Package net.hearthstats.osx

Source Code of net.hearthstats.osx.ProgramHelperOsx

package net.hearthstats.osx;

import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.NativeLongByReference;
import net.hearthstats.ProgramHelper;
import net.hearthstats.osx.jna.*;
import org.rococoa.Foundation;
import org.rococoa.ID;
import org.rococoa.Rococoa;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

* Implementation of {@link ProgramHelper} for (Mac) OS X.
* @author gtch
public class ProgramHelperOsx extends ProgramHelper {

    private final static Logger debugLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProgramHelperOsx.class);

    private final String _bundleIdentifier = "unity.Blizzard Entertainment.Hearthstone";

    private int _pid;
    private int _windowId;

    private boolean _warningWindowSize = false;

    public ProgramHelperOsx() {
        debugLog.debug("Initialising ProgramHelperOsx with {}", _bundleIdentifier);

    public BufferedImage getScreenCapture() {
        final NSAutoreleasePool pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
        try {

            if (_windowId > 0) {
                // We already know the ID of the program window.
                BufferedImage image = getWindowImage(_windowId);
                if (image == null) {
                    // We seem to have lost the window?
                    debugLog.debug("    Window not found, resetting _windowId and _pid to 0");
                    _windowId = 0;
                    _pid = 0;
                    return null;
                } else {
                    return image;

            } else {
                // We don't know the ID of the program window, so look for it now.
                _windowId = findWindow(_pid);
                if (_windowId == 0) {
                    // The window couldn't be found, so maybe the program has been closed. Reset the pid to force it to start from the start
                    debugLog.debug("    Window not found, resetting _pid to 0");
                    _pid = 0;

                } else {
                    // The program was found, so take an image
                    debugLog.debug("    Window found, setting _windowId to {}", _windowId);
                    BufferedImage image = getWindowImage(_windowId);
                    return image;

        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create screen capture for  " + _bundleIdentifier + " due to exception", ex);
        } finally {

        return null;

     * <p>Gets a copy of the Hearthstone window with the provided window ID as an in-memory image.</p>
     * @param windowId The window ID of Hearthstone, as reported by a call to Quartz Window Services
     * @return An image of the window, or null if the window doesn't exist or is too small to be an active window.
    private BufferedImage getWindowImage(int windowId) {
        final NSAutoreleasePool pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
        try {
            // Create a CGRect with zero boundaries so that OS X automatically picks the correct size
            CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRect bounds = new CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRect.CGRectByValue();
            bounds.origin = new CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGPoint();
            bounds.origin.x = 0;
            bounds.origin.y = 0;
            bounds.size = new CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGSize();
            bounds.size.width = 0;
            bounds.size.height = 0;

            // Take a screenshot of the program window
            ID imageRef = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCreateImage(bounds, CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow | CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements, windowId, CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowImageBoundsIgnoreFraming | CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowImageNominalResolution);

            // Convert the screenshot into a more useful ImageRep object, and retain the object so that it isn't lost before we extract the image data
            NSBitmapImageRep imageRep = NSBitmapImageRep.CLASS.alloc().initWithCGImage(imageRef).initWithCGImage(imageRef);

            int width = imageRep.pixelsWide();
            int height = imageRep.pixelsHigh();

            int windowTitleHeight = determineWindowTitleHeight(height, width);

            if (debugLog.isTraceEnabled()) {
                debugLog.trace("    Window height={} width={} titleHeight={}", new Object[] { height, width, windowTitleHeight});

            int heightWithoutTitle = height - windowTitleHeight;

            Pointer bitmapPointer = imageRep.bitmapData();
            if (bitmapPointer == null || bitmapPointer == Pointer.NULL) {
                return null;

            } else {
                int[] data = bitmapPointer.getIntArray(0, width * height);

                if (heightWithoutTitle > 512) {
                    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, heightWithoutTitle, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);

                    // Start on row windowTitleHeight to exclude the window titlebar
                    int idx = windowTitleHeight * width;

                    // Manually write each pixel to the raster because OS X generates ARGB screenshots but BufferedImage expects RGB data.
                    WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
                    for (int y = 0; y < heightWithoutTitle; y++) {

                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                            int pixel = data[idx++];
                            raster.setSample(x, y, 0, pixel >> 8 & 0xFF);   // Red is the second byte
                            raster.setSample(x, y, 1, pixel >> 16 & 0xFF)// Green is the third byte
                            raster.setSample(x, y, 2, pixel >> 24 & 0xFF)// Blue is the fourth byte

                    // Now that we have a copy of the image in a Java object it's safe to release the native pointers

                    return image;

                } else {
                    // The window is too small to generate an image
                    return null;

        } finally {

     * <p>Determine whether there is a window title on a window given its size, and return the height of that window title.</p>
     * <p>The technique is quite naive but fast, based on the known screen sizes that Hearthstone supports with backup calculation
     * if the standard sizes aren't detected.</p>
     * @param height Height of the Hearthstone window, in pixels.
     * @param width Width of the Hearthstone window, in pixels.
     * @return What the height of the titlebar on the window is likely to be, in pixels. Will be zero in full-screen modes.
    private int determineWindowTitleHeight(int height, int width) {

        switch (width) {
            case 1:
                if (height == 1) {
                    return 0;               // Hearthstone has a brief period of its window being 1x1 when changing screen size

            case 1024:
                if (height == 768) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1024x768
                } else if (height == 790) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1024x768
                } else if (height == 742) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 2048x1536 on Retina display, scaled
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1200:
                if (height == 742) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 2560x1600 on Retina display, scaled
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1280:
                if (height == 720) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1280x720
                } else if (height == 742) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1280x720
                } else if (height == 800) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1280x800 or 2560x1600 on Retina display, scaled
                } else if (height == 822) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1280x800
                } else if (height == 1024) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1280x1024
                } else if (height == 1046) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1280x1024
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1344:
                if (height == 756) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1344x756
                } else if (height == 778) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1344x756
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1440:
                if (height == 900) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1440x900 or 2880x1800 on Retina display, scaled
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1600:
                if (height == 900) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1600x900
                } else if (height == 922) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1600x900
                } else if (height == 1200) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1600x1200
                } else if (height == 1222) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1600x1200
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1680:
                if (height == 1050) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1680x1050
                } else if (height == 1072) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1680x1050
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 1920:
                if (height == 1080) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1920x1080
                } else if (height == 1102) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1920x1080
                } else if (height == 1200) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 1920x1200
                } else if (height == 1222) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 1920x1200
                break;                      // Unknown

            case 2560:
                if (height == 1440) {
                    return 0;               // Full-screen 2560x1440
                } else if (height == 1462) {
                    return 22;              // Windowed 2560x1440
                break;                      // Unknown


        if (!_warningWindowSize) {
            // This is an unknown window size and we haven't logged a warning yet
            debugLog.debug("Encountered unknown window size {}x{} - may not be able to correctly determine whether this window is full-screen.", width, height);
            _warningWindowSize = true;

        // This is an unknown display size. However we can guess whether it is full-screen
        // because most displays have a ratio that is an even multiple of 1/48th.

        int widthBy48 = width * 48;
        if (widthBy48 % height == 0) {
            // The ratio is an even multiple of 1/48th so assume it's a full-screen window
            return 0;
        } else {
            // Unknown size, so give up but assume the typical height of an OS X title bar: 22 pixels!
            // Though the native height on a Retina display is 44 pixels, our image is scaled so it is still effectively 22 pixels on a Retina display.
            return 22;


     * <p>Finds the main Hearthstone window ID for the given process ID.</p>
     * <p>Will only return the window that matches expected characteristics of the main Hearthstone window, namely:</p>
     * <ul>
     *     <li>kCGWindowIsOnscreen = 1</li>
     *     <li>kCGWindowLayer = 0</li>
     *     <li>kCGWindowOwnerPID = [pid]</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param pid The process ID of Hearthstone.
     * @return the window ID if found, or zero if no suitable window was found. It is normal for the window ID to be zero briefly during startup of Hearthstone.
    private int findWindow(int pid) {
        final NSAutoreleasePool pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
        try {

            // Obtain a dictionary of all on-screen windows from Quartz Window Services, which will include all running applications.
            // Hearthstone typically has five or six windows, but only one or two are 'on screen' and it is those that we are interested in.
            final CFArrayRef originalArray = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindow.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | CGWindow.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, 0);

            long count = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetCount(originalArray);
            for (long i = 0; i < count; i++) {

                // Obtain a CFDictionary containing this window's information dictionary
                Pointer pointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(originalArray, i);
                CFDictionaryRef dictionaryRef = new CFDictionaryRef(pointer);

                // Determine the process ID of this window
                NSString kCGWindowOwnerPID = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowOwnerPID;
                Pointer pidPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef,;
                NativeLongByReference longByReference = new NativeLongByReference();
                CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFNumberGetValue(pidPointer, CoreFoundationLibrary.CFNumberType.kCFNumberLongType, longByReference.getPointer());
                long pidLong = longByReference.getValue().longValue();

                if (pidLong == pid) {
                    // This window is a Hearthstone window

                    // When running in full-screen mode, Hearthstone has two windows: one for the game and one that appears to be a temporary desktop or space for the game to run in.
                    // The game window always has a kCGWindowLayer of zero, whereas the desktop has a non-zero kCGWindowLayer.
                    NSString kCGWindowLayer = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowLayer;
                    Pointer windowLayerPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef,;
                    IntByReference windowLayerRef = new IntByReference();
                    CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFNumberGetValue(windowLayerPointer, CoreFoundationLibrary.CFNumberType.kCFNumberFloatType, windowLayerRef.getPointer());
                    int windowLayer = windowLayerRef.getValue();

                    if (windowLayer == 0) {
                        // This window has a zero kCGWindowLayer so it must be the main Hearthstone window

                        NSString kCGWindowNumber = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowNumber;
                        Pointer windowNumberPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef,;
                        IntByReference windowIdRef = new IntByReference();
                        CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFNumberGetValue(windowNumberPointer, CoreFoundationLibrary.CFNumberType.kCFNumberIntType, windowIdRef.getPointer());
                        int windowId = windowIdRef.getValue();

                        return windowId;

            // No Hearthstone window was found
            return 0;

        } finally {

  public boolean foundProgram() {

        int newPid = findProgramPid(_bundleIdentifier);

        if (newPid != _pid) {
            // The process ID has changed, so reset the cached window ID (which was related to the old PID)
            debugLog.debug("    _pid has changed from {} to {}", _pid, newPid);
            _pid = newPid;
            _windowId = 0;

        return _pid > 0;

     * Looks for the program specified by {@link #_bundleIdentifier}, and if it finds it sets the {@link #_pid} to the process ID.
     * Resets the {@link #_pid} if the program could not be found (ie it's not running).
    private int findProgramPid(String bundleIdentifier) {
        final NSAutoreleasePool pool;
        try {
            pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find program " + bundleIdentifier + " due to exception", ex);
        try {
            final NSArray nsArray = NSRunningApplication.CLASS.runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(bundleIdentifier);
            final int size = nsArray.count();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                final NSRunningApplication nsRunningApplication = Rococoa.cast(nsArray.objectAtIndex(i), NSRunningApplication.class);

                // This double-check of the bundle identifier is probably unnecessary...
                if (bundleIdentifier.equals(nsRunningApplication.bundleIdentifier())) {
                    // We've found the application, so we can skip the rest of the loop
                    return nsRunningApplication.processIdentifier();

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find program " + bundleIdentifier + " due to exception", ex);
        } finally {

        return 0;

  public Rectangle getHSWindowBounds() {

    final NSAutoreleasePool pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
    try {

      // CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray would be more efficient than the loop below,\
      // but isn't working... commented-out until can be fixed.
//      final Pointer[] values = { new IntByReference(_windowId).getPointer() };
//      CFArrayRef windowArray = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayCreate(null, values, 1, null);
//      final CFArrayRef descriptionArray = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCreateDescriptionFromArray(windowArray);
//      long count = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetCount(descriptionArray);

      // Instead, obtain a dictionary of all on-screen windows from Quartz Window Services, which will include all running applications.
      CFArrayRef originalArray = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(CGWindow.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | CGWindow.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, 0);

      long count = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetCount(originalArray);
      for (long i = 0; i < count; i++) {

        // Obtain a CFDictionary containing this window's information dictionary
        Pointer pointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(originalArray, i);
        CFDictionaryRef dictionaryRef = new CFDictionaryRef(pointer);

        // Determine the ID of this window
        NSString kCGWindowNumber = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowNumber;
        Pointer windowNumberPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef,;
        IntByReference windowIdRef = new IntByReference();
        CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFNumberGetValue(windowNumberPointer, CoreFoundationLibrary.CFNumberType.kCFNumberIntType, windowIdRef.getPointer());
        int thisWindowId = windowIdRef.getValue();

        if (thisWindowId == _windowId) {

          // Determine the bounds of this window
          NSString kCGWindowBounds = CoreGraphicsLibrary.kCGWindowBounds;
          Pointer boundPointer = CoreFoundationLibrary.INSTANCE.CFDictionaryGetValue(dictionaryRef,;

          CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRectRef rect = new CoreGraphicsLibrary.CGRectRef();
          boolean result = CoreGraphicsLibrary.INSTANCE.CGRectMakeWithDictionaryRepresentation(boundPointer, rect);

          int x = (int) rect.origin.x;
          int y = (int) rect.origin.y;
          int width = (int) rect.size.width;
          int height = (int) rect.size.height;

          // Determine height of the title bar, if present
          int titleHeight = determineWindowTitleHeight(height, width);

          debugLog.debug("Found Hearthstone window at x={} y={} width={} height={} title={}", x, y, width, height, titleHeight);

//          x = x + titleHeight;
//          height = height - titleHeight;

          return new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);

    } finally {

    // Couldn't find the Hearthstone window so return null... this will break the calling code.
    debugLog.warn("Unable to find position of Hearthstone window.");
    return null;

  public boolean bringWindowToForeground() {
    final NSAutoreleasePool pool;
    try {
      pool = NSAutoreleasePool.new_();
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find program " + _bundleIdentifier + " due to exception", ex);
    try {
      final NSArray nsArray = NSRunningApplication.CLASS.runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier(_bundleIdentifier);
      final int size = nsArray.count();
      for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        final NSRunningApplication nsRunningApplication = Rococoa.cast(nsArray.objectAtIndex(i), NSRunningApplication.class);

        // This double-check of the bundle identifier is probably unnecessary...
        if (_bundleIdentifier.equals(nsRunningApplication.bundleIdentifier())) {
          boolean result = nsRunningApplication.activateWithOptions(0);
          debugLog.debug("nsRunningApplication.activateWithOptions returned {}", result);
          return result;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find program " + _bundleIdentifier + " due to exception", ex);
    } finally {
    return false;


Related Classes of net.hearthstats.osx.ProgramHelperOsx

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