// The ClientShmManager starts off empty
Assert.assertEquals(0, info.size());
DomainPeer peer = getDomainPeerToDn(conf);
MutableBoolean usedPeer = new MutableBoolean(false);
ExtendedBlockId blockId = new ExtendedBlockId(123, "xyz");
final DatanodeInfo datanode =
new DatanodeInfo(cluster.getDataNodes().get(0).getDatanodeId());
// Allocating the first shm slot requires using up a peer.
Slot slot = cache.allocShmSlot(datanode, peer, usedPeer,
blockId, "testAllocShm_client");
cache.getDfsClientShmManager().visit(new Visitor() {
public void visit(HashMap<DatanodeInfo, PerDatanodeVisitorInfo> info)
throws IOException {
// The ClientShmManager starts off empty
Assert.assertEquals(1, info.size());
PerDatanodeVisitorInfo vinfo = info.get(datanode);
Assert.assertEquals(0, vinfo.full.size());
Assert.assertEquals(1, vinfo.notFull.size());
// Wait for the slot to be released, and the shared memory area to be
// closed. Since we didn't register this shared memory segment on the
// server, it will also be a test of how well the server deals with
// bogus client behavior.
GenericTestUtils.waitFor(new Supplier<Boolean>() {
public Boolean get() {
final MutableBoolean done = new MutableBoolean(false);
try {
cache.getDfsClientShmManager().visit(new Visitor() {
public void visit(HashMap<DatanodeInfo, PerDatanodeVisitorInfo> info)
throws IOException {
done.setValue(info.get(datanode).full.isEmpty() &&
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("error running visitor", e);
return done.booleanValue();
}, 10, 60000);