package backend;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import soot.Local;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Type;
import soot.jimple.Jimple;
import soot.jimple.JimpleBody;
import soot.jimple.ParameterRef;
import ast.FunctionDeclaration;
import ast.Parameter;
import ast.VarDecl;
* This class is in charge of generating Jimple code for a single function.
* In particular, it keeps track of the Soot local variables corresponding to
* source-level locals.
* The function code generator performs two main tasks: it generates a Soot method with all the code for the
function in it, and it maintains the mapping from PL/3007 parameters and local variables to Soot local variables.
The latter is done by the map sootLocalMap, which is managed by method getSootLocal. The function code
generator also keeps a set of the names of all Soot variables that have been declared so far (generatedNames):
this is important because in PL/3007 there can be several local variables with the same name in the same function
as long as they are declared in distinct blocks. In Soot (as in Java), on the other hand, this is not allowed. For this
reason, getSootLocal checks whether a local of the same name has already been declared, and if so generates a
fresh name (by appending a number to the end of the variable name). Similarly, method mkTemp can be used to
generate a fresh local variable with a unique name; this will be needed during code generation for expressions.
* @author Danyang
public class FunctionCodeGenerator {
/** A reference to the instantiating {@link ModuleCodeGenerator}. */
private final ModuleCodeGenerator mcg;
/** The body of the generated method. */
private JimpleBody body;
/** Keep track of the names of all Soot-level local variables in the generated method. */
* The function code generator also keeps a set of the names of
* all Soot variables that have been declared so far (generatedNames)
private final HashSet<String> generatedNames = new HashSet<String>();
* maintains the mapping from PL/3007 parameters and local variables to Soot local variables.
* This is done by the map sootLocalMap, which is managed by method getSootLocal.
/** Map from source-level local variables to Soot-level local variables. */
private final HashMap<VarDecl, Local> sootLocalMap = new HashMap<VarDecl, Local>();
public FunctionCodeGenerator(ModuleCodeGenerator mcg) {
this.mcg = mcg;
/** Returns a reference to the instantiating {@link ModuleCodeGenerator}. */
public ModuleCodeGenerator getModuleCodeGenerator() {
return mcg;
/** Returns a reference to the body of the generated method. */
public JimpleBody getBody() {
return body;
/** Generates a fresh name starting with {@code prefix}. */
private String mkTempName(String prefix) {
String tmpname = prefix;
for(int i=0;!generatedNames.add(tmpname=prefix+i);++i);
return tmpname;
/** Generates a new Soot-level local variable with a fresh name and returns it. */
* Method mkTemp can be used to generate a fresh local variable
* with a unique name; this will be needed during code generation for expressions.
public Local mkTemp(Type type) {
Local var = Jimple.v().newLocal(mkTempName("tmp"), type);
return var;
/** Looks up the Soot-level local variable corresponding to the given source-level local variable.
* If it doesn't exist yet, it is created. */
* getSootLocal checks whether a local of the same name has already been declared, and if so generates a
* fresh name (by appending a number to the end of the variable name)
* @param decl
* @return
public Local getSootLocal(VarDecl decl) {
Local local = sootLocalMap.get(decl);
if(local == null) {
String varName = decl.getName();
Type varType = SootTypeUtil.getSootType(decl.getTypeName().getDescriptor());
local = Jimple.v().newLocal(mkTempName(varName), varType);
sootLocalMap.put(decl, local);
return local;
/** Generates Jimple code for the given function declaration. */
* Finally, method generate performs the actual task of generating code for a function declaration. The details
of setting up the required Soot data structures are tedious but not particularly complicated; you should study the
code carefully, although you do not need to change anything. Code generation for the function body is delegated
to class StmtCodeGenerator.
* @param fn
* @param klass
* @return
public SootMethod generate(FunctionDeclaration fn, SootClass klass) {
// compute parameter types
ArrayList<Type> parmtps = new ArrayList<Type>();
for(Parameter parm : fn.getParameters())
// create SootMethod
String fnName = fn.getName();
Type fnReturnType = SootTypeUtil.getSootType(fn.getReturnType().getDescriptor());
int fnModifiers = ModuleCodeGenerator.getModifiers(fn);
SootMethod method = new SootMethod(fnName, parmtps, fnReturnType, fnModifiers);
// create body
body = Jimple.v().newBody(method);
// create identity statements
int nparm = fn.getNumParameter();
for(int i=0;i<nparm;++i) {
Parameter parm = fn.getParameter(i);
Local sootLocal = getSootLocal(parm);
Type parmType = SootTypeUtil.getSootType(parm.type());
ParameterRef soot_parm = Jimple.v().newParameterRef(parmType, i);
body.getUnits().add(Jimple.v().newIdentityStmt(sootLocal, soot_parm));
// generate code for statements
fn.getBody().accept(new StmtCodeGenerator(this));
// tack on extra 'return;' if body may terminate normally
if(fn.getBody().mayTerminateNormally()) {
return method;