Package org.postgresql.util

Examples of org.postgresql.util.PSQLException

            defaults = getDefaultProperties();
        catch (IOException ioe)
            throw new PSQLException("Error loading default settings from"),
                                    PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ioe);

        // override defaults with provided properties
        Properties props = new Properties(defaults);
        for (Enumeration e = info.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
            String propName = (String)e.nextElement();
            props.setProperty(propName, info.getProperty(propName));

        // parse URL and add more properties
        if ((props = parseURL(url, props)) == null)
            logger.debug("Error in url: " + url);
            return null;
            logger.debug("Connecting with URL: " + url);

            // Enforce login timeout, if specified, by running the connection
            // attempt in a separate thread. If we hit the timeout without the
            // connection completing, we abandon the connection attempt in
            // the calling thread, but the separate thread will keep trying.
            // Eventually, the separate thread will either fail or complete
            // the connection; at that point we clean up the connection if
            // we managed to establish one after all. See ConnectThread for
            // more details.
            long timeout = timeout(props);
            if (timeout <= 0)
                return makeConnection(url, props);

            ConnectThread ct = new ConnectThread(url, props);
            new Thread(ct, "PostgreSQL JDBC driver connection thread").start();
            return ct.getResult(timeout);
        catch (PSQLException ex1)
            logger.debug("Connection error:", ex1);
            // re-throw the exception, otherwise it will be caught next, and a
            // org.postgresql.unusual error will be returned instead.
            throw ex1;
        catch ( ace)
            throw new PSQLException("Your security policy has prevented the connection from being attempted.  You probably need to grant the connect to the database server host and port that you wish to connect to."), PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ace);
        catch (Exception ex2)
            logger.debug("Unexpected connection error:", ex2);
            throw new PSQLException("Something unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception."),
                                    PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, ex2);
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     * @return PSQLException with a localized message giving the complete
     *  description of the unimplemeted function
    public static SQLException notImplemented(Class callClass, String functionName)
        return new PSQLException("Method {0} is not yet implemented.", callClass.getName() + "." + functionName),
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                    if (resultException != null) {
                        if (resultException instanceof SQLException) {
                            throw (SQLException)resultException;
                        } else {
                            throw new PSQLException("Something unusual has occured to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception."),
                                                    PSQLState.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, resultException);
                    long delay = expiry - System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (delay <= 0) {
                        abandoned = true;
                        throw new PSQLException("Connection attempt timed out."),
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                        abandoned = true;
                        throw new PSQLException("Interrupted while attempting to connect."),
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        setLiteralParameter(index, "" + value, Oid.INT4);

    public void setLiteralParameter(int index, String value, int oid) throws SQLException {
        if (index < 1 || index > paramValues.length)
            throw new PSQLException("The column index is out of range: {0}, number of columns: {1}.", new Object[]{new Integer(index), new Integer(paramValues.length)}), PSQLState.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE );

        paramValues[index - 1] = value;
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        setLiteralParameter(index, sbuf.toString(), oid);

    public void setBytea(int index, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws SQLException {
        if (index < 1 || index > paramValues.length)
            throw new PSQLException("The column index is out of range: {0}, number of columns: {1}.", new Object[]{new Integer(index), new Integer(paramValues.length)}), PSQLState.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE );

        paramValues[index - 1] = new StreamWrapper(data, offset, length);
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        paramValues[index - 1] = new StreamWrapper(data, offset, length);

    public void setBytea(int index, final InputStream stream, final int length) throws SQLException {
        if (index < 1 || index > paramValues.length)
            throw new PSQLException("The column index is out of range: {0}, number of columns: {1}.", new Object[]{new Integer(index), new Integer(paramValues.length)}), PSQLState.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE );

        paramValues[index - 1] = new StreamWrapper(stream, length);
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        paramValues[index - 1] = new StreamWrapper(stream, length);

    public void setNull(int index, int oid) throws SQLException {
        if (index < 1 || index > paramValues.length)
            throw new PSQLException("The column index is out of range: {0}, number of columns: {1}.", new Object[]{new Integer(index), new Integer(paramValues.length)}), PSQLState.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE );

        paramValues[index - 1] = NULL_OBJECT;
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    void checkAllParametersSet() throws SQLException {
        for (int i = 0; i < paramValues.length; i++)
            if (paramValues[i] == null)
                throw new PSQLException("No value specified for parameter {0}.", new Integer(i + 1)), PSQLState.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE);
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        case ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT:
            rsHoldability = holdability;
            throw new PSQLException("Unknown ResultSet holdability setting: {0}.", new Integer(holdability)),
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     * @since 1.4
    public Savepoint setSavepoint() throws SQLException
        if (!haveMinimumServerVersion("8.0"))
            throw new PSQLException("Server versions prior to 8.0 do not support savepoints."), PSQLState.NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
        if (getAutoCommit())
            throw new PSQLException("Cannot establish a savepoint in auto-commit mode."),

        PSQLSavepoint savepoint = new PSQLSavepoint(savepointId++);

        // Note we can't use execSQLUpdate because we don't want
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Related Classes of org.postgresql.util.PSQLException

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