// called. so I'm adding code to clear the _waitingTokes to zero
// here:
// --Gang Zhou
Iterator actorsIterator = actorList.iterator();
while (actorsIterator.hasNext()) {
Actor actor = (Actor) actorsIterator.next();
Iterator inputPorts = actor.inputPortList().iterator();
while (inputPorts.hasNext()) {
IOPort inputPort = (IOPort) inputPorts.next();
Receiver[][] receivers = inputPort.getReceivers();
if (receivers != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < receivers.length; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < receivers[m].length; n++) {
((SDFReceiver) receivers[m][n])._waitingTokens = 0;
Iterator externalOutputPorts = container.outputPortList()
while (externalOutputPorts.hasNext()) {
IOPort outputPort = (IOPort) externalOutputPorts.next();
Receiver[][] receivers = outputPort.getInsideReceivers();
if (receivers != null) {
for (int m = 0; m < receivers.length; m++) {
for (int n = 0; n < receivers[m].length; n++) {
((SDFReceiver) receivers[m][n])._waitingTokens = 0;
// Simulate the creation of initialization tokens (delays).
// Fill readyToScheduleActorList with all the actors that have
// no unfulfilled input ports, and are thus ready to fire.
// This includes actors with no input ports and those
// whose input ports have consumption rates of zero.
Iterator actors = actorList.iterator();
while (actors.hasNext()) {
Actor actor = (Actor) actors.next();
int firingsRemaining = ((Integer) firingsRemainingVector
if (firingsRemaining == 0) {
int inputCount = _countUnfulfilledInputs(actor, actorList, true);
if (inputCount == 0) {
if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
_debug("Actor " + ((ComponentEntity) actor).getName()
+ " has " + inputCount + " unfulfilledInputs.");
// Simulate production of initial tokens.
actors = actorList.iterator();
while (actors.hasNext()) {
Actor actor = (Actor) actors.next();
Iterator outputPorts = actor.outputPortList().iterator();
while (outputPorts.hasNext()) {
IOPort outputPort = (IOPort) outputPorts.next();
int count = DFUtilities.getTokenInitProduction(outputPort);
if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
_debug("Simulating " + count
+ " initial tokens created on " + outputPort);
if (count > 0) {
_simulateTokensCreated(outputPort, count, actorList,
// Simulate a number of tokens initially present on each
// external input port.
for (Iterator inputPorts = container.inputPortList().iterator(); inputPorts
.hasNext();) {
IOPort port = (IOPort) inputPorts.next();
int count = ((Integer) externalRates.get(port)).intValue();
if (count > 0) {
_simulateExternalInputs(port, count, actorList,
// While we have actors left, pick one that is ready and fire it.
while (readyToScheduleActorList.size() > 0) {
if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
_debug("Actors that can be scheduled:");
for (Iterator readyActors = readyToScheduleActorList
.iterator(); readyActors.hasNext();) {
Entity readyActor = (Entity) readyActors.next();
_debug("Actors with firings left:");
for (Iterator remainingActors = unscheduledActorList
.iterator(); remainingActors.hasNext();) {
Entity remainingActor = (Entity) remainingActors.next();
// Pick an actor that is ready to fire.
Actor currentActor = (Actor) readyToScheduleActorList
// Remove it from the list of actors we are waiting to fire.
while (readyToScheduleActorList.remove(currentActor)) {
// Determine the number of times currentActor can fire.
int numberOfFirings = _computeMaximumFirings(currentActor);
// We should never schedule something more than the number
// of times expected by the balance equations. This might
// happen because we assume an infinite number of tokens
// are waiting on external ports.
int firingsRemaining = ((Integer) firingsRemainingVector
if (numberOfFirings > firingsRemaining) {
numberOfFirings = firingsRemaining;
if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
_debug("Scheduling actor " + currentActor.getName() + " "
+ numberOfFirings + " times.");
// Update the firingsRemainingVector for this actor.
firingsRemaining -= numberOfFirings;
firingsRemainingVector.put(currentActor, Integer
if (_debugging && VERBOSE) {
_debug(currentActor.getName() + " should fire "
+ firingsRemaining + " more times.");
// Simulate the tokens that are consumed by the actors
// input ports.