This class provides the basic methods required to run the interface, plus a pair of methods that provide InputStream and OutputStream classes for this object.
Normally, client code would use the getAsciiStream, getBinaryStream, or getUnicodeStream methods in ResultSet, or setAsciiStream, setBinaryStream, or setUnicodeStream methods in PreparedStatement to access Large Objects.
However, sometimes lower level access to Large Objects are required, that are not supported by the JDBC specification.
Refer to org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager on how to gain access to a Large Object, or how to create one.
@see org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager
@see java.sql.ResultSet#getAsciiStream
@see java.sql.ResultSet#getBinaryStream
@see java.sql.ResultSet#getUnicodeStream
@see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setAsciiStream
@see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setBinaryStream
@see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setUnicodeStream