+ timeStamp + "current time in TM is "
+ getModelTime());
} else if (timeStamp == getModelTime()) {
Actor actor = interruptEvent.actor();
if (actor != null) {
if (actor.prefire()) {
if (!actor.postfire()) {
} else {
// All interrupts are in the future.
// Get the time for the next interrupt.
// It will be used for finding the next iteration time.
_nextIterationTime = timeStamp;
// Then we process TM events.
TMEvent event = null;
while (!_eventQueue.isEmpty()) {
event = (TMEvent) _eventQueue.get();
if (_debugging) {
_debug("The first event in the queue is ", event.toString());
// Notice that the first event in the queue
// either has processing time > 0 or hasn't been started.
if (!event.hasStarted()) {
if (_debugging) {
_debug(getName(), "put trigger event ", event.toString(),
" into " + ((NamedObj) event.actor()).getName()
+ " and processing");
// FIXME: What shall we do if there are events to
// the same actor with the same priority.
// Check if there are any events with equal priority
// for this actor. If so, make them available to the
// actor at the same time.
Actor actor = event.actor();
if ((actor == getContainer()) || !actor.prefire()) {
// If the actor is the container of this director,
// then the event is at the output boundary.
// Remove the event and look at the next event.
event = null;
// Return to the while loop.
} else {
// Determine the processing time.
double processingTime = ((DoubleToken) defaultTaskExecutionTime
if (actor instanceof TMActor) {
processingTime = ((TMActor) actor).getExecutionTime();
} else {
// Use the executionTime parameter from the port
// or the actor.
Parameter executionTime = (Parameter) event.receiver()
// Actor starts to execute
if (executionTime == null) {
executionTime = (Parameter) ((NamedObj) actor)
if (executionTime != null) {
processingTime = ((DoubleToken) executionTime
if (processingTime == 0.0) {
if (_debugging) {
_debug(getName(), event.toString(),
" has processing time 0, so processed.");
// This event can be processed immediately.
// Actor stops executing, i.e. finishing
_displaySchedule(((Nameable) actor).getName(),
if (!actor.postfire()) {
} else {
// Really start a task with non-zero processing
// time.