Package org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl

Source Code of org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin$Counter

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package org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SessionInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.authentication.SubjectInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.I_Callback;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.I_XmlBlasterAccess;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.EraseKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.SubscribeKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UnSubscribeKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UpdateKey;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.ConnectQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.DisconnectQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.EraseQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.SubscribeQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UnSubscribeQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UpdateQos;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.ClientPropertiesInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.GlobalInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.I_Info;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.InfoHelper;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.MomEventEngine;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.VersionTransformerCache;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.DbPool;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.db.I_DbPool;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.dbwatcher.DbWatcherConstants;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.I_ReplSlave;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplSlave;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.ReplicationConstants;
import org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.SqlStatement;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.I_SubscriptionListener;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.RequestBroker;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionEvent;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.I_AdminSession;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.admin.I_AdminSubject;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.mime.I_PublishFilter;
import org.xmlBlaster.engine.qos.ConnectQosServer;
import org.xmlBlaster.protocol.I_Authenticate;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Global;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.I_Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.MsgUnit;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.SessionName;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.StringPairTokenizer;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timeout;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.Timestamp;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.XmlBlasterException;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.context.ContextNode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.Constants;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.ErrorCode;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.def.PriorityEnum;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.ConnectionStateEnum;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.ClientProperty;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.MsgQosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.QosData;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.CallbackAddress;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.qos.address.Destination;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Entry;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.I_Queue;
import org.xmlBlaster.util.queue.QueuePluginManager;

* ReplManagerPlugin is a plugin wrapper if you want to run DbWatcher inside xmlBlaster.
* <p />
* DbWatcher checks a database for changes and publishes these to the MoM
* <p />
* This plugin needs to be registered in <tt>xmlBlasterPlugins.xml</tt>
* to be available on xmlBlaster server startup.
* <p>
* This plugin uses <tt>java.util.logging</tt> and redirects the logging to xmlBlasters default
* logging framework. You can switch this off by setting the attribute <tt>xmlBlaster/jdk14loggingCapture</tt> to false.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Michele Laghi</a>
public class ReplManagerPlugin extends GlobalInfo
   implements ReplManagerPluginMBean,
              I_PublishFilter {

   private class Counter {
      long msg;
      long[] trans;
       * @deprecated
       * @param data
      public Counter(long[] data) {
         boolean oldStyle = data.length < 5;
         if (oldStyle) { // TODO remove this once no more old data around
            this.msg = data[2];
            this.trans = new long[10];
            for (int i=0; i < this.trans.length; i++)
               this.trans[i] = data[1];
         else {
            this.msg = data[2];
            this.trans = new long[10];
            for (int i=0; i < this.trans.length; i++)
               this.trans[i] = data[i+4];
   public final static String SESSION_ID = "replManager/1";
   private final static String SENDER_SESSION = "_senderSession";
   private final static String ME = ReplManagerPlugin.class.getName();
   private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ME);
   private Object mbeanHandle;
   private String user = "replManager";
   private String password = "secret";
   private Map replications;
   private Map replSlaveMap;
   /** Keys are requestId Strings, and values are SqlStatement objects */
   private Map sqlStatementMap;
   private boolean shutdown;
   private volatile boolean initialized;
   private String instanceName;
   private long maxSize = 999999L;
   private String sqlTopic;
   private long maxResponseEntries;
   private I_DbPool pool;
   private VersionTransformerCache transformerCache;
   private String cachedListOfReplications;
   private String initialFilesLocation;
   private Timestamp timeoutHandle;
   private Timeout timeout = new Timeout("ReplManagerPlugin-StatusPoller");
   private final static long STATUS_POLLER_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 5000L;
   private long statusPollerInterval = STATUS_POLLER_INTERVAL_DEFAULT;
   private long statusProcessingTime;
   private long numRefresh;
   private int maxNumOfEntries = REPLICATION_MAX_ENTRIES_DEFAULT;
   private I_Info persistentInfo;

   private Map topicToPrefixMap;
   private Map counterMap;
   private Set initialDataTopicSet;

    * Default constructor, you need to call <tt>init()<tt> thereafter.
   public ReplManagerPlugin() {
      super(new String[] {});
      this.replications = new TreeMap();
      this.topicToPrefixMap = new HashMap();
      this.counterMap = new HashMap();
      this.replSlaveMap = new TreeMap();
      this.sqlStatementMap = new TreeMap();
      this.transformerCache = new VersionTransformerCache();
      this.initialDataTopicSet = new HashSet();

   public byte[] transformVersion(String replPrefix, String srcVersion, String destVersion, String destination, byte[] srcData) throws Exception {
      if (destVersion == null)
         return srcData;
      if (destVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(srcVersion))
         return srcData;
      return this.transformerCache.transform(replPrefix, srcVersion, destVersion, destination, srcData, null);
   public byte[] transformVersion(String replPrefix, String destVersion, String destination, byte[] content) throws Exception {
      I_Info tmpInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replPrefix);
      if (tmpInfo == null)
         throw new Exception("The replication with replication.prefix='" + replPrefix + "' was not found");
      String srcVersion = tmpInfo.get("replication.version", "0.0").trim();
      if (srcVersion.length() < 1)
         throw new Exception("The replication '" + replPrefix + "' has no version defined");
      return transformVersion(replPrefix, srcVersion, destVersion, destination, content);
   public String transformVersion(String replPrefix, String destVersion, String destination, String is) throws Exception {
      I_Info tmpInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replPrefix);
      if (tmpInfo == null)
         throw new Exception("The replication with replication.prefix='" + replPrefix + "' was not found");
      String srcVersion = tmpInfo.get("replication.version", "0.0").trim();
      if (srcVersion.length() < 1)
         throw new Exception("The replication '" + replPrefix + "' has no version defined");
      return new String(transformVersion(replPrefix, srcVersion, destVersion, destination, is.getBytes()));
   public void clearVersionCache() {
      this.cachedListOfReplications = null;

    * @param name the slave associated with this name or null if none found.
    * @return
   public I_ReplSlave getSlave(String name) {
      if (name == null || name.length() < 1)
         return null;
      synchronized(this.replSlaveMap) {
         return (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(name);
   public String reInitiate(String replPrefix) {
      I_Info info = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replPrefix);
      I_ReplSlave[] slaves = (I_ReplSlave[])this.replSlaveMap.values().toArray(new I_ReplSlave[this.replSlaveMap.size()]);
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i=0; i < slaves.length; i++) {
         String thisReplPrefix = slaves[i].getReplPrefix();
         if (thisReplPrefix != null && thisReplPrefix.equals(replPrefix)) {
            try {
            catch (Exception ex) {
      String ret = buf.toString();
      if (buf.length() > 0)
         return "FAILED: the slaves " + ret + " did fail";
      return "Success: " + slaves.length + " slaves re-initiated";
    * Never returns null. It returns a list of keys identifying the slaves using the replication
    * manager.
    * @return
   public String getSlaves() {
      return InfoHelper.getIteratorAsString(this.replSlaveMap.keySet().iterator());
    * Never returns null. It returns a list of keys identifying the ongoing replications.
    * @return
   public String getReplications() {
      if (this.cachedListOfReplications != null)
         return this.cachedListOfReplications;
      // rebuild the cache
      Iterator iter = this.replications.values().iterator();
      boolean isFirst = true;
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
         I_Info tmpInfo = (I_Info);
         String tmp = tmpInfo.get(SUPPORTED_VERSIONS, null);"replications : '" + tmp + "'");
         if (tmp != null) {
            if (!isFirst)
            isFirst = false;
         else {
            String replPrefix = SpecificDefault.getReplPrefix(tmpInfo);
            log.warning("Property '" + SUPPORTED_VERSIONS + "' not found for '" + replPrefix + "'");
            if (!isFirst)
            isFirst = false;
      // return InfoHelper.getIteratorAsString(this.replications.keySet().iterator());
      this.cachedListOfReplications = buf.toString();
      return this.cachedListOfReplications;
   public static String getPluginName() {
      return "ReplManager,1.0";
   public String getType() {
      return "ReplManager";
   public String getVersion() {
      return "1.0";

   private void addIfNotSet(String key, String defValue) {
      String tmp = get(key, null);
      if (tmp == null) {
         if (defValue == null)
            log.warning("The property '" + key + "' is not set");
         put(key, defValue);
    * Creates a I_DbPool object using the defaults out of the JDBC,1.0 Queue Properties and initializes
    * the pool.
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
   private I_DbPool initializePersistentInfo() throws Exception {
      QueuePluginManager pluginManager = new QueuePluginManager(;
      PluginInfo queuePluginInfo = new PluginInfo(, pluginManager, "JDBC", "1.0");
      Properties prop = (Properties)queuePluginInfo.getParameters();
      String dbUrl ="db.url", prop.getProperty("url", null), null, queuePluginInfo);
      String dbUser ="db.user", prop.getProperty("user", null), null, queuePluginInfo);
      String dbPassword ="db.passwordr", prop.getProperty("password", null), null, queuePluginInfo);
      String dbDrivers ="JdbcDriver.drivers", prop.getProperty("Jdbc.drivers", null), null, queuePluginInfo);
      dbDrivers ="jdbc.drivers", dbDrivers, null, queuePluginInfo);"db.url='" + dbUrl + "' db.user='" + dbUser + "'");
      addIfNotSet("db.url", dbUrl);
      addIfNotSet("db.user", dbUser);
      addIfNotSet("db.password", dbPassword);
      addIfNotSet("db.drivers", dbDrivers);
      I_DbPool newPool = new DbPool();
      this.persistentInfo = new DbInfo(newPool, "replication", this);
      return newPool;
    * Intiates the replication for the given slave.
    * TODO Specify that the replicationKey (dbmasterid) must be short and DB conform.
    * Usually called by Humans via JMX Console.
    * The cascaded replication is the replication which will be automatically started once the initial update of the first replication is finished. This is
    * used to concatenate replications. A typical usecase is in two way replication, then the initial update of the back replication can be automatically triggered
    * once the initial update of the main replication is finished.
    * @param slaveSessionName
    * @param replicationKey This is the dbWatcher replication.prefix attribute.
    * @param cascadeSlaveSessionName The Name of the session of the dbWriter to be used for the cascaded replication. Can be null.
    * @param cascadedReplicationPrefix the prefix identifing the DbWatcher for the cascaded replication. Can be null. 
    * @param realInitialFilesLocation the file location where the initial dump is stored. If null or an empty String, then it
    * is assumed to be transfered the "normal" way, that is over the choosen communication protocol.
   public String initiateReplication(String slaveSessionName, String prefixWithVersion, String cascadeSlaveSessionName, String cascadeReplicationPrefix, String realInitialFilesLocation) {
      try {
         return initiateReplicationNonMBean(slaveSessionName, prefixWithVersion, cascadeSlaveSessionName, cascadeReplicationPrefix, realInitialFilesLocation);
      catch (Exception ex) {
         return "error: " + ex.getMessage();

    * Intiates the replication for the given slave.
    * TODO Specify that the replicationKey (dbmasterid) must be short and DB conform.
    * The cascaded replication is the replication which will be automatically started once the initial update of the first replication is finished. This is
    * used to concatenate replications. A typical usecase is in two way replication, then the initial update of the back replication can be automatically triggered
    * once the initial update of the main replication is finished.
    * @param slaveSessionName
    * @param replicationKey This is the dbWatcher replication.prefix attribute.
    * @param cascadeSlaveSessionName The Name of the session of the dbWriter to be used for the cascaded replication. Can be null.
    * @param cascadedReplicationPrefix the prefix identifing the DbWatcher for the cascaded replication. Can be null. 
    * @param realInitialFilesLocation the file location where the initial dump is stored. If null or an empty String, then it
    * is assumed to be transfered the "normal" way, that is over the choosen communication protocol.
    * @throws Exception
   public String initiateReplicationNonMBean(String slaveSessionName, String prefixWithVersion, String cascadeSlaveSessionName, String cascadeReplicationPrefix, String realInitialFilesLocation) throws Exception {
      try {
         if (slaveSessionName == null || slaveSessionName.trim().length() < 1)
            throw new Exception("ReplManagerPlugin.initiateReplication: The slave session name is null, please provide one");
         if (prefixWithVersion == null || prefixWithVersion.length() < 1)
            throw new Exception("ReplManagerPlugin.initiateReplication: The replication.prefix is null, please provide one");
         slaveSessionName = slaveSessionName.trim();
         String ret = "initiateReplication invoked for slave '" + slaveSessionName + "' and on replication '" + prefixWithVersion + "' store location : '" + realInitialFilesLocation + "'";;
         String replicationPrefix = VersionTransformerCache.stripReplicationPrefix(prefixWithVersion);
         String requestedVersion = VersionTransformerCache.stripReplicationVersion(prefixWithVersion);
         I_Info individualInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
         if (individualInfo != null) {
            if (realInitialFilesLocation != null && realInitialFilesLocation.trim().length() > 0) {
               this.initialFilesLocation = realInitialFilesLocation.trim();
               individualInfo.put(INITIAL_FILES_LOCATION, this.initialFilesLocation);
            else {
               // individualInfo.putObject(INITIAL_FILES_LOCATION, null);
               individualInfo.put(INITIAL_FILES_LOCATION, null);
            individualInfo.put(REPL_VERSION, requestedVersion);
            I_ReplSlave slave = null;
            synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
               slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(slaveSessionName);
            if (slave != null) {
               individualInfo.put("_replName", replicationPrefix);
               String dbWatcherSessionId = individualInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, null);
               if (dbWatcherSessionId == null)
                  throw new Exception("ReplSlave '" + slave + "' constructor: the master Session Id (which is passed in the properties as '" + SENDER_SESSION + "' are not found. Can not continue with initial update");

               if (cascadeSlaveSessionName != null) {
                  // check to avoid loops
                  cascadeSlaveSessionName = cascadeSlaveSessionName.trim();
                  if (slaveSessionName.equals(cascadeSlaveSessionName))
                     throw new Exception(ret + " did fail since having the same slave '" + slaveSessionName + "' for both replications would result in a loop");
                     // return "error: " + ret + " did fail since having the same slave '" + slaveSessionName + "' for both replications would result in a loop";
               boolean isOkToStart =, dbWatcherSessionId, cascadeReplicationPrefix, cascadeSlaveSessionName, false);
               if (isOkToStart == false) {
                  ret += " did fail since your status is '" + slave.getStatus() + "'. Please invoke first 'Cancel Update'";
                  throw new Exception(ret);
                  // return "error: " + ret; // don't throw an exception here since MX4J seems to loose exception msg.
               throw new Exception("the replication slave '" + slaveSessionName + "' was not found among the list of slaves which is '" + getSlaves() + "'");
            throw new Exception("initiateReplication failed for '" + slaveSessionName + "' with replication key '" + replicationPrefix + "' since not known. Known are '" + getReplications() + "'");
         return ret;
      catch (Exception ex) {
         throw ex;

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin#init(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global, org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.PluginInfo)
   protected synchronized void doInit(Global global, PluginInfo pluginInfo) throws XmlBlasterException {
      // if (this.initialized)
      //   return;
      try {
         // String momClass = get("mom.class", "org.xmlBlaster.contrib.MomEventEngine").trim();
         // String registryName = "mom.publisher";
         synchronized (ReplManagerPlugin.class) {
            this.instanceName = "replication";
         ContextNode contextNode = new ContextNode(ContextNode.CONTRIB_MARKER_TAG, instanceName,
         if (!
            this.mbeanHandle =, this);
         if (this.pool == null)
            this.pool = initializePersistentInfo();
         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn =;
         this.user = get("mom.user", this.user);
         this.password = get("mom.password", this.password);
         ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(, this.user, this.password);
         boolean persistentConnection = true;
         boolean persistentSubscription = true;
         String sessionName = REPL_MANAGER_SESSION;
         connectQos.setSessionName(new SessionName(, sessionName));
         conn.connect(connectQos, this);
         // this is the instance passed from the outside, not a clone, otherwise
         // it will not find the plugin registry for the MIME plugin
         putObject("org.xmlBlaster.engine.Global", global);
         getEngineGlobal( + "," + getVersion(), this);

         this.sqlTopic = this.get("replication.sqlTopic", "sqlTopic");
         if (this.sqlTopic != null) {
            SubscribeKey subKey = new SubscribeKey(, this.sqlTopic);
            SubscribeQos subQos = new SubscribeQos(;
            conn.subscribe(subKey, subQos);
         boolean wantsDeadLetters = true;
         if (wantsDeadLetters) {
            SubscribeKey subKey = new SubscribeKey(, Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER);
            SubscribeQos subQos = new SubscribeQos(;
            // we probably need this to avoid missing messages when changing runlevels
            conn.subscribe(subKey, subQos);
         this.maxResponseEntries = this.getLong("replication.sqlMaxEntries", 10L);

         RequestBroker rb = getEngineGlobal(;

         SessionInfo[] sessionInfos = rb.getAuthenticate(null).getSessionInfoArr();
         for (int i=0; i < sessionInfos.length; i++) {
            SessionInfo sessionInfo = sessionInfos[i];
            ClientEvent event = new ClientEvent(sessionInfo);
            I_SubscriptionListener oldListener = rb.getSubscriptionListener(getPriority());
            if (oldListener == null)
            SubscriptionInfo[] subInfos = rb.getClientSubscriptions().getSubscriptions(sessionInfo);
            for (int j=0; j < subInfos.length; j++) {
               SubscriptionEvent subEvent = new SubscriptionEvent(subInfos[j]);
         this.initialFilesLocation = this.get("replication.initialFilesLocation", "${user.home}/tmp");

         this.statusPollerInterval = this.getLong("replication.monitor.statusPollerInterval", STATUS_POLLER_INTERVAL_DEFAULT);
         if (this.statusPollerInterval > 0)
            this.timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(this, this.statusPollerInterval, null);
            log.warning("The 'replication.monitor.statusPollerInterval' is set to '" + this.statusPollerInterval + "' which is lower than 1 ms, I will not activate it");
         this.maxNumOfEntries = this.getInt(REPLICATION_MAX_ENTRIES_KEY, REPLICATION_MAX_ENTRIES_DEFAULT);"Will send a maximum of '" + this.maxNumOfEntries + "' on each sweep");
         this.initialized = true;
      catch (Throwable e) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION, "ReplManagerPlugin", "init failed", e);
      }"Loaded ReplManagerPlugin '" + getType() + "'");

   private org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope getEngineGlobal(Global glob) {
      return (org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope)glob.getObjectEntry(ORIGINAL_ENGINE_GLOBAL);
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.plugin.I_Plugin#shutdown()
   public synchronized void shutdown() {
      if (this.shutdown)
      try {
         if (this.timeoutHandle != null) {
            this.timeoutHandle = null;
         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn =;
         if (this.sqlTopic != null) {
            UnSubscribeKey key = new UnSubscribeKey(, this.sqlTopic);
            conn.unSubscribe(key, new UnSubscribeQos(;
         conn.disconnect(new DisconnectQos(;
         synchronized(this.sqlStatementMap) {
            String[] keys = (String[])this.sqlStatementMap.keySet().toArray(new String[this.sqlStatementMap.size()]);
            for (int i=0; i < keys.length; i++)
         getEngineGlobal( + "," + getVersion());
      catch (Throwable e) {
         log.warning("Ignoring shutdown problem: " + e.toString());
      this.shutdown = true;"Stopped DbWatcher plugin '" + getType() + "'");
    * Gets the properties associated to this replication. Note that the info is this of the last
    * registration. This method can return null if no object is found or if the replicationPrefix
    * was null.
    * @param replicationPrefix
    * @return
   public I_Info getReplicationInfo(String replicationPrefix) {
      if (replicationPrefix == null)
         return null;
      synchronized (this.replications) {
         return (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
    * Used to register a dbWatcher. This is a request coming directly from the
    * DbWatcher which registeres himself to this plugin.
    * Note that if you are using the same id for the replication on several DbWatcher
    * (several writers) only the first dbWatcher will pass the configuration. You are
    * responsible of ensuring that the relevant configuration parameters are the same
    * for all such DbWatcher instances.
    * @param senderSession The session requesting this registration. This is needed
    * to reply to the right requestor.
    * @param replId
    * @param info These are the Configuration of the DbWatcher, for example Table Names and so forth.
   public synchronized void register(String senderSession, String replicationPrefix, I_Info info) {
      I_Info oldInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
      info.put(SENDER_SESSION, senderSession);
      String topicName = info.get("mom.topicName", null);
      if (topicName == null)
         log.severe("Topic name not found for '" + replicationPrefix + "' can not map the topic to the replication prefix");
      else {
         this.topicToPrefixMap.put(topicName, replicationPrefix);

         String name = "replication." + replicationPrefix + ".replData";
         long[] replData = readOldReplData(this.persistentInfo, name);
         this.counterMap.put(replicationPrefix, new Counter(replData));
      if (oldInfo != null) {"register '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "'");
         String oldSenderSession = oldInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, senderSession);
         if (oldSenderSession.equals(senderSession)) {
  "register '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "' will overwrite old registration done previously");
            this.replications.put(replicationPrefix, info);
         else {
  "register '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "' was not done since there is a registration done by '" + oldSenderSession + "'. Will ignore the new one.");
         this.replications.put(replicationPrefix, info);
      String initialDataTopic = info.get("replication.initialDataTopic", "replication.initialData");
      if (initialDataTopic != null)
         log.severe("The initialDataTopic for replication '" + replicationPrefix + "' was null"); // should never happen
      this.cachedListOfReplications = null; // clear the cache
   public synchronized void unregister(String senderSession, String replicationPrefix) {
      I_Info oldInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
      if (oldInfo == null)"unregister '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "' is ignored since there is no such registration done");
      else {"unregister '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "'");
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            log.fine("unregister '" + replId + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "' the stack trace is:");
         String oldSenderSession = oldInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, senderSession);
         if (oldSenderSession.equals(senderSession)) {
         else {
            log.warning("unregister '" + replicationPrefix + "' by senderSession='" + senderSession + "' was not done since there is a registration done by '" + oldSenderSession + "'. Please do it with the correct Session");
         String topicName = oldInfo.get("mom.topicName", null);
         if (topicName != null) {
      String initialDataTopic = oldInfo.get("replication.initialDataTopic", "replication.initialData");
      if (initialDataTopic != null)
         log.severe("The initialDataTopic for replication '" + replicationPrefix + "' was null"); // should never happen
      this.cachedListOfReplications = null; // clear the cache
   public static byte[] getContent(InputStream is) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
      int ret = 0;
      byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
      ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      try {
         while ( ( > -1) {
            baos.write(buf, 0, ret);
      catch (IOException ex) {
         return new byte[0];
      return baos.toByteArray();
   private String processDeadLetter(UpdateQos qos) {
      String receiver = qos.getClientProperty(Constants.CLIENTPROPERTY_DEADMSGRECEIVER, (String)null);
      // the receiver is the absolute name so we need to cut it since the keys are the relative name:
      if (receiver == null)
         return "OK";
      int pos = receiver.indexOf("client/");
      if (pos < 0)
         return "OK";
      String key = receiver.substring(pos).trim();
      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      synchronized(this.replSlaveMap) {
         slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(key);
      return "OK";
    * It receives events from all ReplicationConverter instances which want to register themselves for
    * administration of initial updates.
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.client.I_Callback#update(java.lang.String, org.xmlBlaster.client.key.UpdateKey, byte[], org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.UpdateQos)
   public String update(String cbSessionId, UpdateKey updateKey, byte[] content, UpdateQos updateQos) throws XmlBlasterException {
      try {
         // check first if deadLetter ...
         if (Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER.equals(updateKey.getOid()))
            return processDeadLetter(updateQos);
         InputStream is = MomEventEngine.decompress(new ByteArrayInputStream(content), updateQos.getClientProperties());
         content = getContent(is);
         SessionName senderSession = updateQos.getSender();
         String request = updateQos.getClientProperty("_command", "");"The master Replicator with session '" + senderSession.getRelativeName() + "' is sending '" + request + "'");

         if ("broadcastSql".equalsIgnoreCase(request)) {
            try {
               final boolean highPrio = true;
               String requestId = updateQos.getClientProperty("requestId", (String)null);
               if (requestId == null)
                  throw new Exception("The requestId has not been defined");
               String repl =  updateQos.getClientProperty(REPL_PREFIX_KEY, REPL_PREFIX_DEFAULT);
               String sql =  new String(content);
               sendBroadcastRequest(repl, sql, highPrio, requestId);
               return "OK";
            catch (Throwable ex) {
               log.severe("An exception occured during an sql broadcast message:" + ex.getMessage() + "' will continue anyway to avoid stopping dispatcher");
               return "OK"; // we don't want to stop the dispatcher
         else if ("removeBroadcast".equalsIgnoreCase(request)) {
            try {
               removeSqlStatement(new String(content));
               return "OK";
            catch (Throwable ex) {
               log.severe("An exception occured when removing an sql broadcast:" + ex.getMessage() + "' will continue anyway to avoid stopping dispatcher");
               return "OK"; // we don't want to stop the dispatcher
         // 1. This is a response from an sql statement which has been previously sent to the slaves.
         else if (this.sqlTopic != null && updateKey.getOid().equals(this.sqlTopic)) {
            ClientProperty prop = (ClientProperty)updateQos.getClientProperties().get(STATEMENT_ID_ATTR);
            if (prop == null) {
               log.severe("The statement id is not specified, can not process it");
               return "OK"; // we don't want to stop the dispatcher
            String reqId = prop.getStringValue();
            SqlStatement sqlStatement = (SqlStatement)this.sqlStatementMap.get(reqId);
            if (sqlStatement == null) {
               log.severe("The statement with id '" + reqId + "' has not been found");
               return "OK"; // we don't want to stop the dispatcher

            prop = (ClientProperty)updateQos.getClientProperties().get(EXCEPTION_ATTR);
            String response = null;
            boolean isException = false;
            if (prop != null) {
               response = prop.getStringValue();
               isException = true;
            prop = (ClientProperty)updateQos.getClientProperties().get(MASTER_ATTR);
            if (prop != null) { // then it is the response from the master
               String replPrefix = prop.getStringValue();
               if (response == null)
                  response = new String(content);
               sqlStatement.setResponse(replPrefix, response, isException);
            else {
               if (response == null)
                  response = new String(content);
               sqlStatement.setResponse(senderSession.getRelativeName(), response, isException);
         // 2. This is the response coming from a DbWatcher on a request for initial update which one of the ReplSlaves has previously requested.
         else if ("INITIAL_DATA_RESPONSE".equals(request)) {
            long minReplKey = updateQos.getClientProperty("_minReplKey", 0L);
            long maxReplKey = updateQos.getClientProperty("_maxReplKey", 0L);
            try {
               String completeSlaveName = updateQos.getClientProperty("_slaveName", (String)null);
               if (completeSlaveName == null)
                  log.severe("on initial data response the slave name was not specified. Can not perform operation");
               else {
                  String[] slaveNames = StringPairTokenizer.parseLine(completeSlaveName, ',');
                  for (int i=0; i < slaveNames.length; i++) {
                     I_ReplSlave slave = null;
                     synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
                        slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(slaveNames[i]);
                     if (slave == null)
                        log.severe("on initial data response the slave name '" + slaveNames[i] + "' was not registered (could have already logged out)");
                        slave.reactivateDestination(minReplKey, maxReplKey);
            catch (Exception ex) {
               log.warning("reactivateDestination encountered an exception '" + ex.getMessage());
         else if ("INITIATE_REPLICATION".equals(request)) {
            String slaveSessionName = updateQos.getClientProperty("_slaveSessionName", (String)null);
            String prefixWithVersion = updateQos.getClientProperty("_prefixWithVersion", (String)null);
            String cascadeSlaveSessionName = updateQos.getClientProperty("_cascadeSlaveSessionName", (String)null);
            String cascadeReplicationPrefix = updateQos.getClientProperty("_cascadeReplicationPrefix", (String)null);
            String realInitialFilesLocation = updateQos.getClientProperty("_realInitialFilesLocation", (String)null);
            boolean force = updateQos.getClientProperty("_force", false);
            if (force) {
               I_ReplSlave slave = null;
               try {
                  synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
                     slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(slaveSessionName);
                  if (slave != null)
               catch (Throwable ex) {
                  log.severe("Could not cancel initial update for slave '" + slave.getSessionName() + "'");
            String ret = initiateReplication(slaveSessionName, prefixWithVersion, cascadeSlaveSessionName, cascadeReplicationPrefix, realInitialFilesLocation);
         return "OK";
      catch (Throwable ex) {
         log.severe("Throwable occured in the update method of ReplManagerPlugin");
         // throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.USER_UPDATE_HOLDBACK, "XmlBlasterPublisher.update", "user exception", ex);
         return "OK"; // we don't want to stop the dispatcher

   // enforced by I_MsgDispatchInterceptor
    * This method is invoked always so see sessionAdded javadoc.
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#addDispatchManager(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager)
   public void addDispatchManager(DispatchManager dispatchManager) {
      try {
         SessionName sessionName = dispatchManager.getSessionName();
         if (sessionName == null) {
            log.severe("The sessionName is null: "   + dispatchManager.toXml(""));
         else {
  "Adding dispatch Manager for '" + sessionName + "'");
            String relativeSessionName = sessionName.getRelativeName();
            I_ReplSlave slave = new ReplSlave(, this.pool, this, relativeSessionName);
            synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
               this.replSlaveMap.put(relativeSessionName, slave);
      catch (XmlBlasterException ex) {

   public String getInstanceName() {
      return this.instanceName;
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#doActivate(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager)
   public boolean doActivate(DispatchManager dispatchManager) {
      if (dispatchManager.getDispatchConnectionsHandler().isPolling()) {
         log.fine("Can't send message as connection is lost and we are polling");
         return false;
      return true;

    * TODO implement this
    * @param slave
   private final int getMaxNumOfEntries(I_ReplSlave slave) {
      if (slave == null)
         return this.maxNumOfEntries;
      int max = slave.getMaxNumOfEntries();
      if (max < 1)
         return this.maxNumOfEntries;
         return max;
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#handleNextMessages(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager, java.util.ArrayList)
   public List<I_Entry> handleNextMessages(DispatchManager dispatchManager, List<I_Entry> pushEntries)
         throws XmlBlasterException {

      if (!this.initialized) {
         synchronized(this) {
            if (!this.initialized) {
               log.warning("too early to get messages since not initialized yet");
               try {
               catch (Throwable ex) {
      if (pushEntries != null) {
         log.warning("got " + pushEntries.size() + " entries in Dispatcher Sync mode (happens on communication Exceptions. Will ignore this");
         // return pushEntries;
         return null;

      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      String relativeName = dispatchManager.getSessionName().getRelativeName();
      int maxEntriesToRetrieve = this.maxNumOfEntries;
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(relativeName);
         int status = slave.getStatusAsInt();
         if (status != I_ReplSlave.STATUS_NORMAL && status != I_ReplSlave.STATUS_INCONSISTENT) {
  "Setting the number of entries to retreive to '1' since status is '" + slave.getStatus() + "' (otherwise it would be '" + this.maxNumOfEntries + "'");
            maxEntriesToRetrieve = 1;
            maxEntriesToRetrieve = getMaxNumOfEntries(slave);
      // take messages from queue (none blocking) ...
      I_Queue cbQueue = dispatchManager.getQueue();
      // ArrayList entryList = cbQueue.peekSamePriority(-1, this.maxSize);
      List<I_Entry> entryList = cbQueue.peekSamePriority(maxEntriesToRetrieve, this.maxSize);"handleNextMessages invoked with '" + entryList.size() + "' entries (max was '" + maxEntriesToRetrieve + "'");

      // filter expired entries etc. ...
      // you should always call this method after taking messages from queue
      entryList = dispatchManager.prepareMsgsFromQueue(entryList);"handleNextMessages after cleaning up with '" + entryList.size() + "' entries");

      if (slave == null) {
         log.warning("could not find a slave for replication client '" + relativeName + "'");
         return entryList;
      try {
         return slave.check(entryList, cbQueue);
      catch (Exception ex) {
         if (slave != null)
         if (ex instanceof XmlBlasterException)
            throw (XmlBlasterException)ex;
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL, "exception occured when filtering replication messages", "", ex);
      catch (Throwable ex) {
         if (slave != null)
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL, "throwable occured when filtering replication messages. " + Global.getStackTraceAsString(ex), "", ex);

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#initialize(org.xmlBlaster.util.Global, java.lang.String)
   public void initialize(Global glob, String typeVersion) throws XmlBlasterException {

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#isShutdown()
   public synchronized boolean isShutdown() {
      return this.shutdown;

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#shutdown(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager)
   public synchronized void shutdown(DispatchManager dispatchManager) throws XmlBlasterException {
      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      String name = dispatchManager.getSessionName().getRelativeName();
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.remove(name);
      if (slave != null) {
         try {
            // slave.shutdown();
         catch (Exception ex) {
            log.severe("Exception occured when shutting down slave '" + name + "'");

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#toXml(java.lang.String)
   public String toXml(String extraOffset) {
      return "";

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.plugins.I_MsgDispatchInterceptor#usage()
   public String usage() {
      return "";

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.I_ConnectionStatusListener#toAlive(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager, org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.ConnectionStateEnum)
   public void toAlive(DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState) {

   public void toAliveSync(DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState) {
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.I_ConnectionStatusListener#toDead(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager, org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.ConnectionStateEnum, XmlBlasterException)
   public void toDead(DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState, XmlBlasterException xmlBlasterException) {

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.I_ConnectionStatusListener#toPolling(org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.DispatchManager, org.xmlBlaster.util.dispatch.ConnectionStateEnum)
   public void toPolling(DispatchManager dispatchManager, ConnectionStateEnum oldState) {

   private synchronized void registerSqlStatement(String replPrefix, String reqId, String statement) throws Exception {"registering statement '" + replPrefix + "-" + reqId + "' for statement '" + statement + "'");
      ArrayList slaves = new ArrayList();
      Iterator iter = this.replSlaveMap.keySet().iterator();
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Object key =;
            ReplSlave replSlave = (ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(key);
            String tmpPrefix = replSlave.getReplPrefix();
            if (replPrefix.equals(tmpPrefix)) {
      SqlStatement sqlStatement = new SqlStatement(replPrefix, reqId, statement, slaves);
      this.sqlStatementMap.put(reqId, sqlStatement);
      String instanceName = getInstanceName() + ContextNode.SEP + replPrefix + ContextNode.SEP + reqId;
      ContextNode contextNode = new ContextNode(ContextNode.CONTRIB_MARKER_TAG, instanceName,;
      sqlStatement.setHandle(, sqlStatement));

   private synchronized void unregisterSqlStatement(String reqId) {"unregistering statement '" + reqId + "'");
      SqlStatement sqlStatement = (SqlStatement)this.sqlStatementMap.remove(reqId);
      if (sqlStatement == null)
         log.warning("The sql statement with request id '" + reqId + "' was not found in the map, can not unregister it");
      else"The sql statement with request id '" + reqId + "' will be unregistered now");;
   public void removeSqlStatement(String statementId) {
   private void sendBroadcastRequest(String replicationPrefix, String sql, boolean isHighPrio, String requestId) throws Exception {
      if (replicationPrefix == null)
         throw new Exception("executeSql: the replication id is null. Can not perform it.");
      if (sql == null)
         throw new Exception("executeSql: the sql statement to perform on  '" + replicationPrefix + "' is null. Can not perform it.");

      I_Info individualInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
      if (individualInfo == null)
         throw new Exception("executeSql: the replication with Id='" + replicationPrefix + "' was not found (has not been registered). Allowed ones are : " + getReplications());
  "Sending Broadcast request for repl='" + replicationPrefix + "' and statement='" + sql + "' and requestId='" + requestId + "'");
      String dbWatcherSessionId = individualInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, null);
      registerSqlStatement(replicationPrefix, requestId, sql);
  "Broadcasting sql statement '" + sql + "' for master '" + replicationPrefix + "'");
      I_XmlBlasterAccess conn =;
      // no oid for this ptp message
      PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(, REQUEST_BROADCAST_SQL_TOPIC);
      Destination destination = new Destination(new SessionName(, dbWatcherSessionId));
      PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(, destination);
      if (isHighPrio)
      // pubQos.addClientProperty(ACTION_ATTR, STATEMENT_ACTION);
      pubQos.addClientProperty(STATEMENT_ATTR, sql);
      pubQos.addClientProperty(STATEMENT_PRIO_ATTR, isHighPrio);
      pubQos.addClientProperty(STATEMENT_ID_ATTR, requestId);
      pubQos.addClientProperty(SQL_TOPIC_ATTR, this.sqlTopic);
      if (this.maxResponseEntries > -1L) {
         pubQos.addClientProperty(MAX_ENTRIES_ATTR, this.maxResponseEntries);"Be aware that the number of entries in the result set will be limited to '" + this.maxResponseEntries + "'. To change this use 'replication.sqlMaxEntries'");
      MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, STATEMENT_ACTION.getBytes(), pubQos);
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPluginMBean#broadcastSql(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
   public void broadcastSql(String repl, String sql) throws Exception {
      final boolean highPrio = true;
      String requestId = "" + new Timestamp().getTimestamp();
      String replicationPrefix = VersionTransformerCache.stripReplicationPrefix(repl);
      sendBroadcastRequest(replicationPrefix, sql, highPrio, requestId);

    * Convenience method to determine if a connect Qos is for us, i.e. if they have
    * defined us as the DispatchPlugin in their connect qos.
    * @param connQos
    * @return
   private final boolean hasUsAsDispatchPlugin(ConnectQosServer connQos) {
      if (connQos == null)
         return false;
      CallbackAddress cbAddr = connQos.getData().getCurrentCallbackAddress();
      if (cbAddr == null) {"entry '" + connQos.toXml() + "' has no callback address defined");
         return false;
      String dispatchPluginName = cbAddr.getDispatchPlugin();
      if (dispatchPluginName == null)
         return false;
      String ownName = getType() + "," + getVersion();
      if (ownName.equals(dispatchPluginName))
         return true;
      return false;
   // For I_ClientListener ...

    * The part of this code inherent to the slave could be moved to the addDispatchManager since that method would
    * always invoked too. This method is only invoked on the first connect, which is when the client connects the
    * very first time, or when recovering sessions from persistence.
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#sessionAdded(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public synchronized void sessionAdded(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (e == null)
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "ReplManagerPlugin.sessionAdded with null event object");
      ConnectQosServer connQos = e.getConnectQos();
      // code for the DbWatchers here
      String replId = connQos.getData().getClientProperty(REPL_PREFIX_KEY, (String)null);
      if (replId == null || replId.length() < 1)
         log.fine("the client property '" + REPL_PREFIX_KEY + "' must be defined but is empty");
      else { // then it is a DbWatcher which is used for replication
         I_Info info = new ClientPropertiesInfo(connQos.getData().getClientProperties());
         String relativeName = e.getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();
         register(relativeName, replId, info);
      // code for DbWatchers ends here
      if (!hasUsAsDispatchPlugin(connQos))
      log.fine("Connecting with qos : " + connQos.toXml());
      String sessionName = e.getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();"addition of session for '" + sessionName +"' occured");
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         if (!this.replSlaveMap.containsKey(sessionName)) {
            I_ReplSlave slave = new ReplSlave(, this, sessionName, connQos.getData());
            try {
               slave.setDispatcher(false, false); // stop dispatcher without persisting the information
            catch (Exception ex) {
               log.warning("Could not set the dispatcher for '" + sessionName + "' to false when adding the session");
            this.replSlaveMap.put(sessionName, slave);

    * Invoked on successful client re-login (interface I_ClientListener)
   public void sessionUpdated(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException
      if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) log.finer("Session update event for client " + e.getSessionInfo().toString() + ", nothing to do");

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#sessionPreRemoved(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public void sessionPreRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (e == null)
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "ReplManagerPlugin.sessionAdded with null event object");
      ConnectQosServer connQos = e.getConnectQos();
      // code for the DbWatcher
      String replId = connQos.getData().getClientProperty(REPL_PREFIX_KEY, (String)null);
      if (replId == null || replId.length() < 1)
         log.fine("the client property '" + REPL_PREFIX_KEY + "' must be defined but is empty");
      else { // then it is a DbWatcher used for replication
         String relativeName = e.getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();
         unregister(relativeName, replId);
      // end of code for the DbWatcher
      if (!hasUsAsDispatchPlugin(connQos))
      String sessionName = e.getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();"removal of session for '" + sessionName +"' occured");
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         if (!this.replSlaveMap.containsKey(sessionName))
            log.warning("The slave '" + sessionName + "' is not registered.");
         else {
            I_ReplSlave slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.remove(sessionName);
            if (slave != null) {
               try {
               catch (Exception ex) {
                  log.severe("Could not shut down the slave '" + sessionName + "' properly");

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#sessionRemoved(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public void sessionRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#subjectAdded(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public void subjectAdded(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.authentication.I_ClientListener#subjectRemoved(org.xmlBlaster.authentication.ClientEvent)
   public void subjectRemoved(ClientEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.engine.I_SubscriptionListener#getPriority()
   public Integer getPriority() {
      // TODO Check if the priority is correct
      return new Integer(100);

    * To make it simpler one could think to put this method together with sessionAdded.
    * This is however not possible since at the time the initiateReplication is invoked,
    * the subcription is done for the first time. However if sessionAdded was not invoked
    * previously, there would no be any chance to know that this is wanting to subscribe.
    * It checks if the event is for one of our guys and dispatches the call to them
    * @see org.xmlBlaster.engine.I_SubscriptionListener#subscriptionAdd(org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionEvent)
   public synchronized void subscriptionAdd(SubscriptionEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      ConnectQosServer connQos = e.getSubscriptionInfo().getSessionInfo().getConnectQos();
      if (!hasUsAsDispatchPlugin(connQos))
      String relativeSessionName = e.getSubscriptionInfo().getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();"addition of subscription for '" + relativeSessionName +"' occured");
      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
          slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(relativeSessionName);

      if (slave != null) {
         Map clientProperties = e.getSubscriptionInfo().getSubscribeQosServer().getData().getClientProperties();
         try {
            slave.init(new ClientPropertiesInfo(clientProperties));
         catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "ReplManagerPlugin.subscriptionAdd", "", ex);
         log.severe("Could not find nor create slave '" + relativeSessionName + "'");

    * @see org.xmlBlaster.engine.I_SubscriptionListener#subscriptionRemove(org.xmlBlaster.engine.SubscriptionEvent)
   public void subscriptionRemove(SubscriptionEvent e) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (e == null)
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_UNKNOWN, "ReplManagerPlugin.sessionAdded with null event object");
      ConnectQosServer connQos = e.getSubscriptionInfo().getSessionInfo().getConnectQos();
      if (!hasUsAsDispatchPlugin(connQos))
      String sessionName = e.getSubscriptionInfo().getSessionInfo().getSessionName().getRelativeName();"removal of one subscription for '" + sessionName +"' occured");
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         if (!this.replSlaveMap.containsKey(sessionName))
            log.warning("The slave '" + sessionName + "' is not registered.");
         else {

   void setEngineGlobalProperty(String key, String val) {
      org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope engineGlobal = (org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope);
      if (engineGlobal != null)
         engineGlobal.getProperty().getProperties().setProperty(key, val);

   public final String recreateTriggers(String replPrefix) throws Exception {
      // sending the cancel op to the DbWatcher"'will recreate triggers for source '" + replPrefix + "'");
      I_Info individualInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replPrefix);
      if (individualInfo != null) {
         String dbWatcherSessionId = individualInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, null);
         if (dbWatcherSessionId == null)
            throw new Exception("The replication source with replication.prefix='" +  replPrefix + "' had no '_senderSession' attribute set in its configuration");

         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn =;
         PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(, REQUEST_RECREATE_TRIGGERS);
         Destination destination = new Destination(new SessionName(, dbWatcherSessionId));
         PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(, destination);
         MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, REPL_REQUEST_RECREATE_TRIGGERS.getBytes(), pubQos);
         return "Recreate Triggers for '" + replPrefix + "' is ongoing now";
         throw new Exception("Could not find a replication source with replication.prefix='" + replPrefix + "'");
   public String getInitialFilesLocation() {
      return this.initialFilesLocation;
   public static File checkExistance(String pathName) throws Exception {
      File dirWhereToStore = new File(pathName);
      if (!dirWhereToStore.exists())
         throw new Exception("The path '" + pathName + "' does not exist");
      if (!dirWhereToStore.isDirectory())
         throw new Exception("The path '" + pathName + "' is not a directory");
      return dirWhereToStore;

   private static void mainUsage() {
      System.err.println("You must invoke at least java org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin -cmd insert|delete -requestId someId -replication.prefix somePrefix < filename");
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      try {
         Global global = new Global(args);
         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn = global.getXmlBlasterAccess();
         ConnectQos connectQos = new ConnectQos(global);
         conn.connect(connectQos, new ReplManagerPlugin()); // just a fake
         String cmd = global.getProperty().get("cmd", (String)null);
         if (cmd == null)
         String requestId = global.getProperty().get("requestId", (String)null);
         if (requestId == null)
         int count = Integer.parseInt(requestId.trim());
         String repl = global.getProperty().get(REPL_PREFIX_KEY, REPL_PREFIX_DEFAULT);
         if (repl == null)
         PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(global, "broadcastChecker");

         BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         String line = null;
         while ( (line=br.readLine()) != null) {
            PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(global,new Destination(new SessionName(global, SESSION_ID)));
            requestId = "" + count++;
            MsgUnit msg = null;
            if (cmd.equals("insert")) {
               pubQos.addClientProperty("_command", "broadcastSql");
               pubQos.addClientProperty("requestId", requestId);
               pubQos.addClientProperty("replication.prefix", repl);
               msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, line.trim().getBytes(), pubQos);
            else {
               pubQos.addClientProperty("_command", "removeBroadcast");
               msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, requestId.getBytes(), pubQos);
            if (line != null && line.trim().length() > 0) {
         conn.erase(new EraseKey(global, "broadcastChecker"), new EraseQos(global));
         conn.disconnect(new DisconnectQos(global));
      catch (Throwable ex) {

   public void timeout(Object userData) {
      long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
      try {
         I_ReplSlave[] slaves = null;
         synchronized(this.replSlaveMap) {
            slaves = (I_ReplSlave[])this.replSlaveMap.values().toArray(new I_ReplSlave[this.replSlaveMap.size()]);
         if (slaves != null) {
            for (int i=0; i < slaves.length; i++) {
      catch (Throwable ex) {
         log.severe("An exception occurred when retrieving the status for all replication writers: " + ex.getMessage());
      finally {
         if (this.numRefresh > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            this.numRefresh = 0;
         this.statusProcessingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
         if (this.statusPollerInterval >= 0)
            this.timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(this, this.statusPollerInterval, null);
   public long getStatusPollerInterval() {
      return this.statusPollerInterval;

   public long getNumOfRefreshes() {
      return this.numRefresh;
   public void setStatusPollerInterval(long statusPollerInterval) {
      this.statusPollerInterval = statusPollerInterval;

      if (this.timeoutHandle != null) {
         this.timeoutHandle = null;
      if (this.statusPollerInterval >= 0)
         this.timeoutHandle = timeout.addTimeoutListener(this, this.statusPollerInterval, null);

   public long getStatusProcessingTime() {
      return this.statusProcessingTime;

    * Does cleanup, particularly it sets the status and counters.
   public void postHandleNextMessages(DispatchManager dispatchManager, MsgUnit[] processedEntries) throws XmlBlasterException {
      if (!this.initialized) {
         synchronized(this) {
            if (!this.initialized) {
               log.warning("too early to get messages since not initialized yet");
               try {
               catch (Throwable ex) {
      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      String relativeName = dispatchManager.getSessionName().getRelativeName();
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(relativeName);
      if (slave == null) {
         log.warning("could not find a slave for replication client '" + relativeName + "'");
      try {
      catch (Exception ex) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL, "exception occured when filtering replication messages", "", ex);
      catch (Throwable ex) {
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL, "throwable occured when filtering replication messages. " + Global.getStackTraceAsString(ex), "", ex);

   public void onDispatchWorkerException(DispatchManager dispatchManager, Throwable ex) {
      I_ReplSlave slave = null;
      String relativeName = dispatchManager.getSessionName().getRelativeName();
      synchronized (this.replSlaveMap) {
         slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(relativeName);
      if (slave == null) {
         log.severe("could not find a slave for replication client '" + relativeName + "'");

   private String publishSimpleMessage(String replicationPrefix, String msgTxt) {
      if (replicationPrefix == null)
         return "the replication id is null. Can not perform it.";

      I_Info individualInfo = (I_Info)this.replications.get(replicationPrefix);
      if (individualInfo == null)
         return "the replication with Id='" + replicationPrefix + "' was not found (has not been registered). Allowed ones are : " + getReplications();

      try {
         String dbWatcherSessionId = individualInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, null);
         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn =;
         // no oid for this ptp message
         PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(, SIMPLE_MESSAGE);
         Destination destination = new Destination(new SessionName(, dbWatcherSessionId));
         PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(, destination);
         // pubQos.addClientProperty(ACTION_ATTR, STATEMENT_ACTION);
         MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, msgTxt.getBytes(), pubQos);
      catch (Exception ex) {
         return "Could not publish the message";
      return "Successfully published message to replication '" + replicationPrefix + "'";
   public String startBatchUpdate(String replicationPrefix) {"for replication='" + replicationPrefix + "'");
      return publishSimpleMessage(replicationPrefix, INITIAL_UPDATE_START_BATCH);
   public String collectInitialUpdates(String replicationPrefix) {"for replication='" + replicationPrefix + "'");
      return publishSimpleMessage(replicationPrefix, INITIAL_UPDATE_COLLECT);
   private final I_ReplSlave[] getAllSlaves() {
      I_ReplSlave[] ret = null;
      synchronized(this.replSlaveMap) {
         ret = (I_ReplSlave[])this.replSlaveMap.values().toArray(new I_ReplSlave[this.replSlaveMap.size()]);
         return ret;
   private String setDispatcher(boolean alive, String replPrefix) {
      I_ReplSlave[] slaves = getAllSlaves();
      StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer();
      for (int i=0; i < slaves.length; i++) {
         String slaveReplPrefix = slaves[i].getReplPrefix();
         if (slaveReplPrefix != null && slaveReplPrefix.equals(replPrefix)) {
            if (!slaves[i].setDispatcher(alive)) {
               ret.append(slaves[i].getSessionName()).append(" ");
      String prefix = "setDispatcher to '" + alive + "' for replication prefix '" + replPrefix + "'";
      if (ret.length() > 0)
         return prefix + " failed for following slaves : " + ret.toString();
      return prefix + " succeeded for all slaves";
   public String activateSlaveDispatchers(String replPrefix) {
      return setDispatcher(true, replPrefix);
   public String stopSlaveDispatchers(String replPrefix) {
      return setDispatcher(false, replPrefix);
   public I_Info getPersistentInfo() {
      return this.persistentInfo;

   // enforced by I_PublishFilter
   public String[] getMimeExtended() {
      return new String[] { "*" };

   public String[] getMimeTypes() {
      return new String[] { "*" };

   public String getName() {
      return "ReplManagerPlugin";

   public void initialize(ServerScope glob) {

    * Is only invoked when it is configured as a MimePlugin (to count messages containing
    * several transactions).
    * MimePublishPlugin[ReplManagerPlugin][1.0]=\
    * org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin   
   public String intercept(SubjectInfo publisher, MsgUnit msgUnit) throws XmlBlasterException {
      try {
         String topicName = msgUnit.getKeyOid();
         // check first if deadLetter ...
         if (Constants.OID_DEAD_LETTER.equals(topicName))
            return "OK";

         log.fine("topic='" + topicName + "'");
         String replPrefix = (String)this.topicToPrefixMap.get(topicName);
         if (replPrefix == null) {
            // check if it is initial data
            if (this.initialDataTopicSet.contains(topicName)) {
               QosData qosData = msgUnit.getQosData();
               Destination[] destinations = ((MsgQosData)qosData).getDestinationArr();
               if (destinations != null) {
                  long numOfTransactions = qosData.getClientProperty(NUM_OF_TRANSACTIONS, 1L);
                  // negative amount of transactions means ptp entries
                  qosData.addClientProperty(NUM_OF_TRANSACTIONS, -numOfTransactions);
                  for (int i=0; i < destinations.length; i++) {
                     String sessionId = destinations[i].getDestination().getRelativeName();
                     I_ReplSlave slave = (I_ReplSlave)this.replSlaveMap.get(sessionId);
                     if (slave != null) {
                        log.warning("Slave '" + sessionId + "' not found in slave map");
            return null;
         Counter counter = (Counter)this.counterMap.get(replPrefix);
         if (counter != null) {
            QosData qosData = msgUnit.getQosData();
            long messageSeq = qosData.getClientProperty(MESSAGE_SEQ, 0L);
            long numOfTransactions = qosData.getClientProperty(NUM_OF_TRANSACTIONS, 1L);
            int prio = ((MsgQosData)qosData).getPriority().getInt();

            long transactionSeq = counter.trans[prio] + numOfTransactions;
            qosData.addClientProperty(TRANSACTION_SEQ, transactionSeq);
            if (messageSeq > 0L)
               counter.msg = messageSeq;
            if (transactionSeq > 0L)
               counter.trans[prio] = transactionSeq;
            if (messageSeq != 0L && transactionSeq != 0L) {
               String name = "replication." + replPrefix + ".replData";
               long[] data = new long[counter.trans.length + 4];
               data[0] = 0L;
               data[1] = 0L;
               data[2] = messageSeq;
               data[3] = 0L;
               for (int i=0; i < counter.trans.length; i++)
                  data[i+4] = counter.trans[i];
               storeReplData(this.persistentInfo, name, data);
            log.warning("The counter for replication '" + replPrefix + "' is null can not update it");
         return null;
      catch (Throwable ex) {
         if (ex instanceof XmlBlasterException)
            throw (XmlBlasterException)ex;
         throw new XmlBlasterException(, ErrorCode.INTERNAL_PUBLISH, ME + ".intercept", "intercepting for replication monitor", ex);

   public long[] getCurrentTransactionCount(String replPrefix) {
      Counter counter = (Counter)this.counterMap.get(replPrefix);
      if (counter == null)
         return new long[10];
      if (counter.msg == 0L)
         return new long[10];
      return counter.trans;

   private static long parseLong(String val, long def) {
      try {
         return Long.parseLong(val);
      catch (Exception ex) {
         return def;
   public static long[] readOldReplData(I_Info persistentInfo, String propName) {
      String tmp = persistentInfo.get(propName, null);
      if (tmp != null) {
         StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tmp, " ");
         int count = tokenizer.countTokens();
         long[] ret = new long[count];
         for (int i=0; i < ret.length; i++) {
            if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
               ret[i] = parseLong(tokenizer.nextToken().trim(), 0L);
               log.severe("The number of tokens found is not consistent: found=" + i + " but should be " + ret.length);
         return ret;
      else {"No entry found in persistent map '" + ReplicationConstants.CONTRIB_PERSISTENT_MAP + "' with key '" + propName + "' found. Starting by 0'");
         return new long[14];
    * @deprecated
    * @param persistentInfo
    * @param propName
    * @return
   private static long[] readOldReplDataOldStyle(I_Info persistentInfo, String propName) {
      String tmp = persistentInfo.get(propName, null);
      long replKey = 0L;
      long transKey = 0L;
      long msgKey = 0L;
      long minReplKey = 0L;
      if (tmp != null) {
         StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tmp, " ");
         if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            tmp = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
            replKey = parseLong(tmp, 0L);
            if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
               tmp = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
               transKey = parseLong(tmp, 0L);
               if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                  tmp = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
                  msgKey = parseLong(tmp, 0L);
                  if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
                     tmp = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
                     minReplKey = parseLong(tmp, 0L);
      else {"No entry found in persistent map '" + ReplicationConstants.CONTRIB_PERSISTENT_MAP + "' with key '" + propName + "' found. Starting by 0'");
      return new long[] { replKey, transKey, msgKey, minReplKey };
   public static void storeReplData(I_Info persistentInfo, String propName, long[] values) {
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(255);
      for (int i=0; i < values.length; i++) {
         if (i > 0)
            buf.append(" ");
      persistentInfo.put(propName, buf.toString());
   public void setMaxNumOfEntries(int maxNumOfEntries) {
      this.maxNumOfEntries = maxNumOfEntries;

   public int getMaxNumOfEntries() {
      return this.maxNumOfEntries;
   public I_AdminSession getSession(String sessionId) throws Exception {
      I_Authenticate auth = getEngineGlobal(;
      if (auth == null)
         throw new Exception("prepareForRequest: could not retreive the Authenticator object. Can not continue.");
      SessionName sessionName = new SessionName(, sessionId);
      I_AdminSubject subject = auth.getSubjectInfoByName(sessionName);
      if (subject == null)
         throw new Exception("prepareForRequest: no subject (slave) found with the session name '" + sessionId + "'");
      I_AdminSession session = subject.getSessionByPubSessionId(sessionName.getPublicSessionId());
      if (session == null)
         throw new Exception("prepareForRequest: no session '" + sessionId + "' found. Valid sessions for this user are '" + subject.getSessionList() + "'");
      return session;
   public I_AdminSession getMasterSession(String replicationPrefix) throws Exception {
      I_Info masterInfo = getReplicationInfo(replicationPrefix);
      if (masterInfo == null)
         return null;
      String sessionId = masterInfo.get(DbWatcherConstants.MOM_LOGIN_NAME, null);
      if (sessionId == null)
         return null;
      return getSession(sessionId);

   public void doExecuteSchedulerJob(boolean open, String prefix, String dest) {
      if (prefix == null) {
         synchronized(replications) {
            String[] keys = (String[])replications.keySet().toArray(new String[replications.size()]);
            for (int i=0; i < keys.length; i++) {
               if (dest != null && !dest.equals(keys[i]))
               if (open)
      else {
         if (open)

Related Classes of org.xmlBlaster.contrib.replication.impl.ReplManagerPlugin$Counter

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