public Object detachCopy(FetchPlanState state)
if (myLC.isDeleted())
throw new JPOXUserException(
LOCALISER.msg("026023", myPC.getClass().getName(), myID));
if (myOM.getApiAdapter().isDetached(myPC))
throw new JPOXUserException(
LOCALISER.msg("026024", myPC.getClass().getName(), myID));
if (dirty)
if (detaching)
// Object in the process of detaching (recursive) so return the object which will be the detached object
return referencedPC;
PersistenceCapable detachedPC = myPC.jdoNewInstance(this);
referencedPC = detachedPC;
// Check if detachable ... if so then we detach a copy, otherwise we return a transient copy
boolean detachable = myOM.getApiAdapter().isDetachable(myPC);
// make sure a detaching PC is not read by another thread while we are detaching
synchronized (referencedPC)
if (detachable)
if (JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug(LOCALISER.msg("010010", StringUtils.toJVMIDString(myPC),
"" + state.getCurrentFetchDepth(), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(detachedPC)));
// Call any "pre-detach" listeners
detaching = true;
// Handle any field loading/unloading before the detach
if ((myOM.getFetchPlan().getDetachmentOptions() & FetchPlan.DETACH_LOAD_FIELDS) != 0)
// Load any unloaded fetch-plan fields
if (myLC == myOM.getOMFContext().getApiAdapter().getLifeCycleState(LifeCycleState.HOLLOW) ||
myLC == myOM.getOMFContext().getApiAdapter().getLifeCycleState(LifeCycleState.P_NONTRANS))
// Migrate any HOLLOW/P_NONTRANS to P_CLEAN etc
myLC = myLC.transitionReadField(this, true);
// Create a SM for our copy object
JDOStateManagerImpl smDetachedPC = new JDOStateManagerImpl(myOM, cmd);
smDetachedPC.initialiseForDetached(detachedPC, getExternalObjectId(myPC), getVersion(myPC));
smDetachedPC.referencedPC = myPC;
smDetachedPC.replaceFields(getFieldsNumbersToDetach(), new DetachFieldManager(this, getSecondClassMutableFields(),
myFP, state, true));
smDetachedPC.referencedPC = null;
if (detachable)
// Update the object with its detached state - not to be confused with the "state" object above
// Remove its StateManager since now detached or transient
catch (Exception e)
// What could possible be thrown here ?
JPOXLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug("DETACH ERROR : Error thrown while detaching " +
StringUtils.toJVMIDString(myPC) + " (id=" + myID + ")", e);
detaching = false;
referencedPC = null;
if (detachable && !myOM.getApiAdapter().isDetached(detachedPC))
// Sanity check on the objects detached state
throw new JPOXUserException(LOCALISER.msg("026025", detachedPC.getClass().getName(), myID));
if (detachable)
// Call any "post-detach" listeners