"position: absolute; width:100%; height:100%; left:0px; top:0px;");
Node n = document.appendChild(xhtmlDiv);
// Convert the object itself to SVG
Svg svg = oFactory.createSvg();
Line line = oFactory.createLine();
line.setX1(b.getOffset().getXAsString() );
line.setY1(b.getOffset().getYAsString() );
Point otherEnd = b.getOtherCorner();
line.setX2( otherEnd.getXAsString() );
line.setY2( otherEnd.getYAsString() );
// You can't see the line in Midori, unless you specify the color.
// width eg stroke-width:2 is optional
Document d2 = XmlUtils.marshaltoW3CDomDocument(svg, jcSVG);
XmlUtils.treeCopy(d2, n);