initCache(component, context);
catch (Exception e)
InvocationResult result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.NOT_SUPPORTED);
return result;
ConcurrentHashMap methodCache = getMethodCache(component);
InvocationResult result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.NOT_SUPPORTED);
result.setErrorMessage("Component: " + component + " doesn't have any annotated methods, skipping.");
return result;
Object[] payload;
Method method = null;
//We remove the property here as a workaround to MULE-4769
Object tempMethod = context.getMessage().removeProperty(MuleProperties.MULE_METHOD_PROPERTY, PropertyScope.INVOCATION);
String methodName = null;
if (tempMethod != null && tempMethod instanceof Method)
method = (Method) tempMethod;
methodName = (String)tempMethod;
//If a method param is set use that over anything else. This is used by the @Reply Callbacks and where annotations are set
//on the method
if (methodName != null)
method = getMethodByName(component, methodName, context);
if (method == null)
InvocationResult result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.NOT_SUPPORTED);
result.setErrorMessage("Method not found: " + methodName + " on object: " + component.getClass() + ". If the component is a proxy there needs to be an interface on the proxy that defines this method");
return result;
//TODO i18n
payload = getPayloadForMethod(method, component, context);
else if (method != null)
payload = getPayloadForMethod(method, component, context);
else if (methodCache.size() == 1)
method = (Method) methodCache.values().iterator().next();
payload = getPayloadForMethod(method, component, context);
InvocationResult result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.FAILED);
result.setErrorMessage("Component: " + component + " has more than one method annotated, which means the target method name needs to be set on the event");
return result;
return invokeMethod(component, method,
(method.getParameterTypes().length == 0 ? ClassUtils.NO_ARGS : payload));