* Syncany, www.syncany.org
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Philipp C. Heckel <philipp.heckel@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.syncany.cli;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.syncany.cli.util.InitConsole;
import org.syncany.config.to.ConfigTO;
import org.syncany.crypto.CipherUtil;
import org.syncany.operations.init.GenlinkOperationResult;
import org.syncany.plugins.Plugins;
import org.syncany.plugins.UserInteractionListener;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.NestedTransferPluginOption;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageException;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.StorageTestResult;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPlugin;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginOption;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginOption.ValidationResult;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginOptionCallback;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginOptionConverter;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginOptions;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferPluginUtil;
import org.syncany.plugins.transfer.TransferSettings;
import org.syncany.util.ReflectionUtil;
import org.syncany.util.StringUtil;
import org.syncany.util.StringUtil.StringJoinListener;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import joptsimple.OptionSet;
import joptsimple.OptionSpec;
* The abstract init command provides multiple shared methods for the 'init'
* and 'connect' command. Both commands must provide the ability to
* query a user for transfer settings or parse settings from the command line
* @author Philipp C. Heckel <philipp.heckel@gmail.com>
* @author Christian Roth <christian.roth@port17.de>
public abstract class AbstractInitCommand extends Command implements UserInteractionListener {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractInitCommand.class.getName());
protected static final char NESTED_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR = '.';
protected static final String GENERIC_PLUGIN_TYPE_IDENTIFIER = ":type";
protected static final int PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH = 10;
protected static final int PASSWORD_WARN_LENGTH = 12;
protected InitConsole console;
protected boolean isInteractive;
public AbstractInitCommand() {
console = InitConsole.getInstance();
protected ConfigTO createConfigTO(TransferSettings transferSettings) throws Exception {
ConfigTO configTO = new ConfigTO();
configTO.setTransferSettings(transferSettings); // can be null
return configTO;
protected TransferSettings createTransferSettingsFromOptions(OptionSet options, OptionSpec<String> optionPlugin,
OptionSpec<String> optionPluginOpts) throws Exception {
TransferPlugin plugin;
TransferSettings transferSettings;
// Parse --plugin and --plugin-option values
List<String> pluginOptionStrings = options.valuesOf(optionPluginOpts);
Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings = parsePluginSettingsFromOptions(pluginOptionStrings);
// Validation of some constraints
if (!options.has(optionPlugin) && knownPluginSettings.size() > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided plugin settings without a plugin name.");
plugin = options.has(optionPlugin) ? initPlugin(options.valueOf(optionPlugin)) : askPlugin();
transferSettings = askPluginSettings(plugin.createEmptySettings(), knownPluginSettings);
return transferSettings;
private Map<String, String> parsePluginSettingsFromOptions(List<String> pluginSettingsOptList) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> pluginOptionValues = new HashMap<>();
// Fill settings map
for (String pluginSettingKeyValue : pluginSettingsOptList) {
String[] keyValue = pluginSettingKeyValue.split("=", 2);
if (keyValue.length != 2) {
throw new Exception("Invalid setting: " + pluginSettingKeyValue);
pluginOptionValues.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
return pluginOptionValues;
private TransferPlugin initPlugin(String pluginStr) throws Exception {
TransferPlugin plugin = Plugins.get(pluginStr, TransferPlugin.class);
if (plugin == null) {
throw new Exception("ERROR: Plugin '" + pluginStr + "' does not exist.");
return plugin;
private TransferSettings askPluginSettings(TransferSettings settings, Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings) throws StorageException {
if (isInteractive) {
out.println("Connection details for " + settings.getType() + " connection:");
else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Non interactive mode");
try {
List<TransferPluginOption> pluginOptions = TransferPluginOptions.getOrderedOptions(settings.getClass());
for (TransferPluginOption option : pluginOptions) {
askPluginSettings(settings, option, knownPluginSettings, "");
catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to execute option generator", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to execute option generator: " + e.getMessage());
if (!settings.isValid()) {
if (askRetryInvalidSettings(settings.getReasonForLastValidationFail())) {
return askPluginSettings(settings, knownPluginSettings);
throw new StorageException("Validation failed: " + settings.getReasonForLastValidationFail());
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Settings are " + settings.toString());
return settings;
private void askPluginSettings(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option, Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings, String nestPrefix)
throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, StorageException {
if (option instanceof NestedTransferPluginOption) {
Class<?> childPluginTransferSettingsClass = ReflectionUtil.getClassFromType(option.getType());
boolean isGenericChildPlugin = TransferSettings.class.equals(childPluginTransferSettingsClass);
if (isGenericChildPlugin) {
askGenericChildPluginSettings(settings, option, knownPluginSettings, nestPrefix);
else {
askConreteChildPluginSettings(settings, (NestedTransferPluginOption) option, knownPluginSettings, nestPrefix);
else {
askNormalPluginSettings(settings, option, knownPluginSettings, nestPrefix);
private void askNormalPluginSettings(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option, Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings, String nestPrefix)
throws StorageException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
Class<? extends TransferPluginOptionCallback> optionCallbackClass = option.getCallback();
TransferPluginOptionCallback optionCallback = optionCallbackClass != null ? optionCallbackClass.newInstance() : null;
Class<? extends TransferPluginOptionConverter> optionConverterClass = option.getConverter();
if (!isInteractive && !knownPluginSettings.containsKey(nestPrefix + option.getName())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing plugin option (" + nestPrefix + option.getName() + ") in non-interactive mode.");
else if (knownPluginSettings.containsKey(nestPrefix + option.getName())) {
settings.setField(option.getField().getName(), knownPluginSettings.get(nestPrefix + option.getName()));
else {
String optionValue = askPluginOption(settings, option);
if (optionConverterClass != null) {
optionValue = optionConverterClass.newInstance().convert(optionValue);
settings.setField(option.getField().getName(), optionValue);
callAndPrintPostQueryCallback(optionCallback, optionValue);
* Queries the user for a plugin (which plugin to use?) and then
* asks for all of the plugin's settings.
* <p>This case is triggered by a field looking like this:
* <tt>private TransferSettings childPluginSettings;</tt>
private void askGenericChildPluginSettings(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option, Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings, String nestPrefix)
throws StorageException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
Class<? extends TransferPluginOptionCallback> optionCallbackClass = option.getCallback();
TransferPluginOptionCallback optionCallback = optionCallbackClass != null ? optionCallbackClass.newInstance() : null;
if (isInteractive) {
out.println(option.getDescription() + ":");
TransferPlugin childPlugin = null;
Class<? extends TransferPlugin> pluginClass = TransferPluginUtil.getTransferPluginClass(settings.getClass());
// Non-interactive: Plugin settings might be given via command line
try {
childPlugin = initPlugin(knownPluginSettings.get(nestPrefix + option.getName() + GENERIC_PLUGIN_TYPE_IDENTIFIER));
catch (Exception e) {
if (!isInteractive) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing nested plugin type (" + nestPrefix + option.getName() + GENERIC_PLUGIN_TYPE_IDENTIFIER
+ ") in non-interactive mode.");
// Interactive mode: Ask for sub-plugin
while (childPlugin == null) {
childPlugin = askPlugin(pluginClass);
if (isInteractive) {
// Create nested/child settings
TransferSettings childSettings = childPlugin.createEmptySettings();
settings.setField(option.getField().getName(), childSettings);
nestPrefix = nestPrefix + option.getName() + NESTED_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR;
for (TransferPluginOption nestedOption : TransferPluginOptions.getOrderedOptions(childSettings.getClass())) {
askPluginSettings(childSettings, nestedOption, knownPluginSettings, nestPrefix);
if (isInteractive) {
callAndPrintPostQueryCallback(optionCallback, null);
* Asks the user for all of the child plugin's settings.
* <p>This case is triggered by a field looking like this:
* <tt>private LocalTransferSettings localChildPluginSettings;</tt>
private void askConreteChildPluginSettings(TransferSettings settings, NestedTransferPluginOption option, Map<String, String> knownPluginSettings,
String nestPrefix) throws StorageException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
Class<? extends TransferPluginOptionCallback> optionCallbackClass = option.getCallback();
TransferPluginOptionCallback optionCallback = optionCallbackClass != null ? optionCallbackClass.newInstance() : null;
if (isInteractive) {
out.println(option.getDescription() + ":");
for (TransferPluginOption nestedPluginOption : option.getOptions()) {
Class<?> nestedTransferSettingsClass = ReflectionUtil.getClassFromType(option.getType());
if (nestedTransferSettingsClass == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No class found for type: " + option.getType());
TransferSettings nestedSettings = (TransferSettings) nestedTransferSettingsClass.newInstance();
settings.setField(option.getField().getName(), nestedSettings);
nestPrefix = nestPrefix + option.getName() + NESTED_OPTIONS_SEPARATOR;
askPluginSettings(nestedSettings, nestedPluginOption, knownPluginSettings, nestPrefix);
if (isInteractive) {
callAndPrintPostQueryCallback(optionCallback, null);
private void callAndPrintPreQueryCallback(TransferPluginOptionCallback optionCallback) {
if (optionCallback != null) {
String preQueryMessage = optionCallback.preQueryCallback();
if (preQueryMessage != null) {
private void callAndPrintPostQueryCallback(TransferPluginOptionCallback optionCallback, String optionValue) {
if (optionCallback != null) {
String postQueryMessage = optionCallback.postQueryCallback(optionValue);
if (postQueryMessage != null) {
private String askPluginOption(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option) throws StorageException {
while (true) {
String value;
// Retrieve value
if (option.isSensitive()) {
// The option is sensitive. Could be either mandatory or optional
value = askPluginOptionSensitive(settings, option);
else if (!option.isRequired()) {
// The option is optional
value = askPluginOptionOptional(settings, option);
else {
// The option is mandatory, but not sensitive
value = askPluginOptionNormal(settings, option);
if ("".equals(value)) {
value = null;
// Validate result
ValidationResult validationResult = option.isValid(value);
switch (validationResult) {
out.println("ERROR: This option is mandatory.");
out.println("ERROR: Not a valid input.");
case VALID:
return value;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid return type: " + validationResult);
private String askPluginOptionNormal(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option) throws StorageException {
String knownOptionValue = settings.getField(option.getField().getName());
String value = knownOptionValue;
if (option.isSingular() || knownOptionValue == null || "".equals(knownOptionValue)) {
out.printf("- %s: ", option.getDescription());
value = console.readLine();
else {
out.printf("- %s (%s): ", option.getDescription(), knownOptionValue);
value = console.readLine();
if ("".equals(value)) {
value = knownOptionValue;
return value;
private String askPluginOptionOptional(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option) throws StorageException {
String knownOptionValue = settings.getField(option.getField().getName());
String value = knownOptionValue;
if (knownOptionValue == null || "".equals(knownOptionValue)) {
String defaultValueDescription = settings.getField(option.getField().getName());
if (defaultValueDescription == null) {
defaultValueDescription = "none";
out.printf("- %s (optional, default is %s): ", option.getDescription(), defaultValueDescription);
value = console.readLine();
else {
out.printf("- %s (%s): ", option.getDescription(), knownOptionValue);
value = console.readLine();
if ("".equals(value)) {
value = knownOptionValue;
return value;
private String askPluginOptionSensitive(TransferSettings settings, TransferPluginOption option) throws StorageException {
String knownOptionValue = settings.getField(option.getField().getName());
String value = knownOptionValue;
String optionalIndicator = option.isRequired() ? "" : ", optional";
if (option.isSingular() || knownOptionValue == null || "".equals(knownOptionValue)) {
out.printf("- %s (not displayed%s): ", option.getDescription(), optionalIndicator);
value = String.copyValueOf(console.readPassword());
else {
out.printf("- %s (***, not displayed%s): ", option.getDescription(), optionalIndicator);
value = String.copyValueOf(console.readPassword());
if ("".equals(value)) {
value = knownOptionValue;
return value;
protected TransferPlugin askPlugin() {
return askPlugin(null);
protected TransferPlugin askPlugin(final Class<? extends TransferPlugin> ignoreTransferPluginClass) {
TransferPlugin plugin = null;
final List<TransferPlugin> plugins = Plugins.list(TransferPlugin.class);
Iterables.removeIf(plugins, new Predicate<TransferPlugin>() {
public boolean apply(TransferPlugin transferPlugin) {
return ignoreTransferPluginClass == transferPlugin.getClass();
String pluginsList = StringUtil.join(plugins, ", ", new StringJoinListener<TransferPlugin>() {
public String getString(TransferPlugin plugin) {
return plugin.getId();
while (plugin == null) {
out.println("Choose a storage plugin. Available plugins are: " + pluginsList);
out.print("Plugin: ");
String pluginStr = console.readLine();
plugin = Plugins.get(pluginStr, TransferPlugin.class);
if (plugin == null || ignoreTransferPluginClass == plugin.getClass()) {
out.println("ERROR: Plugin does not exist or cannot be used.");
plugin = null;
return plugin;
protected String getRandomMachineName() {
return CipherUtil.createRandomAlphabeticString(20);
protected String getDefaultDisplayName() throws UnknownHostException {
return System.getProperty("user.name");
protected boolean askRetryInvalidSettings(String failReason) {
return onUserConfirm("Validation failure", failReason, "Would you change the settings");
protected boolean askRetryConnection() {
return onUserConfirm(null, "Connection failure", "Would you change the settings and retry the connection");
protected TransferSettings updateTransferSettings(TransferSettings transferSettings) throws StorageException {
try {
return askPluginSettings(transferSettings, new HashMap<String, String>());
catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to reload old plugin settings", e);
throw new StorageException("Unable to reload old plugin settings: " + e.getMessage());
protected void printLink(GenlinkOperationResult operationResult, boolean shortOutput) {
if (shortOutput) {
else {
out.println(" " + operationResult.getShareLink());
if (operationResult.isShareLinkEncrypted()) {
out.println("This link is encrypted with the given password, so you can safely share it.");
out.println("using unsecure communication (chat, e-mail, etc.)");
out.println("WARNING: The link contains the details of your repo connection which typically");
out.println(" consist of usernames/password of the connection (e.g. FTP user/pass).");
else {
out.println("WARNING: This link is NOT ENCRYPTED and might contain connection credentials");
out.println(" Do NOT share this link unless you know what you are doing!");
out.println(" The link contains the details of your repo connection which typically");
out.println(" consist of usernames/password of the connection (e.g. FTP user/pass).");
protected void printTestResult(StorageTestResult testResult) {
out.println("- Target connect success: " + testResult.isTargetCanConnect());
out.println("- Target exists: " + testResult.isTargetExists());
out.println("- Target creatable: " + testResult.isTargetCanCreate());
out.println("- Target writable: " + testResult.isTargetCanWrite());
out.println("- Repo file exists: " + testResult.isRepoFileExists());
if (testResult.getException() != null) {
out.println("Error message (see log file for details):");
out.println(" " + testResult.getException().getMessage());
public boolean onUserConfirm(String header, String message, String question) {
if (header != null) {
out.println(Strings.repeat("-", header.length()));
String yesno = console.readLine(question + " (y/n)? ");
if (!yesno.toLowerCase().startsWith("y") && !"".equals(yesno)) {
return false;
else {
return true;
public void onShowMessage(String message) {
public String onUserPassword(String header, String message) {
if (!isInteractive) {
throw new RuntimeException("Repository is encrypted, but no password was given in non-interactive mode.");
if (header != null) {
out.println(Strings.repeat("-", header.length()));
if (!message.trim().endsWith(":")) {
message += ": ";
char[] passwordChars = console.readPassword(message);
return String.copyValueOf(passwordChars);
public String onUserNewPassword() {
out.println("The password is used to encrypt data on the remote storage.");
out.println("Choose wisely!");
String password = null;
while (password == null) {
char[] passwordChars = console.readPassword("Password (min. " + PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH + " chars): ");
if (passwordChars.length < PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH) {
out.println("ERROR: This password is not allowed (too short, min. " + PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH + " chars)");
char[] confirmPasswordChars = console.readPassword("Confirm: ");
if (!Arrays.equals(passwordChars, confirmPasswordChars)) {
out.println("ERROR: Passwords do not match.");
if (passwordChars.length < PASSWORD_WARN_LENGTH) {
out.println("WARNING: The password is a bit short. Less than " + PASSWORD_WARN_LENGTH + " chars are not future-proof!");
String yesno = console.readLine("Are you sure you want to use it (y/n)? ");
if (!yesno.toLowerCase().startsWith("y") && !"".equals(yesno)) {
password = new String(passwordChars);
return password;