tableGeneratorMetaData = getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForTableGenerator(om.getClassLoaderResolver(),
if (tableGeneratorMetaData == null)
throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("038005", fieldName, valueGeneratorName));
else if (strategy == IdentityStrategy.SEQUENCE)
sequenceMetaData = getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForSequence(om.getClassLoaderResolver(),
if (sequenceMetaData == null)
throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("038006", fieldName, valueGeneratorName));
else if (strategy == IdentityStrategy.SEQUENCE && sequence != null)
// TODO Allow for package name of this class prefix for the sequence name
sequenceMetaData = getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForSequence(om.getClassLoaderResolver(), sequence);
if (sequenceMetaData == null)
// JPOX 1.1 behaviour is just to use the sequence name in the datastore so log it and fallback to that
JPOXLogger.DATASTORE.warn("Field " + fieldName + " has been specified to use sequence " + sequence +
" but there is no <sequence> specified in the MetaData. " +
"Falling back to use a sequence in the datastore with this name directly.");
String strategyName = strategy.toString();
if (strategy.equals(IdentityStrategy.CUSTOM))
// Using a "custom" generator
strategyName = strategy.getCustomName();
else if (strategy.equals(IdentityStrategy.NATIVE))
strategyName = getStrategyForNative(sequence);
// POID Generators are cached against a name. Some POID Generators are unique per datastore.
// Others are per class/field. Others have a user-defined name.
// The name that they are cached under relates to what they use.
// Generate the name for PoidManager to use the strategy for this field/class.
String poidGeneratorName = null;
String generatorNameKeyInManager = null;
ConfigurationElement elem =
new String[]{"name", "unique"}, new String[] {strategyName, "true"});
if (elem != null)
// Unique value generator so set the key in PoidManager to the value generator name itself
poidGeneratorName = elem.getAttribute("name");
generatorNameKeyInManager = poidGeneratorName;
// Not a unique (datastore-independent) generator so try just for this datastore
elem = omfContext.getPluginManager().getConfigurationElementForExtension("org.jpox.store_valuegenerator",
new String[]{"name", "datastore"}, new String[] {strategyName, storeManagerKey});
if (elem != null)
// Set the generator name (for use by the PoidManager)
poidGeneratorName = elem.getAttribute("name");
if (generatorNameKeyInManager == null)
// Value generator is not unique so set based on class/field
if (absoluteFieldNumber >= 0)
// Require generation for a field so use field name for the generator symbolic name
generatorNameKeyInManager = mmd.getFullFieldName();
// Require generation for a datastore id field so use the class name for the generator symbolic name
generatorNameKeyInManager = cmd.getFullClassName();
// Try to find the generator from the PoidManager if we already have it managed
PoidGenerator generator = poidManager.getPoidGenerator(generatorNameKeyInManager);
if (generator == null)
if (poidGeneratorName == null)
// No available value-generator for the specified strategy for this datastore
throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("038004", strategy));
// Set up the default properties available for all value generators
Properties props = getPropertiesForGenerator(cmd, absoluteFieldNumber, om, sequenceMetaData,