Package org.openstreetmap.josm.command

Examples of org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand

         * @param n Node to be projected
         * @return The command that do the projection of this node
        public Command projectionCommand(Node n) {
            double s = (xM - n.getEastNorth().getX()) * a + (yM - n.getEastNorth().getY()) * b;
            return new MoveCommand(n, a*s, b*s);
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            if(Math.abs(d) < 10e-6)
                // parallels lines
                throw new InvalidSelection(tr("Two parallels ways found. Abort."));
            double x = (this.b * other.c - other.b * this.c) / d;
            double y = (other.a * this.c - this.a * other.c) / d;
            return new MoveCommand(n, x - n.getEastNorth().getX(), y - n.getEastNorth().getY());
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                        Math.abs(dy) > Math.abs(EPSILON * tmp.east()))
                    throw new AssertionError();
            else {
                OrthogonalizeAction.rememberMovements.put(n, new EastNorth(dx, dy));
                commands.add(new MoveCommand(n, dx, dy));
        return commands;
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                for (OsmPrimitive p : sel) {
                    if (! (p instanceof Node)) throw new InvalidUserInputException();
                    Node n = (Node) p;
                    if (rememberMovements.containsKey(n)) {
                        EastNorth tmp = rememberMovements.get(n);
                        commands.add(new MoveCommand(n, - tmp.east(), - tmp.north()));
                if (!commands.isEmpty()) {
                    Main.main.undoRedo.add(new SequenceCommand(tr("Orthogonalize / Undo"), commands));
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            // First move the node to A's position, then move it towards B
            double dx = ax - s.getEastNorth().east() + (bx-ax)*pos/num;
            double dy = ay - s.getEastNorth().north() + (by-ay)*pos/num;

            cmds.add(new MoveCommand(s, dx, dy));

            //remove moved node from the list

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         * @param n Node to move
         * @return new MoveCommand
        public MoveCommand createMoveCommand(Node n) {
            EastNorth en = toEastNorth();
            return new MoveCommand(n, en.east() - n.getEastNorth().east(), en.north() - n.getEastNorth().north());
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                    EastNorth movement1 = initialN1en.sub(newN1en);
                    EastNorth movement2 = initialN2en.sub(newN2en);
                    // move nodes to new position
                    if (moveCommand == null || moveCommand2 == null) {
                        // make a new move commands
                        moveCommand = new MoveCommand(movingNodeList.get(0), movement1.getX(), movement1.getY());
                        moveCommand2 = new MoveCommand(movingNodeList.get(1), movement2.getX(), movement2.getY());
                        Command c = new SequenceCommand(tr("Extrude Way"), moveCommand, moveCommand2);
                    } else {
                        // reuse existing move commands
                        moveCommand.moveAgainTo(movement1.getX(), movement1.getY());
                        moveCommand2.moveAgainTo(movement2.getX(), movement2.getY());
            } else {
                if (mode == Mode.extrude || mode == Mode.create_new) {
                    //nothing here
                } else if (mode == Mode.translate_node || mode == Mode.translate) {
                    //move nodes to new position
                    if (moveCommand == null) {
                        //make a new move command
                        moveCommand = new MoveCommand(new ArrayList<OsmPrimitive>(movingNodeList), bestMovement);
                    } else {
                        //reuse existing move command
                        moveCommand.moveAgainTo(bestMovement.getX(), bestMovement.getY());
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        boolean hasOtherWays = hasNodeOtherWays(selectedSegment.getFirstNode(), selectedSegment.way);
        ArrayList<Node> changedNodes = new ArrayList<>();
        if (nodeOverlapsSegment && !alwaysCreateNodes && !hasOtherWays) {
            //move existing node
            Node n1Old = selectedSegment.getFirstNode();
            cmds.add(new MoveCommand(n1Old, Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en)));
        } else if (ignoreSharedNodes && segmentAngleZero && !alwaysCreateNodes && hasOtherWays) {
            // replace shared node with new one
            Node n1Old = selectedSegment.getFirstNode();
            Node n1New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en));
            wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n1New);
            wayWasModified = true;
            cmds.add(new AddCommand(n1New));
        } else {
            //introduce new node
            Node n1New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN1en));
            wnew.addNode(insertionPoint, n1New);
            wayWasModified = true;
            insertionPoint ++;
            cmds.add(new AddCommand(n1New));

        //find if the new points overlap existing segments (in case of 90 degree angles)
        Node nextNode = getNextNode(selectedSegment.lowerIndex + 1);
        nodeOverlapsSegment = nextNode != null && Geometry.segmentsParallel(initialN2en, nextNode.getEastNorth(), initialN2en, newN2en);
        segmentAngleZero = nextNode != null && Math.abs(Geometry.getCornerAngle(nextNode.getEastNorth(), initialN2en, newN2en)) < 1e-5;
        hasOtherWays = hasNodeOtherWays(selectedSegment.getSecondNode(), selectedSegment.way);

        if (nodeOverlapsSegment && !alwaysCreateNodes && !hasOtherWays) {
            //move existing node
            Node n2Old = selectedSegment.getSecondNode();
            cmds.add(new MoveCommand(n2Old, Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN2en)));
        } else if (ignoreSharedNodes && segmentAngleZero && !alwaysCreateNodes && hasOtherWays) {
            // replace shared node with new one
            Node n2Old = selectedSegment.getSecondNode();
            Node n2New = new Node(Main.getProjection().eastNorth2latlon(newN2en));
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            } else if (candidateNode != null) {
                // Moving the highlighted node
                EastNorth nodeEN = candidateNode.getEastNorth();
                EastNorth cursorEN = mv.getEastNorth(mousePos.x, mousePos.y);

                Main.main.undoRedo.add(new MoveCommand(candidateNode, cursorEN.east() - nodeEN.east(), cursorEN.north()
                        - nodeEN.north()));

        mousePos = null;
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        LatLon coordinates = dialog.getCoordinates();
        if (coordinates == null)

        // move the node
        Main.main.undoRedo.add(new MoveCommand(n, coordinates));;
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Related Classes of org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand

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