This class simply provides a static wrapper for conditionally printing to System.out for debugging purposes. (This class is incompatible with the Debug class up until release 18)
Release 93: Added functionality for hierarchical debug sets, so that groups of debug statements can be enabled using class hierarchy names. The semantics of the default print methods (those which do not specify a set name) changes from previous releases in that they are assigned to a debug set equal to a concatenation of the class and method name from which the debug print is called (auto-detected). These statements can still be enabled with enableDefault, so programs that relied on the previous semantics may remain the same. The convenience of the new semantics is that set names do not have to be assigned unless the class hierarchy grouping is not desirable or sufficient, and that enabling of debug prints can be managed at the package, class or method level by enabling the appropriate set prefix.
@author Andres Quiroz Hernandez
@version 6.1