public Rectangle getHSWindowBounds() {
final NSAutoreleasePool pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
try {
// CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray would be more efficient than the loop below,\
// but isn't working... commented-out until can be fixed.
// final Pointer[] values = { new IntByReference(_windowId).getPointer() };
// CFArrayRef windowArray = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayCreate(null, values, 1, null);
// final CFArrayRef descriptionArray = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray(windowArray);
// long count = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetCount(descriptionArray);
// Instead, obtain a dictionary of all on-screen windows from Quartz Window Services, which will include all running applications.
CFArrayRef originalArray = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindow.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | CGWindow.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, 0);
long count = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetCount(originalArray);
for (long i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Obtain a CFDictionary containing this window's information dictionary
Pointer pointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(originalArray, i);
CFDictionaryRef dictionaryRef = new CFDictionaryRef(pointer);
// Determine the ID of this window
NSString kCGWindowNumber = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowNumber;
Pointer windowNumberPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef, kCGWindowNumber.id());
IntByReference windowIdRef = new IntByReference();
CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFNumberGetValue(windowNumberPointer, CoreFoundationLibrary.CFNumberType.kCFNumberIntType, windowIdRef.getPointer());
int thisWindowId = windowIdRef.getValue();
if (thisWindowId == _windowId) {
// Determine the bounds of this window
NSString kCGWindowBounds = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowBounds;
Pointer boundPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef, kCGWindowBounds.id());
CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRectRef rect = new CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRectRef();
boolean result = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(boundPointer, rect);
int x = (int) rect.origin.x;
int y = (int) rect.origin.y;
int width = (int) rect.size.width;
int height = (int) rect.size.height;
// Determine height of the title bar, if present
int titleHeight = determineWindowTitleHeight(height, width);
debugLog.debug("Found Hearthstone window at x={} y={} width={} height={} title={}", x, y, width, height, titleHeight);
// x = x + titleHeight;
// height = height - titleHeight;
return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
} finally {
// Couldn't find the Hearthstone window so return null... this will break the calling code.
debugLog.warn("Unable to find position of Hearthstone window.");
return null;