final int num;
try {
num = Integer.parseInt(methodCode);
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw new FactoryException(exception);
isBursaWolf = (num>=BURSA_WOLF_MIN_CODE && num<=BURSA_WOLF_MAX_CODE);
// Reminder: The source and target dimensions MUST be computed when
// the information is available. Dimension is not always 2!!
method = generateOperationMethod(methodCode);
if (method.getSourceDimensions() != sourceDimensions ||
method.getTargetDimensions() != targetDimensions)
method = new DefaultOperationMethod(method, sourceDimensions, targetDimensions);
* Note that some parameters required for MathTransform creation are implicit in
* the EPSG database (e.g. semi-major and semi-minor axis length in the case of
* map projections). We ask the parameter value group straight from the math
* transform factory instead of from the operation method in order to get all
* required parameter descriptors, including implicit ones.
final String classe = method.getName().getCode();
parameters = factories.getMathTransformFactory().getDefaultParameters(classe);
fillParameterValues(methodCode, epsg, parameters);
* Creates common properties. The 'version' and 'accuracy' are usually defined
* for transformations only. However, we check them for all kind of operations
* (including conversions) and copy the information inconditionnaly if present.
* NOTE: This block must be executed last before object creations below, because
* methods like createCoordinateReferenceSystem and createOperationMethod
* overwrite the properties map.
final Map<String,Object> properties = generateProperties(name, epsg, area, scope, remarks);
if (version!=null && (version=version.trim()).length()!=0) {
properties.put(CoordinateOperation.OPERATION_VERSION_KEY, version);
if (!Double.isNaN(accuracy)) {
final QuantitativeResultImpl accuracyResult;
final AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl accuracyElement;
accuracyResult = new QuantitativeResultImpl(new double[]{accuracy});
// TODO: Need to invoke something equivalent to:
// accuracyResult.setValueType(Float.class);
// This is the type declared in the MS-Access database.
accuracyResult.setValueUnit(SI.METER); // In meters by definition in the EPSG database.
accuracyElement = new AbsoluteExternalPositionalAccuracyImpl(accuracyResult);
new PositionalAccuracy[] {
* Creates the operation. Conversions should be the only operations allowed to
* have null source and target CRS. In such case, the operation is a defining
* conversion (usually to be used later as part of a ProjectedCRS creation),
* and always a projection in the specific case of the EPSG database (which
* allowed us to assume 2-dimensional operation method in the code above for
* this specific case - not to be generalized to the whole EPSG database).
final CoordinateOperation operation;
if (isConversion && (sourceCRS==null || targetCRS==null)) {
// Note: we usually can't resolve sourceCRS and targetCRS because there
// is many of them for the same coordinate operation (projection) code.
operation = new DefiningConversion(properties, method, parameters);
} else if (isConcatenated) {
* Concatenated operation: we need to close the current result set, because
* we are going to invoke this method recursively in the following lines.
* Note: we instantiate directly the Geotools's implementation of
* ConcatenatedOperation instead of using CoordinateOperationFactory in order
* to avoid loading the quite large Geotools's implementation of this factory,
* and also because it is not part of FactoryGroup anyway.
result = null;
final PreparedStatement cstmt = prepareStatement("ConcatenatedOperation",
+ " FROM [Coordinate_Operation Path]"
cstmt.setString(1, epsg);
final ResultSet cr = cstmt.executeQuery();
final List<String> codes = new ArrayList<String>();
while ( {
final CoordinateOperation[] operations = new CoordinateOperation[codes.size()];
if (!safetyGuard.add(epsg)) {
throw recursiveCall(ConcatenatedOperation.class, epsg);
} try {
for (int i=0; i<operations.length; i++) {
operations[i] = createCoordinateOperation(codes.get(i));
} finally {
try {
return new DefaultConcatenatedOperation(properties, operations);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
// May happen if there is less than 2 operations to concatenate.
// It happen for some deprecated CRS like 8658 for example.
throw new FactoryException(exception);
} else {
* Needs to create a math transform. A special processing is performed for
* datum shift methods, since the conversion from ellipsoid to geocentric
* for "geocentric translations" is implicit in the EPSG database. Even in
* the case of Molodenski transforms, the axis length to set are the same.
if (isBursaWolf) try {
Ellipsoid ellipsoid = CRSUtilities.getHeadGeoEllipsoid(sourceCRS);
if (ellipsoid != null) {
final Unit axisUnit = ellipsoid.getAxisUnit();
parameters.parameter("src_semi_major").setValue(ellipsoid.getSemiMajorAxis(), axisUnit);
parameters.parameter("src_semi_minor").setValue(ellipsoid.getSemiMinorAxis(), axisUnit);
ellipsoid = CRSUtilities.getHeadGeoEllipsoid(targetCRS);
if (ellipsoid != null) {
final Unit axisUnit = ellipsoid.getAxisUnit();
parameters.parameter("tgt_semi_major").setValue(ellipsoid.getSemiMajorAxis(), axisUnit);
parameters.parameter("tgt_semi_minor").setValue(ellipsoid.getSemiMinorAxis(), axisUnit);
} catch (ParameterNotFoundException exception) {
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(
method.getName().getCode(), exception));
* At this stage, the parameters are ready for use. Creates the math transform
* and wraps it in the final operation (a Conversion or a Transformation).
final Class expected;
if (isTransformation) {
expected = Transformation.class;
} else if (isConversion) {
expected = Conversion.class;
} else {
throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.UNKNOW_TYPE_$1, type));
final MathTransform mt = factories.getMathTransformFactory().createBaseToDerived(
sourceCRS, parameters, targetCRS.getCoordinateSystem());
// TODO: uses GeoAPI factory method once available.
operation = DefaultOperation.create(properties, sourceCRS, targetCRS,