logger.log(Level.INFO, "");
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Running 'Connect'");
logger.log(Level.INFO, "--------------------------------------------");
// Decrypt and init configTO
ConfigTO configTO = null;
try {
configTO = createConfigTO();
catch (CipherException e) {
return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);
// Init plugin and transfer manager
String pluginId = options.getConfigTO().getTransferSettings().getType();
plugin = Plugins.get(pluginId, TransferPlugin.class);
TransferSettings transferSettings = (TransferSettings) options.getConfigTO().getTransferSettings();
transferManager = plugin.createTransferManager(transferSettings, null); // "null" because no config exists yet!
// Test the repo
if (!performRepoTest(transferManager)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Connecting to the repo failed, repo already exists or cannot be created: " + result.getResultCode());
return result;
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Connecting to the repo was successful; now downloading repo file ...");
// Create local .syncany directory
File tmpRepoFile = downloadFile(transferManager, new SyncanyRemoteFile());
if (CipherUtil.isEncrypted(tmpRepoFile)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Repo is ENCRYPTED. Decryption necessary.");
if (configTO.getMasterKey() == null) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- No master key present; Asking for password ...");
boolean retryPassword = true;
while (retryPassword) {
SaltedSecretKey possibleMasterKey = askPasswordAndCreateMasterKey();
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Master key created. Now verifying by decrypting repo file...");
if (decryptAndVerifyRepoFile(tmpRepoFile, possibleMasterKey)) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- SUCCESS: Repo file decrypted successfully.");
retryPassword = false;
else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- FAILURE: Repo file decryption failed. Asking for retry.");
retryPassword = askRetryPassword();
if (!retryPassword) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- No retry possible/desired. Returning NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR.");
return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);
else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- Master key present; Now verifying by decrypting repo file...");
if (!decryptAndVerifyRepoFile(tmpRepoFile, configTO.getMasterKey())) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "- FAILURE: Repo file decryption failed. Returning NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR.");
return new ConnectOperationResult(ConnectResultCode.NOK_DECRYPT_ERROR);
else {
String repoFileStr = FileUtils.readFileToString(tmpRepoFile);
// Success, now do the work!
File appDir = createAppDirs(options.getLocalDir());
// Write file 'config.xml'
File configFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_CONFIG);
// Write file 'syncany'
File repoFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_REPO);
FileUtils.copyFile(tmpRepoFile, repoFile);
// Write file 'master'
if (configTO.getMasterKey() != null) {
File masterFile = new File(appDir, Config.FILE_MASTER);
new MasterTO(configTO.getMasterKey().getSalt()).save(masterFile);
// Shutdown plugin