* @param pathId
* @param metadata
* @throws GeneralSecurityException
public void doSetMetadata( String pathId, List<StringKeyStringValueDto> metadata ) throws GeneralSecurityException {
RepositoryFileDto file = getRepoWs().getFile( idToPath( pathId ) );
RepositoryFileAclDto fileAcl = getRepoWs().getAcl( file.getId() );
boolean canManage =
getSession().getName().equals( fileAcl.getOwner() )
|| ( getPolicy().isAllowed( RepositoryReadAction.NAME )
&& getPolicy().isAllowed( RepositoryCreateAction.NAME ) && getPolicy().isAllowed(
AdministerSecurityAction.NAME ) );
if ( !canManage ) {
if ( fileAcl.isEntriesInheriting() ) {
List<RepositoryFileAclAceDto> aces = getRepoWs().getEffectiveAces( file.getId() );
fileAcl.setAces( aces, fileAcl.isEntriesInheriting() );
for ( int i = 0; i < fileAcl.getAces().size(); i++ ) {
RepositoryFileAclAceDto acl = fileAcl.getAces().get( i );
if ( acl.getRecipient().equals( getSession().getName() ) ) {
if ( acl.getPermissions().contains( RepositoryFilePermission.ACL_MANAGEMENT.ordinal() )
|| acl.getPermissions().contains( RepositoryFilePermission.ALL.ordinal() ) ) {
canManage = true;
if ( canManage ) {
Map<String, Serializable> fileMetadata = getRepository().getFileMetadata( file.getId() );
boolean isHidden = false;
for ( StringKeyStringValueDto nv : metadata ) {
// don't add hidden to the list because it is not actually part of the metadata node
if ( ( nv.getKey().contentEquals( "_PERM_HIDDEN" ) ) ) {
isHidden = Boolean.parseBoolean( nv.getValue() );
} else {
fileMetadata.put( nv.getKey(), nv.getValue() );
// now update the rest of the metadata
if ( !file.isFolder() ) {
getRepository().setFileMetadata( file.getId(), fileMetadata );
// handle hidden flag if it is different
if ( file.isHidden() != isHidden ) {
file.setHidden( isHidden );
* Since we cannot simply set the new value, use the RepositoryFileAdapter to create a new instance and then
* update the original.
RepositoryFile sourceFile = getRepository().getFileById( file.getId() );
RepositoryFileDto destFileDto = toFileDto( sourceFile, null, false );
destFileDto.setHidden( isHidden );
RepositoryFile destFile = toFile( destFileDto );
// add the existing acls and file data
RepositoryFileAcl acl = getRepository().getAcl( sourceFile.getId() );