myContent.put("prefs", prefsCtr.getInitialComponent());
// check if ajax mode is enabled by default for all users
boolean ajaxOnGlobally = Settings.isAjaxGloballyOn();
// check if user has turned on ajax mode
Preferences prefs = PreferencesFactory.getInstance().getPreferencesFor(changeableIdentity, false);
Boolean ajaxOnB = (Boolean) prefs.get(WindowManager.class, "ajax-beta-on");
boolean ajaxOnByPrefs;
if (ajaxOnB == null) {
// indicate that the user settings is overwritten if no pref saved yet
ajaxOnByPrefs = ajaxOnGlobally;
} else {
ajaxOnByPrefs = ajaxOnB.booleanValue();
ajaxForm = new AjaxForm("ajaxform", translator, ajaxOnByPrefs, ajaxOnGlobally);
myContent.put("ajaxform", ajaxForm);
// load accessibility form
Boolean web2aEnabled = (Boolean) prefs.get(WindowManager.class, "web2a-beta-on");
accessibilityForm = new AccessibilityForm("accessibilityform", translator, (web2aEnabled == null ? Boolean.FALSE : web2aEnabled));
myContent.put("accessibilityform", accessibilityForm);
if (ureq.getUserSession().getRoles().isOLATAdmin()) {