The Parameter data type.
A parameter can be seen as a name/value pair in the DataTables configuration Javascript object.
Some extension may need to modify the DataTables parameters object, that's why there's a Mode attribute, which defines the way the configuration will affect this object.
For example, in order to use the {@link ScrollerPlugin}, you need to modify the sDom parameter, adding a S to the default value (which is lfrtip). That's why in the setup
method, you will find among others :
addParameter(new Configuration(DTConstants.DT_DOM, "S", Configuration.Mode.APPEND));
So the final value of the sDom parameter will be lfrtipS @author Thibault Duchateau @since 0.5.0
A Parameter is an object which the ParameterDatabase class uses as a key to associate with strings, forming a key-value pair. Parameters are designed to be hierarchical in nature, consisting of "path items" separated by a path separator. Parameters are created either from a single path item, from an array of path items, or both. For example, a parameter with the path might be created from new Parameter(new String[] {"foo","bar","baz"})
Parameters are not mutable -- but once a parameter is created, path items may be pushed an popped from it, forming a new parameter. For example, if a parameter p consists of the path, p.pop() results in a new parameter whose path is This pushing and popping isn't cheap, so be sparing.
Because this system internally uses "." as its path separator, you should not use that character in parts of the path that you provide; however if you need some other path separator, you can change the delimiter in the code trivially. In fact, you can create a new Parameter with a path simply by calling new Parameter("") but you'd better know what you're doing.
Additionally, parameters must not contain "#", "=", non-ascii values, or whitespace. Yes, a parameter path item may be empty. @author Sean Luke @version 1.0
@author sulis
The following features are supported:
This interface provides access to a parameter and its attributes. A parameter is defined in the web.xml or in the portlet.xml of a portlet application archive file.
This interface defines the model as known from the MVC pattern. Its purpose is to provide read access to the data stored in the model.
represents an argument to an RPC call. Parameter
objects are used by both the client and the server.
@author Matthew J. Duftler (
@author Sanjiva Weerawarana (
String[] onProvideCompletionsFromMyField(String input) { return . . .; }
A parameter, as used by {@link}, or {@link}.
@author Jochen WiedmannThe following features are supported:
Provisional API - subject to change
The following features are supported:
INTERNAL:Name and type ( {@link QName}) for a bound argument. @author Mike Norman - @since EclipseLink 1.x
{@linkplain #getValue()}. {@linkplain Object#getClass() getClass()}
idiom. The {@link #getValue()} and {@link #setValue(Object)} methods can be invoked at any time.Others getters and setters are parameter-type dependents.
@param < T> The value type.
@since 2.1
@source $URL$
@version $Id$
@author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD)
@author Jody Garnett (Refractions Research)
@see DefaultParameterDescriptor
@see ParameterGroup
@see org.picocontainer.defaults.ComponentParameter an implementation of this interface that allows you to specify thekey used for resolving the parameter.
@see org.picocontainer.defaults.ConstantParameter an implementation of this interface that allows you to specify aconstant that will be used for resolving the parameter.
@since 1.0
Defines a Command's Parameter.
@author kito31 @version $Id:,v 1.2 2005/11/01 11:57:32 kito31 Exp $Parameter extends Variable with additional support for string-valued variables that makes these friendlier at the user interface level. In particular, this class supports an annotation that specifies choices for values. A user interface can use this to present a choice dialog that offers the specified values. This is typically used when a particular set of choices make sense. The values can be any expression, or if used in conjunction with string mode, any string.
By default, an instance of Parameter, unlike Variable, is persistent.
By convention, an instance of NamedObj has a set of attributes, some of which are visible to users and some of which are not. When a user interface presents these attributes for editing, it presents only those that are visible. By default, an instance of Parameter is visible, as indicated by the fact that it returns FULL in its getVisibility() method. This can be overridden by calling setVisibility().
@author Neil Smyth, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu @version $Id:,v 1.120 2007/02/04 01:27:39 cxh Exp $ @since Ptolemy II 0.2 @Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (eal) @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (cxh) @see @see