Examples of PublishKey

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

         int numPub = 8;
         log.info("============ STEP 2: Publish " + numPub + " PtP messages");
         MsgUnit[] sentArr = new MsgUnit[numPub];
         PublishReturnQos[] sentQos = new PublishReturnQos[numPub];
         for(int i=0; i<numPub; i++) {
            PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(glob, oid, "text/xml", "1.0");
            PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
            Destination dest = new Destination(glob, new SessionName(glob, sessionNameRcv));
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey


      try {

         byte[] content = "this is the content".getBytes();
         PublishKey key = new PublishKey(glob, "someKey");
         PublishQosServer publishQosServer = new PublishQosServer(glob, "<qos><persistent/></qos>");
         MsgQosData msgQosData = publishQosServer.getData();
         ((MsgQosSaxFactory)glob.getMsgQosFactory()).sendRemainingLife(false); // so we can compare the toXml() directly
         // populate it
         String state = Constants.STATE_EXPIRED;

         msgQosData.setSender(new SessionName(glob, "somebody"));
         MsgUnit msgUnit  = new MsgUnit(key.toXml(), content, msgQosData.toXml());

         log.fine("Testing" + msgQosData.toXml());

         SessionName receiver = new SessionName(glob, "receiver1");
         String subscriptionId = "subid";
         int redeliverCounter = 2;
         boolean updateOneway = true;
         org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope global = new org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope();
         MsgUnitWrapper msgWrapper = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, msgUnit, queue.getStorageId());
         MsgQueueUpdateEntry entry = new MsgQueueUpdateEntry(global, msgWrapper, queue.getStorageId(),
                                         receiver, subscriptionId, updateOneway);

         queue.put(entry, false);
         I_QueueEntry returnEntry = queue.peek();

         boolean isUpdate = (returnEntry instanceof MsgQueueUpdateEntry);
         assertTrue("updateEntry: the return value is not an update ", isUpdate);
         MsgQueueUpdateEntry updateEntry = (MsgQueueUpdateEntry)returnEntry;

         assertEquals("The subscriptionId of the entry is different ", subscriptionId, updateEntry.getSubscriptionId());
         assertEquals("The state of the entry is different ", state, updateEntry.getState());
         assertEquals("The redeliverCounter of the entry is different ", redeliverCounter, updateEntry.getRedeliverCounter());
         assertEquals("The priority of the entry is different ", entry.getPriority(), updateEntry.getPriority());
         assertEquals("The oneway of the entry is different ", updateOneway, updateEntry.updateOneway());
         assertEquals("The persistent of the entry is different ", entry.isPersistent(), updateEntry.isPersistent());
         assertEquals("The receiver of the entry is different ", entry.getReceiver().toString(), updateEntry.getReceiver().toString());
         assertEquals("The uniqueId of the entry is different ", entry.getUniqueId(), updateEntry.getUniqueId());
         assertEquals("The msgUnitWrapperUniqueId of the entry is different ", entry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId(), updateEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId());
         assertEquals("The topic oid of the entry is different ", entry.getKeyOid(), updateEntry.getKeyOid());
         assertEquals("The topic oid of the entry is different ", entry.getStorageId().getId(), updateEntry.getStorageId().getId());
         log.info("SUCCESS: MsgQueueUpdateEntry: Persistent fields are read as expected");

         MsgUnit retMsgUnit = null;
         try {
            retMsgUnit = updateEntry.getMsgUnit();
         catch (Throwable e) {  // Should not happen for RAM queue
            log.severe("Lookup failed, probably engine.Global has no Requestbroker, wi ignore the problem: " + e.getMessage());
         MsgQosData retMsgQosData = updateEntry.getMsgQosData();

         log.fine("Received" + retMsgQosData.toXml());

         // check message unit:
         assertEquals("The key of the message unit is different ", key.getOid(), retMsgUnit.getKeyData().getOid());
         assertEquals("The content of the message unit is different ", new String(retMsgUnit.getContent()), new String(content));
         //assertEquals("The qos of the message unit is different ", retMsgUnit.getQosData().isPersistent(), publishQosServer.isPersistent());
         //assertEquals("The qos of the message unit is different OLD="+oldXml+" NEW="+newXml, oldXml, newXml);

         assertEquals("msgQosData check failure: getSubscriptionId      ", msgQosData.getSubscriptionId(), retMsgQosData.getSubscriptionId());
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

    * Create a topic.
   public void createTopic(String keyOid, TopicProperty topicProperty) {
      log.info("Creating topic " + keyOid);
      try {
         PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(glob, publishOid, "text/xml", "1.0");
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, senderContent, pq);
         PublishReturnQos publishReturnQos = con.publish(msgUnit);
         assertEquals("Retunred oid is invalid", publishOid, publishReturnQos.getKeyOid());
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey


      try {

         byte[] content = "this is the content".getBytes();
         PublishKey key = new PublishKey(glob, "someKey");
         PublishQosServer publishQosServer = new PublishQosServer(glob, "<qos><persistent/></qos>");
         MsgQosData msgQosData = publishQosServer.getData();
         ((MsgQosSaxFactory)glob.getMsgQosFactory()).sendRemainingLife(false); // so we can compare the toXml() directly
         // populate it

         msgQosData.setSender(new SessionName(glob, "somebody"));
         MsgUnit msgUnit  = new MsgUnit(key.toXml(), content, msgQosData.toXml());

         log.fine("Testing" + msgQosData.toXml());

         org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope global = new org.xmlBlaster.engine.ServerScope();
         MsgUnitWrapper msgWrapper = new MsgUnitWrapper(glob, msgUnit, queue.getStorageId());
         MsgQueueHistoryEntry entry = new MsgQueueHistoryEntry(global, msgWrapper, queue.getStorageId());

         queue.put(entry, false);
         I_QueueEntry returnEntry = queue.peek();

         boolean isHistory = (returnEntry instanceof MsgQueueHistoryEntry);
         assertTrue("historyEntry: the return value is not an update ", isHistory);
         MsgQueueHistoryEntry historyEntry = (MsgQueueHistoryEntry)returnEntry;

         assertEquals("The priority of the entry is different ", entry.getPriority(), historyEntry.getPriority());
         assertEquals("The persistent of the entry is different ", entry.isPersistent(), historyEntry.isPersistent());
         // The history queue is s LIFO, we have inverted the unique key
         assertEquals("The uniqueId of the entry is different ", entry.getUniqueId(), historyEntry.getUniqueId());
         assertEquals("The msgUnitWrapperUniqueId of the entry is different ", entry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId(), historyEntry.getMsgUnitWrapperUniqueId());
         assertEquals("The topic oid of the entry is different ", entry.getKeyOid(), historyEntry.getKeyOid());
         assertEquals("The topic oid of the entry is different ", entry.getStorageId().getId(), historyEntry.getStorageId().getId());
         log.info("Persistent fields are read as expected");

         MsgUnit retMsgUnit = null;
         try {
            retMsgUnit = historyEntry.getMsgUnit();
         catch (Throwable e) {  // Should not happen for RAM queue
            log.severe("Lookup failed, probably engine.Global has no Requestbroker, wi ignore the problem: " + e.getMessage());
         MsgQosData retMsgQosData = historyEntry.getMsgQosData();

         log.fine("Received" + retMsgQosData.toXml());

         // check message unit:
         assertEquals("The key of the message unit is different ", key.getOid(), retMsgUnit.getKeyData().getOid());
         assertEquals("The content of the message unit is different ", new String(retMsgUnit.getContent()), new String(content));
         //oldXml = oldXml.substring(oldXml.indexOf("remainingLife=");
         //String newXml = retMsgUnit.getQosData().toXml().trim();  TODO: strip remaining life first
         //assertEquals("The qos of the message unit is different OLD="+oldXml+" NEW="+newXml, oldXml, newXml); TODO
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

   public void sendExpiringMsg(boolean initializeTopic, long topicDestroyDelay, long msgLifeTime) {
      log.info("Sending a message initializeTopic=" + initializeTopic + " topicDestroyDelay=" + topicDestroyDelay + " msgLifeTime=" + msgLifeTime);
      try {
         // Publish a volatile message
         PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(glob, publishOid, "text/xml", "1.0");
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         if (initializeTopic) {
            // Configure the topic to our needs
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

         ConnectReturnQos crqRcv = conRcv.connect(qosRcv, this.updateInterceptorRcv); // Login to xmlBlaster
         log.info("Connect as subscriber '" + crqRcv.getSessionName() + "' success");

            log.info("============ STEP 4: Publish PtP message which is NOT subscribable");
            PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(globSnd, oid, "text/xml", "1.0");
            PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(globSnd);
            Destination dest = new Destination(globSnd, new SessionName(globSnd, sessionNameRcv));
            byte[] content = "Hello".getBytes();
            MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, content, pq);
            PublishReturnQos prq = conSnd.publish(msgUnit);
            log.info("Got status='" + prq.getState() + "' rcvTimestamp=" + prq.getRcvTimestamp().toString() +
                         " for published message '" + prq.getKeyOid() + "'");
            assertEquals("", 1, this.updateInterceptorRcv.waitOnUpdate(1000L, oid, Constants.STATE_OK));
            assertEquals("", secretCbSessionId, this.updateInterceptorRcv.getMsg(oid, Constants.STATE_OK).getCbSessionId());
            assertEquals("", 0, this.updateInterceptorSnd.waitOnUpdate(1000L, oid, Constants.STATE_OK));

            log.info("============ STEP 5: Publish PtP message which IS subscribable");
            PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(globSnd, oid, "text/xml", "1.0");
            PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(globSnd);
            Destination dest = new Destination(globSnd, new SessionName(globSnd, sessionNameRcv));
            byte[] content = "Hello".getBytes();
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

      if (this.publishKey == null && this.topicNameTemplate == null) {
         //throw new XmlBlasterException(this.global, ErrorCode.USER_CONFIGURATION, ME, "at least one of the properties 'mom.topicName' or 'mom.publishKey' must be defined");
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of the properties 'mom.topicName' or 'mom.publishKey' must be defined");
      if (this.publishKey == null) {
         this.publishKey = (new PublishKey(this.glob, this.topicNameTemplate)).toXml();
      this.publishQos = info.get(MOM_PUBLISH_QOS, "<qos/>");

      this.alertSubscribeKey = info.get(MOM_ALERT_SUBSCRIBE_KEY, (String)null);
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

         // to force to fill the client properties map !!
         ClientPropertiesInfo tmpInfo = new ClientPropertiesInfo(attrMap);
         new ClientPropertiesInfo(qos.getData().getClientProperties(), tmpInfo);
         addStringPropToQos(attrMap, qos.getData());

         PublishKey key = null;
         if (changeKey != null && changeKey.length() > 0)
            key = new PublishKey(this.glob, changeKey);
            key = new PublishKey(this.glob, "dbWatcherUnspecified");
         MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(key, out, qos);
         PublishReturnQos prq = this.con.publish(msg);
         String id = (prq.getRcvTimestamp()!=null)?prq.getRcvTimestamp().toString():"queued";
         if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("Published '" + prq.getKeyOid() + "' '" + id + "'");
         return id;
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

      registerSqlStatement(replicationPrefix, requestId, sql);
      log.info("Broadcasting sql statement '" + sql + "' for master '" + replicationPrefix + "'");
      I_XmlBlasterAccess conn = this.global.getXmlBlasterAccess();
      // no oid for this ptp message
      PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(this.global, REQUEST_BROADCAST_SQL_TOPIC);
      Destination destination = new Destination(new SessionName(this.global, dbWatcherSessionId));
      PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(this.global, destination);
      if (isHighPrio)
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Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.key.PublishKey

         String dbWatcherSessionId = individualInfo.get(SENDER_SESSION, null);
         if (dbWatcherSessionId == null)
            throw new Exception("The replication source with replication.prefix='" +  replPrefix + "' had no '_senderSession' attribute set in its configuration");

         I_XmlBlasterAccess conn = this.global.getXmlBlasterAccess();
         PublishKey pubKey = new PublishKey(this.global, REQUEST_RECREATE_TRIGGERS);
         Destination destination = new Destination(new SessionName(this.global, dbWatcherSessionId));
         PublishQos pubQos = new PublishQos(this.global, destination);
         MsgUnit msg = new MsgUnit(pubKey, REPL_REQUEST_RECREATE_TRIGGERS.getBytes(), pubQos);
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