Package edu.brown.catalog

Source Code of edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKeyOldVersion

package edu.brown.catalog;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.voltdb.catalog.CatalogType;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Cluster;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Column;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Constraint;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Database;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Host;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Index;
import org.voltdb.catalog.ProcParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Procedure;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Statement;
import org.voltdb.catalog.StmtParameter;
import org.voltdb.catalog.Table;

import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiAttributeCatalogType;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiColumn;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.MultiProcParameter;
import edu.brown.catalog.special.ReplicatedColumn;
import edu.brown.utils.ClassUtil;

public abstract class CatalogKeyOldVersion {
    public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CatalogKeyOldVersion.class);

    private static final String PARENT_DELIMITER = ".";
    private static final String MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER = "#";

    private static final Map<CatalogType, String> CACHE_CREATEKEY = new HashMap<CatalogType, String>();
    private static final Map<Database, Map<String, CatalogType>> CACHE_GETFROMKEY = new HashMap<Database, Map<String, CatalogType>>();

     * Returns a String key representation of the column as "Parent.Child"
     * @param catalog_col
     * @return
    public static <T extends CatalogType> String createKey(T catalog_item) {
        // There is a 7x speed-up when we use the cache versus always
        // constructing a new key
        String ret = CACHE_CREATEKEY.get(catalog_item);
        if (ret != null)
            return (ret);
        if (catalog_item == null)
            return (null);
        assert (catalog_item.getParent() != null) : catalog_item + " has null parent";

        CatalogType parent = catalog_item.getParent();
        ret = parent.getName() + PARENT_DELIMITER;

        // Special Case: MultiAttributeCatalogType
        if (catalog_item instanceof MultiAttributeCatalogType) {
            MultiAttributeCatalogType multicatalog = (MultiAttributeCatalogType) catalog_item;
            ret += multicatalog.getPrefix();
            for (Object sub_item : multicatalog) {
                ret += MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER + ((CatalogType) sub_item).getName();
            } // FOR
        } else {
            ret += catalog_item.getName();

            // Special Case: StmtParameter
            // Since there may be Statement's with the same name but in
            // different Procedures,
            // we also want to include the Procedure name
            if (catalog_item instanceof StmtParameter) {
                assert (parent.getParent() != null);
                ret = parent.getParent().getName() + PARENT_DELIMITER + ret;
        CACHE_CREATEKEY.put(catalog_item, ret);
        return (ret);

     * Returns a String key representation of the column as "Parent.Child"
     * @param parent
     * @param child
     * @return
    public static String createKey(String parent, String child) {
        return (new StringBuilder().append(parent).append(PARENT_DELIMITER).append(child).toString());

    public static Collection<String> createKeys(Iterable<? extends CatalogType> map) {
        Collection<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (CatalogType catalog_item : map) {
        } // FOR
        return (keys);

     * Return the name of the catalog object from the key
     * @param catalog_key
     * @return
    public static String getNameFromKey(String catalog_key) {
        assert (catalog_key != null);
        return (catalog_key.substring(catalog_key.lastIndexOf(PARENT_DELIMITER) + 1));

     * Given a String key generated by createKey(), return the corresponding
     * catalog object for the given Database catalog. If the parent object does
     * not exist, this function will return null. If the parent exists but the
     * child does not exist, then it trips an assert
     * @param catalog_db
     * @param key
     * @return
    public static <T extends CatalogType> T getFromKey(Database catalog_db, String key, Class<T> catalog_class) {
        final boolean debug = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
        if (debug)
            LOG.debug("Grabbing " + catalog_class + " object for '" + key + "'");

        assert (catalog_db != null);
        assert (catalog_class != null);

        // Caching...
        Map<String, CatalogType> cache = CatalogKeyOldVersion.CACHE_GETFROMKEY.get(catalog_db);
        if (cache != null) {
            if (cache.containsKey(key))
                return (T) cache.get(key);
        } else {
            cache = new HashMap<String, CatalogType>();
            CatalogKeyOldVersion.CACHE_GETFROMKEY.put(catalog_db, cache);

        T catalog_child = null;
        CatalogType catalog_parent = null;
        int idx = key.indexOf(PARENT_DELIMITER);
        assert (idx != -1) : "Invalid CatalogKeyOldVersion format '" + key + "'";
        String parent_key = key.substring(0, idx);
        String child_key = key.substring(idx + 1);

        List<Class<?>> superclasses = ClassUtil.getSuperClasses(catalog_class);

        // Get the parent based on the type of the object they want back
        if (catalog_class.equals(Index.class) || catalog_class.equals(Constraint.class) || superclasses.contains(Column.class)) {
            catalog_parent = catalog_db.getTables().get(parent_key);
        } else if (catalog_class.equals(Statement.class) || superclasses.contains(ProcParameter.class)) {
            catalog_parent = catalog_db.getProcedures().get(parent_key);
        } else if (catalog_class.equals(Table.class) || catalog_class.equals(Procedure.class)) {
            catalog_parent = catalog_db;
        } else if (catalog_class.equals(Host.class)) {
            catalog_parent = (Cluster) catalog_db.getParent();
            // Special Case: StmtParameter
        } else if (catalog_class.equals(StmtParameter.class)) {
            Procedure catalog_proc = catalog_db.getProcedures().get(parent_key);
            assert (catalog_proc != null);
            idx = child_key.indexOf('.');
            parent_key = child_key.substring(0, idx);
            child_key = child_key.substring(idx + 1);
            catalog_parent = catalog_proc.getStatements().get(parent_key);
        // Don't throw this error because it may be a dynamic catalog type that
        // we use for the Markov stuff
        // } else {
        // assert(false) : "Unexpected Catalog key type '" + catalog_class +
        // "'";
        // }

        // It's ok for the parent to be missing, but it's *not* ok if the child
        // is missing
        if (catalog_parent != null) {
            if (debug)
                LOG.debug("Catalog Parent: " + CatalogUtil.getDisplayName(catalog_parent));
            // COLUMN
            if (superclasses.contains(Column.class)) {
                // Special Case: Replicated Column
                if (child_key.equals(ReplicatedColumn.COLUMN_NAME)) {
                    catalog_child = (T) ReplicatedColumn.get((Table) catalog_parent);
                    // Special Case: MultiColumn
                } else if (child_key.startsWith(MultiColumn.PREFIX)) {
                    int prefix_offset = MultiColumn.PREFIX.length() + MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER.length();
                    String names[] = child_key.substring(prefix_offset).split(MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER);
                    assert (names.length > 1) : "Invalid MultiColumn Key: " + child_key;
                    Column params[] = new Column[names.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                        params[i] = getFromKey(catalog_db, createKey(parent_key, names[i]), Column.class);
                    } // FOR
                    catalog_child = (T) MultiColumn.get(params);

                    // Regular Columns
                } else {
                    catalog_child = (T) ((Table) catalog_parent).getColumns().get(child_key);
                // INDEX
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Index.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Table) catalog_parent).getIndexes().get(child_key);
                // CONSTRAINT
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Constraint.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Table) catalog_parent).getConstraints().get(child_key);
                // PROCPARAMETER
            } else if (superclasses.contains(ProcParameter.class)) {
                // Special Case: MultiProcParameter
                if (child_key.startsWith(MultiProcParameter.PREFIX)) {
                    int prefix_offset = MultiProcParameter.PREFIX.length() + MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER.length();
                    String names[] = child_key.substring(prefix_offset).split(MULTIATTRIBUTE_DELIMITER);
                    assert (names.length > 1) : "Invalid MultiProcParameter Key: " + child_key.substring(prefix_offset);
                    ProcParameter params[] = new ProcParameter[names.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                        params[i] = getFromKey(catalog_db, createKey(parent_key, names[i]), ProcParameter.class);
                    } // FOR
                    catalog_child = (T) MultiProcParameter.get(params);

                    // Regular ProcParameter
                } else {
                    catalog_child = (T) ((Procedure) catalog_parent).getParameters().get(child_key);
                // STATEMENT
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Statement.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Procedure) catalog_parent).getStatements().get(child_key);
                // STMTPARAMETER
            } else if (superclasses.contains(StmtParameter.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Statement) catalog_parent).getParameters().get(child_key);
                // TABLE
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Table.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Database) catalog_parent).getTables().get(child_key);
                if (catalog_child == null) {
                    LOG.debug("TABLES: " + CatalogUtil.debug(((Database) catalog_parent).getTables()));
                // PROCEDURE
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Procedure.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Database) catalog_parent).getProcedures().get(child_key);
                // HOST
            } else if (superclasses.contains(Host.class)) {
                catalog_child = (T) ((Cluster) catalog_parent).getHosts().get(child_key);
                // UNKNOWN!
            } else {
                LOG.fatal("Invalid child class '" + catalog_class + "' for catalog key " + key);
                assert (false);
            if (catalog_child != null)
                cache.put(key, catalog_child);
            return (catalog_child);
        return (null);

    public static <T extends CatalogType> Collection<T> getFromKeys(Database catalog_db, Collection<String> keys, Class<T> catalog_class, Collection<T> items) {
        for (String key : keys) {
            items.add(CatalogKeyOldVersion.getFromKey(catalog_db, key, catalog_class));
        } // FOR
        return (items);

    public static <T extends CatalogType> Collection<T> getFromKeys(Database catalog_db, Collection<String> keys, Class<T> catalog_class) {
        return (getFromKeys(catalog_db, keys, catalog_class, new ArrayList<T>()));

Related Classes of edu.brown.catalog.CatalogKeyOldVersion

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