenerator(String keyspace, Map<String, CDefinition> objectDefinitions, CObjectShardList shardList, Integer consistencyHorizon){
    this.definitions = objectDefinitions;
    this.consistencyHorizon = consistencyHorizon;
    this.keyspace = keyspace;

   * Set the Definitions to be used
   * @param objectDefinitions - A map where the key is the and the value is the CDefinition.
   *                          This map should include a CDefinition for every object in the system.
  public void setDefinitions(Map<String, CDefinition> objectDefinitions){
    this.definitions = objectDefinitions;

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforCreate(String objType){
    return makeCQLforCreate(this.definitions.get(objType));

   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforCreateKeyspaceDefinitionsTable(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_CREATE_KEYSPACE_LIST, keyspace), KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME);

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforDrop(String objType){
    return makeCQLforDrop(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType));

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforTruncate(String objType){
    return makeCQLforTruncate(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType));

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforInsertNoValuesforStaticTable(String objType) throws CQLGenerationException {
    CDefinition definition = this.definitions.get(objType);
    Map<String, CField> fields = Maps.newHashMap(definition.getFields());
    Object id = null;
    if (fields.containsKey("id")) {
      id = fields.get("id");
    List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(fields.keySet());
    List<String> valuePlaceholders = new ArrayList<String>(fields.keySet());
    return makeInsertStatementStatic(this.keyspace, definition.getName(), fieldNames, valuePlaceholders, id, null, null);

   * @param definition The object definition of the wide table to insert into
   * @param tableName - The name of the wide table to insert into
   * @return CQL insert statement
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforInsertNoValuesforWideTable(CDefinition definition, String tableName, Long shardId) throws CQLGenerationException {
    Map<String, CField> fields = Maps.newHashMap(definition.getFields());
    Object id = null;
    if (fields.containsKey("id")) {
      id = fields.get("id");
    List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(fields.keySet());
    List<Object> valuePlaceholders = new ArrayList<Object>(fields.keySet());
    shardId = (shardId == null) ? 1L : shardId;
    return makeInsertStatementWide(this.keyspace, tableName, fieldNames, valuePlaceholders, id, shardId, null, null);

   * @param tableName - The name of the wide table to insert into
   * @return CQL insert statement
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforInsertNoValuesforShardIndex(String tableName) throws CQLGenerationException {
    return CQLStatement.make(

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param data - A map of fieldnames to values representing the data to insert
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsert(String objType, Map<String,Object> data) throws CQLGenerationException {
    return makeCQLforInsert(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType), data);

   * @param keyspaceDefinition - The JSON keyspace definition
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsertKeyspaceDefinition(String name, String keyspaceDefinition) throws CQLGenerationException {
    return makeCQLforInsertKeyspaceDefinition(keyspace, name, keyspaceDefinition, UUIDs.timeBased());

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param data - A map of fieldnames to values representing the data to insert
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsert(String objType, Map<String,Object> data, Object key, Long timestamp) throws CQLGenerationException {
    return makeCQLforInsert(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType), data, key, timestamp, null);

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param data - A map of fieldnames to values representing the data to insert
   * @param key - A UUID key
   * @param timestamp - The timestamp
   * @param ttl - An Integer (seconds) for the time to live in Cassandra
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
   * @throws CQLGenerationException
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsert(String objType, Map<String,Object> data, Object key, Long timestamp, Integer ttl) throws CQLGenerationException {
    return makeCQLforInsert(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType), data, key, timestamp, ttl);

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param key - The TimeUUID of the object to retrieve
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task. (Should have a length of 1 for this particular method)
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforGet(String objType, Object key){
    return makeCQLforGet(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType), key);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforGet(String keyspace, CDefinition def, Object key){
    Object[] values = {key};
    CQLStatement statement = CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_STATIC, keyspace, def.getName(), "id = ?"), def.getName(), values);
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(Lists.newArrayList(statement));

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task. (Should have a length of 1 for this particular method)
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforTableScan(String objType){
    return makeCQLforTableScan(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType));

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param criteria - The criteria object describing which rows to retrieve
   * @param countOnly - true means you want a count of rows, false means you want the rows themselves
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforList(String objType, Criteria criteria, boolean countOnly) throws CQLGenerationException {
    CDefinition definition = this.definitions.get(objType);
    CObjectOrdering ordering = (criteria.getOrdering() != null ? criteria.getOrdering(): CObjectOrdering.DESCENDING);
    UUID endUuid = (criteria.getEndUuid() == null ? UUIDs.startOf( : criteria.getEndUuid());
    return makeCQLforList(this.keyspace, shardList, definition, criteria.getIndexKeys(), ordering, criteria.getStartUuid(),
        endUuid, criteria.getLimit(), criteria.getInclusive(), countOnly, criteria.getAllowFiltering());

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforList(String keyspace, CObjectShardList shardList, CDefinition def, SortedMap<String,Object> indexValues,
                             CObjectOrdering ordering, @Nullable UUID start, @Nullable UUID end, Long limit,
                             boolean inclusive, boolean countOnly, boolean allowFiltering) throws CQLGenerationException {
    // Get matching index from definition
    CIndex i = def.getIndex(indexValues, allowFiltering);
    if(i == null){
      throw new CQLGenerationException(String.format("Could not find specified index on CDefinition %s",def.getName()));

    // Determine client filters and fix index values
    Map<String, Object> clientFilters = null;
    if(i.getCompositeKeyList().size() < indexValues.keySet().size()) {
      clientFilters = Maps.newHashMap();
      SortedMap<String, Object> newIndexValues = Maps.newTreeMap();
      for(String key : indexValues.keySet()) {
        if(i.getCompositeKeyList().contains(key)) {
          newIndexValues.put(key, indexValues.get(key));
        } else {
          // Index keys will always exactly match the criteria index values if allowFiltering is false, so this only happens if allowFiltering is true
          clientFilters.put(key, indexValues.get(key));
      indexValues = newIndexValues;

    boolean hasClientFilters = clientFilters != null && !clientFilters.isEmpty();

    // Now validate the remaining index values
      throw new CQLGenerationException(String.format("Cannot query index %s on CDefinition %s with the provided list of index values",i.getName(),def.getName()));

    CQLStatement whereCQL = makeAndedEqualList(def,indexValues);
    String whereQuery = whereCQL.getQuery();
    List<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList(whereCQL.getValues()));
    if(start != null){
      whereQuery += " AND id >" + (inclusive ? "= " : " ") + "?";
    if(end != null){
      whereQuery += " AND id <" + (inclusive ? "= " : " ") + "?";

    // TODO Find some way to deal with limits on statements that allow filtering
    String limitCQL = "";
    if(allowFiltering || limit > 0) {
      if(limit <= 0 || limit > MAX_CQL_STATEMENT_LIMIT) {
        limit = MAX_CQL_STATEMENT_LIMIT;
      limitCQL = "LIMIT %d";

    // TODO: if we feel like it's worth the trouble, for count queries with client side filters, only select the fields needed to satisfy the filters
    // note that doing so will also require modifying ObjectMapper.mapResult() so it only maps fields that exist in the row
    String CQLTemplate = String.format(
        // If this was a count query and filtering was allowed and client filters weren't defined, just do a count query because we don't need to apply filters
        // Otherwise if this was a count query, but allowFiltering was true and we have client-side filters to apply, do a full row query so we can apply the filters
        countOnly && !(allowFiltering && hasClientFilters) ? "count(*)":"*",
        makeTableName(def, i),

    CQLStatement templateCQLStatement = CQLStatement.make(CQLTemplate, makeTableName(def, i), values.toArray());

    Long startTime = (start == null) ? null : UUIDs.unixTimestamp(start);
    Long endTime = (end == null) ? null : UUIDs.unixTimestamp(end);

    CQLStatementIterator returnIterator = null;
    if((startTime != null && endTime != null) || (i.getShardingStrategy() instanceof ShardingStrategyNone)) {
      //the query is either bounded or unsharded, so we do not need to check the shardindex
      try {
        Range<Long> shardIdRange = i.getShardingStrategy().getShardKeyRange(startTime,endTime);
        returnIterator = new UnboundableCQLStatementIterator(shardIdRange, limit, ordering, templateCQLStatement, def.getName());
      catch(ShardStrategyException e){
        throw new CQLGenerationException(e.getMessage());
    } else {
      //we have an unbounded query
      returnIterator = new BoundedLazyCQLStatementIterator(

    // Set the client filters on the returned iterator so the client can take care of them
    return returnIterator;

   * @return an iterator for getting all the keyspace definitions
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforGetKeyspaceDefinitions(String name){
    return makeCQLforGetKeyspaceDefinitions(this.keyspace, name);

   * @param objType - The name of the Object type aka
   * @param key - The TimeUUID of the object to delete
   * @param data - All the values of the fields existing in this object (or just the required fields will work)
   * @param timestamp - The timestamp for the request
   * @return Iterator of CQL statements that need to be executed for this task.
  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforDelete(String objType, UUID key,  Map<String,Object> data, Long timestamp){
    return makeCQLforDelete(this.keyspace, this.definitions.get(objType), key, data, timestamp);

   * @param rowKey - Row key of the index_update row
   * @param id - Specific id of the item in the row to delete
   * @return Single CQLStatement that runs the delete
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforDeleteObsoleteUpdateIndexColumn(IndexUpdateRowKey rowKey, UUID id){
    return CQLStatement.make(
        String.format(TEMPLATE_DELETE_OBSOLETE_UPDATE_INDEX_COLUMN, this.keyspace),
        Arrays.asList(rowKey.getObjectName(), rowKey.getInstanceId(), id).toArray());

   * @return String of single CQL statement required to create the Shard Index Table
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforShardIndexTableCreate(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_CREATE_WIDE_INDEX, this.keyspace, CObjectShardList.SHARD_INDEX_TABLE_NAME), CObjectShardList.SHARD_INDEX_TABLE_NAME);

  private CQLStatement makeCQLforAddFieldToTable(String tableName, CField newField){
    String query = String.format(TEMPLATE_ADD_FIELD, this.keyspace, tableName, newField.getName(), newField.getType());
    return CQLStatement.make(query, tableName);

  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforAddFieldToObject(CDefinition def, String newFieldName, List<CIndex> existingIndexes){
    CField theNewField = def.getField(newFieldName);
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    //alter statement for the static table
    ret.add(makeCQLforAddFieldToTable(makeTableName(def,null), theNewField));

    //now make the alter statements for the indexes
    for(CIndex i: existingIndexes){

    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

   * @return String of single CQL statement required to create the Shard Index Table
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforShardIndexTableDrop(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_DROP, this.keyspace, CObjectShardList.SHARD_INDEX_TABLE_NAME),

   * @return String of single CQL statement required to create the Shard Index Table
  public CQLStatement makeCQLforShardIndexTableTruncate(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_TRUNCATE, this.keyspace, CObjectShardList.SHARD_INDEX_TABLE_NAME),

   * @return CQLStatement of single CQL statement required to get the first update token
  public CQLStatement makeGetFirstEligibleIndexUpdate(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_FIRST_ELIGIBLE_INDEX_UPDATE, keyspace),
        INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME, Arrays.asList(getTimeUUIDAtEndOfConsistencyHorizion()).toArray());

   * @param lastInstanceKey - Row Key representing the position of the previous row key
   * @return CQLStatement of the single CQL statement required to get the next update token
  public CQLStatement makeGetNextEligibleIndexUpdate(IndexUpdateRowKey lastInstanceKey){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_NEXT_ELIGIBLE_INDEX_UPDATE, keyspace),

   * @param instanceKey - Row Key representing the row key for the row to retrieve
   * @return CQLStatement of the single CQL statement required to get the Row corresponding to the token
  public static CQLStatement makeGetRowIndexUpdate(String keyspace, IndexUpdateRowKey instanceKey){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_ROW_INDEX_UPDATE, keyspace),

   * @param def - CIndex for the index for which to pull the shard list
   * @param indexValues - Values identifing the specific index for which to pull the shard list
   * @param ordering - ASC or DESC
   * @param start - Start UUID for bounding
   * @param end - End UUID for bounding
   * @return Single CQL statement needed to retrieve the list of shardids
  public static CQLStatement makeCQLforGetShardIndexList(String keyspace, CDefinition def, SortedMap<String,Object> indexValues, CObjectOrdering ordering,@Nullable UUID start, @Nullable UUID end) throws CQLGenerationException {
    CIndex i = def.getIndex(indexValues, false);
    String indexValueString = makeIndexValuesString(indexValues.values());
    List values = Lists.newArrayList();

    String whereCQL = "";
    if(start != null){
      whereCQL += " AND shardid >= ?";
    if(end != null){
      whereCQL += " AND shardid <= ?";
    String query =  String.format(
    return CQLStatement.make(query, CObjectShardList.SHARD_INDEX_TABLE_NAME, values.toArray());

  private CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition, Integer sstableSize){
    List ret =  Lists.newArrayList();
    //global tables
    ret.add(makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), "__shardindex", sstableSize));
    ret.add(makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), "__index_updates", sstableSize));

    //CDefinition tables
    for(CDefinition def : keyspaceDefinition.getDefinitions().values()){
      //static table
      ret.add(makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), makeTableName(def, null), sstableSize));
      for(CIndex index : def.getIndexes().values()){
        ret.add(makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), makeTableName(def,index), sstableSize));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  private CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforTieredCompaction(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition, Integer minThreshold){
    List ret =  Lists.newArrayList();
    //global tables
    ret.add(makeCQLforTieredCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), "__shardindex", minThreshold));
    ret.add(makeCQLforTieredCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), "__index_updates", minThreshold));

    //CDefinition tables
    for(CDefinition def : keyspaceDefinition.getDefinitions().values()){
      //static table
      ret.add(makeCQLforTieredCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), makeTableName(def, null), minThreshold));
      for(CIndex index : def.getIndexes().values()){
        ret.add(makeCQLforTieredCompaction(keyspaceDefinition.getName(), makeTableName(def,index), minThreshold));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforCompaction(CKeyspaceDefinition keyspaceDefinition, String strategy, Map<String,Object> options) throws CQLGenerationException {
      Integer sstableSize = (options.get("sstable_size_in_mb") == null) ? 5 : (Integer)options.get("sstable_size_in_mb");
      return makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(keyspaceDefinition,sstableSize);
    else if(strategy.equals("SizeTieredCompactionStrategy")){
      Integer minThreshold = (options.get("min_threshold") == null) ? 6 : (Integer)options.get("min_threshold");
      return makeCQLforTieredCompaction(keyspaceDefinition,minThreshold);
    throw new CQLGenerationException("Unknown Strategy " + strategy);

   * @param table - The table to update with the compaction strategy
   * @param sstableSize - the size in MB of the ss tables
   * @return String of single CQL statement required to set
  public static CQLStatement makeCQLforLeveledCompaction(String keyspace, String table, Integer sstableSize){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SET_COMPACTION_LEVELED, keyspace, table, sstableSize), table);

   * @param table - The table to update with the compaction strategy
   * @param minThreshold - minimum number of SSTables to trigger a minor compaction
   * @return String of single CQL statement required to set
  public static CQLStatement makeCQLforTieredCompaction(String keyspace, String table, Integer minThreshold){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_SET_COMPACTION_TIERED, keyspace, table, minThreshold), table);

  public CQLStatement makeCQLforIndexUpdateTableCreate(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_CREATE_INDEX_UPDATES, this.keyspace), INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME);

  public CQLStatement makeCQLforIndexUpdateTableTruncate(){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_TRUNCATE_INDEX_UPDATES, this.keyspace), INDEX_UPDATES_TABLE_NAME);

  public static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforUpdate(String keyspace, CDefinition def, UUID key, Map<String,Object> oldValues, Map<String, Object> newValues) throws CQLGenerationException {
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    //(1) Detect if there are any changed index values in values
    List<CIndex> affectedIndexes = getAffectedIndexes(def, oldValues, newValues);
    List<CIndex> unaffectedIndexes = getUnaffectedIndexes(def, oldValues, newValues);

    //(2) Construct a complete copy of the object
    Map<String,Object> completeValues = Maps.newHashMap(oldValues);
    for(String k : newValues.keySet()){
      completeValues.put(k, newValues.get(k));
    Map<String,ArrayList> fieldsAndValues = makeFieldAndValueList(def, completeValues);

    //(3) Delete from any indexes that are no longer applicable
    for(CIndex i : affectedIndexes){
      Map<String,Object> compositeKeyToDelete = i.getIndexKeyAndValues(oldValues);

      //just ignore the delete if the old index values are the same as the new index values.
      //We will update with the new fields later on in the method. Ignoring the delete in this
      //case will solve the problem of async deletes and inserts happening in parallel
      Map<String,Object> compositeKeyOfCompleteValues = i.getIndexKeyAndValues(completeValues);

      //ok we can move forward with the delete now
        //check if we have the necessary primary fields to delete on this index. If not just continue
        // because it would be ignored on insert
      ret.add(makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromIndex(keyspace, def, i, key, compositeKeyToDelete, null));

    //(4) Add index values to the new values list
    Map<String,Object> newValuesAndIndexValues = Maps.newHashMap(newValues);
    for(String s: def.getRequiredFields()){
        newValuesAndIndexValues.put(s, completeValues.get(s));
    Map<String,ArrayList> fieldsAndValuesForNewValuesAndIndexValues = makeFieldAndValueList(def,newValuesAndIndexValues);

    //(5) Insert into the new indexes like a new insert
    for(CIndex i: affectedIndexes){
        //check if we have the necessary primary fields to insert on this index. If not just continue;
      addCQLStatmentsForIndexInsert(keyspace, true, ret, def, completeValues, i, key, fieldsAndValues,null, null);

    //(6) Insert into the existing indexes without the shard index addition
    for(CIndex i: unaffectedIndexes){
        //check if we have the necessary primary fields to insert on this index. If not just continue;
      addCQLStatmentsForIndexInsert(keyspace, false, ret, def, newValuesAndIndexValues, i, key, fieldsAndValuesForNewValuesAndIndexValues,null, null);

    //(7) Update the static table (be sure to only update and not insert the completevalues just in case they are wrong, the background job will fix them later)
    Map<String,ArrayList> fieldsAndValuesOnlyForChanges = makeFieldAndValueList(def,newValues);

    //(8) Insert a snapshot of the updated values for this id into the __index_updates
    ret.add(makeInsertUpdateIndexStatement(keyspace, def, key, def.makeIndexValues(completeValues)));

    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  public static List<CIndex> getAffectedIndexes(CDefinition def, Map<String,Object> oldValues, Map<String,Object> newValues){
    List<CIndex> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    if(def.getIndexes() == null) {
      return ret;
    for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        //This change does indeed effect this index
    return ret;

  public static List<CIndex> getUnaffectedIndexes(CDefinition def, Map<String,Object> oldValues, Map<String,Object> newValues){
    List<CIndex> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    if(def.getIndexes() == null) {
      return ret;
    for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        //This change does not effect this index
    return ret;

  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforCreate(CDefinition def){
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    if(def.getIndexes() != null) {
      for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        ret.add(makeWideTableCreate(def, i));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforDrop(String keyspace, CDefinition def){
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    ret.add(makeTableDrop(keyspace, def.getName()));
    if(def.getIndexes() != null) {
      for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        ret.add(makeTableDrop(keyspace, makeTableName(def, i)));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforTruncate(String keyspace, CDefinition def){
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    ret.add(makeTableTruncate(keyspace, def.getName()));
    if(def.getIndexes() != null) {
      for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        ret.add(makeTableTruncate(keyspace, makeTableName(def, i)));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  protected static CQLStatement makeInsertStatementStatic(String keyspace, String tableName, List<String> fields, List values, Object id, Long timestamp, Integer ttl){
    values.add(0, id);
    String query = String.format(
        makeCommaList(values, true),
        //timestamp.toString(), //add timestamp back when timestamps become preparable
        (ttl == null) ? "" : (" USING TTL "+ttl)//(" AND TTL "+ttl) //Revert this back to AND when timestamps are preparable

    return CQLStatement.make(query, tableName, values.toArray());

  public UUID getTimeUUIDAtEndOfConsistencyHorizion(){
    UUID ret = UUIDs.startOf( - consistencyHorizon);//now minus 5 seconds
    return ret;

  public static CQLStatement makeInsertUpdateIndexStatement(String keyspace, CDefinition def, UUID instanceId, Map<String,Object> indexvalues) throws CQLGenerationException {
    UUID id = UUIDs.timeBased();
    String tableName = makeTableName(def,null);
    String indexValuesAsJson;
      ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
      indexValuesAsJson = om.writeValueAsString(indexvalues);
    catch (Exception e){
      throw new CQLGenerationException(e.getMessage());
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_INSERT_INDEX_UPDATES,keyspace),
        Arrays.asList(id, tableName, instanceId, indexValuesAsJson).toArray() );

  protected static CQLStatement makeInsertStatementWide(String keyspace, String tableName, List<String> fields, List<Object> values, Object uuid, long shardid, Long timestamp, Integer ttl){

    String query = String.format(
        //timestamp.toString(), //add timestamp back when timestamps become preparable
        (ttl == null) ? "" : (" USING TTL "+ttl)//(" AND TTL "+ttl) //Revert this back to AND when timestamps are preparable

    return CQLStatement.make(query, tableName, values.toArray());

  protected static CQLStatement makeInsertStatementWideIndex(String keyspace, String tableName, String targetTableName, long shardId, List indexValues, Long timestamp) throws CQLGenerationException {
    String indexValuesString = makeIndexValuesString(indexValues);
    Object[] values = {targetTableName, indexValuesString, Long.valueOf(shardId), shardId+":"+indexValuesString};
    return CQLStatement.make(
            //timestamp.toString() //Add back timestamp when timestamps become preparable

  public static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsertKeyspaceDefinition(@NotNull String keyspace, @NotNull String name, @NotNull String keyspaceDefinition, @NotNull UUID id) throws CQLGenerationException{
    ArrayList<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    ret.add(CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_INSERT_KEYSPACE, keyspace),
        Arrays.asList(id, name, keyspaceDefinition).toArray()));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsert(@NotNull String keyspace, @NotNull CDefinition def, @NotNull Map<String,Object> data) throws CQLGenerationException{
    return makeCQLforInsert(keyspace, def, data, null, null, null);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforInsert(@NotNull String keyspace, @NotNull CDefinition def, @NotNull Map<String,Object> data, @Nullable Object uuid, Long timestamp, Integer ttl) throws CQLGenerationException{
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    if(uuid == null){
      uuid = UUIDs.timeBased();
    if(timestamp == 0){
      timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if(!validateData(def, data)){
      throw new CQLGenerationException("Invalid Insert Requested. Missing Field(s)");
    Map<String,ArrayList> fieldsAndValues = makeFieldAndValueList(def,data);
    //Static Table
    //Index Tables
    if(def.getIndexes() != null) {
      for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
          //check if we have the necessary primary fields to insert on this index. If not just continue;
        //insert it into the index
        addCQLStatmentsForIndexInsert(keyspace, true, ret, def,data,i,uuid,fieldsAndValues,timestamp,ttl);
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  public static void addCQLStatmentsForIndexInsert(String keyspace, boolean includeShardInsert, List<CQLStatement> statementListToAddTo, CDefinition def, @NotNull Map<String,Object> data, CIndex i, Object uuid, Map<String,ArrayList> fieldsAndValues,Long timestamp, Integer ttl) throws CQLGenerationException {
    //insert it into the index
    long shardId = i.getShardingStrategy().getShardKey(uuid);
    if( includeShardInsert && (!(i.getShardingStrategy() instanceof ShardingStrategyNone))){
      //record that we have made an insert into that shard

  protected static CQLStatement makeCQLforTableScan(String keyspace, CDefinition def){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_TABLE_SCAN, keyspace, def.getName()), def.getName());

  public static CQLStatement makeCQLforGetKeyspaceDefinitions(String keyspace, String name){
    String statement = String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_KEYSPACE, keyspace, name);
    Object[] values = {name};
    return CQLStatement.make(statement, KEYSPACE_DEFINITIONS_TABLE_NAME, values);

  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLForScanTableMinToken(String objectType, Long startToken, Long endToken, Long limit) {
    String cql = String.format(TEMPLATE_SCAN_TABLE_MIN_TOKEN, this.keyspace, objectType, limit);
    Object[] values = new Object[2];
    values[0] = startToken;
    values[1] = endToken;
    CQLStatement statement = CQLStatement.make(cql, objectType, values);
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  public CQLStatementIterator makeCQLForScanTableMinId(String objectType, Object startId, Long endToken, Long limit) {
    String cql = String.format(TEMPLATE_SCAN_TABLE_MIN_ID, this.keyspace, objectType, limit);
    Object[] values = new Object[2];
    values[0] = startId;
    values[1] = endToken;
    CQLStatement statement = CQLStatement.make(cql, objectType, values);
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  public CQLStatement makeCQLForGetToken(UUID key, String cdefName){
    String statement = String.format(TEMPLATE_SELECT_TOKEN, this.keyspace, cdefName);
    Object[] values = {key};
    return CQLStatement.make(statement, cdefName, values);

  protected static CQLStatementIterator makeCQLforDelete(String keyspace, CDefinition def, UUID key, Map<String,Object> data, Long timestamp){
    if(timestamp == null){
      timestamp = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
    List<CQLStatement> ret = Lists.newArrayList();
    ret.add(makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromStaticTable(keyspace, def, key, timestamp));
    for(CIndex i : def.getIndexes().values()){
        //check if we have the necessary primary fields to insert on this index. If not just continue;
      ret.add(makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromIndex(keyspace, def, i, key, i.getIndexKeyAndValues(data), timestamp));
    return new BoundedCQLStatementIterator(ret);

  protected static CQLStatement makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromStaticTable(String keyspace, CDefinition def, UUID uuid, Long timestamp){
    Object[] values = {uuid};
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(
        makeTableName(def, null),
        //timestamp, //Add back when timestamps become preparable
        "id = ?"),
        makeTableName(def, null),

  public static CQLStatement makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromIndex(String keyspace, CDefinition def, CIndex index, UUID uuid, Map<String,Object> indexValues, Long timestamp){
    List values = Lists.newArrayList( uuid, Long.valueOf(index.getShardingStrategy().getShardKey(uuid)) );
    CQLStatement wheres = makeAndedEqualList(def, indexValues);
    String whereCQL = String.format( "id = ? AND shardid = ? AND %s", wheres.getQuery());
    String query = String.format(
        //timestamp, //Add back when timestamps become preparable
    return CQLStatement.make(query, makeTableName(def,index), values.toArray());

  public static Statement makeCQLforDeleteUUIDFromIndex_WorkaroundForUnpreparableTimestamp(String keyspace, CDefinition def, CIndex index, UUID uuid, Map<String,Object> indexValues, Long timestamp){
    Statement ret = QueryBuilder.delete()
        .and(QueryBuilder.eq("shardid", Long.valueOf(index.getShardingStrategy().getShardKey(uuid))));
    for(String key : indexValues.keySet()){
    return ret;

  protected static CQLStatement makeTableDrop(String keyspace, String tableName){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_DROP, keyspace, tableName), tableName);

  protected static CQLStatement makeTableTruncate(String keyspace, String tableName){
    return CQLStatement.make(String.format(TEMPLATE_TRUNCATE, keyspace, tableName), tableName);

  public CQLStatement makeStaticTableCreate(CDefinition def){
    String query = String.format(
    return CQLStatement.make(query, def.getName());

  public CQLStatement makeWideTableCreate(CDefinition def, CIndex index){
    String query = String.format(
        makeFieldList(def.getFields().values(), true),
    return CQLStatement.make(query, makeTableName(def, index));

  public static String makeIndexValuesString(Collection values) throws CQLGenerationException{
    //note, this escaping mechanism can in very rare situations cause index collisions, for example
    //one:two as a value collides with another value one&#58;two
    List<String> escaped = Lists.newArrayList();
    for(Object v : values){
      escaped.add(coerceValueToString(v).replaceAll(":", "&#58;"));
    return Joiner.on(":").join(escaped);

  public static String coerceValueToString(Object value) throws CQLGenerationException {
    if(value instanceof String){
      return (String)value;
    if( (value instanceof UUID) || (value instanceof Long) || (value instanceof Boolean) || (value instanceof Float) || (value instanceof Double) || (value instanceof Integer) || (value instanceof BigInteger) ){
      return value.toString();
    if( value instanceof java.util.Date){
      return ((java.util.Date)value).getTime()+"";
    throw new CQLGenerationException("Rhombus does not support indexes on fields of type " + value.getClass().toString());

  public static Map<String,ArrayList> makeFieldAndValueList(CDefinition def, Map<String,Object> data) throws CQLGenerationException{
    ArrayList fieldList = Lists.newArrayList();
    ArrayList valueList = Lists.newArrayList();
    for(CField f : def.getFields().values()){
      if( data.containsKey(f.getName()) && !f.getName().equals("id") ){
    Map<String,ArrayList> ret = Maps.newHashMap();
    ret.put("fields", fieldList);
    ret.put("values", valueList);
    return ret;

  protected static boolean validateData(CDefinition def, Map<String,Object> data){
      return true;
    Collection<String> fields = def.getRequiredFields();
    for( String f : fields){
        return false;
    return true;

  protected static CQLStatement makeAndedEqualList(CDefinition def, Map<String,Object> data){
    String query = "";
    List values = Lists.newArrayList();
    int count = 0;
    for(String key : data.keySet()){
      CField f = def.getFields().get(key);
      query+=f.getName() + " = ?";
      if(++count < data.keySet().size()){
        query += " AND ";
    return CQLStatement.make(query, def.getName(), values.toArray());

  protected static String makeCommaList(List strings, boolean onlyQuestionMarks){
    Iterator<Object> it = strings.iterator();
    String ret = "";
      Object thenext =;
      String thenextstring = thenext == null ? "null" : thenext.toString();
      String s = onlyQuestionMarks ? "?" : thenextstring;
      ret = ret + s +(it.hasNext() ? ", " : "");
    return ret;

  protected static String makeCommaList(List strings){
    return makeCommaList(strings, false);

  protected static String makeFieldList(Collection<CField> fields, boolean withType){
    Iterator<CField> it = fields.iterator();
    String ret = "";
      CField f =;
        continue; //ignore the id, if this definition specifies an id
      ret = ret + f.getName() +
          (withType ? " " + f.getType() : "") +
          (it.hasNext() ? "," : "");
    return ret;

  public static String makeTableName(CDefinition def, @Nullable CIndex index){
    String objName = def.getName();
    if(index == null){
      return objName;
      return makeIndexTableName(def,index);

  protected static String makeIndexTableName(CDefinition def, CIndex index){
    String indexName = Joiner.on('_').join(index.getCompositeKeyList());
    String hash = DigestUtils.md5Hex(def.getName()+"|"+indexName);
    //md5 hashes (in hex) give us 32 chars. We have 48 chars available so that gives us 16 chars remaining for a pretty
    //display name for the object type.
    String objDisplayName = def.getName().length() > 15 ? def.getName().substring(0,16) : def.getName();
    return objDisplayName+hash;

  public void setShardList(CObjectShardList shardList) {
    this.shardList = shardList;


Related Classes of com.pardot.rhombus.cobject.CObjectCQLGenerator

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