package rabbit.proxy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import rabbit.handler.BaseHandler;
import rabbit.http.HttpHeader;
import rabbit.http.ContentRangeParser;
import rabbit.util.Logger;
/** A class that tries to setup a resource from the cache
* @author <a href="">Robert Olofsson</a>
public class SCC {
private Connection con;
private HttpHeader header;
private ByteBuffer buffer;
private Connection.RequestHandler rh;
public SCC (Connection con, HttpHeader header, ByteBuffer buffer,
Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
this.con = con;
this.header = header;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.rh = rh;
private Logger getLogger () {
return con.getLogger ();
* @return null if everything looks ok, non-null on an errornous request.
public HttpHeader establish () throws IOException {
String ifRange = header.getHeader ("If-Range");
boolean mayRange = true;
rh.webHeader = rh.dataHook;
if (ifRange != null) {
String etag = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("ETag");
if (etag != null) {
/* rfc is fuzzy about if it should be weak or strong match here.
mayRange =
checkWeakEtag (rh.webheader.getHeader ("ETag"), ifRange);
mayRange = con.checkStrongEtag (etag, ifRange);
} else {
// we can't use strong validators on dates!
mayRange = false;
CacheChecker cck = new CacheChecker ();
boolean cc = cck.checkConditions (con, header, rh.webHeader);
if (mayRange && !cc) {
// abort...
rh.webHeader = null;
rh.content = null;
return null;
} else if (!cc) {
rh.content = null;
return null;
List<Range> ranges = null;
if (mayRange) {
try {
ranges = getRanges (header, rh);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return con.getHttpGenerator ().get416 (e);
con.setChunking (false);
if (ranges != null) {
long totalSize = getTotalSize (rh);
if (!haveAllRanges (ranges, rh, totalSize)) {
// abort and get from web..
rh.webHeader = null;
rh.content = null;
return null;
setupRangedEntry (ifRange, ranges, totalSize);
} else {
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
rh.content =
new CacheResourceSource (proxy.getCache (), rh.entry, proxy);
rh.size = rh.entry.getSize ();
rh.webHeader.setStatusCode ("200");
rh.webHeader.setReasonPhrase ("OK");
setAge ();
// do we have a handler for it?
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
String ctype = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Content-Type");
if (ctype != null)
rh.handlerFactory = proxy.getCacheHandlerFactory (ctype);
if (rh.handlerFactory == null || ranges != null)
// Simply send, its already filtered.
rh.handlerFactory = new BaseHandler ();
WarningsHandler wh = new WarningsHandler ();
wh.removeWarnings (getLogger (), rh.webHeader, false);
return null;
private void setupRangedEntry (String ifRange, List<Range> ranges,
long totalSize)
throws IOException {
HttpProxy proxy = con.getProxy ();
rh.content =
new RandomCacheResourceSource (proxy.getCache (),
rh, proxy,
ranges, totalSize);
con.setChunking (false);
rh.webHeader =
con.getHttpGenerator ().get206 (ifRange, rh.webHeader);
con.setStatusCode ("206");
if (ranges.size () > 1) {
//prepare multipart...
rh.webHeader.removeHeader ("Content-Length");
String CT =
"multipart/byteranges; boundary=THIS_STRING_SEPARATES";
rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Type", CT);
} else {
Range r = ranges.get (0);
rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Range",
"bytes " + r.getStart () + "-" +
r.getEnd () + "/" + totalSize);
rh.size = (r.getEnd () - r.getStart () + 1);
rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Content-Length", "" + rh.size);
private void setAge () {
String age = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Age");
long now = System.currentTimeMillis ();
long secs = (now - rh.entry.getCacheTime ()) / 1000;
if (age != null) {
try {
long l = Long.parseLong (age);
secs += l;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
getLogger ().logWarn ("bad Age : '" + age + "'");
rh.webHeader.setHeader ("Age", "" + secs);
private List<Range> getRanges (HttpHeader header, Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
//Range: bytes=10-,11-10\r\n
List<String> ranges = header.getHeaders ("Range");
int z = ranges.size ();
if (z == 0)
return null;
List<Range> ret = new ArrayList<Range> ();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < z; i++) {
String rs = ((String)ranges.get (i)).trim ();
if (!rs.startsWith ("bytes"))
return null;
rs = rs.substring (5);
int j = rs.indexOf ('=');
if (j == -1)
return null;
rs = rs.substring (j + 1);
String[] st = rs.split (",");
for (String r : st) {
Range range = parseRange (r);
if (range == null)
return null;
ret.add (range);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
return ret;
private static final String SBTZ =
"bad range: start bigger than size";
private static final String SAELTZ =
"bad range: start and end both less than zero";
private static final String SLTZ =
"bad range: start less than zero";
private static final String FR =
"bad range: full range";
private Range parseRange (String r) {
int d = r.indexOf ('-');
if (d == -1)
throw new NumberFormatException ("bad range: no '-'");
String s = r.substring (0, d).trim ();
String e = r.substring (d + 1).trim ();
long start = -1;
long end = -1;
long size = rh.entry.getSize ();
if (s.length () > 0) {
start = Integer.parseInt (s);
if (e.length () > 0) {
end = Integer.parseInt (e);
} else {
// to the end...
end = size;
if (start > size)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (SBTZ);
if (start > end) // ignore this...
return null;
if (start < 0 || end < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (SAELTZ);
return new Range (start, end);
} else if (e.length () > 0) {
// no start so this many bytes from the end...
start = Integer.parseInt (e);
if (start < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException (SLTZ);
start = size - start;
end = size;
return new Range (start, end);
} else {
// "-"
throw new NumberFormatException (FR);
private long getTotalSize (Connection.RequestHandler rh) {
String cr = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Content-Range");
if (cr != null) {
int i = cr.lastIndexOf ('/');
if (i != -1) {
return Long.parseLong (cr.substring (i + 1));
String cl = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Content-Length");
if (cl != null)
return Long.parseLong (cl);
// ok fallback...
return rh.entry.getSize ();
private boolean haveAllRanges (List<Range> ranges,
Connection.RequestHandler rh,
long totalSize) {
// do we have all of it?
if (rh.entry.getSize () == totalSize)
return true;
// check each range...
// TODO add support for many parts...
//Content-Range: bytes 0-4/25\r\n
String cr = rh.webHeader.getHeader ("Content-Range");
if (cr == null) // TODO check if its ok to return true here..
// if we do not have a content range we ought to have full resource.
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < ranges.size (); i++) {
Range r = ranges.get (i);
long start = r.getStart ();
long end = r.getEnd ();
String t = "bytes " + start + "-" + end + "/" + totalSize;
if (!t.equals (cr)) {
ContentRangeParser crp =
new ContentRangeParser (cr, getLogger ());
if (crp.isValid ()) {
if (crp.getStart () > start || crp.getEnd () < end)
return false;
return true;