Examples of Sequence

Examples of net.sf.mpxj.utility.Sequence

      // Set working hours
      OverriddenDayTypes odt = m_factory.createOverriddenDayTypes();
      List<OverriddenDayType> typeList = odt.getOverriddenDayType();
      Sequence uniqueID = new Sequence(0);

      // This is a bit arbitrary, so not ideal, however...
      // The idea here is that MS Project allows us to specify working hours
      // for each day of the week individually. Planner doesn't do this,

Examples of nz.ac.waikato.jdsl.core.api.Sequence

    // Sequence, stepping back along the path until we find the Vertex
    // that closed the cycle.
    // If no cycle is found, the Sequence will be empty and the cycle
    // Iterator will be empty
    Sequence theCycle = new NodeSequence();
    ObjectIterator pathVerts = prospectiveCycle_.elements();
    while (pathVerts.hasNext()) {
      Vertex v = (Vertex)pathVerts.nextObject();
      if (v == cycleStart_) {
    // remove all decorations added during the DFS
    // get ready to return the cycle.
    cycleIterator_ = theCycle.elements();

Examples of opennlp.tools.ml.model.Sequence

    PerceptronModel model = new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels);


    Sequence sequence;
    while ((sequence = sequenceStream.read()) != null) {
      Event[] taggerEvents = sequenceStream.updateContext(sequence, model);
      Event[] events = sequence.getEvents();
      boolean update = false;
      for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++,oei++) {
        if (!taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome().equals(events[ei].getOutcome())) {
          update = true;

Examples of opennlp.tools.util.Sequence

      Object[] additionalContext, double minSequenceScore, BeamSearchContextGenerator<T> cg, SequenceValidator<T> validator) {

    Heap<Sequence> prev = new ListHeap<Sequence>(size);
    Heap<Sequence> next = new ListHeap<Sequence>(size);
    Heap<Sequence> tmp;
    prev.add(new Sequence());

    if (additionalContext == null) {
      additionalContext = EMPTY_ADDITIONAL_CONTEXT;

    for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) {
      int sz = Math.min(size, prev.size());

      for (int sc = 0; prev.size() > 0 && sc < sz; sc++) {
        Sequence top = prev.extract();
        List<String> tmpOutcomes = top.getOutcomes();
        String[] outcomes = tmpOutcomes.toArray(new String[tmpOutcomes.size()]);
        String[] contexts = cg.getContext(i, sequence, outcomes, additionalContext);
        double[] scores;
        if (contextsCache != null) {
          scores = (double[]) contextsCache.get(contexts);
          if (scores == null) {
            scores = model.eval(contexts, probs);
        else {
          scores = model.eval(contexts, probs);

        double[] temp_scores = new double[scores.length];
        for (int c = 0; c < scores.length; c++) {
          temp_scores[c] = scores[c];


        double min = temp_scores[Math.max(0,scores.length-size)];

        for (int p = 0; p < scores.length; p++) {
          if (scores[p] < min)
            continue; //only advance first "size" outcomes
          String out = model.getOutcome(p);
           if (validator.validSequence(i, sequence, outcomes, out)) {
            Sequence ns = new Sequence(top, out, scores[p]);
            if (ns.getScore() > minSequenceScore) {

        if (next.size() == 0) {//if no advanced sequences, advance all valid
          for (int p = 0; p < scores.length; p++) {
            String out = model.getOutcome(p);
            if (validator.validSequence(i, sequence, outcomes, out)) {
              Sequence ns = new Sequence(top, out, scores[p]);
              if (ns.getScore() > minSequenceScore) {

Examples of oracle.toplink.essentials.sequencing.Sequence

            FieldDefinition fieldDef = getFieldDefFromDBField(dbField, isPKField);
            if (isPKField) {
                // Check if the generation strategy is IDENTITY
                String sequenceName = desc.getSequenceNumberName();
                DatabaseLogin login = project.getLogin();
                Sequence seq = login.getSequence(sequenceName);
                if(seq instanceof DefaultSequence) {
                    seq = login.getDefaultSequence();
                //The native sequence whose value should be aquired after insert is identity sequence
                boolean isIdentity = seq instanceof NativeSequence && seq.shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert();

            //find the table the field belongs to, and add it to the table, ony if not already added.
            tblDef = tableMap.get(dbField.getTableName());

Examples of org.apache.activemq.store.kahadb.disk.util.Sequence

        if (checkForCorruptJournalFiles) {
            Collection<DataFile> dataFiles = journal.getFileMap().values();
            for (DataFile dataFile : dataFiles) {
                int id = dataFile.getDataFileId();
                missingPredicates.add(new BTreeVisitor.BetweenVisitor<Location, Long>(new Location(id, dataFile.getLength()), new Location(id + 1, 0)));
                Sequence seq = dataFile.getCorruptedBlocks().getHead();
                while (seq != null) {
                    missingPredicates.add(new BTreeVisitor.BetweenVisitor<Location, Long>(new Location(id, (int) seq.getFirst()), new Location(id, (int) seq.getLast() + 1)));
                    seq = seq.getNext();

        if (!missingPredicates.isEmpty()) {

Examples of org.apache.cxf.binding.corba.wsdl.Sequence

                                                XmlSchemaType schemaType,
                                                Scope scopedName,
                                                long bound,
                                                Scope fullyQualifiedName) {
        //create the corba sequence
        Sequence corbaSeq = new Sequence();
        if (bound == -1) {
            bound = 0;
        corbaSeq.setQName(new QName(typeMap.getTargetNamespace(), scopedName.toString()));
        //REVISIT, if we add qualification then change the below.
        corbaSeq.setElemname(new QName("", ELEMENT_NAME));
        if (ctype != null) {
        } else {
            SequenceDeferredAction seqAction =
                new SequenceDeferredAction(corbaSeq);
            wsdlVisitor.getDeferredActions().add(fullyQualifiedName, seqAction);

        return corbaSeq;

Examples of org.apache.kahadb.util.Sequence

        if (count <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The allocation count must be larger than zero");

        Sequence seq = freeList.removeFirstSequence(count);

        // We may need to create new free pages...
        if (seq == null) {

            Page<T> first = null;
            int c = count;
            while (c > 0) {
                Page<T> page = new Page<T>(nextFreePageId.getAndIncrement());

                if (first == null) {
                    first = page;

                DataByteArrayOutputStream out = new DataByteArrayOutputStream(pageSize);
                write(page, out.getData());

                // LOG.debug("allocate writing: "+page.getPageId());

            return first;

        Page<T> page = new Page<T>(seq.getFirst());
        // LOG.debug("allocated: "+page.getPageId());
        return page;

Examples of org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Sequence

     * Create a new sequence from the information in the schema metadata.
    protected Sequence newSequence(ResultSet sequenceMeta)
        throws SQLException {
        Sequence seq = new Sequence();
        return seq;

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.Sequence

    public long createSequence(String tenantId, String schemaName, String sequenceName,
            long startWith, long incrementBy, long cacheSize, long minValue, long maxValue,
            boolean cycle, long timestamp) throws SQLException {
        SequenceKey sequenceKey = new SequenceKey(tenantId, schemaName, sequenceName);
        Sequence newSequences = new Sequence(sequenceKey);
        Sequence sequence = sequenceMap.putIfAbsent(sequenceKey, newSequences);
        if (sequence == null) {
            sequence = newSequences;
        try {
            // Now that we have the lock we need, create the sequence
            Append append = sequence.createSequence(startWith, incrementBy, cacheSize, timestamp, minValue, maxValue, cycle);
            HTableInterface htable =
            try {
                Result result = htable.append(append);
                return sequence.createSequence(result, minValue, maxValue, cycle);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw ServerUtil.parseServerException(e);
            } finally {
        } finally {
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