Package org.ow2.asm.tree

Examples of org.ow2.asm.tree.LabelNode

     * inlining.
    public void visitJumpInsn(final int opcode, final Label lbl) {
        super.visitJumpInsn(opcode, lbl);
        LabelNode ln = ((JumpInsnNode) instructions.getLast()).label;
        if (opcode == JSR && !subroutineHeads.containsKey(ln)) {
            subroutineHeads.put(ln, new BitSet());
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        // Go through the head of each subroutine and find any nodes reachable
        // to that subroutine without following any JSR links.
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<LabelNode,BitSet>> it = subroutineHeads.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            Map.Entry<LabelNode,BitSet> entry =;
            LabelNode lab = entry.getKey();
            BitSet sub = entry.getValue();
            int index = instructions.indexOf(lab);
            markSubroutineWalk(sub, index, anyvisited);
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            if (node.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.TABLESWITCH_INSN) {
                TableSwitchInsnNode tsnode = (TableSwitchInsnNode) node;
                int destidx = instructions.indexOf(tsnode.dflt);
                markSubroutineWalkDFS(sub, destidx, anyvisited);
                for (int i = tsnode.labels.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    LabelNode l = tsnode.labels.get(i);
                    destidx = instructions.indexOf(l);
                    markSubroutineWalkDFS(sub, destidx, anyvisited);
            if (node.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LOOKUPSWITCH_INSN) {
                LookupSwitchInsnNode lsnode = (LookupSwitchInsnNode) node;
                int destidx = instructions.indexOf(lsnode.dflt);
                markSubroutineWalkDFS(sub, destidx, anyvisited);
                for (int i = lsnode.labels.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
                    LabelNode l = lsnode.labels.get(i);
                    destidx = instructions.indexOf(l);
                    markSubroutineWalkDFS(sub, destidx, anyvisited);
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        final List<Instantiation> worklist,
        final InsnList newInstructions,
        final List<TryCatchBlockNode> newTryCatchBlocks,
        final List<LocalVariableNode> newLocalVariables)
        LabelNode duplbl = null;

        if (LOGGING) {
            log("Emitting instantiation of subroutine " + instant.subroutine);

        // Emit the relevant instructions for this instantiation, translating
        // labels and jump targets as we go:
        for (int i = 0, c = instructions.size(); i < c; i++) {
            AbstractInsnNode insn = instructions.get(i);
            Instantiation owner = instant.findOwner(i);

            // Always remap labels:
            if (insn.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LABEL) {
                // Translate labels into their renamed equivalents.
                // Avoid adding the same label more than once. Note
                // that because we own this instruction the gotoTable
                // and the rangeTable will always agree.
                LabelNode ilbl = (LabelNode) insn;
                LabelNode remap = instant.rangeLabel(ilbl);
                if (LOGGING) {
                    // TODO use of default toString().
                    log("Translating lbl #" + i + ':' + ilbl + " to " + remap);
                if (remap != duplbl) {
                    duplbl = remap;

            // We don't want to emit instructions that were already
            // emitted by a subroutine higher on the stack. Note that
            // it is still possible for a given instruction to be
            // emitted twice because it may belong to two subroutines
            // that do not invoke each other.
            if (owner != instant) {

            if (LOGGING) {
                log("Emitting inst #" + i);

            if (insn.getOpcode() == RET) {
                // Translate RET instruction(s) to a jump to the return label
                // for the appropriate instantiation. The problem is that the
                // subroutine may "fall through" to the ret of a parent
                // subroutine; therefore, to find the appropriate ret label we
                // find the lowest subroutine on the stack that claims to own
                // this instruction. See the class javadoc comment for an
                // explanation on why this technique is safe (note: it is only
                // safe if the input is verifiable).
                LabelNode retlabel = null;
                for (Instantiation p = instant; p != null; p = p.previous) {
                    if (p.subroutine.get(i)) {
                        retlabel = p.returnLabel;
                if (retlabel == null) {
                    // This is only possible if the mainSubroutine owns a RET
                    // instruction, which should never happen for verifiable
                    // code.
                    throw new RuntimeException("Instruction #" + i
                            + " is a RET not owned by any subroutine");
                newInstructions.add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, retlabel));
            } else if (insn.getOpcode() == JSR) {
                LabelNode lbl = ((JumpInsnNode) insn).label;
                BitSet sub = subroutineHeads.get(lbl);
                Instantiation newinst = new Instantiation(instant, sub);
                LabelNode startlbl = newinst.gotoLabel(lbl);

                if (LOGGING) {
                    log(" Creating instantiation of subr " + sub);

                // Rather than JSRing, we will jump to the inline version and
                // push NULL for what was once the return value. This hack
                // allows us to avoid doing any sort of data flow analysis to
                // figure out which instructions manipulate the old return value
                // pointer which is now known to be unneeded.
                newInstructions.add(new InsnNode(ACONST_NULL));
                newInstructions.add(new JumpInsnNode(GOTO, startlbl));

                // Insert this new instantiation into the queue to be emitted
                // later.
            } else {

        // Emit try/catch blocks that are relevant to this method.
        for (Iterator<TryCatchBlockNode> it = tryCatchBlocks.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            TryCatchBlockNode trycatch =;

            if (LOGGING) {
                // TODO use of default toString().
                log("try catch block original labels=" + trycatch.start + '-'
                        + trycatch.end + "->" + trycatch.handler);

            final LabelNode start = instant.rangeLabel(trycatch.start);
            final LabelNode end = instant.rangeLabel(trycatch.end);

            // Ignore empty try/catch regions
            if (start == end) {
                if (LOGGING) {
                    log(" try catch block empty in this subroutine");

            final LabelNode handler = instant.gotoLabel(trycatch.handler);

            if (LOGGING) {
                // TODO use of default toString().
                log(" try catch block new labels=" + start + '-' + end + "->"
                        + handler);

            if (start == null || end == null || handler == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Internal error!");

            newTryCatchBlocks.add(new TryCatchBlockNode(start,

        for (Iterator<LocalVariableNode> it = localVariables.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            LocalVariableNode lvnode =;
            if (LOGGING) {
                log("local var " +;
            final LabelNode start = instant.rangeLabel(lvnode.start);
            final LabelNode end = instant.rangeLabel(lvnode.end);
            if (start == end) {
                if (LOGGING) {
                    log("  local variable empty in this sub");
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            // Determine the label to return to when this subroutine terminates
            // via RET: note that the main subroutine never terminates via RET.
            if (prev != null) {
                returnLabel = new LabelNode();
            } else {
                returnLabel = null;

            // Each instantiation will remap the labels from the code above to
            // refer to its particular copy of its own instructions. Note that
            // we collapse labels which point at the same instruction into one:
            // this is fairly common as we are often ignoring large chunks of
            // instructions, so what were previously distinct labels become
            // duplicates.
            LabelNode duplbl = null;
            for (int i = 0, c = instructions.size(); i < c; i++) {
                AbstractInsnNode insn = instructions.get(i);

                if (insn.getType() == AbstractInsnNode.LABEL) {
                    LabelNode ilbl = (LabelNode) insn;

                    if (duplbl == null) {
                        // if we already have a label pointing at this spot,
                        // don't recreate it.
                        duplbl = new LabelNode();

                    // Add an entry in the rangeTable for every label
                    // in the original code which points at the next
                    // instruction of our own to be emitted.
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            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.logger.error("Cannot configure Carol to use CMI", e);
                throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot configure Carol to use CMI", e);

            ClusterViewManagerFactory clusterViewManagerFactory = ClusterViewManagerFactory.getFactory();

            // Start the manager
            try {
                this.clusterViewManager = (ServerClusterViewManager) clusterViewManagerFactory.create();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                this.logger.error("Cannot retrieve the CMI Server", e);
                throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot retrieve the CMI Server", e);
            if (this.clusterViewManager != null
                    && this.clusterViewManager.getState().equals(ClusterViewManager.State.STOPPED)) {
                if (this.eventComponent != null) {
                    List<Component> components =
                    if (components != null) {
                        for (Component cmiEventComponent : components) {
                            if (org.ow2.cmi.component.event.EventComponent.class.isAssignableFrom(cmiEventComponent.getClass())) {
                                ((org.ow2.cmi.component.event.EventComponent) cmiEventComponent).setEventService(
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            return EASYBEANS_ROOT;
        } else if (EZBContainer.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
            // The object is an EJB container.

            EZBContainer container = (EZBContainer) instance;

            // Get the archive name (remove all character before the last slash/antislash).
            String archiveName = container.getName().replaceAll("(.*[/\\\\])", "");

            // Compute the application id.
            return EASYBEANS_ROOT + "/" + container.getApplicationName() + "/" + archiveName;
        } else if (Factory.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
            // The object is a bean factory.

            Factory<?, ?> factory = (Factory<?, ?>) instance;
            EZBContainer container = factory.getContainer();

            // Get the archive name (remove all character before the last slash/antislash).
            String archiveName = container.getName().replaceAll("(.*[/\\\\])", "");

            // Get the bean class name (remove all character before the last point).
            String factoryName = factory.getClassName().replaceAll("(.*\\.)", "");

            // Compute the bean id.
            return EASYBEANS_ROOT + "/" + container.getApplicationName() + "/" + archiveName + "/" + factoryName;
        } else {
            throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Name is not define for argument of type " + instance.getClass());
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                    throw new EZBComponentException("Cannot start the CMI Server", e);
        // register the listener.
        EZBEventListener eventListener = new CmiEventListener();

        this.logger.debug("The CMI configuration extension has been added.");
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            public synchronized void handle(final IEvent event) {
                if (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getClass())) {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin e = (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin) event;
                    MeanCallTimeStatistic.this.pendingCall.put(Long.valueOf(e.getInvocationNumber()), e);
                } else {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventEnd = (EZBEventBeanInvocation) event;
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventBegin =

           += eventEnd.getTime() - eventBegin.getTime();
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             * Handle the event.
             * @param event The event to handle.
            public synchronized void handle(final IEvent event) {
                if (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin.class.isAssignableFrom(event.getClass())) {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin e = (EZBEventBeanInvocationBegin) event;
                    MeanCallTimeStatistic.this.pendingCall.put(Long.valueOf(e.getInvocationNumber()), e);
                } else {
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventEnd = (EZBEventBeanInvocation) event;
                    EZBEventBeanInvocation eventBegin =

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Related Classes of org.ow2.asm.tree.LabelNode

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