Package org.ofbiz.service

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException

    public Map<String, Object> runSync(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        Map<String, Object> result = serviceInvoker(modelService, context);

        if (result == null)
            throw new GenericServiceException("Service did not return expected result");
        return result;
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    // Invoke the remote SOAP service
    private Map<String, Object> serviceInvoker(ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        if (modelService.location == null || modelService.invoke == null)
            throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot locate service to invoke");

        Service service = null;
        Call call = null;

        try {
            service = new Service();
            call = (Call) service.createCall();
        } catch (javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("RPC service error", e);
        } catch (ServiceException e) {//Add by Andy.Chen 2003.01.15
            throw new GenericServiceException("RPC service error", e);

        URL endPoint = null;

        try {
            endPoint = new URL(this.getLocation(modelService));
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Location not a valid URL", e);

        List<ModelParam> inModelParamList = modelService.getInModelParamList();

        if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[SOAPClientEngine.invoke] : Parameter length - " + inModelParamList.size(), module);


        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelService.nameSpace)) {
            call.setOperationName(new QName(modelService.nameSpace, modelService.invoke));
        } else {

        int i = 0;

        List<Object> vParams = new ArrayList<Object>();
        for (ModelParam p: inModelParamList) {
            if (Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("[SOAPClientEngine.invoke} : Parameter: " + + " (" + p.mode + ") - " + i, module);

            // exclude params that ModelServiceReader insert into (internal params)
            if (!p.internal) {
                QName qName = call.getParameterTypeByName(; //.getTypeMapping().getTypeQName((Class) ObjectType.classNameClassMap.get(p.type));
                call.addParameter(, qName, getMode(p.mode));

        Object[] params=vParams.toArray(new Object[vParams.size()]);

        Object result = null;

        try {
            Debug.logInfo("[SOAPClientEngine.invoke] : Sending Call To SOAP Server", module);
            result = call.invoke(params);
        } catch (java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("RPC error", e);
        if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
            Debug.log("SOAP Service Result - " + result, module);
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    public Map<String, Object> runSync(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        Object result = serviceInvoker(localName, modelService, context);

        if (result == null || !(result instanceof Map))
            throw new GenericServiceException("Service did not return expected result");
        return UtilGenerics.checkMap(result);
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    // Invoke the BSF Script.
    private Object serviceInvoker(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        if (modelService.location == null || modelService.invoke == null)
            throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot locate service to invoke");

        // get the DispatchContext from the localName and ServiceDispatcher
        DispatchContext dctx = dispatcher.getLocalContext(localName);

        // get the classloader to use
        ClassLoader cl = null;

        if (dctx == null) {
            cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
        } else {
            cl = dctx.getClassLoader();

        String location = this.getLocation(modelService);

        // create the manager object and set the classloader
        BSFManager mgr = new BSFManager();

        mgr.registerBean("dctx", dctx);
        mgr.registerBean("context", context);

        // pre-load the engine to make sure we were called right
        org.apache.bsf.BSFEngine bsfEngine = null;
        try {
            bsfEngine = mgr.loadScriptingEngine(modelService.engineName);
        } catch (BSFException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Problems loading org.apache.bsf.BSFEngine: " + modelService.engineName, e);

        // source the script into a string
        String script = scriptCache.get(localName + "_" + location);

        if (script == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                script = scriptCache.get(localName + "_" + location);
                if (script == null) {
                    URL scriptUrl = UtilURL.fromResource(location, cl);

                    if (scriptUrl != null) {
                        try {
                            HttpClient http = new HttpClient(scriptUrl);
                            script = http.get();
                        } catch (HttpClientException e) {
                            throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot read script from resource", e);
                    } else {
                        throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot read script, resource [" + location + "] not found");
                    if (script == null || script.length() < 2) {
                        throw new GenericServiceException("Null or empty script");
                    scriptCache.put(localName + "_" + location, script);

        // now invoke the script
        try {
            bsfEngine.exec(location, 0, 0, script);
        } catch (BSFException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Script invocation error", e);

        return mgr.lookupBean("response");
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        return buf.toString();

    public boolean eval(String serviceName, DispatchContext dctx, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        if (serviceName == null || dctx == null || context == null || dctx.getClassLoader() == null) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot have null Service, Context or DispatchContext!");

        if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose(this.toString() + ", In the context: " + context, module);

        // condition-service; run the service and return the reply result
        if (isService) {
            LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
            Map<String, Object> conditionServiceResult = dispatcher.runSync(conditionService,
                    UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("serviceContext", context, "serviceName", serviceName,
                            "userLogin", context.get("userLogin")));

            Boolean conditionReply = Boolean.FALSE;
            if (ServiceUtil.isError(conditionServiceResult)) {
                Debug.logError("Error in condition-service : " +
                        ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(conditionServiceResult), module);
            } else {
                conditionReply = (Boolean) conditionServiceResult.get("conditionReply");
            return conditionReply.booleanValue();

        Object lhsValue = null;
        Object rhsValue = null;
        if (lhsMapName != null && lhsMapName.length() > 0) {
            try {
                if (context.containsKey(lhsMapName)) {
                    Map<String, ? extends Object> envMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get(lhsMapName));
                    lhsValue = envMap.get(lhsValueName);
                } else {
                    Debug.logWarning("From Map (" + lhsMapName + ") not found in context, defaulting to null.", module);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("From Map field [" + lhsMapName + "] is not a Map.", e);
        } else {
            if (context.containsKey(lhsValueName)) {
                lhsValue = context.get(lhsValueName);
            } else {
                Debug.logWarning("From Field (" + lhsValueName + ") is not found in context for " + serviceName + ", defaulting to null.", module);

        if (isConstant) {
            rhsValue = rhsValueName;
        } else if (rhsMapName != null && rhsMapName.length() > 0) {
            try {
                if (context.containsKey(rhsMapName)) {
                    Map<String, ? extends Object> envMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get(rhsMapName));
                    rhsValue = envMap.get(rhsValueName);
                } else {
                    Debug.logWarning("To Map (" + rhsMapName + ") not found in context for " + serviceName + ", defaulting to null.", module);
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("To Map field [" + rhsMapName + "] is not a Map.", e);
        } else {
            if (context.containsKey(rhsValueName)) {
                rhsValue = context.get(rhsValueName);
            } else {
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        Element rootElement = null;

        try {
            rootElement = ServiceConfigUtil.getXmlRootElement();
        } catch (GenericConfigException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Error getting Service Engine XML root element", e);
        Element engineElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(rootElement, "engine", "name", engineName);

        if (engineElement == null) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot find a service engine definition for the engine name [" + engineName + "] in the serviceengine.xml file");

        String className = engineElement.getAttribute("class");

        GenericEngine engine = engines.get(engineName);

        if (engine == null) {
            synchronized (GenericEngineFactory.class) {
                engine = engines.get(engineName);
                if (engine == null) {
                    try {
                        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
                        Class<?> c = loader.loadClass(className);
                        Constructor cn = c.getConstructor(ServiceDispatcher.class);
                        engine = (GenericEngine) cn.newInstance(dispatcher);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage(), e);
                    if (engine != null) {
                        engines.put(engineName, engine);
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        localContext.put("parameters", parameters);
        Map<String, Object> result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

        // check the package and method names
        if (modelService.invoke == null || (!"create".equals(modelService.invoke) && !"update".equals(modelService.invoke) && !"delete".equals(modelService.invoke))) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] the invoke value must be create, update, or delete for entity-auto engine");

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(modelService.defaultEntityName)) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] you must specify a default-entity-name for entity-auto engine");

        ModelEntity modelEntity = dctx.getDelegator().getModelEntity(modelService.defaultEntityName);
        if (modelEntity == null) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] the specified default-entity-name [" + modelService.defaultEntityName + "] is not valid");

        try {
            boolean allPksInOnly = true;
            for (ModelField pkField: modelEntity.getPkFieldsUnmodifiable()) {
                ModelParam pkParam = modelService.getParam(pkField.getName());
                if (pkParam.isOut()) {
                    allPksInOnly = false;

            if ("create".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                GenericValue newEntity = dctx.getDelegator().makeValue(modelEntity.getEntityName());

                boolean isSinglePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 1;
                boolean isDoublePk = modelEntity.getPksSize() == 2;
                Iterator<ModelField> pksIter = modelEntity.getPksIterator();

                ModelField singlePkModeField = isSinglePk ? : null;
                ModelParam singlePkModelParam = isSinglePk ? modelService.getParam(singlePkModeField.getName()) : null;
                boolean isSinglePkIn = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isIn() : false;
                boolean isSinglePkOut = isSinglePk ? singlePkModelParam.isOut() : false;

                ModelParam doublePkPrimaryInParam = null;
                ModelParam doublePkSecondaryOutParam = null;
                ModelField doublePkSecondaryOutField = null;
                if (isDoublePk) {
                    ModelField firstPkField =;
                    ModelParam firstPkParam = modelService.getParam(firstPkField.getName());
                    ModelField secondPkField =;
                    ModelParam secondPkParam = modelService.getParam(secondPkField.getName());
                    if (firstPkParam.isIn() && secondPkParam.isOut()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = secondPkField;
                    } else if (firstPkParam.isOut() && secondPkParam.isIn()) {
                        doublePkPrimaryInParam = secondPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutParam = firstPkParam;
                        doublePkSecondaryOutField = firstPkField;
                    } else {
                        // we don't have an IN and an OUT... so do nothing and leave them null

                if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && !isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Example" env-name="newEntity.exampleId"/> <!-- get the next sequenced ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleId" result-name="exampleId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    String sequencedId = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), sequencedId);
                    result.put(, sequencedId);
                } else if (isSinglePk && isSinglePkOut && isSinglePkIn) {
                     **** primary sequenced key with optional override passed in ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="INOUT" optional="true"/>
                    <make-value value-name="newEntity" entity-name="Product"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set from-field="parameters.productId" field="newEntity.productId"/>
                    <if-empty field="newEntity.productId">
                        <sequenced-id-to-env sequence-name="Product" env-name="newEntity.productId"/>
                        <check-id field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity"/>
                    <field-to-result field-name="productId" map-name="newEntity" result-name="productId"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    Object pkValue = parameters.get(;
                    if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(pkValue)) {
                        pkValue = dctx.getDelegator().getNextSeqId(modelEntity.getEntityName());
                    } else {
                        // pkValue passed in, check and if there are problems return an error

                        if (pkValue instanceof String) {
                            StringBuffer errorDetails = new StringBuffer();
                            if (!UtilValidate.isValidDatabaseId((String) pkValue, errorDetails)) {
                                return ServiceUtil.returnError("The ID value in the parameter [" + + "] was not valid: " + errorDetails);
                    newEntity.set(singlePkModeField.getName(), pkValue);
                    result.put(, pkValue);
                } else if (isDoublePk && doublePkPrimaryInParam != null && doublePkSecondaryOutParam != null) {
                     **** secondary sequenced primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <override name="exampleItemSeqId" mode="OUT"/> <!-- make this OUT rather than IN, we will automatically generate the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <make-value entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <make-next-seq-id value-name="newEntity" seq-field-name="exampleItemSeqId"/> <!-- this finds the next sub-sequence ID -->
                    <field-to-result field-name="newEntity.exampleItemSeqId" result-name="exampleItemSeqId"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>

                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                    dctx.getDelegator().setNextSubSeqId(newEntity, doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName(), 5, 1);
                    result.put(, newEntity.get(doublePkSecondaryOutField.getName()));
                } else if (allPksInOnly) {
                     **** plain specified primary key ****
                    <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                    <make-value entity-name="Example" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-pk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <set-nonpk-fields map-name="parameters" value-name="newEntity"/>
                    <create-value value-name="newEntity"/>
                    newEntity.setPKFields(parameters, true);
                } else {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the create invoke option: " +
                            "could not find a valid combination of primary key settings to do a known create operation; options include: " +
                            "1. a single OUT pk for primary auto-sequencing, " +
                            "2. a single INOUT pk for primary auto-sequencing with optional override, " +
                            "3. a 2-part pk with one part IN (existing primary pk) and one part OUT (the secdonary pk to sub-sequence, " +
                            "4. all pk fields are IN for a manually specified primary key");

                // handle the case where there is a fromDate in the pk of the entity, and it is optional or undefined in the service def, populate automatically
                ModelField fromDateField = modelEntity.getField("fromDate");
                if (fromDateField != null && fromDateField.getIsPk()) {
                    ModelParam fromDateParam = modelService.getParam("fromDate");
                    if (fromDateParam == null || (fromDateParam.isOptional() && parameters.get("fromDate") == null)) {
                        newEntity.set("fromDate", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());

                newEntity.setNonPKFields(parameters, true);
            } else if ("update".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <entity-one entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
                <set-nonpk-fields value-name="lookedUpValue" map-name="parameters"/>
                <store-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>

                // check to make sure that all primary key fields are defined as IN attributes
                if (!allPksInOnly) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the update invoke option not all pk fields have the mode IN");

                GenericValue lookedUpValue = PrimaryKeyFinder.runFind(modelEntity, parameters, dctx.getDelegator(), false, true, null, null);
                if (lookedUpValue == null) {
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError("Value not found, cannot update");

                localContext.put("lookedUpValue", lookedUpValue);

                // populate the oldStatusId out if there is a service parameter for it, and before we do the set non-pk fields
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <attribute name="oldStatusId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/>
                <field-to-result field-name="lookedUpValue.statusId" result-name="oldStatusId"/>
                ModelParam statusIdParam = modelService.getParam("statusId");
                ModelField statusIdField = modelEntity.getField("statusId");
                ModelParam oldStatusIdParam = modelService.getParam("oldStatusId");
                if (statusIdParam != null && statusIdParam.isIn() && oldStatusIdParam != null && oldStatusIdParam.isOut() && statusIdField != null) {
                    result.put("oldStatusId", lookedUpValue.get("statusId"));

                // do the StatusValidChange check
                <if-compare-field field="lookedUpValue.statusId" operator="not-equals" to-field="parameters.statusId">
                    <!-- if the record exists there should be a statusId, but just in case make it so it won't blow up -->
                    <if-not-empty field="lookedUpValue.statusId">
                        <!-- if statusId change is not in the StatusValidChange list, complain... -->
                        <entity-one entity-name="StatusValidChange" value-name="statusValidChange" auto-field-map="false">
                            <field-map field-name="statusId" env-name="lookedUpValue.statusId"/>
                            <field-map field-name="statusIdTo" env-name="parameters.statusId"/>
                        <if-empty field="statusValidChange">
                            <!-- no valid change record found? return an error... -->
                            <add-error><fail-property resource="CommonUiLabels" property="CommonErrorNoStatusValidChange"/></add-error>
                String parameterStatusId = (String) parameters.get("statusId");
                if (statusIdParam != null && statusIdParam.isIn() && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parameterStatusId) && statusIdField != null) {
                    String lookedUpStatusId = (String) lookedUpValue.get("statusId");
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(lookedUpStatusId) && !parameterStatusId.equals(lookedUpStatusId)) {
                        // there was an old status, and in this call we are trying to change it, so do the StatusValidChange check
                        GenericValue statusValidChange = dctx.getDelegator().findOne("StatusValidChange", true, "statusId", lookedUpStatusId, "statusIdTo", parameterStatusId);
                        if (statusValidChange == null) {
                            // uh-oh, no valid change...
                            return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage("CommonUiLabels", "CommonErrorNoStatusValidChange", localContext, (Locale) parameters.get("locale")));

                // NOTE: nothing here to maintain the status history, that should be done with a custom service called by SECA rule

                lookedUpValue.setNonPKFields(parameters, true);
            } else if ("delete".equals(modelService.invoke)) {
                <auto-attributes include="pk" mode="IN" optional="false"/>
                <entity-one entity-name="ExampleItem" value-name="lookedUpValue"/>
                <remove-value value-name="lookedUpValue"/>

                // check to make sure that all primary key fields are defined as IN attributes
                if (!allPksInOnly) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("In Service [" + + "] which uses the entity-auto engine with the delete invoke option not all pk fields have the mode IN");

                GenericValue lookedUpValue = PrimaryKeyFinder.runFind(modelEntity, parameters, dctx.getDelegator(), false, true, null, null);
                if (lookedUpValue != null) {
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        // locate the remote dispatcher
        RemoteDispatcher rd = null;
        try {
            rd = (RemoteDispatcher) Naming.lookup(this.getLocation(service));
        } catch (NotBoundException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("RemoteDispatcher not bound to : " + service.location, e);
        } catch ( e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Invalid format for location");
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("RMI Error", e);

        Map<String, Object> result = null;
        if (rd != null) {
            try {
                result = rd.runSync(service.invoke, context);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("RMI Invocation Error", e);
        } else {
            throw new GenericServiceException("RemoteDispatcher came back as null");

        if (result == null) {
            throw new GenericServiceException("Null result returned");

        return result;
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        Job job = null;

        if (persist) {
            // check for a delegator
            if (dispatcher.getDelegator() == null) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("No reference to delegator; cannot run persisted services.");

            GenericValue jobV = null;
            // Build the value object(s).
            try {
                // Create the runtime data
                String dataId = dispatcher.getDelegator().getNextSeqId("RuntimeData");

                GenericValue runtimeData = dispatcher.getDelegator().makeValue("RuntimeData", "runtimeDataId", dataId);

                runtimeData.set("runtimeInfo", XmlSerializer.serialize(context));

                // Get the userLoginId out of the context
                String authUserLoginId = null;
                if (context.get("userLogin") != null) {
                    GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin");
                    authUserLoginId = userLogin.getString("userLoginId");

                // Create the job info
                String jobId = dispatcher.getDelegator().getNextSeqId("JobSandbox");
                String jobName = Long.toString((new Date().getTime()));

                Map<String, Object> jFields = UtilMisc.toMap("jobId", jobId, "jobName", jobName, "runTime", UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp());
                jFields.put("poolId", ServiceConfigUtil.getSendPool());
                jFields.put("statusId", "SERVICE_PENDING");
                jFields.put("loaderName", localName);
                jFields.put("maxRetry", Long.valueOf(modelService.maxRetry));
                jFields.put("runtimeDataId", dataId);
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(authUserLoginId)) {
                    jFields.put("authUserLoginId", authUserLoginId);

                jobV = dispatcher.getDelegator().makeValue("JobSandbox", jFields);
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Unable to create persisted job", e);
            } catch (SerializeException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Problem serializing service attributes", e);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Problem serializing service attributes", e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Problem serializing service attributes", e);

            // make sure we stored okay
            if (jobV == null) {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Persisted job not created");
            } else {
                Debug.logInfo("Persisted job queued : " + jobV.getString("jobName"), module);
        } else {
            JobManager jMgr = dispatcher.getJobManager();
            if (jMgr != null) {
                String name = Long.toString(new Date().getTime());
                String jobId = + "." + name;
                job = new GenericServiceJob(dctx, jobId, name,, context, requester);
                try {
                } catch (JobManagerException jse) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot run job.", jse);
            } else {
                throw new GenericServiceException("Cannot get JobManager instance to invoke the job");
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     * @return Map of name, value pairs composing the result
    public Map<String, Object> runSync(String localName, ModelService modelService, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        Map<String, Object> result = serviceInvoker(localName, modelService, context);
        if (result == null)
            throw new GenericServiceException("Service did not return expected result");
        return result;
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException

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