Implementation of {@link LuaCompiler} which does direct lua-to-java-bytecode compiling.
This requires the bcel library to be on the class path to work as expected. If the library is not found, the default {@link LuaC} lua-to-lua-bytecode compiler will be used.
The compiler should be installed as part of globals initialization, and before any scripts or lua code is executed. A typical example is to install it following the globals creation, as in the following:
{@code LuaValue _G = JsePlatform.standardGlobals(); LuaJC.install(); LoadState.load( new ByteArrayInputStream("print 'hello'".getBytes()), "main.lua", _G ).call();}
@see LuaCompiler
@see LuaC
@see JsePlatform
@see JmePlatform
@see BaseLib
@see LuaValue