// determine the LSN from which to start the log replay
// to be able to recover from crashes during checkpoints, it is
// necessary to start with the smallest LSN found on disk
LSN dbLsn = null;
for (DatabaseInternal db : databaseManager.getDatabaseList()) {
if (dbLsn == null)
dbLsn = db.getLSMDB().getOndiskLSN();
else {
LSN onDiskLSN = db.getLSMDB().getOndiskLSN();
if (!(LSMDatabase.NO_DB_LSN.equals(dbLsn) || LSMDatabase.NO_DB_LSN.equals(onDiskLSN)))
dbLsn = dbLsn.compareTo(onDiskLSN) < 0 ? dbLsn : onDiskLSN;
if (dbLsn == null) {
// empty database
dbLsn = new LSN(0, 0);
} else {
// need next LSN which is onDisk + 1
dbLsn = new LSN(dbLsn.getViewId() == 0 ? 1 : dbLsn.getViewId(), dbLsn.getSequenceNo() + 1);
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this, "starting log replay at LSN %s", dbLsn);
LSN nextLSN = replayLogs(dbLsn);
if (dbLsn.compareTo(nextLSN) > 0) {
nextLSN = dbLsn;
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_INFO, this, "log replay done, using LSN: " + nextLSN);
// set up and start the disk logger
try {
logger = new DiskLogger(configuration.getDbLogDir(), nextLSN, configuration.getSyncMode(),
configuration.getPseudoSyncWait(), configuration.getMaxQueueLength()
* Math.max(1, configuration.getNumThreads()));
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BabuDBException(ErrorCode.IO_ERROR, "cannot start database operations logger", ex);
this.txnMan.init(new LSN(nextLSN.getViewId(), nextLSN.getSequenceNo() - 1L));
if (configuration.getNumThreads() > 0) {
worker = new LSMDBWorker[configuration.getNumThreads()];
for (int i = 0; i < configuration.getNumThreads(); i++) {
worker[i] = new LSMDBWorker(this, i, configuration.getMaxQueueLength());
} else {
// number of workers is 0 => requests will be responded directly.
assert (configuration.getNumThreads() == 0);
worker = null;
if (dbConfigFile.isConversionRequired())
// initialize and start the checkpointer; this has to be separated from
// the instantiation because the instance has to be there when the log
// is replayed
this.dbCheckptr.init(logger, configuration.getCheckInterval(), configuration.getMaxLogfileSize());
final LSN firstLSN = new LSN(1, 1L);
if (staticInit != null && nextLSN.equals(firstLSN)) {
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, this, "Running initialization script...");
staticInit.initialize(databaseManager, snapshotManager);
Logging.logMessage(Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, this, "... initialization script finished successfully.");
} else if (staticInit != null) {