public InvocationResult invoke(Object component, MuleEventContext context) throws Exception
Object[] payload = getPayloadFromMessage(context);
Method method;
InvocationResult result;
method = this.getMethodByArguments(component, payload);
if (method != null)
return invokeMethod(component, method, payload);
Class<?>[] types = ClassUtils.getClassTypes(payload);
// do any methods on the service accept a context?
List<Method> methods = ClassUtils.getSatisfiableMethods(component.getClass(), types,
isAcceptVoidMethods(), false, ignoredMethods, filter);
int numMethods = methods.size();
if (numMethods > 1)
result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.FAILED);
// too many methods match the context argument
result.setErrorTooManyMatchingMethods(component, types, StringMessageUtils.toString(methods));
return result;
else if (numMethods == 1)
// found exact match for method with context argument
method = this.addMethodByArguments(component, methods.get(0), payload);
methods = ClassUtils.getSatisfiableMethods(component.getClass(),
ClassUtils.getClassTypes(payload), true, true, ignoredMethods);
numMethods = methods.size();
if (numMethods > 1)
result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.FAILED);
// too many methods match the context argument
result.setErrorTooManyMatchingMethods(component, types, StringMessageUtils.toString(methods));
return result;
else if (numMethods == 1)
// found exact match for payload argument
method = this.addMethodByArguments(component, methods.get(0), payload);
result = new InvocationResult(this, InvocationResult.State.FAILED);
// no method for payload argument either - bail out
result.setErrorNoMatchingMethods(component, ClassUtils.getClassTypes(payload));
return result;
return invokeMethod(component, method, payload);