Examples of Range

@author Portet to jme3 by user starcom "Paul Kashofer Austria" @see ImageGraphics
  • com.lightcrafts.mediax.jai.util.Range
    A class to represent ranges of values. A range is defined to contain all the values between the minimum and maximum values, where the minimum/maximum value can be considered either included or excluded from the range.

    This example creates a range of Integers whose minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 5. The range is inclusive at both ends:

    Range intRange = new Range(Integer.class, new Integer(1), new Integer(5));

    A Range can be unbounded at either or both of its ends. An unbounded end is specified by passing null for the value of that end. A Range unbounded at both of its ends represents a range of all possible values for the Class of elements in that Range. The isMinIncluded() method will always return true for a Range unbounded on the minimum side and correspondingly the isMaxIncluded() method will always return true for a Range unbounded on the maximum side.

    An empty range is defined as a Range whose minimum value is greater than it's maximum value if the ends are included, or as a Range whose minimum value is greater than or equal to it's maximum value, if the minimum or the maximum value is excluded. @since JAI 1.1

  • com.linkedin.databus.core.util.Range
    A class representing a range of offsets from startOffset to endOffset All elements from startOffset until endOffset-1 are included in the range. Two ranges are comparable based on their startOffsets only. @author sdas
  • com.mdimension.jchronic.utils.Range
  • com.nordija.midtier.utilitybeans.sequence.entitybean.Range
  • com.positive.charts.data.Range
    Represents an immutable range of values.
  • com.projity.field.Range
    Stores min and max values as well as optional error message You can set min, max or both
  • com.pugh.sockso.music.stream.RangeStream.Range
  • com.rackspacecloud.blueflood.types.Range
  • com.redcareditor.onig.Range
  • com.s3auth.hosts.Range
    Range of data. @author Yegor Bugayenko (yegor@tpc2.com) @version $Id$ @since 0.0.1
  • com.senseidb.search.client.req.Range

    Matches documents with fields that have terms within a certain range. The type of the Sensei query depends on the field type, for string fields, the TermRangeQuery, while for number/date fields, the query is a NumericRangeQuery. The following example returns all documents where age is between 10 and 20:

    The range query top level parameters include:

  • com.sk89q.intake.parametric.annotation.Range
  • com.spatial4j.core.shape.impl.Range
    INTERNAL: A numeric range between a pair of numbers. Perhaps this class could become 1st class citizen extending Shape but not now. Only public so is accessible from tests in another package.
  • com.strobel.decompiler.ast.Range
  • com.sun.grid.jgdi.configuration.Range
  • com.torrent4j.util.Range
  • de.jungblut.partition.Boundaries.Range
  • de.linwave.gtm.query.Range
    @author ljoeckel
  • de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.server.Range
    Bean mit moeglichen Zeitraeumen.
  • dovetaildb.bagindex.Range
  • edu.cmu.sphinx.util.Range
  • edu.washington.cs.knowitall.commonlib.Range
  • elemental.ranges.Range
  • er.chronic.utils.Range
  • general.Range
  • gherkin.formatter.model.Range
  • groovy.lang.Range
    A Range represents the list of all items obtained by starting from a from value and calling next() successively until you reach the to value. For a reverse range, the list is obtained by starting at the to value and successively calling previous() until the from value is reached. @author James Strachan @version $Revision: 18728 $
  • hudson.plugins.performance.PerformanceProjectAction.Range
  • info.monitorenter.util.Range
  • jaitools.numeric.Range
  • javax.media.jai.util.Range
    A class to represent ranges of values. A range is defined to contain all the values between the minimum and maximum values, where the minimum/maximum value can be considered either included or excluded from the range.

    This example creates a range of Integers whose minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 5. The range is inclusive at both ends:

    Range intRange = new Range(Integer.class, new Integer(1), new Integer(5));

    A Range can be unbounded at either or both of its ends. An unbounded end is specified by passing null for the value of that end. A Range unbounded at both of its ends represents a range of all possible values for the Class of elements in that Range. The isMinIncluded() method will always return true for a Range unbounded on the minimum side and correspondingly the isMaxIncluded() method will always return true for a Range unbounded on the maximum side.

    An empty range is defined as a Range whose minimum value is greater than it's maximum value if the ends are included, or as a Range whose minimum value is greater than or equal to it's maximum value, if the minimum or the maximum value is excluded. @since JAI 1.1

  • jxl.Range
    Represents a 3-D range of cells in a workbook. This object is returned by the method findByName in a workbook
  • krasa.formatter.plugin.Range
    @author Vojtech Krasa
  • mf.org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
    3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification. @since DOM Level 2
  • net.algart.math.Range
    ns.apache.org/lang/api-2.4/org/apache/commons/lang/math/DoubleRange.html" id="dummy">org.apache.commons.lang.math.DoubleRange.

    The minimum number ( {@link #min()}) is never greater than the maximum number ( {@link #max()}), and both numbers are never Double.NaN.

    This class is immutable and thread-safe: there are no ways to modify settings of the created instance.

    AlgART Laboratory 2007–2014

    @author Daniel Alievsky @version 1.2 @since JDK 1.5 @see IRange
  • net.firstpartners.spreadsheet.Range
    A range is just a holder for a group of named cells @author paul
  • net.gereon.jloom.syntax.Range
  • net.mindengine.galen.specs.Range
  • net.pms.dlna.Range
  • net.sf.laja.parser.engine2.element.Range
  • net.sf.laja.parser.grammar.element.Range
  • net.sf.mzmine.util.Range
    This class represents a range of doubles.
  • net.sf.rej.util.Range
  • objd.collection.Range
  • oms3.annotations.Range
  • org.ajax4jsf.model.Range
    Marker interface for building iterator over dataModel values. over {@link ExtendedDataModel} elements. It can be simplemin/max values for data table, but also can provide set of expanded/collapsed nodes in tree, can provide sorting order, @author shura
  • org.apache.abdera.i18n.rfc4646.Range
    A language range used for matching language tags
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Range
    This class is used to specify a range of Accumulo Keys.
  • org.apache.accumulo.proxy.thrift.Range
  • org.apache.ace.range.Range
    Class that captures a simple, modifiable range.
  • org.apache.aurora.gen.Range
  • org.apache.cassandra.dht.Range
    A representation of the range that a node is responsible for on the DHT ring. Author : Avinash Lakshman ( alakshman@facebook.com) & Prashant Malik ( pmalik@facebook.com )
  • org.apache.commons.lang.math.Range

    Range represents a range of numbers of the same type.

    Specific subclasses hold the range values as different types. Each subclass should be immutable and {@link java.io.Serializable Serializable}if possible.

    @author Stephen Colebourne @since 2.0 @version $Id: Range.java 161243 2005-04-14 04:30:28Z ggregory $
  • org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SortedRanges.Range
  • org.apache.mahout.ga.watchmaker.cd.tool.DescriptionUtils.Range
  • org.apache.mesos.Protos.Value.Range
  • org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.util.Range
    Used for SelectRangeChoiceBar to allow the app developer to customize the labels to not use numbers, but to use the data model. @version $Name: $ ($Revision: adfrt/faces/adf-faces-impl/src/main/java/oracle/adfinternal/view/faces/util/Range.java#0 $) $Date: 10-nov-2005.18:49:12 $ @author The Oracle ADF Faces Team
  • org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Range
    This class is the central class of the HWPF object model. All properties that apply to a range of characters in a Word document extend this class. It is possible to insert text and/or properties at the beginning or end of a range. Ranges are only valid if there hasn't been an insert in a prior Range since the Range's creation. Once an element (text, paragraph, etc.) has been inserted into a Range, subsequent Ranges become unstable. @author Ryan Ackley
  • org.apache.qpid.transport.Range
    Range @author Rafael H. Schloming
  • org.apache.sandesha2.util.Range
    Data structure to represent a range of values from lowerValue->upperValue inclusive.
  • org.apache.sis.measure.Range
    A set of minimum and maximum values of a certain class, allowing a user to determine if a value of the same class is contained inside the range. The minimum and maximum values do not have to be included in the range, and can be null. If the minimum or maximum values are null, the range is said to be unbounded on that endpoint. If both the minimum and maximum are null, the range is completely unbounded and all values of that class are contained within the range. Null values are always considered exclusive, since iterations over the values will never reach the infinite endpoint.

    The minimal and maximal values (the endpoints) may be inclusive or exclusive. Numeric ranges where both endpoints are inclusive are called closed intervals and are represented by square brackets, for example " {@code [0 … 255]}". Numeric ranges where both endpoints are exclusive are called open intervals and are represented by parenthesis, for example " {@code (0 … 256)}".

    {@section Type and value of range elements}To be a member of a {@code Range}, the {@code } type defining the range must implement the{@link Comparable} interface. All argument values given to the methods of this class shall beor contain instances of that {@code } type. The type is enforced by parameterized type,but some subclasses may put additional constraints. For example {@link MeasurementRange} willadditionally checks the units of measurement. Consequently every methods defined in this class may throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if a given argument does not meet some constraintbeyond the type. {@section Relationship with ISO 19123 definition of range}The ISO 19123 standard (Coverage geometry and functions) defines the range as the set (either finite or {@linkplain org.opengis.geometry.TransfiniteSet transfinite}) of feature attribute values associated by a function (the {@linkplain org.opengis.coverage.Coverage coverage}) with the elements of the coverage domain. In other words, if we see a coverage as a function, then a range is the set of possible return values.

    The characteristics of the spatial domain are defined by the ISO 19123 standard whereas the characteristics of the attribute range are not part of that standard. In Apache SIS, those characteristics are described by the {@link org.apache.sis.coverage.SampleDimension} class,which may contain one or many {@code Range} instances. Consequently this {@code Range} classis closely related, but not identical, to the ISO 19123 definition or range.

    Ranges are not necessarily numeric. Numeric and non-numeric ranges can be associated to {@linkplain org.opengis.coverage.DiscreteCoverage discrete coverages}, while typically only numeric ranges can be associated to {@linkplain org.opengis.coverage.ContinuousCoverage continuous coverages}.

    @param < E> The type of range elements, typically a {@link Number} subclass or {@link java.util.Date}. @author Joe White @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys) @author Jody Garnett (for parameterized type inspiration) @since 0.3 @version 0.3 @module @see RangeFormat @see org.apache.sis.util.collection.RangeSet
  • org.boris.expr.engine.Range
  • org.broad.igv.feature.Range
    Basic class to specify a genomic interval. Coordinates are intended to be 0-based half-open Please do not add or remove any fields (want to keep it very simple). Additional methods for calculating overlap are okay @author jacob @author 2013-May-20
  • org.easymock.internal.Range
  • org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.coordinate.Range
    Represents an Range of numbers. Example a Range of selected rows: 1 - 100 Ranges are inclusive of their start value and not inclusive of their end value, i.e. start <= x < end
  • org.erlide.wrangler.refactoring.util.Range
    Selection range in text documents. @author Gyorgy Orosz @version %I%, %G%
  • org.exoplatform.services.jcr.webdav.Range
    @author Andrey Parfonov @version $Id: $
  • org.fusesource.hawtdb.internal.util.Ranges.Range
  • org.geotools.processing.jai.nodata.Range
    Abstract class used for checking if a selected value is inside the selected Range. All the methods throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}but for every subclass one of these methods is overridden with the correct functionality. These 6 methods are different only for the data type used. In this way it is possible to reach a better performance by using primitive variables than generic. All the subclasses can contain a Range composed by a minimum and a maximum or a single-point Range. For Double and Float data type the NaN data can be used only with a single-point Range. @author Nicola Lagomarsini, GeoSolutions S.A.S.
  • org.geotools.util.Range
    A range between a minimum and maximum comparable. The minimum/maximum may be included, excluded or unbounded. The later case is indicated by {@code null} values on one or both ends.

    This class is a method compatible replacement for the {@link javax.media.jai.util.Range} classwith the following differences:

    • Unbounded ranges (i.e. {@code null} minimal or maximal values) are consideredexclusive rather than inclusive, since an iteration over the values will never reach the infinite bound. This interpretation brings some simplification in implementation and usage (e.g. a loop over the values should not attempt to process the {@code null} value).

    • {@link #subtract} returns an empty array if the whole range is subtracted.

    The exact {@linkplain #getElementClass element class} doesn't need to be known at compile time.Widening conversions are allowed as needed (subclasses like {@link NumberRange} do that). Thisclass is weakly parameterized in order to allow this flexibility. If any constructor or method is invoked with an argument value of illegal class, then an {@link IllegalArgumentException} isthrown. The {@link ClassCastException} is thrown only in case of bug in the {@code Range} classor subclasses implementation. @param < T> The type of range elements, typically {@link java.util.Date} or some subclassof {@link Number}. @since 2.5 @source $URL$ @version $Id$ @author Jody Garnett @author Martin Desruisseaux @see javax.media.jai.util.Range
  • org.gephi.filters.api.Range
    @author Mathieu Bastian
  • org.goda.chronic.utils.Range
    @author kebernet
  • org.hibernate.validator.Range
  • org.hyperdex.client.Range
  • org.infoglue.cms.util.validators.Range
    Time is running out, the illusion fades away... This package will be refactored/extended after iteration 1. - move to com.holigrow.yoda.util.validators ? - interfaces + factory - constructor madness (setXXX instead of N constructors?) - more validators - more fun @@author Patrik Nyborg
  • org.iq80.leveldb.Range
    chirino.com">Hiram Chirino
  • org.jaitools.numeric.Range
  • org.jblas.ranges.Range

    The Range interface represents basically a set of indices. Before using a range you have to call init() with the actually available lower and upper bounds, such that you can also have an "AllRange" which contains all possible indices.

    Further operations include:

    • length() - returns total number of elements.
    • next() - increase counter (use value()) to retrieve the value.
    • index() - get the index of the current value.
    • value() - get the current value.
    • hasMore() - more indices available.

    Typical uses look like this:

        for (r.init(lower, upper); r.hasMore(); r.next()) { System.out.printf("Value number %d is %d%n", index(), value()); }
  • org.jfree.data.Range
    Represents an immutable range of values.
  • org.jgroups.util.Range
  • org.jruby.compiler.ir.operands.Range
  • org.jruby.ir.operands.Range
  • org.jzy3d.maths.Range
  • org.kitesdk.data.spi.predicates.Range
  • org.mitre.medfacts.zoner.ZonerCli.Range
  • org.neo4j.support.versioning.Range
  • org.newdawn.slick.particles.ConfigurableEmitter.Range
  • org.onebusaway.collections.Range
  • org.openhab.binding.astro.internal.model.Range
    Range class which holds a start and a end calendar object. @author Gerhard Riegler @since 1.6.0
  • org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.mappaint.Range
    An interval of the form "lower < x <= upper" where 0 <= lower < upper. (upper can be Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) immutable class
  • org.radargun.stages.helpers.Range
  • org.restlet.client.data.Range
    Describes a range of bytes. @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.restlet.data.Range
    Describes a range of bytes. @author Jerome Louvel
  • org.rstudio.studio.client.workbench.views.source.editors.text.ace.Range
  • org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.condition.ConditionalOnJava.Range
  • org.springframework.data.keyvalue.redis.connection.SortParameters.Range
  • org.springframework.data.redis.connection.SortParameters.Range
  • org.springframework.data.redis.samples.retwisj.Range
    Basic object indicating a range of objects to retrieve. Default is 10 objects (starting at zero). @author Costin Leau
  • org.springmodules.validation.bean.conf.loader.annotation.handler.Range
  • org.swtchart.Range
    A range.
  • org.w3c.dom.ranges.Range
    3.org/TR/2000/REC-DOM-Level-2-Traversal-Range-20001113'>Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Specification. @since DOM Level 2
  • org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Range
    An immutable range of two locations integers
  • org.xtreemfs.babudb.replication.service.ReplicationStage.Range
  • org.zkoss.zss.model.Range
    Specify a 2D range within a spread sheet. @author henrichen
  • progs.lib.Range
    @author KRishna Atkuru
  • rabbit.io.Range
    A class to handle a range. @author Robert Olofsson
  • railo.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitString.Range
  • ru.vassaev.core.types.Range
  • thredds.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Range
  • ucar.ma2.Range
    Represents a set of integers, used as an index for arrays. It should be considered as a subset of the interval of integers [0, length-1] inclusive. For example Range(1:11:3) represents the set of integers {1,4,7,10} Immutable.

    Ranges are monotonically increasing. Elements must be nonnegative. EMPTY is the empty Range. VLEN is for variable length dimensions.

    Note last is inclusive, so standard iteration is

     for (int i=range.first(); i<=range.last(); i+= range.stride()) { ... } or use: Range.Iterator iter = timeRange.getIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { int index = iter.next(); ... } 
    @author caron
  • weka.core.Range
    Class representing a range of cardinal numbers. The range is set by a string representation such as:

    first-last 1,2,3,4

    or combinations thereof. The range is internally converted from 1-based to 0-based (so methods that set or get numbers not in string format should use 0-based numbers). @author Len Trigg (trigg@cs.waikato.ac.nz) @version $Revision: 1.18 $

  • Examples of org.waveprotocol.wave.model.document.util.Range

    Name Description
    from The lower bound. Defaults to start from the first.
    to The upper bound. Defaults to unbounded.
    include_lower Should the first from (if set) be inclusive or not. Defaults to true
    include_upper Should the last to (if set) be inclusive or not. Defaults to true.
        assertEquals(expectedContent, result);

      protected void assertCollapsedAt(
          int location, Range actual) {
        assertEquals(new Range(location, location), actual);
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    Examples of org.xtreemfs.babudb.replication.service.ReplicationStage.Range

            LSN next = new LSN (actual.getViewId(), actual.getSequenceNo() + 1L);

            if (stage.missing != null &&
                next.compareTo(stage.missing.end) < 0) {
                stage.missing = new Range(actual, stage.missing.end);
                stage.setLogic(REQUEST, "There are still some logEntries " +
                        "missing after loading the database.");
            } else {
                String msg = (loaded) ? "Loading finished with LSN(" + actual +
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    Examples of org.zkoss.zss.model.Range

        List evts = ssl.getList();
        assertEquals(1, evts.size());
        SSDataEvent ev = (SSDataEvent)evts.get(0);
        Range org = ev.getRange();

        assertEquals(SSDataEvent.CONTENTS_CHANGE, ev.getType());
        assertEquals(2, org.getLeft());
        assertEquals(1, org.getTop());
        assertEquals(2, org.getRight());
        assertEquals(1, org.getBottom());
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    Examples of progs.lib.Range

    * author: KRishna Atkuru
    public class IntervalOverlap {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
        Range[] values = {new Range(5, 20), new Range(2, 7), new Range(30, 55)};
        List<Range> rangeList = new ArrayList<Range>();
        Collections.addAll(rangeList, values);
        List<Range> returnList = new ArrayList<Range>();
        Range previousElement = rangeList.remove(0);
        while (rangeList.size() > 0) {
          Range currentElement = rangeList.remove(0);
          if (previousElement.getHigh() >= currentElement.getLow()) {
            previousElement.setHigh(currentElement.getHigh() > previousElement.getHigh()
                ? currentElement.getHigh() : previousElement.getHigh());
          } else {
            returnList.add(new Range(previousElement));
            previousElement = currentElement;
        for (Range range : returnList) {
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    Examples of rabbit.io.Range

          rh.webHeader.removeHeader ("Content-Length");
          String CT =
        "multipart/byteranges; boundary=THIS_STRING_SEPARATES";
          rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Type", CT);
      } else {
          Range r = ranges.get (0);
          rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Range",
                "bytes " + r.getStart () + "-" +
                r.getEnd () + "/" + totalSize);
          rh.size = (r.getEnd () - r.getStart () + 1);
          rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Length", "" + rh.size);
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    Examples of railo.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitString.Range

        IOUtil.write(staticTextLocation, str, CharsetUtil.UTF8, append);
        Range r = new Range(off,str.length());
        return r;
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    Examples of ru.vassaev.core.types.Range

          if (pn == null)
        void exec0(Context cntx, StringBuffer s, String p) throws SysException {
          Range r = new Range(p);
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    Examples of thredds.catalog.ThreddsMetadata.Range

          // try north south, east west
          if (geoCoverage.getNorthSouthRange() != null) {         
            Range nsRange = geoCoverage.getNorthSouthRange();
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "NorthSouthRangeStart",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "NorthSouthRangeResolution",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "NorthSouthRangeSize",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "NorthSouthRangeUnits",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "NorthSouthRangeStop",

          if (geoCoverage.getEastWestRange() != null) {
            Range nsRange = geoCoverage.getEastWestRange();
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "EastWestRangeStart",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "EastWestRangeResolution",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "EastWestRangeSize",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "EastWestRangeUnits",
            ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "EastWestRangeStop",

          ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "GeospatialCoverageLatitudeResolution",
          ProfileUtils.addIfNotNull(met, "GeospatialCoverageLongitudeResolution",
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    Examples of ucar.ma2.Range

            Array dataArray = Array.factory(DataType.FLOAT, section.getShape());
            GradsVariable gradsVar = findVar(v2);

            // Canonical ordering is ens, time, level, lat, lon
            int           rangeIdx  = 0;
            Range         ensRange  = (gradsDDF.getEnsembleDimension() != null)
                                      ? section.getRange(rangeIdx++)
                                      : new Range(0, 0);
            Range         timeRange = (section.getRank() > 2)
                                      ? section.getRange(rangeIdx++)
                                      : new Range(0, 0);
            Range         levRange  = (gradsVar.getNumLevels() > 0)
                                      ? section.getRange(rangeIdx++)
                                      : new Range(0, 0);
            Range         yRange    = section.getRange(rangeIdx++);
            Range         xRange    = section.getRange(rangeIdx);

            IndexIterator ii        = dataArray.getIndexIterator();

            // loop over ens
            for (int ensIdx = ensRange.first(); ensIdx <= ensRange.last();
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    Examples of weka.core.Range

      public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
        String  tmpStr;
        String  classname;
        String[]  options2;
        Vector  objects;
        Range  range;


        setRemoveUnused(Utils.getFlag("U", options));

        objects = new Vector();
        while ((tmpStr = Utils.getOption("F", options)).length() != 0) {
          options2    = Utils.splitOptions(tmpStr);
          classname      = options2[0];
          options2[0] = "";
          objects.add(Utils.forName(Filter.class, classname, options2));

        // at least one filter
        if (objects.size() == 0)
          objects.add(new AllFilter());

        setFilters((Filter[]) objects.toArray(new Filter[objects.size()]));

        objects = new Vector();
        while ((tmpStr = Utils.getOption("R", options)).length() != 0) {
          if (tmpStr.startsWith("inv(") && tmpStr.endsWith(")")) {
      range = new Range(tmpStr.substring(4, tmpStr.length() - 1));
          else {
      range = new Range(tmpStr);

        // at least one Range
        if (objects.size() == 0)
          objects.add(new Range("first-last"));

        setRanges((Range[]) objects.toArray(new Range[objects.size()]));

        // is number of filters the same as ranges?
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