MessageBoxes.errorBox(mainFrame, "Error", "Both placements must be on the same side of the board.");
return false;
// Get the Locations we'll be using and convert to system units.
Location boardLocationA = placementLocationA.convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location placementLocationA = placementA.getLocation().convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location boardLocationB = placementLocationB.convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location placementLocationB = placementB.getLocation().convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location boardLocationC = placementLocationC.convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location placementLocationC = placementC.getLocation().convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location boardLocationD = placementLocationD.convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
Location placementLocationD = placementD.getLocation().convertToUnits(Configuration.get().getSystemUnits());
// If the placements are on the Bottom of the board we need to invert X
if (placementA.getSide() == Side.Bottom) {
// boardLocationA = boardLocationA.invert(true, false, false, false);
placementLocationA = placementLocationA.invert(true, false, false, false);
// boardLocationB = boardLocationB.invert(true, false, false, false);
placementLocationB = placementLocationB.invert(true, false, false, false);
if (placementC.getSide() == Side.Bottom) {
// boardLocationA = boardLocationA.invert(true, false, false, false);
placementLocationC = placementLocationC.invert(true, false, false, false);
// boardLocationB = boardLocationB.invert(true, false, false, false);
placementLocationD = placementLocationD.invert(true, false, false, false);
logger.debug(String.format("%s - %s", boardLocationA,
logger.debug(String.format("%s - %s", boardLocationB,
logger.debug(String.format("%s - %s", boardLocationC,
logger.debug(String.format("%s - %s", boardLocationD,
double x1 = placementLocationA.getX();
double y1 = placementLocationA.getY();
double x2 = placementLocationB.getX();
double y2 = placementLocationB.getY();
// Center of the placement points used for rotation
double centerX = (x1+x2)/2;
double centerY = (y1+y2)/2;
// Calculate the expected angle between the two coordinates, based
// on their locations in the placement.
double expectedAngle = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);
expectedAngle = Math.toDegrees(expectedAngle);
logger.debug("expectedAngle A-B " + expectedAngle);
// Then calculate the actual angle between the two coordinates,
// based on the captured values.
x1 = boardLocationA.getX();
y1 = boardLocationA.getY();
x2 = boardLocationB.getX();
y2 = boardLocationB.getY();
double indicatedAngle = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);
indicatedAngle = Math.toDegrees(indicatedAngle);
logger.debug("indicatedAngle A-B " + indicatedAngle);
// Subtract the difference and we have the angle that the board
// is rotated by.
double angleAB = indicatedAngle - expectedAngle ; // this is the rotation angle to be done
logger.debug("angle A-B " + angleAB);
// Now do the same for C-D
x1 = placementLocationC.getX();
y1 = placementLocationC.getY();
x2 = placementLocationD.getX();
y2 = placementLocationD.getY();
centerX += (x1+x2)/2;
centerY += (y1+y2)/2;
// Calculate the expected angle between the two coordinates, based
// on their locations in the placement.
expectedAngle = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);
expectedAngle = Math.toDegrees(expectedAngle);
logger.debug("expectedAngle C-D " + expectedAngle);
// Then calculate the actual angle between the two coordinates,
// based on the captured values.
x1 = boardLocationC.getX();
y1 = boardLocationC.getY();
x2 = boardLocationD.getX();
y2 = boardLocationD.getY();
indicatedAngle = Math.atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2);
indicatedAngle = Math.toDegrees(indicatedAngle);
logger.debug("indicatedAngle C-D " + indicatedAngle);
// Subtract the difference and we have the angle that the board
// is rotated by.
double angleCD = indicatedAngle - expectedAngle ; // this is the rotation angle to be done
logger.debug("angle C-D " + angleCD);
Point center = new Point(centerX/2,centerY/2); // This is the center point of the four board used for rotation
double dxAB = 0, dxCD = 0, dxMP = 0;
double dyAB = 0, dyCD = 0, dyMP = 0;
// Now we do binary search n-times between AngleAB and AngleCD to find lowest error
// This is up to as good as we want, I prefer for-loop than while-loop.
for(int i = 0; i< 50;++i)
// use angleAB to calculate the displacement necessary to get placementLocation to boardLocation.
// Each point will have slightly different value.
// Then we can tell the error resulted from using this angleAB.
Point A = new Point(placementLocationA.getX(),placementLocationA.getY());
A = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(A, angleAB,0,0,center);
Point B = new Point(placementLocationB.getX(),placementLocationB.getY());
B = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(B, angleAB,0,0,center);
Point C = new Point(placementLocationC.getX(),placementLocationC.getY());
C = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(C, angleAB,0,0,center);
Point D = new Point(placementLocationD.getX(),placementLocationD.getY());
D = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(D, angleAB,0,0,center);
double dA = (boardLocationA.getX() - A.getX());
double dB = (boardLocationB.getX() - B.getX());
double dC = (boardLocationC.getX() - C.getX());
double dD = (boardLocationD.getX() - D.getX());
// Take the average of the four
dxAB = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
double errorAB = Math.abs(dxAB- dA) + Math.abs(dxAB- dB) + Math.abs(dxAB- dC) + Math.abs(dxAB- dD);
dA = (boardLocationA.getY() - A.getY());
dB = (boardLocationB.getY() - B.getY());
dC = (boardLocationC.getY() - C.getY());
dD = (boardLocationD.getY() - D.getY());
// Take the average of the four
dyAB = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
errorAB += Math.abs(dyAB- dA) + Math.abs(dyAB- dB) + Math.abs(dyAB- dC) + Math.abs(dyAB- dD); // Accumulate the error
// Now do the same using angleCD, find the error caused by angleCD
A = new Point(placementLocationA.getX(),placementLocationA.getY());
A = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(A, angleCD,0,0,center);
B = new Point(placementLocationB.getX(),placementLocationB.getY());
B = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(B, angleCD,0,0,center);
C = new Point(placementLocationC.getX(),placementLocationC.getY());
C = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(C, angleCD,0,0,center);
D = new Point(placementLocationD.getX(),placementLocationD.getY());
D = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(D, angleCD,0,0,center);
dA = (boardLocationA.getX() - A.getX());
dB = (boardLocationB.getX() - B.getX());
dC = (boardLocationC.getX() - C.getX());
dD = (boardLocationD.getX() - D.getX());
// Take the average of the four
dxCD = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
double errorCD = Math.abs(dxCD- dA) + Math.abs(dxCD- dB) + Math.abs(dxCD- dC) + Math.abs(dxCD- dD);
dA = (boardLocationA.getY() - A.getY());
dB = (boardLocationB.getY() - B.getY());
dC = (boardLocationC.getY() - C.getY());
dD = (boardLocationD.getY() - D.getY());
// Take the average of the four
dyCD = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
errorCD += Math.abs(dyCD- dA) + Math.abs(dyCD- dB) + Math.abs(dyCD- dC) + Math.abs(dyCD- dD); // Accumulate the error
// Now take the mid-point between the two angles,
// and do the same math
double angleMP = (angleAB + angleCD)/2; // MP = mid-point angle between angleAB and angleCD
double deltaAngle = Math.abs(angleAB - angleCD);
A = new Point(placementLocationA.getX(),placementLocationA.getY());
A = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(A, angleMP,0,0,center);
B = new Point(placementLocationB.getX(),placementLocationB.getY());
B = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(B, angleMP,0,0,center);
C = new Point(placementLocationC.getX(),placementLocationC.getY());
C = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(C, angleMP,0,0,center);
D = new Point(placementLocationD.getX(),placementLocationD.getY());
D = Utils2D.rotateTranslateCenterPoint(D, angleMP,0,0,center);
dA = (boardLocationA.getX() - A.getX());
dB = (boardLocationB.getX() - B.getX());
dC = (boardLocationC.getX() - C.getX());
dD = (boardLocationD.getX() - D.getX());
// Take the average of the four
dxMP = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
double errorMP = Math.abs(dxMP- dA) + Math.abs(dxMP- dB) + Math.abs(dxMP- dC) + Math.abs(dxMP- dD);
dA = (boardLocationA.getY() - A.getY());
dB = (boardLocationB.getY() - B.getY());
dC = (boardLocationC.getY() - C.getY());
dD = (boardLocationD.getY() - D.getY());
// Take the average of the four
dyMP = (dA + dB + dC + dD)/4;
errorMP += Math.abs(dyMP- dA) + Math.abs(dyMP- dB) + Math.abs(dyMP- dC) + Math.abs(dyMP- dD); // Accumulate the error
// This is gradient descend searching for local minima (hopefully) between angleAB and angle CD
logger.debug(String.format("Error AB=%g vs MP=%g vs CD=%g ", errorAB, errorMP, errorCD));
if(errorAB < errorCD)
if(errorMP > errorAB) // ok, so no local minima between AB and CD, let's search beyond AB
angleMP = angleAB; // use as temporary, this is MP of the previous cycle
// Beyond means both ways
if(angleAB > angleCD)
angleAB += deltaAngle;
angleAB -= deltaAngle;
angleCD = angleMP;
// Local minima is for sure between AB and CD,
// best bet it's between MP and AB
// otherwise next step it will look on the other side (angleCD + deltaAngle)
angleCD = angleMP;
if(errorMP > errorCD) // ok so no local minima between AB and CD, let's search beyond CD
angleMP = angleCD; // use as temporary, this is MP of the previous cycle
// Beyond means both ways
if(angleCD > angleAB)
angleCD += deltaAngle;
angleCD -= deltaAngle;
angleAB = angleCD;
// local minima is between AB and CD,
// best bet it's between MP and CD, so set AB to the mid point (MP)
// otherwise next step it will look on the other side (angleCD + deltaAngle)
angleAB = angleMP;
double angle = (angleAB + angleCD)/2; // take the average
logger.debug("angle final " + angle);
// Take the average of the four
//double dx = (dxAB + dxCD)/2;
//double dy = (dyAB + dyCD)/2;
double dx = dxMP;
double dy = dyMP;
logger.debug(String.format("dx %f, dy %f", dx, dy));
Location boardLocation = new Location(Configuration.get()
.getSystemUnits(), dx, dy, 0, angle );
Location oldBoardLocation = jobPanel.getSelectedBoardLocation().getLocation();
oldBoardLocation = oldBoardLocation.convertToUnits(boardLocation.getUnits());
boardLocation = boardLocation.derive(null, null, oldBoardLocation.getZ(), null);
// TODO: Set Board center point when center points are finished.
// jobPanel.getSelectedBoardLocation().setCenter(center);