* @deprecated - use the CommentAndRatingService instead. Still here in case we want to migrate the ratings
public void storePageRating(final UserRequest ureq, final Locale locale, final String bundleName, final String page, final float rating) {
final String key = calculateCombinedKey(locale, bundleName, page);
final Preferences guiPrefs = ureq.getUserSession().getGuiPreferences();
// 1) Update community rating
CoordinatorManager.getCoordinator().getSyncer().doInSync(contextHelpRatingEventBus,new SyncerExecutor(){
public void execute() {
Object[] statsValues = contextHelpRatings.get(key);
if (statsValues == null) {
// create new data object for this page
statsValues = new Object[2];
statsValues[0] = new Double(rating);
statsValues[1] = new Integer(1);
} else {
Float lastRating = (Float) guiPrefs.get(ContextHelpModule.class, GUI_PREFS_PREFIX + key);
// update data object for this page
Double cummulatedRatings = (Double) statsValues[0];
double newValue = cummulatedRatings.doubleValue() + rating - (lastRating == null ? 0 : lastRating.doubleValue());
statsValues[0] = new Double(newValue > 0 ? newValue : 0);
Integer numberOfRatings = (Integer) statsValues[1];
int newRatingCount = numberOfRatings.intValue() + (lastRating == null ? 1 : 0);
statsValues[1] = new Integer(newRatingCount);
// notify everybody about this change (including ourselfs) to update local context help ratings
ContextHelpRatingEvent ratingEvent = new ContextHelpRatingEvent(key, statsValues);
CoordinatorManager.getCoordinator().getEventBus().fireEventToListenersOf(ratingEvent, contextHelpRatingEventBus);
// now save in filesystem
XStreamHelper.writeObject(contextHelpRatingFile, contextHelpRatings);
// 2) Update user rating
guiPrefs.putAndSave(ContextHelpModule.class, GUI_PREFS_PREFIX + key, new Float(rating));