Compiler for Lua.
Compiles lua source files into lua bytecode within a {@link Prototype}, loads lua binary files directly into a {@link Prototype}, and optionaly instantiates a {@link LuaClosure} around the result using a user-supplied environment.
Implements the {@link LuaCompiler} interface for loading initialized chunks, which is an interface common to lua bytecode compiling and java bytecode compiling.
Teh {@link LuaC} compiler is installed by default by both the {@link JsePlatform} and {@link JmePlatform} classes, so in the following example, the default {@link LuaC} compiler will be used:
{@code LuaValue _G = JsePlatform.standardGlobals(); LoadState.load( new ByteArrayInputStream("print 'hello'".getBytes()), "main.lua", _G ).call();}
@see LuaCompiler
@see LuaJC
@see JsePlatform
@see JmePlatform
@see BaseLib
@see LuaValue
@see LuaCompiler
@see Prototype