Examples of Server

@author Portet to jme3 by user starcom "Paul Kashofer Austria" @see ImageGraphics
  • com.jme3.network.connection.Server
    sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/concurrency/index.html">Swing tutorial for details.
  • If you would like to change the L&F take into account that PropertiesDialog and PropertiesDialog2 change the L&F setting upon invocation (you can e.g. change the L&F after the dialog).
  • @author Portet to jme3 by user starcom "Paul Kashofer Austria" @see ImageGraphics
  • com.linkedin.r2.transport.common.Server
    @author Chris Pettitt @version $Revision$
  • com.log4jviewer.server.Server
    Class defines server which can process different clients. @author Ruslan Diachenko
  • com.mapr.franz.Server
    Hazel serializable state for a server.
  • com.mdraco.chat.Server
    Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: mateusz Date: 13.04.2013 Time: 09:07 To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
  • com.microsoft.windowsazure.management.sql.models.Server
    Represents an individual Azure SQL Database Server.
  • com.netflix.loadbalancer.Server
  • com.nexirius.tcp.Server
  • com.packtpub.java7.concurrency.chapter4.recipe1.task.Server
    This class simulates a server, for example, a web server, that receives requests and uses a ThreadPoolExecutor to execute those requests
  • com.pugh.sockso.web.Server
  • com.simoncat.vo.Server
  • com.starbase.starteam.Server
  • com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.Server
    Server callback API, passed to Activator in active method.
  • com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Server
  • com.sun.security.ntlm.Server
    ive client request as type1 byte[] type2 = server.type2(type1, nonce); // Send type2 to client and receive type3 verify(type3, nonce);
  • com.trsst.server.Server
    Jetty-specific configuration to host an Abdera servlet that is configured to serve the Trsst protocol. @author mpowers
  • com.woorea.openstack.nova.model.Server
  • com.ytec.jdap.model.Server
     Title:��������Bean Description: ��������Bean 
    @author CaiJiuFa @version 1.00.00
     �޸ļ�¼ �޸ĺ�汾:     �޸��ˣ�  �޸�����:     �޸�����:  
  • common.info.Server
  • cs.csc.network.Server.Server
  • cs.mm.network.Server
  • cs.project.Server
  • de.dermoba.srcp.devices.SERVER
  • de.komoot.photon.importer.elasticsearch.Server
    Helper class to start/stop elasticserach node and get elasticsearch clients @author felix
  • de.matrixweb.smaller.internal.Server
    @author marwol
  • de.metalcon.server.Server
    graphity server @author sebschlicht
  • de.sciss.jcollider.Server
  • dropfile.protocol.Server
  • echo2example.chatserver.Server
    A representation of the state of the chat engine. This object is the main entry-point for the servlet to update and query the state of the chat room.
  • edu.ups.gamedev.net.Server
    Encapsilates everything needed to run a networked server for a JGN game. It currently relies on serialization, but this is relatively slow and so may need to be replaced with a more efficient approach if it is noticably slow. @author Walker Lindley @version $Revision: 1.3 $, $Date: 2008/01/29 23:58:45 $
  • eu.stratosphere.nephele.ipc.Server
    An abstract IPC service. IPC calls take a single {@link Writable} as aparameter, and return a {@link Writable} as their value. A service runs ona port and is defined by a parameter class and a value class. @see Client
  • flex.messaging.Server
    The interface for a shared server instance that may be associated with a MessageBroker and used by endpoints.
  • gistoolkit.server.Server
    Holds the collection of services.
  • gov.nist.javax.sip.header.Server
    Supported SIP Header. @version 1.2 $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2009-07-17 18:57:38 $ @author M. Ranganathan
    @author Olivier Deruelle
  • helma.main.Server
    Helma server main class.
  • ids.Server.Server
    @author Peet
  • include.net.Server
  • io.druid.client.selector.Server
  • io.fabric8.insight.metrics.model.Server
  • io.fathom.cloud.compute.api.os.model.Server
  • jmt.engine.NodeSections.Server
    This class implements a multi-class, single/multi server service. Every class has a specific distribution and a own set of statistical parameters. A server service remains busy while processing one or more jobs. @author Francesco Radaelli, Stefano Omini, Bertoli Marco
  • jrdesktop.server.Server
    Server.java @author benbac
  • jsx3.app.Server
    A Factory class to allow access to GI components in the same way that the global Javascript variable(s) do on the client. @author Joe Walker [joe at getahead dot ltd dot uk]
  • lipermi.net.Server
  • logic.Server
    @author m0ng2
  • lt.baltic_amadeus.jqbridge.server.Server
    Bridge server process. One Server object is instantiated at run time and its run method is executed to start the JMS bridge server. @see #run() @author Baltic Amadeus, JSC @author Antanas Kompanas
  • mage.interfaces.Server
    @author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com
  • megamek.server.Server
    @author Ben Mazur
  • model.Server
    @author Nick Modifications: Ben Christa
  • multididdy_model.Server
    @author chris
  • mungbean.Server
  • mykeynote.server.nonpersistent.Server
  • net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.jetty.jetty.Server
  • net.md_5.bungee.api.connection.Server
    Represents a destination which this proxy might connect to.
  • net.noderunner.amazon.s3.emulator.Server
    Amazon S3 emulator that stores data in an internal sorted map. Not highly scalable or reliable, but may be fine for testing your application. Some browse methods are not complete. Get Data/Put/Head are mostly complete. What's supported is in the test suite. @author Elias Ross
  • net.sf.lipermi.net.Server
    The LipeRMI server. This object listen to a specific port and when a client connects it delegates the connection to a {@link net.sf.lipermi.handler.ConnectionHandler ConnectionHandler}. @author lipe @date 05/10/2006 @see net.sf.lipermi.handler.CallHandler @see net.sf.lipermi.net.Client
  • net.sourceforge.rmilite.Server
  • net.sourceforge.seriesdownloader.web.server.Server
    sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Networking/Webserver/ Stripped and edited to fit SeriesDownloader purposes.
  • net.util.server.Server
    ClassName:Server Function: TODO ADD FUNCTION Reason: TODO ADD REASON @author geutopia @version @since Ver 1.1 @Date Jun 25, 2010 1:44:29 PM @see
  • nexj.core.rpc.Server
    The entry point to the server.
  • nu.fw.jeti.backend.roster.Server
    Class that controls the transports/sever from the roster. when a new transport is added this class wil lookup information about the transport (with Browse) and will give every item in the roster registered with that transport the right type. Changes in the server roster are broadcasted using the ServerListener @see ServerListener @see Discovery @see Roster @author E.S. de Boer @version 1.0
  • one.nio.server.Server
  • org.apache.avro.ipc.Server
    A server listening on a port.
  • org.apache.catalina.Server
    A Server element represents the entire Catalina servlet container. Its attributes represent the characteristics of the servlet container as a whole. A Server may contain one or more Services, and the top level set of naming resources.

    Normally, an implementation of this interface will also implement Lifecycle, such that when the start() and stop() methods are called, all of the defined Services are also started or stopped.

    In between, the implementation must open a server socket on the port number specified by the port property. When a connection is accepted, the first line is read and compared with the specified shutdown command. If the command matches, shutdown of the server is initiated.

    NOTE - The concrete implementation of this class should register the (singleton) instance with the ServerFactory class in its constructor(s). @author Craig R. McClanahan @version $Revision: 1433 $ $Date: 2010-04-09 00:33:40 +0200 (Fri, 09 Apr 2010) $

  • org.apache.cocoon.components.hsqldb.Server
    @author Davanum Srinivas @version CVS $Revision: $ $Date: 2001/09/10 10:59:58 $
  • org.apache.cxf.endpoint.Server
  • org.apache.cxf.systest.jms.Server
  • org.apache.cxf.systest.ws.rm.RetransmissionQueueTest.Server
  • org.apache.directory.studio.apacheds.model.Server
    This class represents an Apache DS server. @author Apache Directory Project @version $Rev$, $Date$
  • org.apache.felix.httplite.server.Server
    This class implements a simple multi-threaded web server. It only supports GET/HEAD requests. The web server has various configurable properties that can be passed into the constructor; see the constructor for more information about configuration properties.
  • org.apache.flink.runtime.ipc.Server
  • org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Server
    Defines the set of shared functions implemented by HBase servers (Masters and RegionServers).
  • org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.Server
  • org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server
    An abstract IPC service. IPC calls take a single {@link Writable} as aparameter, and return a {@link Writable} as their value. A service runs ona port and is defined by a parameter class and a value class. @see Client
  • org.apache.hadoop.lib.server.Server
    A Server class provides standard configuration, logging and {@link Service}lifecyle management.

    A Server normally has a home directory, a configuration directory, a temp directory and logs directory.

    The Server configuration is loaded from 2 overlapped files, #SERVER#-default.xml and #SERVER#-site.xml. The default file is loaded from the classpath, the site file is laoded from the configuration directory.

    The Server collects all configuration properties prefixed with #SERVER#. The property names are then trimmed from the #SERVER# prefix.

    The Server log configuration is loaded from the #SERVICE#-log4j.properties file in the configuration directory.

    The lifecycle of server is defined in by {@link Server.Status} enum.When a server is create, its status is UNDEF, when being initialized it is BOOTING, once initialization is complete by default transitions to NORMAL. The #SERVER#.startup.status configuration property can be used to specify a different startup status (NORMAL, ADMIN or HALTED).

    Services classes are defined in the #SERVER#.services and #SERVER#.services.ext properties. They are loaded in order (services first, then services.ext).

    Before initializing the services, they are traversed and duplicate service interface are removed from the service list. The last service using a given interface wins (this enables a simple override mechanism).

    After the services have been resoloved by interface de-duplication they are initialized in order. Once all services are initialized they are post-initialized (this enables late/conditional service bindings).

  • org.apache.hama.ipc.Server
    An abstract IPC service. IPC calls take a single {@link Writable} as aparameter, and return a {@link Writable} as their value. A service runs on aport and is defined by a parameter class and a value class. @see Client
  • org.apache.jackrabbit.mk.server.Server
    Server exposing a {@code MicroKernel}.
  • org.apache.maven.settings.Server
    The <server> element contains informations required to a server settings. @version $Revision$ $Date$
  • org.apache.openejb.server.Server
    @org.apache.xbean.XBean element="server"description="OpenEJB Server" @version $Rev: 576056 $ $Date: 2007-09-16 02:14:42 -0500 (Sun, 16 Sep 2007) $
  • org.apache.openmeetings.db.entity.server.Server
  • org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.basic.Server
  • org.apache.sentry.core.Server
  • org.apache.sentry.core.model.db.Server
  • org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.jetty.Server
    The Jetty HttpServer. This specialization of org.mortbay.http.HttpServer adds knowledge about servlets and their specialized contexts. It also included support for initialization from xml configuration files that follow the XmlConfiguration dtd. HttpContexts created by Server are of the type org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHttpContext unless otherwise specified. This class also provides a main() method which starts a server for each config file passed on the command line. If the system property JETTY_NO_SHUTDOWN_HOOK is not set to true, then a shutdown hook is thread is registered to stop these servers. @see org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.xml.XmlConfiguration @see org.browsermob.proxy.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHttpContext @version $Revision: 1.40 $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
  • org.bukkit.Server
    Represents a server implementation.
  • org.burrokeet.servletEngine.Server
  • org.cipango.server.Server
    Cipango SIP/HTTP Server. It extends Jetty HTTP {@link org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server} to add SIP capabilities.
  • org.eclipse.ecf.provider.comm.tcp.Server
  • org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
    Jetty HTTP Servlet Server. This class is the main class for the Jetty HTTP Servlet server. It aggregates Connectors (HTTP request receivers) and request Handlers. The server is itself a handler and a ThreadPool. Connectors use the ThreadPool methods to run jobs that will eventually call the handle method.
  • org.eclipse.php.internal.server.core.Server
    A generic server implementation.
  • org.eclipse.wst.server.core.internal.Server
  • org.fcrepo.server.Server
    The starting point for working with a Fedora repository. This class handles loading, starting, and stopping modules (the module lifecycle), and provides access to core constants. @author Chris Wilper
  • org.glassfish.api.embedded.Server
  • org.glassfish.internal.embedded.Server
    Instances of server are embedded application servers, capable of attaching various containers (entities running users applications). @author Jerome Dochez
  • org.glassfish.tyrus.server.Server
    Implementation of the WebSocket Server. @author Stepan Kopriva (stepan.kopriva at oracle.com) @author Pavel Bucek (pavel.bucek at oracle.com)
  • org.gradle.foundation.ipc.basic.Server
    This is a server that talks to a client via sockets (Rudimentary form of Inter-Process Communication (IPC)). This does the work of locating a free socket and starting the connection. To use this, you really only have to define a Protocol that handles the actual messages. You'll want to make your client startup a ClientProcess object that implements a corresponding Protocol. @author mhunsicker
  • org.gwtnode.core.node.http.Server
    @author Chad Retz
  • org.h2.tools.Server
    Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server. @h2.resource
  • org.hornetq.jms.tests.tools.container.Server
    The remote interface exposed by TestServer. @author Ovidiu Feodorov @version $Revision: 2868 $$Id: Server.java 2868 2007-07-10 20:22:16Z timfox $
  • org.hsqldb.Server

  • The value of database.0 is special. If dbname.0 is not specified, then this defaults to an empty string and a connection is made to database.0 path when the <alias> component of an HSQLDB HSQL protocol database connection url is omitted. If a database key/value pair is found in the properties when the main method is called, this pair is supersedes the database.0 setting

    This behaviour allows the previous database connection url format to work with essentially unchanged semantics.

  • When the remote_open property is true, a connection attempt to an unopened database results in the database being opened. The URL for connection should include the property filepath to specify the path. 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql[s]://host[port]/<alias>;filepath=hsqldb:file:<database path>'. the given alias and filepath value will be associated together. The database user and password to start this connection must be valid. If this form of connection is used again, after the database has been opened, the filepath property is ignored.

  • Once an alias such as "mydb" has been associated with a path, it cannot be reassigned to a different path.

  • If a database is closed with the SHUTDOWN command, its alias is removed. It is then possible to connect to this database again with a different (or the same) alias.

  • If the same database is connected to via two different aliases, and then one of the is closed with the SHUTDOWN command, the other is also closed.

    From the 'server.properties' file, options can be set similarly, using a slightly different format.

    Here is an example 'server.properties' file:

     server.port=9001 server.database.0=test server.dbname.0=... ... server.database.n=... server.dbname.n=... server.silent=true 
    Starting with 1.7.2, Server has been refactored to become a simple JavaBean with non-blocking start() and stop() service methods. It is possible to configure a Server instance through the JavaBean API as well, but this part of the public interface is still under review and will not be finalized or documented fully until the final 1.7.2 release.


    The 'no_system_exit' property is of particular interest.

    If a Server instance is to run embedded in, say, an application server, such as when the jdbcDataSource or HsqlServerFactory classes are used, it is typically necessary to avoid calling System.exit() when the Server instance shuts down.

    By default, 'no_system_exit' is set:

    1. true when a Server is started directly from the start() method.

    2. false when a Server is started from the main(String[]) method.

    These values are natural to their context because the first case allows the JVM to exit by default on Server shutdown when a Server instance is started from a command line environment, whereas the second case prevents a typically unwanted JVM exit on Server shutdown when a Server intance is started as part of a larger framework.

    Replaces original Hypersonic source of the same name. @author fredt@users @version 1.8.0 @since 1.7.2 @jmx.mbean description="HSQLDB Server" extends="org.hsqldb.mx.mbean.RegistrationSupportBaseMBean" @jboss.xmbean

  • org.hsqldb.server.Server

  • The value of database.0 is special. If dbname.0 is not specified, then this defaults to an empty string and a connection is made to database.0 path when the <alias> component of an HSQLDB HSQL protocol database connection url is omitted. If a database key/value pair is found in the properties when the main method is called, this pair is supersedes the database.0 setting

    This behaviour allows the previous database connection url format to work with essentially unchanged semantics.

  • When the remote_open property is true, a connection attempt to an unopened database results in the database being opened. The URL for connection should include the property filepath to specify the path. 'jdbc:hsqldb:hsql[s]://host[port]/<alias>;filepath=hsqldb:file:<database path>'. the given alias and filepath value will be associated together. The database user and password to start this connection must be valid. If this form of connection is used again, after the database has been opened, the filepath property is ignored.

  • Once an alias such as "mydb" has been associated with a path, it cannot be reassigned to a different path.

  • If a database is closed with the SHUTDOWN command, its alias is removed. It is then possible to connect to this database again with a different (or the same) alias.

  • If the same database is connected to via two different aliases, and then one of the is closed with the SHUTDOWN command, the other is also closed.

    From the 'server.properties' file, options can be set similarly, using a slightly different format.

    Here is an example 'server.properties' file:

     server.port=9001 server.database.0=test server.dbname.0=... ... server.database.n=... server.dbname.n=... server.silent=true 
    Starting with 1.7.2, Server has been refactored to become a simple JavaBean with non-blocking start() and stop() service methods. It is possible to configure a Server instance through the JavaBean API as well, but this part of the public interface is still under review and will not be finalized or documented fully until the final 1.7.2 release.


    The 'no_system_exit' property is of particular interest.

    If a Server instance is to run embedded in, say, an application server, such as when the JDBCDataSource or HsqlServerFactory classes are used, it is typically necessary to avoid calling System.exit() when the Server instance shuts down.

    By default, 'no_system_exit' is set:

    1. true when a Server is started directly from the start() method.

    2. false when a Server is started from the main(String[]) method.

    These values are natural to their context because the first case allows the JVM to exit by default on Server shutdown when a Server instance is started from a command line environment, whereas the second case prevents a typically unwanted JVM exit on Server shutdown when a Server intance is started as part of a larger framework.

    @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) @version 1.9.0 @since 1.7.2 @jmx.mbean description="HSQLDB Server" extends="org.hsqldb.mx.mbean.RegistrationSupportBaseMBean" @jboss.xmbean

  • org.huihoo.willow.Server
    @author reicTo change the template for this generated type comment go to Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
  • org.iosgi.outpost.Server
    @author Sven Schulz
  • org.jayasoft.woj.common.model.Server
  • org.jboss.aerogear.simplepush.server.datastore.model.Server
    A simple data transfer object (DTO) for Update information.
  • org.jboss.as.arquillian.container.domain.Domain.Server
  • org.jboss.as.console.client.domain.model.Server
    @author Heiko Braun @date 3/2/11
  • org.jboss.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.conf.Server
  • org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.Server
    The interface of the server loaded by the ServerLoader @see ServerLoader @author Jason Dillon @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org @version $Revision: 83870 $
  • org.jboss.jbossas.servermanager.Server
    A Server. @author Ryan Campbell @version $Revision: 86806 $
  • org.jboss.narayana.blacktie.jatmibroker.core.conf.Server
  • org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.container.Server
    The remote interface exposed by TestServer. @author Ovidiu Feodorov @version $Revision: 2868 $$Id: Server.java 2868 2007-07-10 20:22:16Z timfox $
  • org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.rmi.Server
    The remote interface exposed by TestServer. @author Ovidiu Feodorov @version $Revision: 2330 $$Id: Server.java 2330 2007-02-15 23:38:32Z timfox $
  • org.jclouds.cloudservers.domain.Server
    A server is a virtual machine instance in the Cloud Servers system. Flavor and image are requisite elements when creating a server. @author Adrian Cole
  • org.jclouds.cloudsigma.domain.Server
    @author Adrian Cole
  • org.jclouds.elasticstack.domain.Server
    @author Adrian Cole
  • org.jclouds.glesys.domain.Server
    glesys.com/api.php?a=doc#server_list" />
  • org.jclouds.gogrid.domain.Server
    Class Server @author Oleksiy Yarmula
  • org.jclouds.openstack.nova.v2_0.domain.Server
    ck.org/api/openstack-compute/1.1/content/Get_Server_Details-d1e2623.html" />
  • org.jclouds.servermanager.Server
    This would be replaced with the real java object related to the underlying server @author Adrian Cole
  • org.jcouchdb.db.Server
  • org.jfx4ee.adm4ee.business.server.boundary.Server
    @author Jens Deters
  • org.jmule.core.servermanager.Server
    Created on 2007-Nov-07 @author binary256 @author javajox @version $$Revision: 1.4 $$Last changed by $$Author: binary255 $$ on $$Date: 2009/10/23 18:10:39 $$
  • org.mobicents.protocols.api.Server
    A wrapper over actual server side Socket @author amit bhayani
  • org.moparscape.msc.gs.Server
    The entry point for RSC server.
  • org.moparscape.msc.ls.Server
  • org.mortbay.jetty.Server
    Jetty HTTP Servlet Server. This class is the main class for the Jetty HTTP Servlet server. It aggregates Connectors (HTTP request receivers) and request Handlers. The server is itself a handler and a ThreadPool. Connectors use the ThreadPool methods to run jobs that will eventually call the handle method. @org.apache.xbean.XBean description="Creates an embedded Jetty web server"
  • org.mortbay.jetty.plus.Server
  • org.mule.transport.ftp.server.Server
    A wrapper for the Apache ftpServer. This will progress into a provider of its own, but for now is necessary to avoid duplicating code in FTP tests using FTPClient.
  • org.netbeans.server.uihandler.statistics.DatabaseServers.Server
  • org.netmelody.cieye.spies.jenkins.jsondomain.Server
  • org.objectweb.celtix.performance.basic_type.server.Server
  • org.objectweb.celtix.performance.complex_type.server.Server
  • org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server
    The Jetty HttpServer. This specialization of org.openqa.jetty.http.HttpServer adds knowledge about servlets and their specialized contexts. It also included support for initialization from xml configuration files that follow the XmlConfiguration dtd. HttpContexts created by Server are of the type org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHttpContext unless otherwise specified. This class also provides a main() method which starts a server for each config file passed on the command line. If the system property JETTY_NO_SHUTDOWN_HOOK is not set to true, then a shutdown hook is thread is registered to stop these servers. @see org.openqa.jetty.xml.XmlConfiguration @see org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHttpContext @version $Revision: 1.40 $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
  • org.openrdf.http.webclient.server.Server
  • org.openstack.model.compute.Server
  • org.openxri.server.Server
    Interface for server operations. A server's task is to get static information from a store, add dynamic things like Expire and Query tags, and return a complete XRDS. @author =peacekeeper
  • org.orion.as.bootstrap.Server
    The Main class of the server, use to starup the server instance. @author Alex Liu @version $Revision: 1 $
  • org.red5.server.Server
    Red5 server core class implementation.
  • org.restlet.Server
    Connector acting as a generic server. It internally uses one of the available connector helpers registered with the Restlet engine.

    Concurrency note: instances of this class or its subclasses can be invoked by several threads at the same time and therefore must be thread-safe. You should be especially careful when storing state in member variables.

    For advanced cases, it is possible to obtained the wrapped {@link RestletHelper} instance that is used by this client to handle thecalls via the "org.restlet.engine.helper" attribute stored in the {@link Context} object. @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.rhq.core.domain.cloud.Server
    An RHQ server node in the cluster @author Joseph Marques
  • org.serviceconnector.server.Server
    The Class Server. Represents a server instance on a backend Server. Serves a service. Has control over the max of sessions and holds a connection pool to communicate to a backend server. Servers activity is observed by a timer. It gets initialized by adding server to server registry. @author JTraber
  • org.simpleframework.transport.Server
    The Server interface represents a handler that is used to process Socket objects. Implementations of this object will read HTTP requests for the provided sockets and dispatch the requests for processing by the core protocol handler.

    The intended use of a Server is that it be used in conjunction with a Container object, which acts as the primary protocol handler for a server. Typically the server will deliver callbacks to a container with both Request and Response objects encapsulating the transaction.

    Core responsibilities of the server are to manage connections, to ensure that all HTTP requests are collected, and to dispatch the collected requests to an appropriate handler. It is also required to manage multiplexing such that many connections can be processed concurrently without a high latency period. @author Niall Gallagher

  • org.sonar.api.platform.Server
    @since 2.2
  • org.sonar.wsclient.services.Server
    @author Evgeny Mandrikov
  • org.sonatype.tests.http.server.fluent.Server
  • org.spout.api.Server
  • org.stringtree.mojasef.model.Server
  • org.xsocket.connection.Server
  • org.zkoss.ztl.util.Server
    The server entity for ZTL file. @author jumperchen
  • pdp.scrabble.multiplayer.Server
    Describe server actions.
  • plar.ClientServer.Server
    1. Server class receive UDP packets and read the ID and Key flag 2. if them are both null, create a new ID,Key pair and send it to the Client Create also a new Connect() class to handle packets with this Id,Key pair data of an UDP packed: 1. first byte is the ID 2. second byte is the Key 3. third byte is the SIGNAL (see Signal.Java) 4. the other data could be anything, Connect() read the SIGNAL and decide what kind of data is stored in the packet. Compressions: for each SpriteSet for each Element in the Level, each SpriteSet is sent only ONE TIME. Repeated SpriteSet are not sent, SpriteSet of an element that is not yet shown is not sent. when the client request the content of a string an array of byte is sent, the logical data is: - for each Element in the screen: (int)x,(int)y,(int)angle,(int)SpriteSetId,(int)forFutureUse (forFutureUse it could become the speed in pixel units for local interpolations) - these 4 int, that use almost TEN BITS, are compressed in 5 byte the Client send the user input (stored in KeyFlag) once when repeated so the Server, send to Game the last input that the client had sent. for example - Client says the Left key was pressed - Server says to Game that Left Key was pressed until Client don't change it. For this reason is NECESSARY that client send an EMPTY KeyFlag when the user stop pressing keys Sprite and Element s: each Element in the Level should use a SpriteSet that contains an Array of Sprite. there are a LOT of elements with equal SpriteSet (usually statics) when the Client request the Screen, Server check if in the screen there are NEW SpriteSet that had not been sent yet,( these SpriteSet are stored in ArrayList buffer; ) if yes it send the new SpriteSet and add it to "buffer", the Client should do the same and they buffer index should be sincronized. FOR EACH SpriteSet is used an UDP with the Signal.SPRITE For each Element in the Screen the server send the coordinates, the angle and the SpriteSetID stored in buffer. @author Antonio Ragagnin
  • processing.net.Server
    A server sends and receives data to and from its associated clients (other programs connected to it). When a server is started, it begins listening for connections on the port specified by the port parameter. Computers have many ports for transferring data and some are commonly used so be sure to not select one of these. For example, web servers usually use port 80 and POP mail uses port 110. @webref @brief The server class is used to create server objects which send and receives data to and from its associated clients (other programs connected to it). @instanceName server any variable of type Server @usage Application
  • railo.runtime.net.mail.Server
    DTO of a single Mailserver
  • server.server
    The Server
  • simpleserver.Server
  • sk.netmap.bo.Server
    BO Server @author Matej Zachar, $Date$
  • soc.qase.info.Server
    Server information wrapper.
  • sunlabs.brazil.server.Server
    Yet another HTTP/1.1 server. This class is the core of a light weight Web Server. This server is started as a Thread listening on the supplied port, and dispatches to an implementation of a {@link Handler} to service http requests. If no handler issupplied, then the {@link FileHandler} is used.A {@link ChainHandler} is provided to allow multiple handlers in one server.


    @author Stephen Uhler (stephen.uhler@sun.com) @author Colin Stevens (colin.stevens@sun.com) @version 2.3
  • testsuite.config.Server
    Representation of a server to deploy a web-app to and then test. @author Joe Walnes
  • tkuri.jxy.server.Server
  • uk.org.ogsadai.client.toolkit.Server
  • uk.org.taverna.server.client.Server
  • ve.net.dcs.sc.component.Server
    .ve @author Saul Pina - spina@dcs.net.ve @see Socket @see ServerSocket
  • xbird.server.Server
    @author Makoto YUI (yuin405+xbird@gmail.com)
  • xnap.plugin.nap.net.Server

  • Examples of Server


      public static Server s1;
      public void callserver()
        s1=new Server();
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    Examples of Stutsman.C4.net.Server

      public static void main(String[] args)
          Server theserve;
          boolean v=false;
          int port;
          port = Integer.parseInt(input("8080","Enter port number"));
          if(ask("Logging","Enable logging?")==0)
            File logfile = new File("ServerLog.txt");
            FileOutputStream fiout = new FileOutputStream(logfile,true);
            PrintStream sout = new PrintStream(fiout,true);
          if(ask("Default","Use default settings?")==0)
            theserve = new Server(port);
          } else {
            int r,c;
            r = Integer.parseInt(input("6","Enter the number of rows"));
            c = Integer.parseInt(input("8","Enter the number of columns"));
            if(ask("Colors","Enter color settings?")==0)
              Color[] cs = new Color[4];
              String type,temp;
              String[] rgb;
              for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
                  case 0: type = " the background "; break;
                  case 1: type = " the borders "; break;
                  case 2: type = " player 1 "; break;
                  case 3: type = " player 2 "; break;
                  default: type = " ? "; break;
                temp = input("0 0 0",
                    "Enter the RGB value (separated by spaces) for"+
                rgb = temp.split(" ");
                cs[i] = new Color(Integer.parseInt(rgb[0]),
              theserve = new Server(port,r,c,cs[0],cs[1],cs[2],cs[3]);
            } else {
              theserve = new Server(port,r,c,Color.white,Color.black);
        } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex) {
          alert("Error","You have entered illegal settings, probably colors");
        } catch(Exception ex) {
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    Examples of anvil.server.Server

        File file = new File(filename);
        filename = file.getAbsolutePath();

        try {
          Server server;

          String configFile = System.getProperty("anvil.configFile");
          if (configFile != null) {
            ConfigReader reader = new ConfigReader(null, new File(configFile));
            server = reader.parse();
          } else {
            server = new Server(null);
            CompilerPreferences compiler = new CompilerPreferences(server);
          if (namespace != null) {
          int severity = verbose ? anvil.Log.DEBUG : anvil.Log.ERROR;
          LoggingPreferences logprefs = new LoggingPreferences(server);

          Zone zone = server.resolveZone(filename);
          Address address = zone.resolve(filename);
          Module script = server.getCache().load(address).getModule();
          Product product = new Product(address, System.out, script);
          Array arguments = new Array();
          while(index < length) {
            arguments.append(new AnyString(args[index++]));
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    Examples of belotetime.application.server.Server

        public void handle(Event arg0)
          String gameName = InputBox.Show("Question", "Quel est le nom de votre partie ?");
          if(gameName != null)
            Thread server = new Thread(new Server());
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
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    Examples of br.com.tecsinapse.glimpse.server.Server

        SpringVarProducer springVarProducer = new SpringVarProducer();
        GroovyReplManager replManager = new GroovyReplManager();
        Server server = new Server(scriptRunner, replManager);
        SunHttpConnector httpConnector = new SunHttpConnector(server, port, authenticator);
        return httpConnector;
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    Examples of br.com.visualmidia.ui.Server

          if (args.length > 0) {
                if (isCommand(args, "-server")) {
                  if(isServerAlreadyOpen()) {
                    new Server().run();
                    if (isCommand(args, "-console")) {
                      new GDConsole().start()
                  } else {
                    MessageDialog.openError(new Shell(), "Gerente Digital Server!", "J� existe um Gerente Digital Server aberto.");
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    Examples of ch.ethz.inf.vs.californium.server.Server

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // create server
            try {
                Server server = new ResourceDirectory();
                System.out.printf(ResourceDirectory.class.getSimpleName()+" listening on port %d.\n", server.getEndpoints().get(0).getAddress().getPort());
            } catch (SocketException e) {
                System.err.printf("Failed to create "+ResourceDirectory.class.getSimpleName()+": %s\n", e.getMessage());
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    Examples of ch.idsia.tools.tcp.Server

        private List<EvaluationInfo> evaluationSummary = new ArrayList<EvaluationInfo>();

        private void evaluateServerMode()
            Server server = new Server(evaluationOptions.getServerAgentPort(), Environment.numberOfObservationElements, Environment.numberOfButtons);
            evaluationOptions.setAgent(new ServerAgent(server, evaluationOptions.isFastTCP()));

            Simulation simulator = new BasicSimulator(evaluationOptions.getSimulationOptionsCopy());
            while (server.isRunning())
                String resetData = server.recvUnSafe();
                if (resetData.startsWith("ciao"))
                    System.out.println("Evaluator: ciao received from client; restarting server");
                if (resetData.startsWith("reset"))
                    resetData = resetData.split("reset\\s*")[1];
                    //TODO: Fix this in more general way
                    // Simulate One Level
                    EvaluationInfo evaluationInfo;

                    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    String startMessage = "Evaluation started at " + GlobalOptions.getDateTime(null);
                    LOGGER.println(startMessage, LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);

                    evaluationInfo = simulator.simulateOneLevel();

                    evaluationInfo.levelType = evaluationOptions.getLevelType();
                    evaluationInfo.levelDifficulty = evaluationOptions.getLevelDifficulty();
                    evaluationInfo.levelRandSeed = evaluationOptions.getLevelRandSeed();
                    LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE VM = (evaluationInfo.marioStatus == Mario.STATUS_WIN) ? LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.INFO : LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL;
                    LOGGER.println("run  finished with result : " + evaluationInfo, VM);

                    String fileName = "";
                    if (!this.evaluationOptions.getMatlabFileName().equals(""))
                        fileName = exportToMatLabFile();
                    Collections.sort(evaluationSummary, new evBasicFitnessComparator());

                    LOGGER.println("Entire Evaluation Finished with results:", LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
    //                for (EvaluationInfo ev : evaluationSummary)
    //                {
    //                    LOGGER.println(ev.toString(), LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
    //                }
                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long elapsed = currentTime - startTime;
                    LOGGER.println(startMessage, LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
                    LOGGER.println("Evaluation Finished at " + GlobalOptions.getDateTime(null), LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
                    LOGGER.println("Total Evaluation Duration (HH:mm:ss:ms) " + GlobalOptions.getDateTime(elapsed), LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
                    if (!fileName.equals(""))
                        LOGGER.println("Exported to " + fileName, LOGGER.VERBOSE_MODE.ALL);
    //                return evaluationSummary;
                    System.err.println("Evaluator: Message <" + resetData + "> is incorrect client behavior. Exiting evaluation...");
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    Examples of cn.com.zjtelecom.smgp.server.Server

      private static class server implements ServerEventInterface {
        private Server serverSimulate;
        private ServerConsole serverConsole;

        public server(int port) {
          this.serverSimulate = new Server(this, port);
          this.serverConsole = new ServerConsole(this);

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    Examples of com.alibaba.dubbo.remoting.Server

        public void testReconnect() throws RemotingException, InterruptedException{
                int port = NetUtils.getAvailablePort();
                Client client = startClient(port, 200);
                Assert.assertEquals(false, client.isConnected());
                Server server = startServer(port);
                for (int i = 0; i < 100 && ! client.isConnected(); i++) {
                Assert.assertEquals(true, client.isConnected());
                int port = NetUtils.getAvailablePort();
                Client client = startClient(port, 20000);
                Assert.assertEquals(false, client.isConnected());
                Server server = startServer(port);
                for(int i=0;i<5;i++){
                Assert.assertEquals(false, client.isConnected());
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