return (ret);
if (catalog_item == null)
return (null);
assert (catalog_item.getParent() != null) : catalog_item + " has null parent";
CatalogType parent = catalog_item.getParent();
ret = parent.getName() + PARENT_DELIMITER;
// Special Case: MultiAttributeCatalogType
if (catalog_item instanceof MultiAttributeCatalogType) {
MultiAttributeCatalogType multicatalog = (MultiAttributeCatalogType) catalog_item;
ret += multicatalog.getPrefix();
for (Object sub_item : multicatalog) {
ret += MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER + ((CatalogType) sub_item).getName();
} // FOR
} else {
ret += catalog_item.getName();
// Special Case: StmtParameter
// Since there may be Statement's with the same name but in
// different Procedures,
// we also want to include the Procedure name
if (catalog_item instanceof StmtParameter) {
assert (parent.getParent() != null);
ret = parent.getParent().getName() + PARENT_DELIMITER + ret;
CACHE_CREATEKEY.put(catalog_item, ret);
return (ret);