Examples of SessionInfo

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo


         SessionInfo[] sessionInfos = rb.getAuthenticate(null).getSessionInfoArr();
         for (int i=0; i < sessionInfos.length; i++) {
            SessionInfo sessionInfo = sessionInfos[i];
            ClientEvent event = new ClientEvent(sessionInfo);
            I_SubscriptionListener oldListener = rb.getSubscriptionListener(getPriority());
            if (oldListener == null)
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

    * @param dataHolder The method called
    * @return true if is authorized, false if no access
   public boolean isAuthorized(SessionHolder sessionHolder, DataHolder dataHolder) {
      if (this.htpasswdMap == null) return true;
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = sessionHolder.getSessionInfo();
      if (sessionInfo == null) {
         log.warning("sessionInfo is null, will not authorize");
         return false;
      SessionName sessionName = sessionInfo.getSessionName();
      if (sessionName == null) {
         log.warning("sessionName for '" + sessionInfo.toXml() + "' is null, will not authorize");
         return false;
      String loginName = sessionName.getLoginName();
      if (loginName == null) {
         log.warning("loginName for '" + sessionName.toXml() + "' is null, will not authorize");
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

                  if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Checking filter='" + filterQos[jj].getQuery() + "' on message content='" +
                                 msgUnit.getContentStr() + "'");
                  SessionInfo sessionInfo = null; // TODO: Pass sessionInfo here
                  if (filter != null && filter.match(sessionInfo, msgUnit, filterQos[jj].getQuery())) {
                     if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found master='" + nodeMasterInfo.getNodeId().getId() + "' stratum=" +
                                    nodeMasterInfo.getStratum() + " for message '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' with filter='" + filterQos[jj].getQuery() + "'.");
                     return nodeMasterInfo; // Found the master nodeMasterInfo.getClusterNode();
               return nodeMasterInfo; // Found the master nodeMasterInfo.getClusterNode();

      // Check for user supplied filters <master><filter>... These are the filter based queries
      AccessFilterQos[] filterQos = nodeMasterInfo.getAccessFilterArr();
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found " + filterQos.length + " global filter rules ...");
      for (int jj=0; jj<filterQos.length; jj++) {
         I_AccessFilter filter = glob.getRequestBroker().getAccessPluginManager().getAccessFilter(
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Checking filter='" + filterQos[jj].getQuery() + "' on message content='" +
                        msgUnit.getContentStr() + "'");
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = null; // TODO: Pass sessionInfo here
         if (filter != null && filter.match(sessionInfo, msgUnit, filterQos[jj].getQuery())) {
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Found master='" + nodeMasterInfo.getNodeId().getId() + "' stratum=" + nodeMasterInfo.getStratum() +
                           " for message '" + msgUnit.getLogId() + "' with filter='" + filterQos[jj].getQuery() + "'.");
            return nodeMasterInfo; // Found the master nodeMasterInfo.getClusterNode();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

            final String secretSessionId = null;
            final int pubSessionId = 1;
            // "client/avalon/session/1" (we are heron and want to re-use avalons connection)
            // Dangerous Precond: The remote cluster logs in with subjectId==his-nodeId and pubSessionId=1
            final SessionName sessionName = new SessionName(this.remoteGlob, null, nodeInfo.getId(), pubSessionId);
            SessionInfo myRemotePartnerLogin = this.fatherGlob.getRequestBroker().getAuthenticate(secretSessionId).getSessionInfo(sessionName);
            this.remoteGlob.addObjectEntry(globalKey, "dummyPlaceHolder");
            log.info(sessionName.toString() + " Adding initial 'dummyPlaceHolder' entryKey=" + globalKey + " global.instanceId=" +this.remoteGlob.getInstanceId() + "-" + remoteGlob.hashCode());
            if (myRemotePartnerLogin == null) {
               // Create the temporary SessionInfo until the real client arrives
               String[] args = new String[0]; //{ "-queue/connection/defaultPlugin", "RAM,1.0" };
               Global glob = this.remoteGlob; // Why?? .getClone(args);
               String type = "SOCKET";
               String version = "1.0";
               String rawAddress = "socket://:7607";
               boolean found = false;
               I_Driver[] drivers = this.fatherGlob.getPluginRegistry().getPluginsOfInterfaceI_Driver();//register(pluginInfo.getId(), plugin);//getProtocolPluginManager().getPlugin(type, version)
               for (int i=0; i<drivers.length; i++) {
                  if (drivers[i] instanceof SocketDriver) {
                     SocketDriver sd = (SocketDriver)drivers[i];
                     rawAddress = sd.getRawAddress();
                     type = sd.getType();
                     version = sd.getVersion();
                     found = true;
               if (!found)
                  log.severe("No socket protocol driver found");
               // TODO: How to avoid configuring the password (pass a flag to Authenticate?)
               // TODO: Currently we can only configure loginName/password based credentials
               // cluster/securityService/avalon=<securityService type='htpasswd' version='1.0'><user>avalon</user><passwd>secret</passwd></securityService>
               String xml = this.fatherGlob.get("cluster/securityService/"+sessionName.getLoginName(), "", null, null);
               if ("".equals(xml)) {
                  log.severe("To bootstrap an initial session of " + sessionName.getLoginName() + " cluster slave you need to give his password like this (adjust the password and the type if necessary): " +
                        "cluster/securityService/" + sessionName.getLoginName() + "=<securityService type='htpasswd' version='1.0'><user>" + sessionName.getLoginName() + "</user><passwd>secret</passwd></securityService>");
                  return null;
               SecurityQos securityQos = new SecurityQos(glob, xml);
               ConnectQos tmpQos = new ConnectQos(glob, sessionName.getRelativeName(), "");
               ClientQueueProperty prop = new ClientQueueProperty(glob, null);
               Address address = new Address(glob);
               //address.addClientProperty(new ClientProperty("useRemoteLoginAsTunnel", true));
               address.addClientProperty(new ClientProperty("acceptRemoteLoginAsTunnel", true));
               address.setRawAddress(rawAddress); // Address to find ourself
               //address.addClientProperty(new ClientProperty("acceptRemoteLoginAsTunnel", "", "", ""+true));
               CallbackAddress cbAddress = new CallbackAddress(glob);
               //cbAddress.addClientProperty(new ClientProperty("useRemoteLoginAsTunnel", true));
               cbAddress.addClientProperty(new ClientProperty("acceptRemoteLoginAsTunnel", true));
               log.info("Creating temporary session " + sessionName.getRelativeName() + " until real cluster node "
                     + glob.getXmlBlasterAccess().getServerNodeId() + " arrives");
               glob.getXmlBlasterAccess().connect(tmpQos, new I_Callback() {
                  public String update(String cbSessionId, UpdateKey updateKey,
                        byte[] content, UpdateQos updateQos)
                        throws XmlBlasterException {
                     return null;
               myRemotePartnerLogin = this.fatherGlob.getRequestBroker().getAuthenticate(secretSessionId).getSessionInfo(sessionName);
               if (myRemotePartnerLogin == null) {
                  log.severe("Can't create session " + sessionName.getAbsoluteName());
                  return null;
            DispatchManager mgr = myRemotePartnerLogin.getDispatchManager();
            if (mgr != null) {
               boolean fireInitial = true;
                mgr.addConnectionStatusListener(new I_ConnectionStatusListener() {
                   // The !remote! node has logged in (not our client connection)
                   public void toAlive(DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState) {
                      SessionInfo myRemotePartnerLogin = fatherGlob.getRequestBroker().getAuthenticate(secretSessionId).getSessionInfo(sessionName);
                      if (myRemotePartnerLogin != null && myRemotePartnerLogin.getAddressServer() != null) {
                         Object obj = myRemotePartnerLogin.getAddressServer().getCallbackDriver();
                         if (obj != null && obj instanceof CallbackSocketDriver) {
                            // cbDriver.callbackAddress: socket://
                            CallbackSocketDriver cbDriver = (CallbackSocketDriver)myRemotePartnerLogin.getAddressServer().getCallbackDriver();
                            log.info("toAlive(" + sessionName.getAbsoluteName() + ")... found existing session to back-tunnel '" + getId() + "' on address '" + myRemotePartnerLogin.getAddressServer().getRawAddress() + "' protocol=" + myRemotePartnerLogin.getAddressServer().getType() + " cbDriver-Handler " + ((cbDriver.getHandler()==null)?"null":cbDriver.getHandler().getAddressServer().getRawAddress()));
                            //log.severe("Register toAlive: CallbackSocketDriver.handler=" + cbDriver.getHandler());
                            remoteGlob.addObjectEntry(globalKey, cbDriver.getHandler());
                            log.info(sessionName.toString() + " Adding toAlive '" + cbDriver.getHandler() + "' entryKey=" + globalKey + " global.instanceId=" + remoteGlob.getInstanceId() + "-" + remoteGlob.hashCode());
                         else {
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#sessionAdded(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public void sessionAdded(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (!this.isOK) throw new XmlBlasterException(this.global, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE, ME + ".sessionAdded: invoked when plugin already shut down");
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = e.getSessionInfo();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

   public void sessionPreRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("sessionRemoved '" + e.getSessionInfo().getId() + "'");
      if (!this.isOK) throw new XmlBlasterException(this.global, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE, ME + ".sessionRemoved: invoked when plugin already shut down");

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = e.getSessionInfo();
      ConnectQosData connectQosData = sessionInfo.getConnectQos().getData();
      if (!connectQosData.getPersistentProp().getValue()) return;


      // TODO add a method I_Queue.removeRandom(long uniqueId)
      long uniqueId = sessionInfo.getPersistenceUniqueId();
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("sessionRemoved (persistent) for uniqueId: '" + uniqueId + "'");
      // String sessionId = getOriginalSessionId(connectQosData.getSessionQos().getSecretSessionId());
      SessionEntry entry = new SessionEntry(connectQosData.toXml(), uniqueId, 0L, null);
      int num = this.sessionStore.remove(entry);
      if (num != 1) {
         XmlBlasterException ex = sessionInfo.getTransportConnectFail();
         if (ex != null)
            log.fine("sessionRemoved (persistent) for uniqueId: '" + uniqueId + "' failed, entry not found.");
            log.severe("sessionRemoved (persistent) for uniqueId: '" + uniqueId + "' failed, entry not found.");
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

      QueryQosData subscribeQosData = subscriptionInfo.getQueryQosData();
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("subscriptionAdd: key='" + data.toXml() + "'");
      if (subscribeQosData != null) if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("subscriptionAdd: qos='" + subscribeQosData.toXml() + "'");
      if (subscribeQosData == null || !subscribeQosData.isPersistent()) return;

      SessionInfo sessionInfo = subscriptionInfo.getSessionInfo();
      if (!sessionInfo.getConnectQos().getData().isPersistent()) {

      // is it a remote connect ?
      ClientProperty clientProperty = subscribeQosData.getClientProperty(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID);
      if (clientProperty == null) {
         long uniqueId = new Timestamp().getTimestamp();
         subscribeQosData.getClientProperties().put(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, new ClientProperty(Constants.PERSISTENCE_ID, "long", null, "" + uniqueId));
         QueryKeyData subscribeKeyData = (QueryKeyData)data;

         // to be found when the client usubscribes after a server crash ...
         SubscribeEntry entry = new SubscribeEntry(subscribeKeyData.toXml(), subscribeQosData.toXml(), sessionInfo
               .getConnectQos().getSessionName().getAbsoluteName(), uniqueId, 0L, null);
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("subscriptionAdd: putting to persistence NEW entry '" + entry.getUniqueId() + "' key='" + subscribeKeyData.toXml() + "' qos='" + subscribeQosData.toXml() + "' secretSessionId='" + sessionInfo.getSecretSessionId() + "'");
      else  {    // ... or from a recovery ?
         // TODO handle by recoverSubscriptions(..)
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

      if (subscriptionInfo == null) {
         log.severe("getDispatchManager the subscriptionInfo object is null");
         return null;
      SessionInfo sessionInfo = subscriptionInfo.getSessionInfo();
      if (sessionInfo == null) {
         log.severe("getDispatchManager the sessionInfo object is null");
         return null;
      DispatchManager dispatchManager = sessionInfo.getDispatchManager();
      if (dispatchManager == null) {
         log.severe("getDispatchManager the dispatcherManager object is null");
         return null;
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

         String content = (!isQos) ? xml : "";
         String qos = (isQos) ? xml : "<qos/>";
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit("<key oid='Hello'/>", content, qos);
         msgUnit.getQosData().setRcvTimestamp(new Timestamp());
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = null;

         PluginInfo info = new PluginInfo(glob, null, "XPathFilter", "1.0");
         info.getParameters().put(MATCH_AGAINST_QOS, ""+isQos);
         if (xslFile != null)
            info.getParameters().put(XSL_CONTENT_TRANSFORMER_FILE_NAME, xslFile);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo

                                 String xmlKey_literal, String qos_literal) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Entering subscribe(" + sessionId + ", key, qos)");

      try {
         // authentication security check
         SessionInfo sessionInfo = authenticate.check(sessionId);

         // import and authorize message
         MsgUnit msgUnit = importAndAuthorize(sessionInfo, addressServer,
                                       new MsgUnitRaw(xmlKey_literal, EMPTY_BYTEARR, qos_literal),

         SubscribeQosServer subscribeQos = new SubscribeQosServer(glob, (QueryQosData)msgUnit.getQosData());

         // Invoke xmlBlaster
         String ret = requestBroker.subscribe(sessionInfo, (QueryKeyData)msgUnit.getKeyData(), subscribeQos);


         // export (encrypt) return value
         MsgUnitRaw in = new MsgUnitRaw(null, (byte[])null, ret);
         CryptDataHolder dataHolder = new CryptDataHolder(MethodName.SUBSCRIBE, in);
         return sessionInfo.getSecuritySession().exportMessage(dataHolder).getQos();
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw this.availabilityChecker.checkException(MethodName.SUBSCRIBE, e);
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