* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package opennlp.tools.ml.perceptron;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import opennlp.tools.ml.AbstractEventModelSequenceTrainer;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.AbstractModel;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.DataIndexer;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.Event;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.IndexHashTable;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.MutableContext;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.OnePassDataIndexer;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.Sequence;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.SequenceStream;
import opennlp.tools.ml.model.SequenceStreamEventStream;
* Trains models for sequences using the perceptron algorithm. Each outcome is represented as
* a binary perceptron classifier. This supports standard (integer) weighting as well
* average weighting. Sequence information is used in a simplified was to that described in:
* Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments
* with the Perceptron Algorithm. Michael Collins, EMNLP 2002.
* Specifically only updates are applied to tokens which were incorrectly tagged by a sequence tagger
* rather than to all feature across the sequence which differ from the training sequence.
public class SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer extends AbstractEventModelSequenceTrainer {
private boolean printMessages = true;
private int iterations;
private SequenceStream sequenceStream;
/** Number of events in the event set. */
private int numEvents;
/** Number of predicates. */
private int numPreds;
private int numOutcomes;
/** List of outcomes for each event i, in context[i]. */
private int[] outcomeList;
private String[] outcomeLabels;
double[] modelDistribution;
/** Stores the average parameter values of each predicate during iteration. */
private MutableContext[] averageParams;
/** Mapping between context and an integer */
private IndexHashTable<String> pmap;
private Map<String,Integer> omap;
/** Stores the estimated parameter value of each predicate during iteration. */
private MutableContext[] params;
private boolean useAverage;
private int[][][] updates;
private int VALUE = 0;
private int ITER = 1;
private int EVENT = 2;
private int[] allOutcomesPattern;
private String[] predLabels;
int numSequences;
public SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer() {
public boolean isValid() {
if (!super.isValid()) {
return false;
String algorithmName = getAlgorithm();
if (algorithmName != null
&& !(PERCEPTRON_SEQUENCE_VALUE.equals(algorithmName))) {
return false;
return true;
public AbstractModel doTrain(SequenceStream events) throws IOException {
int iterations = getIterations();
int cutoff = getCutoff();
boolean useAverage = getBooleanParam("UseAverage", true);
return trainModel(iterations, events, cutoff, useAverage);
// << members related to AbstractSequenceTrainer
public AbstractModel trainModel(int iterations, SequenceStream sequenceStream, int cutoff, boolean useAverage) throws IOException {
this.iterations = iterations;
this.sequenceStream = sequenceStream;
DataIndexer di = new OnePassDataIndexer(new SequenceStreamEventStream(sequenceStream),cutoff,false);
numSequences = 0;
while (sequenceStream.read() != null) {
outcomeList = di.getOutcomeList();
predLabels = di.getPredLabels();
pmap = new IndexHashTable<String>(predLabels, 0.7d);
display("Incorporating indexed data for training... \n");
this.useAverage = useAverage;
numEvents = di.getNumEvents();
this.iterations = iterations;
outcomeLabels = di.getOutcomeLabels();
omap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
for (int oli=0;oli<outcomeLabels.length;oli++) {
omap.put(outcomeLabels[oli], oli);
outcomeList = di.getOutcomeList();
numPreds = predLabels.length;
numOutcomes = outcomeLabels.length;
if (useAverage) {
updates = new int[numPreds][numOutcomes][3];
display("\tNumber of Event Tokens: " + numEvents + "\n");
display("\t Number of Outcomes: " + numOutcomes + "\n");
display("\t Number of Predicates: " + numPreds + "\n");
params = new MutableContext[numPreds];
if (useAverage) averageParams = new MutableContext[numPreds];
allOutcomesPattern= new int[numOutcomes];
for (int oi = 0; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) {
allOutcomesPattern[oi] = oi;
for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
params[pi]=new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
if (useAverage) averageParams[pi] = new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++) {
params[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
if (useAverage) averageParams[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
modelDistribution = new double[numOutcomes];
display("Computing model parameters...\n");
/*************** Create and return the model ******************/
String[] updatedPredLabels = predLabels;
String[] updatedPredLabels = new String[pmap.size()];
for (String pred : pmap.keySet()) {
if (useAverage) {
return new PerceptronModel(averageParams, updatedPredLabels, outcomeLabels);
else {
return new PerceptronModel(params, updatedPredLabels, outcomeLabels);
private void findParameters(int iterations) throws IOException {
display("Performing " + iterations + " iterations.\n");
for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
if (i < 10)
display(" " + i + ": ");
else if (i < 100)
display(" " + i + ": ");
display(i + ": ");
if (useAverage) {
else {
private void display(String s) {
if (printMessages)
public void nextIteration(int iteration) throws IOException {
iteration--; //move to 0-based index
int numCorrect = 0;
int oei=0;
int si=0;
Map<String,Float>[] featureCounts = new Map[numOutcomes];
for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
featureCounts[oi] = new HashMap<String,Float>();
PerceptronModel model = new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels);
Sequence sequence;
while ((sequence = sequenceStream.read()) != null) {
Event[] taggerEvents = sequenceStream.updateContext(sequence, model);
Event[] events = sequence.getEvents();
boolean update = false;
for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++,oei++) {
if (!taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome().equals(events[ei].getOutcome())) {
update = true;
else {
if (update) {
for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
//System.err.print("train:");for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++) {System.err.print(" "+events[ei].getOutcome());} System.err.println();
//training feature count computation
for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++,oei++) {
String[] contextStrings = events[ei].getContext();
float values[] = events[ei].getValues();
int oi = omap.get(events[ei].getOutcome());
for (int ci=0;ci<contextStrings.length;ci++) {
float value = 1;
if (values != null) {
value = values[ci];
Float c = featureCounts[oi].get(contextStrings[ci]);
if (c == null) {
c = value;
else {
featureCounts[oi].put(contextStrings[ci], c);
//evaluation feature count computation
//System.err.print("test: ");for (int ei=0;ei<taggerEvents.length;ei++) {System.err.print(" "+taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome());} System.err.println();
for (Event taggerEvent : taggerEvents) {
String[] contextStrings = taggerEvent.getContext();
float values[] = taggerEvent.getValues();
int oi = omap.get(taggerEvent.getOutcome());
for (int ci = 0; ci < contextStrings.length; ci++) {
float value = 1;
if (values != null) {
value = values[ci];
Float c = featureCounts[oi].get(contextStrings[ci]);
if (c == null) {
c = -1*value;
else {
if (c == 0f) {
else {
featureCounts[oi].put(contextStrings[ci], c);
for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
for (String feature : featureCounts[oi].keySet()) {
int pi = pmap.get(feature);
if (pi != -1) {
//System.err.println(si+" "+outcomeLabels[oi]+" "+feature+" "+featureCounts[oi].get(feature));
params[pi].updateParameter(oi, featureCounts[oi].get(feature));
if (useAverage) {
if (updates[pi][oi][VALUE] != 0) {
//System.err.println("p avp["+pi+"]."+oi+"="+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
//System.err.println("p updates["+pi+"]["+oi+"]=("+updates[pi][oi][ITER]+","+updates[pi][oi][EVENT]+","+updates[pi][oi][VALUE]+") + ("+iteration+","+oei+","+params[pi].getParameters()[oi]+") -> "+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
updates[pi][oi][VALUE] = (int) params[pi].getParameters()[oi];
updates[pi][oi][ITER] = iteration;
updates[pi][oi][EVENT] = si;
model = new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels);
//finish average computation
double totIterations = (double) iterations*si;
if (useAverage && iteration == iterations-1) {
for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
double[] predParams = averageParams[pi].getParameters();
for (int oi = 0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
if (updates[pi][oi][VALUE] != 0) {
predParams[oi] += updates[pi][oi][VALUE]*(numSequences*(iterations-updates[pi][oi][ITER])-updates[pi][oi][EVENT]);
if (predParams[oi] != 0) {
predParams[oi] /=totIterations;
averageParams[pi].setParameter(oi, predParams[oi]);
//System.err.println("updates["+pi+"]["+oi+"]=("+updates[pi][oi][ITER]+","+updates[pi][oi][EVENT]+","+updates[pi][oi][VALUE]+") + ("+iterations+","+0+","+params[pi].getParameters()[oi]+") -> "+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
display(". ("+numCorrect+"/"+numEvents+") "+((double) numCorrect / numEvents) + "\n");
private void trainingStats(MutableContext[] params) throws IOException {
int numCorrect = 0;
int oei=0;
Sequence sequence;
while ((sequence = sequenceStream.read()) != null) {
Event[] taggerEvents = sequenceStream.updateContext(sequence, new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels));
for (int ei=0;ei<taggerEvents.length;ei++,oei++) {
int max = omap.get(taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome());
if (max == outcomeList[oei]) {
numCorrect ++;
display(". ("+numCorrect+"/"+numEvents+") "+((double) numCorrect / numEvents) + "\n");