* TCPClient.java
* Copyright 2004 Andres Quiroz Hernandez
* This file is part of Programming5.
* Programming5 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Programming5 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Programming5. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package programming5.net.sockets;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import programming5.arrays.ArrayOperations;
import programming5.collections.MultiList;
import programming5.io.Debug;
import programming5.net.MessageArrivedEvent;
import programming5.net.MessagingClient;
import programming5.net.NetworkException;
import programming5.net.Publisher;
import programming5.net.ReceiveRequest;
*This class is the TCP socket implementation of a MessagingClient. Can be used to handle several TCP connections. Messages will be sent
*to all open connections if no address is specified (messages sent to a specific address will create connections that remain open until
*the object is terminated and all connections are closed), and will be received from any connection indistinguishably. If incoming
*messages need to be distinguished by origin, separate TCPClient objects should be used for each one.
*@see programming5.net.MessagingClient
*@see programming5.net.PluggableClient
*@see java.net.Socket
*@author Andres Quiroz Hernandez
*@version 6.09
public class TCPClient extends Publisher<MessageArrivedEvent> implements MessagingClient {
protected List<String> pendingConnections = new ArrayList<String>();
protected Map<String, Socket> connections = new HashMap<String, Socket>();
protected Map<String, OutputStream> outStreams = new HashMap<String, OutputStream>();
protected Map<String, Integer> localPorts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
protected Map<String, TCPReceiver> receivers = new HashMap<String, TCPReceiver>();
protected final List<ReceiveRequest> receiveRequests = new ArrayList<ReceiveRequest>();
private static final int ANYPORT = -1;
private boolean useSeparator = true;
protected static final byte[] SEPARATOR = ":".getBytes();
*Creates an empty TCP client
public TCPClient() {
*Creates a TCP client for the specified host address at the specified port. Will bind the client to any available local port.
public TCPClient(String address, int remotePort) {
String urlString = "//" + address + ":" + Integer.toString(remotePort);
localPorts.put(urlString, ANYPORT);
*Creates a TCP client on the given local port for the specified host address at the specified port.
public TCPClient(String address, int remotePort, int localPort) {
String urlString = "//" + address + ":" + Integer.toString(remotePort);
localPorts.put(urlString, localPort);
*Creates a TCP client from an already open socket and immediately creates and
*starts the receiver thread.
public TCPClient(Socket socket) throws NetworkException {
try {
String urlString = "//" + socket.getInetAddress().toString() + ":" + Integer.toString(socket.getPort());
connections.put(urlString, socket);
outStreams.put(urlString, socket.getOutputStream());
TCPReceiver receiver = new TCPReceiver(socket, urlString);
receivers.put(urlString, receiver);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new NetworkException("TCPClient: Could not initialize client: " + e.getMessage());
*Creates a TCP client from an already open socket and immediately creates and starts the receiver thread
*@param socket the client socket
*@param compatible if true, starts the client in compatible mode, which allows it to communicate with non-programming5 clients by
*disabling the message separator signals in the send/receive stream; otherwise, equal to using TCPClient(Socket)
public TCPClient(Socket socket, boolean compatible) throws NetworkException {
try {
String urlString = "//" + socket.getInetAddress().toString() + ":" + Integer.toString(socket.getPort());
connections.put(urlString, socket);
outStreams.put(urlString, socket.getOutputStream());
TCPReceiver receiver;
if (compatible) {
useSeparator = false;
receiver = new CompatibleTCPReceiver(socket, urlString);
else {
receiver = new TCPReceiver(socket, urlString);
receivers.put(urlString, receiver);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new NetworkException("TCPClient: Could not initialize client: " + e.getMessage());
*Creates a TCPClient that can be used to communicate with all the hosts addressed by the given urls.
public TCPClient(Collection<String> hostUrls) {
for (String url : hostUrls) {
localPorts.put(url, ANYPORT);
*Creates a TCPClient that can be used to communicate with all the hosts addressed by the given urls. The clients will be
*bound to the local ports specified with the urls.
public TCPClient(MultiList<String, Integer> socketDescriptors) {
for (String url : socketDescriptors.first()) {
localPorts.put(url, socketDescriptors.getInSecond(url));
*Implementation of the PluggableClient interface. Opens a socket to each of the host
*addresses with which the client has been created, gets their output streams, and starts their receiver
public void establishConnection() throws NetworkException {
if (pendingConnections.size() > 0) {
MultiList<String, String> failedConnections = new MultiList<String, String>();
for (String host : pendingConnections) {
int localPort = localPorts.get(host);
try {
Socket socket = connections.get(host);
if (socket == null) {
URI hostUrl = new URI(host);
if (localPort == ANYPORT) {
socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(hostUrl.getHost()), hostUrl.getPort());
else {
socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(hostUrl.getHost()), hostUrl.getPort(), InetAddress.getLocalHost(), localPort);
connections.put(host, socket);
outStreams.put(host, socket.getOutputStream());
TCPReceiver receiver = new TCPReceiver(socket, host);
receivers.put(host, receiver);
catch (Exception e) {
failedConnections.add(host, e.getMessage());
if (failedConnections.size() > 0) {
String message = "TCPClient: The following connections could not be established:\n";
for (String connection : failedConnections.first()) {
message = message + connection + ": " + failedConnections.getInSecond(connection) + "\n";
throw new NetworkException(message);
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param bytesMessage the packet of bytes to send to the hosts for which sockets have been opened
public void send(byte[] bytesMessage) throws NetworkException {
if (useSeparator) {
byte[] header = ArrayOperations.join(Integer.toString(bytesMessage.length).getBytes(), SEPARATOR);
bytesMessage = ArrayOperations.join(header, bytesMessage);
MultiList<String, String> failedSend = new MultiList<String, String>();
for (String host : connections.keySet()) {
try {
OutputStream out = outStreams.get(host);
if (out != null) {
synchronized (out) {
catch (Exception e) {
failedSend.add(host, e.getMessage());
if (failedSend.size() > 0) {
String errorMessage = "TCPClient: The following connections could not be established:\n";
for (String send : failedSend.first()) {
errorMessage = errorMessage + send + ": " + failedSend.getInSecond(send) + "\n";
throw new NetworkException(errorMessage);
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param msg the message string to send to the hosts for which sockets have been opened
public void send(String msg) throws NetworkException {
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param bytesMessage the message to send to the given host
*@param url the address the message will be sent to; if a socket hasn't been opened to this address, it will be created and started
public void send(byte[] bytesMessage, String url) throws NetworkException {
if (useSeparator) {
byte[] header = ArrayOperations.join(Integer.toString(bytesMessage.length).getBytes(), SEPARATOR);
bytesMessage = ArrayOperations.join(header, bytesMessage);
OutputStream out = outStreams.get(url);
try {
if (out == null) {
URI hostUrl = new URI(url);
Socket socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(hostUrl.getHost()), hostUrl.getPort());
connections.put(url, socket);
out = socket.getOutputStream();
outStreams.put(url, out);
TCPReceiver receiver = new TCPReceiver(socket, url);
receivers.put(url, receiver);
synchronized (out) {
catch (Exception e) {
throw new NetworkException("TCPClient: Could not send message to " + url + ": " + e.getMessage());
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface
*@param message the message string to send to the given host
*@param url the address the message will be sent to; if a socket hasn't been opened to this address, it will be created and started
public void send(String message, String url) throws NetworkException {
this.send(message.getBytes(), url);
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until packet
*arrives from any of the open connections.
*@return the packet of bytes
public byte[] receiveBytes() {
byte[] ret = null;
ReceiveRequest myRequest = new ReceiveRequest();
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
if (myRequest.isDone()) {
ret = myRequest.getMessage();
return ret;
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until message
*arrives from any of the open connections.
*@return the message string
public String receive() {
return new String(this.receiveBytes());
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until packet
*arrives from any of the open connections or timeout occurs.
*@return the packetof bytes
public byte[] receiveBytes(long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
byte[] ret = null;
ReceiveRequest myRequest = new ReceiveRequest();
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
myRequest.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (myRequest.isDone()) {
ret = myRequest.getMessage();
return ret;
*Implementation of the MessagingClient interface. Blocking receive until message
*arrives from any of the open connections or timeout occurs.
*@return the message string
public String receive(long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
return new String(this.receiveBytes(timeout));
*Implementation of the PluggableClient interface. Stops the receiver threads and
*closes open sockets.
public synchronized void endConnection() {
for (String host : outStreams.keySet()) {
for (String host : receivers.keySet()) {
*Overrides method in Publisher to include the response to the receive methods
public void fireEvent(MessageArrivedEvent event) {
synchronized (receiveRequests) {
for (ReceiveRequest request : receiveRequests) {
private synchronized void signalConnectionError(String host) {
Debug.println("Ending connections", "programming5.net.sockets.TCPClient");
try {outStreams.remove(host)/*.close()*/;} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
try {connections.remove(host)/*.close()*/;} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
private void sendTerminationMessage(String host) {
byte[] bytesMessage = "EOF".getBytes();
if (useSeparator) {
byte[] header = ArrayOperations.join(Integer.toString(-1).getBytes(), SEPARATOR);
bytesMessage = ArrayOperations.join(header, bytesMessage);
OutputStream out = outStreams.get(host);
if (out != null) {
try {
synchronized (out) {
catch (IOException ioe) {}
protected class TCPReceiver extends Thread {
Socket socketRef;
InputStream in;
boolean listening = true;
String hostname;
protected static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 65536;
public TCPReceiver(Socket mySocket, String myHost) throws NetworkException {
try {
socketRef = mySocket;
in = mySocket.getInputStream();
hostname = myHost;
catch (IOException e) {
throw new NetworkException("TCPReceiver: Constructor: " + e.getMessage());
public void run() {
byte[] fromServer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
byte[] bytesMsg = null; // = new byte[0];
int bytesRead, headerPos, msgStart, msgLength, msgEnd;
try {
while (listening) {
msgStart = 0;
msgLength = -1;
msgEnd = -1;
headerPos = -1;
bytesRead = in.read(fromServer);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
bytesMsg = ArrayOperations.prefix(fromServer, bytesRead);
while (bytesRead > 0) {
try {
headerPos = ArrayOperations.seqFind(TCPClient.SEPARATOR[0], bytesMsg, msgStart);
while (headerPos <= msgStart) {
bytesRead += in.read(fromServer);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
bytesMsg = ArrayOperations.join(bytesMsg, ArrayOperations.prefix(fromServer, bytesRead));
headerPos = ArrayOperations.seqFind(TCPClient.SEPARATOR[0], bytesMsg, msgStart);
bytesRead -= (headerPos - msgStart + 1);
msgLength = Integer.parseInt(new String(ArrayOperations.subArray(bytesMsg, msgStart, headerPos)));
if (msgLength >= 0) {
while (msgLength > bytesRead) {
int moreBytesRead = in.read(fromServer);
bytesRead += moreBytesRead;
if (moreBytesRead > 0) {
bytesMsg = ArrayOperations.join(bytesMsg, ArrayOperations.prefix(fromServer, moreBytesRead));
msgStart = headerPos + 1;
msgEnd = msgStart + msgLength;
try {
fireEvent(new MessageArrivedEvent(ArrayOperations.subArray(bytesMsg, msgStart, msgEnd)));
bytesRead -= msgLength;
msgStart = msgEnd;
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException iobe) {
Debug.println("TCPReceiver: Bad message received");
bytesRead = -1;
catch (Exception e) {
else {
listening = false;
bytesRead = 0;
Debug.println("Termination message received at " + hostname, "programming5.net.sockets.TCPClient");
catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) {
Debug.println("Out of memory after reading:");
Debug.println("Bytes msg length: " + bytesMsg.length);
Debug.println("Bytes read: " + bytesRead);
Debug.println("Header pos: " + headerPos);
Debug.println("Msg start: " + msgStart);
Debug.println("Msg length: " + msgLength);
Debug.println("Msg end: " + msgEnd);
catch (Exception e) {
Debug.println("TCPReceiver: Bad message received");
bytesRead = -1;
catch (IOException io) {
Debug.println("TCPReceiver: Exception while receiving: " + io.getMessage());
public void end() {
try {
listening = false;
catch (IOException ioe) {
protected class CompatibleTCPReceiver extends TCPReceiver {
public CompatibleTCPReceiver(Socket mySocket, String myHost) throws NetworkException {
super(mySocket, myHost);
public void run() {
byte[] fromServer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
byte[] bytesMsg = null;
int bytesRead;
try {
while (listening) {
bytesRead = in.read(fromServer);
if (bytesRead > 0) {
bytesMsg = ArrayOperations.prefix(fromServer, bytesRead);
fireEvent(new MessageArrivedEvent(bytesMsg));
catch (IOException io) {
Debug.println("TCPReceiver: Exception while receiving: " + io.getMessage());