* Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Jan Stender, Bjoern Kolbeck, Mikael Hoegqvist,
* Felix Hupfeld, Felix Langner, Zuse Institute Berlin
* Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details.
package org.xtreemfs.babudb.log;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb.LSMDatabase;
import org.xtreemfs.babudb.lsmdb.LSN;
* An iterator that returns log entries from multiple log files.
* @author stender, bjko
public class DiskLogIterator implements Iterator<LogEntry> {
private String dbLogDir;
private LSN from;
private Iterator<LSN> logList;
private LSN currentLog;
private DiskLogFile currentFile;
private LogEntry nextEntry;
* @param logFiles
* @param from
* - inclusive, if everything went fine, next() will return the
* log entry identified by LSN <code>from</code>.
* @throws LogEntryException
* @throws IOException
public DiskLogIterator(File[] logFiles, LSN from) throws LogEntryException, IOException {
this.from = from;
if (logFiles != null && logFiles.length > 0) {
dbLogDir = logFiles[0].getParent() + "/";
// read list of logs and create a list ordered from min LSN to
// max LSN
int count = -1;
SortedSet<LSN> orderedLogList = new TreeSet<LSN>();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.dbl");
for (File logFile : logFiles) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(logFile.getName());
String tmp = m.group(1);
int viewId = Integer.valueOf(tmp);
tmp = m.group(2);
int seqNo = Integer.valueOf(tmp);
orderedLogList.add(new LSN(viewId, seqNo));
LSN[] copy = orderedLogList.toArray(new LSN[orderedLogList.size()]);
LSN last = null;
LSN lastRemoved = null;
for (LSN lsn : copy) {
if (last == null)
last = lsn;
else {
if (from != null && lsn.compareTo(from) <= 0) {
lastRemoved = last;
last = lsn;
} else
// check if log entries are missing
if (from != null && !LSMDatabase.NO_DB_LSN.equals(from) && last.compareTo(from) > 0)
throw new LogEntryException("missing log entries: database ends at LSN " + from.toString()
+ ", first log entry LSN is " + last.toString());
// re-add the last removed log file, if there is a chance, that
// from is located there
if (lastRemoved != null && from.compareTo(last) < 0) {
logList = orderedLogList.iterator();
public boolean hasNext() {
return nextEntry != null;
public LogEntry next() {
try {
if (nextEntry == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
LogEntry tmp = nextEntry;
nextEntry = findNextEntry();
return tmp;
} catch (LogEntryException exc) {
throw new RuntimeException(exc);
} catch (IOException exc) {
throw new RuntimeException(exc);
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void destroy() throws IOException {
LogEntry tmp = nextEntry;
nextEntry = null;
if (tmp != null)
if(currentFile != null)
protected void findFirstEntry() throws IOException, LogEntryException {
if (logList == null || !logList.hasNext())
do {
currentLog = logList.next();
if(currentFile != null)
currentFile = new DiskLogFile(dbLogDir, currentLog);
} while (!currentFile.hasNext() && logList.hasNext());
while (currentFile.hasNext()) {
LogEntry le = currentFile.next();
if (from == null || le.getLSN().compareTo(from) >= 0) {
nextEntry = le;
protected LogEntry findNextEntry() throws IOException, LogEntryException {
if (logList == null)
return null;
// if there is another log entry in the current file, return it
if (currentFile.hasNext())
return currentFile.next();
// if all entries have been read from the current file, close it
// if there are no more log entries to read,
if (!logList.hasNext())
return null;
// in any other case, switch to the next log file and repeat the
// procedure
currentLog = logList.next();
currentFile = new DiskLogFile(dbLogDir, currentLog);
return findNextEntry();