ts d = ClanID S = ClanName S = ClanLeaderName d = ClanCrestID d = signed time (seconds) d=Type -> Owner = 0x01 || Waiting = 0x02 || Accepted = 0x03 d = AllyID S = AllyName S = AllyLeaderName d = AllyCrestID
@author KenM
ts d = ClanID S = ClanName S = ClanLeaderName d = ClanCrestID d = signed time (seconds) d=Type -> Owner = 0x01 || Waiting = 0x02 || Accepted = 0x03 || Refuse = 0x04 d = AllyID S = AllyName S = AllyLeaderName d = AllyCrestID
ts d = ClanID S = ClanName S = ClanLeaderName d = ClanCrestID d = signed time (seconds) d=Type -> Owner = 0x01 || Waiting = 0x02 || Accepted = 0x03 d = AllyID S = AllyName S = AllyLeaderName d = AllyCrestID
@author KenM
All source code are property of their respective owners. Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc and owned by ORACLE Inc. Contact coftware#gmail.com.