package rabbit.filter;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import rabbit.http.HttpDateParser;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.proxy.Connection;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpGenerator;
import rabbit.proxy.HttpProxy;
import rabbit.util.Coder;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
import rabbit.util.SProperties;
import rabbit.util.SimpleUserHandler;
/** This is a class that filter http headers to make them nice.
* This filter sets up username and password if supplied and
* also sets up keepalive.
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class HttpBaseFilter implements HttpFilter {
public static final String NOPROXY = "http://noproxy.";
private static final BigInteger ZERO = new BigInteger ("0");
private static final BigInteger ONE = new BigInteger ("1");
private List<String> removes = new ArrayList<String> ();
private boolean cookieId = false;
private SimpleUserHandler userHandler = new SimpleUserHandler ();
public HttpBaseFilter () {
/** We got a proxy authentication, handle it...
* @param uap the authentication string.
* @param con the Connection.
private void handleProxyAuthentication (String uap, Connection con) {
// guess we should handle digest here also.. :-/
if (uap.startsWith ("Basic ")) {
uap = uap.substring ("Basic ".length ());
String userapass = Coder.uudecode (uap);
int i = -1;
if ((i = userapass.indexOf (":")) > -1) {
String userid = userapass.substring (0, i);
String pass = userapass.substring (i + 1);
con.setUserName (userid);
con.setPassword (pass);
/** Handle the authentications.
* If we have a proxy-authentication we set the
* connections username and password.
* We also rewrite authentications in the URL to a standard header,
* since java does not handle them.
* @param header the Request.
* @param con the Connection.
private void handleAuthentications (HttpHeader header, Connection con) {
String uap = header.getHeader ("Proxy-Authorization");
if (uap != null)
handleProxyAuthentication (uap, con);
* Java URL:s doesn't handle user/pass in the URL as in rfc1738:
* //<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<url-path>
* Convert these to an Authorization header and remove from URI.
String requestURI = header.getRequestURI();
int s3, s4, s5;
if ((s3 = requestURI.indexOf("//")) >= 0
&& (s4 = requestURI.indexOf('/', s3 + 2)) >= 0
&& (s5 = requestURI.indexOf('@', s3 + 2)) >= 0
&& s5 < s4) {
String userPass = requestURI.substring(s3 + 2, s5);
header.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " +
header.setRequestURI(requestURI.substring(0, s3 + 2) +
requestURI.substring(s5 + 1));
/** Check if this is a noproxy request, and if so handle it.
* @param requri the requested resource.
* @param header the actual request.
* @param con the Connection.
* @return the new request URI
private String handleNoProxyRequest (String requri, HttpHeader header,
Connection con) {
requri = "http://" + requri.substring (NOPROXY.length ());
header.setRequestURI (requri);
con.setMayUseCache (false);
con.setMayCache (false);
con.setMayFilter (false);
return requri;
/** Check that the requested URL is valid and if it is a meta request.
* @param requri the requested resource.
* @param header the actual request.
* @param con the Connection.
private HttpHeader handleURLSetup (String requri, HttpHeader header,
Connection con) {
try {
// is this request to our self?
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
if (requri != null && requri.charAt (0) == '/') {
requri =
"http://" + proxy.getHost ().getHostName () +
":" + proxy.getPort () + requri;
header.setRequestURI (requri);
URL url = new URL (requri);
header.setHeader ("Host",
url.getPort () > -1 ?
url.getHost () + ":" + url.getPort () :
url.getHost ());
int urlport = url.getPort ();
// This could give a DNS-error if no DNS is available.
// And since we have not decided if we should proxy it
// up the chain yet, do string comparison..
// InetAddress urlhost = InetAddress.getByName (url.getHost ());
String uhost = url.getHost ();
if (proxy.isSelf (uhost, urlport)) {
con.setMayUseCache (false);
con.setMayCache (false);
con.setMayFilter (false);
if (!userHandler.isValidUser (con.getUserName (),
con.getPassword ())
&& !isPublic (url)) {
HttpHeader ret =
con.getHttpGenerator ().get407 (uhost + ":" +
urlport, url);
return ret;
con.setMeta (true);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get400 (e);
return null;
/** Remove all "Connection" tokens from the header.
* @param header the HttpHeader that needs to be cleaned.
private void removeConnectionTokens (HttpHeader header) {
List<String> cons = header.getHeaders ("Connection");
for (String val : cons) {
/* ok, split it... */
int s = -1;
int start = 0;
while (start < val.length ()) {
while (val.length () > start + 1
&& (val.charAt (start) == ' '
|| val.charAt (start) == ','))
if (val.length () > start + 1 && val.charAt (start) == '"') {
s = val.indexOf ('"', start);
while (s >= -1
&& val.charAt (s - 1) == '\\'
&& val.length () > s + 1)
s = val.indexOf ('"', s + 1);
if (s == -1)
s = val.length ();
String t = val.substring (start, s).trim ();
/* ok, unquote the value... */
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (t.length ());
for (int c = 0; c < t.length (); c++) {
char z = t.charAt (c);
if (z != '\\')
sb.append (z);
t = sb.toString ();
header.removeHeader (t);
s = val.indexOf (',', s + 1);
if (s == -1)
start = val.length ();
start = s + 1;
} else {
s = val.indexOf (',', start + 1);
if (s == -1)
s = val.length ();
String t = val.substring (start, s).trim ();
header.removeHeader (t);
start = s + 1;
private HttpHeader checkMaxForwards (Connection con, HttpHeader header,
String val) {
try {
BigInteger bi = new BigInteger (val);
if (bi.equals (ZERO)) {
if (header.getMethod ().equals ("TRACE")) {
HttpHeader ret = con.getHttpGenerator ().get200 ();
ret.setContent (header.toString ());
return ret;
} else {
HttpHeader ret = con.getHttpGenerator ().get200 ();
ret.setHeader ("Allow", "GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,TRACE");
ret.setHeader ("Content-Length", "0");
return ret;
} else {
BigInteger b3 = bi.subtract (ONE);
header.setHeader ("Max-Forwards", b3.toString ());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
proxy.getLogger ().logWarn ("Bad number for Max-Forwards: '" +
val + "'");
return null;
/** test if a socket/header combination is valid or return a new HttpHeader.
* @param socket the SocketChannel that made the request.
* @param header the actual request made.
* @param con the Connection handling the request.
* @return null if everything is fine or a HttpHeader describing
* the error (like a 403).
public HttpHeader doHttpInFiltering (SocketChannel socket,
HttpHeader header, Connection con) {
// ok, no real header then dont do a thing.
if (header.isDot9Request ()) {
con.setMayCache (false);
con.setMayUseCache (false);
con.setKeepalive (false);
return null;
handleAuthentications (header, con);
boolean maychunk = true;
boolean mayKeepAlive = true;
String requestVersion = header.getHTTPVersion ().toUpperCase ();
if (requestVersion.equals ("HTTP/1.1")) {
String host = header.getHeader ("Host");
if (host == null) {
Exception exe =
new Exception ("No host header set in HTTP/1.1 request");
HttpHeader ret =
con.getHttpGenerator ().get400 (exe);
return ret;
maychunk = true;
String closeit = header.getHeader ("Proxy-Connection");
if (closeit == null)
closeit = header.getHeader ("Connection");
mayKeepAlive = (closeit == null
|| !closeit.equalsIgnoreCase ("close"));
} else {
header.setHTTPVersion ("HTTP/1.1");
maychunk = false;
// stupid netscape to not follow the standards,
// only "Connection" should be used...
String keepalive = header.getHeader ("Proxy-Connection");
mayKeepAlive = (keepalive != null
&& keepalive.equalsIgnoreCase ("Keep-Alive"));
if (!mayKeepAlive) {
keepalive = header.getHeader ("Connection");
mayKeepAlive = (keepalive != null
&& keepalive.equalsIgnoreCase ("Keep-Alive"));
boolean useCached = true;
boolean cacheAllowed = true;
// damn how many system that use cookies with id's
System.out.println ("auth: " + header.getHeader ("authorization") +
", cookie:" + header.getHeader ("cookie") +
", Pragma: " + header.getHeader ("Pragma") +
", Cache: " + header.getHeader ("Cache-Control"));
//String cached = header.getHeader ("Pragma");
List<String> ccs = header.getHeaders ("Cache-Control");
for (String cached : ccs) {
cached = cached.trim ();
if (cached.equals ("no-store")) {
useCached = false;
cacheAllowed = false;
} else if (cached.equals ("no-cache")) {
useCached = false;
} else if (cached.equals ("no-transform")) {
useCached = false; // cache is transformed.
cacheAllowed = false; // dont store, no point.
con.setMayFilter (false);
ccs = header.getHeaders ("Pragma");
for (String cached : ccs) {
cached = cached.trim ();
if (cached.equals ("no-cache")) {
useCached = false;
String method = header.getMethod ().trim ();
if (!method.equals ("GET") && !method.equals ("HEAD")) {
useCached = false;
cacheAllowed = false;
//mayKeepAlive = false;
} else if (method.equals ("HEAD")) {
maychunk = false;
con.setChunking (maychunk);
String mf = header.getHeader ("Max-Forwards");
if (mf != null) {
HttpHeader ret = checkMaxForwards (con, header, mf);
if (ret != null) {
return ret;
String auths = header.getHeader ("authorization");
if (auths != null) {
useCached = false; // dont use cached files,
cacheAllowed = false; // and dont cache it.
} else if (cookieId) {
String cookie = header.getHeader ("cookie");
String lccookie = null;
if (cookie != null && // cookie-passwords suck.
(((lccookie = cookie.toLowerCase ()).indexOf ("password") >= 0)
|| (lccookie.indexOf ("id") >= 0))) {
useCached = false; // dont use cached files,
cacheAllowed = false; // and dont cache it.
con.setMayUseCache (useCached);
con.setMayCache (cacheAllowed);
con.setKeepalive (mayKeepAlive);
String requri = header.getRequestURI ();
if (requri.toLowerCase ().startsWith (NOPROXY))
requri = handleNoProxyRequest (requri, header, con);
HttpHeader headerr = handleURLSetup (requri, header, con);
if (headerr != null)
return headerr;
removeConnectionTokens (header);
int rsize = removes.size ();
for (int i = 0; i < rsize; i++) {
String r = removes.get (i);
header.removeHeader (r);
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
if (proxy.isProxyConnected ()) {
String auth = proxy.getProxyAuthString ();
// it should look like this (using RabbIT:RabbIT):
// Proxy-authorization: Basic UmFiYklUOlJhYmJJVA==
header.setHeader ("Proxy-authorization",
"Basic " + Coder.uuencode (auth));
// try to use keepalive backwards.
// This is not needed since it is a HTTP/1.1 request.
// header.setHeader ("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
return null;
private boolean checkCacheControl (String cachecontrol) {
String[] caches = cachecontrol.split (",");
for (String cached : caches) {
cached = cached.trim ();
if (cached.equals ("no-store"))
return false;
if (cached.equals ("private"))
return false;
return true;
/** test if a socket/header combination is valid or return a new HttpHeader.
* @param socket the SocketChannel that made the request.
* @param header the actual response made.
* @param con the Connection handling the request.
* @return null if everything is fine or a HttpHeader
* describing the error (like a 403).
public HttpHeader doHttpOutFiltering (SocketChannel socket,
HttpHeader header, Connection con) {
boolean useCache = true;
//String cached = header.getHeader ("Pragma");
List<String> ccs = header.getHeaders ("Cache-Control");
for (String cached : ccs) {
if (cached != null)
useCache &= checkCacheControl (cached);
String status = header.getStatusCode ().trim ();
if (!(status.equals ("200") || status.equals ("206")
|| status.equals ("304"))) {
con.setKeepalive (false);
useCache = false;
String age = header.getHeader ("Age");
long secs = 0;
if (age == null)
age = "0";
try {
secs = Long.parseLong (age);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// ignore, we already have a warning for this..
if (secs > 60 * 60 * 24)
header.setHeader ("Warning", "113 RabbIT \"Heuristic expiration\"");
header.setResponseHTTPVersion ("HTTP/1.1");
con.setMayCache (useCache);
/** Dont filter compressed pages...
someone else has already thought about speed... */
String ce = header.getHeader ("Content-Encoding");
if (ce != null &&
(ce.equalsIgnoreCase ("gzip")
|| (ce.equalsIgnoreCase ("compress"))))
con.setMayFilter (false);
/** Try to make sure that IE can handle NTLM authentication. */
/** This does not work. */
List ls = header.getHeaders ("WWW-Authenticate");
for (Iterator i = ls.iterator (); i.hasNext (); ) {
String s = (String) ();
if (s.indexOf ("Negotiate") != -1 ||
s.indexOf ("NTLM") != -1) {
con.setMayFilter (false);
con.setChunking (false);
removeConnectionTokens (header);
for (String r : removes)
header.removeHeader (r);
String d = header.getHeader ("Date");
if (d == null) {
// ok, maybe we should check if there is an Age set
// otherwise we can do like this.
header.setHeader ("Date",
HttpDateParser.getDateString (new Date ()));
String cl = header.getHeader ("Content-Length");
if (cl == null)
if (!con.getChunking ())
con.setKeepalive (false);
return null;
/** Setup this class with the given properties.
* @param properties the new configuration of this class.
public void setup (Logger logger, SProperties properties) {
removes.clear ();
String rs = properties.getProperty ("remove", "");
String[] sts = rs.split (",");
for (String r : sts)
removes.add (r.trim ());
String userFile = properties.getProperty ("userfile", "conf/users");
userHandler.setFile (userFile, logger);
String cid = properties.getProperty ("cookieid", "false");
cookieId = cid.equals ("true");
/** Check if a given url is a public URL of the Proxy.
* @param url the URL to check.
* @return true if this url has public access, false otherwise.
public boolean isPublic (URL url) {
String file = url.getFile ();
if (file.startsWith ("/FileSender/public/"))
return true;
return false;