Package org.ofbiz.service

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException

        try {
            GenericValue application =
                delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ApplicationSandbox", UtilMisc.toMap("applicationId", applicationId));
            return application;
        } catch (GenericEntityException ee) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ee.getMessage(), ee);
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    private static Map<String, Object> getRunTimeContext(Delegator delegator, GenericValue runTimeData)
            throws GenericServiceException {
        try {
            return UtilGenerics.checkMap(XmlSerializer.deserialize((String) runTimeData.get("runtimeInfo"), delegator));
        } catch (SerializeException se) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(se.getMessage(), se);
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException pe) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(pe.getMessage(), pe);
        } catch (SAXException se) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(se.getMessage(), se);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
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    private static void setRunTimeContext(GenericValue runTimeData, Map<String, Object> context) throws GenericServiceException {
        try {
            runTimeData.set("runtimeInfo", XmlSerializer.serialize(context));
        } catch (GenericEntityException ee) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ee.getMessage(), ee);
        } catch (SerializeException se) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(se.getMessage(), se);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
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        try {
            GenericValue application =
                delegator.findByPrimaryKey("ApplicationSandbox", UtilMisc.toMap("applicationId", applicationId));
            return application.getRelatedOne("RuntimeData");
        } catch (GenericEntityException ee) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ee.getMessage(), ee);
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        try {
            final List<GenericValue> assigments = delegator.findByAnd("WorkEffortPartyAssignment", expresions, orderBy);
            if (assigments.isEmpty()) {
                Debug.logError("No accepted activities found for the workEffortId=" + workEffortId, module);
                throw new GenericServiceException("Can not find WorkEffortPartyAssignment for the Workflow service. WorkEffortId=" + workEffortId);
            if (assigments.size() != 1)
                Debug.logWarning("More than one accepted activities found for the workEffortId=" + workEffortId, module);
            return assigments.iterator().next();
        } catch (GenericEntityException ee) {
            throw new GenericServiceException(ee.getMessage(), ee);
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                while (pi.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue pay =;
                    try {
                        Map<String, Object> cancelResults = dispatcher.runSync("setPaymentStatus", UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "paymentId", pay.get("paymentId"), "statusId", "PMNT_CANCELLED"));
                        if (ServiceUtil.isError(cancelResults)) {
                            throw new GenericServiceException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(cancelResults));
                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Unable to cancel Payment : " + pay, module);
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                while (pi.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue pay =;
                    try {
                        Map<String, Object> cancelResults = dispatcher.runSync("setPaymentStatus", UtilMisc.toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "paymentId", pay.get("paymentId"), "statusId", "PMNT_CANCELLED"));
                        if (ServiceUtil.isError(cancelResults)) {
                            throw new GenericServiceException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(cancelResults));
                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Unable to cancel Payment : " + pay, module);
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            LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher();
            if ("sync".equals(this.serviceMode)) {
                actionResult = dispatcher.runSync(this.serviceName, actionContext);
                if (ServiceUtil.isError(actionResult)) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("Error running Entity ECA action service: " + ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(actionResult));
            } else if ("async".equals(this.serviceMode)) {
                dispatcher.runAsync(serviceName, actionContext, persist);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
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        try {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(dataResourceTypeId) || dataResourceTypeId.startsWith("LOCAL_FILE")) {
                fileName = prefix + sep + objectInfo;
                file = new File(fileName);
                if (file == null) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("File: " + fileName + " is null.");
                if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
                    throw new GenericServiceException("File: " + fileName + " is not absolute.");
            } else if (dataResourceTypeId.startsWith("OFBIZ_FILE")) {
                prefix = System.getProperty("ofbiz.home");
                if (objectInfo.indexOf("/") != 0 && prefix.lastIndexOf("/") != (prefix.length() - 1)) {
                    sep = "/";
                file = new File(prefix + sep + objectInfo);
            } else if (dataResourceTypeId.startsWith("CONTEXT_FILE")) {
                prefix = (String) context.get("rootDir");
                if (objectInfo.indexOf("/") != 0 && prefix.lastIndexOf("/") != (prefix.length() - 1)) {
                    sep = "/";
                file = new File(prefix + sep + objectInfo);
            if (file == null) {
                throw new IOException("File: " + file + " is null");

            // write the data to the file
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(textData)) {
                try {
                    FileWriter out = new FileWriter(file);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Debug.logWarning(e, module);
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ContentUnableWriteCharacterDataToFile", UtilMisc.toMap("fileName", file.getAbsolutePath()), locale));
            } else if (binData != null) {
                try {
                    RandomAccessFile out = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ContentUnableToOpenFileForWriting", UtilMisc.toMap("fileName", file.getAbsolutePath()), locale));
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ContentUnableWriteBinaryDataToFile", UtilMisc.toMap("fileName", file.getAbsolutePath()), locale));
            } else {
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource, "ContentNoContentFilePassed", UtilMisc.toMap("fileName", file.getAbsolutePath()), locale));

        } catch (IOException e) {
            Debug.logWarning(e, module);
            throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage());

        return result;
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        try {
            file = DataResourceWorker.getContentFile(dataResourceTypeId, objectInfo, rootDir);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            Debug.logWarning(e, module);
            throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage());
        } catch (GeneralException e2) {
            Debug.logWarning(e2, module);
            throw new GenericServiceException(e2.getMessage());
        if (Debug.infoOn()) {
            Debug.logInfo("in createBinaryFileMethod, file:" + file, module);
            Debug.logInfo("in createBinaryFileMethod, imageData:" + imageData.length, module);
        if (imageData != null && imageData.length > 0) {
            try {
                FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
                if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                    Debug.logInfo("in createBinaryFileMethod, length:" + file.length(), module);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Debug.logWarning(e, module);
                throw new GenericServiceException(e.getMessage());
        return result;
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException

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