
Examples of

    protected boolean keep;
    protected boolean small;
    public BZip(String s) {
        Compress   = new FlagArgument("compress", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_compress);
        Decompress = new FlagArgument("decompress", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_decompress);
        int flags = Argument.OPTIONAL | Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING | FileArgument.HYPHEN_IS_SPECIAL;
        Files      = new FileArgument("files", flags, help_files);
        Keep       = new FlagArgument("keep", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_keep);
        Small      = new FlagArgument("small", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_small);
        Test       = new FlagArgument("test", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_test);
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    private final FlagArgument argDel;
    private final IPv4AddressArgument argDnsServer;

    public ResolverCommand() {
        argAdd       = new FlagArgument("add", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_add);
        argDel       = new FlagArgument("del", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_del);
        argDnsServer = new IPv4AddressArgument("server", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_server);
        registerArguments(argAdd, argDel, argDnsServer);
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    private final HostNameArgument argServer;
    private final FileArgument argFile;

    public TftpCommand() {
        argPut    = new FlagArgument("put", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_put);
        argGet    = new FlagArgument("get", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_get);
        argServer = new HostNameArgument("host", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_host);
        argFile   = new FileArgument("filename", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_file);
        registerArguments(argGet, argPut, argFile, argServer);
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    private final FlagArgument argClear;

    public ArpCommand() {
        argClear = new FlagArgument("clear", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_super);
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    private PrintWriter out;
    private PrintWriter err;
    public WgetCommand() {
        argDebug = new FlagArgument("debug", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_debug);
        argUrl   = new URLArgument("url", Argument.MANDATORY + Argument.MULTIPLE, help_url);
        registerArguments(argUrl, argDebug);
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        argCharRange  = new NumberListArgument("char-range", 0, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, help_char);
        argFieldRange = new NumberListArgument("field-range", 0, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1, help_field);
        argInDelim    = new StringArgument("in-delim", 0, help_in_delim);
        argOutDelim   = new StringArgument("out-delim", 0, help_out_delim);
        argFiles      = new FileArgument("files", 0, help_files);
        argSuppress   = new FlagArgument("suppress", 0, help_suppress);
        argComplement = new FlagArgument("complement", 0, help_complement);
        registerArguments(argByteRange, argCharRange, argFieldRange, argInDelim, argOutDelim, argFiles);
        registerArguments(argSuppress, argComplement);
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    private boolean readDevice;
    private boolean exitOnFirstMatch;
    public GrepCommand() {
        super("Search for lines that match a string or regex");
        MatcherFixed = new FlagArgument("matcher-fixed", 0, help_matcher_fixed);
        MatcherBasic = new FlagArgument("matcher-basic", 0, help_matcher_basic);
        MatcherExt   = new FlagArgument("matcher-ext", 0, help_matcher_ext);
        MatcherPerl  = new FlagArgument("matcher-perl", 0, help_matcher_perl);
        registerArguments(MatcherFixed, MatcherBasic, MatcherExt, MatcherPerl);
        IgnoreCase   = new FlagArgument("ignore-case", 0, help_case);
        Invert       = new FlagArgument("invert", 0, help_invert);
        MatchWord    = new FlagArgument("word-match", 0, help_match_word);
        MatchLine    = new FlagArgument("line-match", 0, help_match_line);
        MaxCount     = new IntegerArgument("max-matches", 0, help_max);
        Quiet        = new FlagArgument("quiet", 0, help_quiet);
        Suppress     = new FlagArgument("suppress", 0, help_suppress);
        Debug        = new FlagArgument("debug", 0, help_debug);
        registerArguments(IgnoreCase, Invert, MatchWord, MatchLine, MaxCount, Quiet, Suppress, Debug);
        ShowCount       = new FlagArgument("show-count", 0, help_count);
        ShowFileNoMatch = new FlagArgument("show-files-nomatch", 0, help_file_nomatch);
        ShowFileMatch   = new FlagArgument("show-files-match", 0, help_file_match);
        ShowOnlyMatch   = new FlagArgument("show-only-match", 0, help_only_matching);
        registerArguments(ShowCount, ShowFileNoMatch, ShowFileMatch, ShowOnlyMatch);
        PrefixByte   = new FlagArgument("prefix-byte", 0, help_prefix_byte);
        PrefixFile   = new FlagArgument("prefix-file", 0, help_prefix_file);
        PrefixNoFile = new FlagArgument("prefix-nofile", 0, help_prefix_nofile);
        PrefixLabel  = new StringArgument("prefix-label", 0, help_prefix_label);
        PrefixLine   = new FlagArgument("prefix-line", 0, help_prefix_line);
        PrefixTab    = new FlagArgument("prefix-tab", 0, help_prefix_tab);
        PrefixNull   = new FlagArgument("prefix-null", 0, help_prefix_null);
        registerArguments(PrefixByte, PrefixFile, PrefixNoFile, PrefixLabel, PrefixLine, PrefixTab, PrefixNull);
        ContextAfter  = new IntegerArgument("show-context-after", 0, help_context_after);
        ContextBefore = new IntegerArgument("show-context-before", 0, help_context_before);
        ContextBoth   = new IntegerArgument("show-context-both", 0, help_context_both);
        registerArguments(ContextAfter, ContextBefore, ContextBoth);
        ModeBinary     = new StringArgument("mode-binary", 0, help_mode_binary);
        ModeDevice     = new StringArgument("mode-device", 0, help_mode_device);
        ModeDir        = new StringArgument("mode-dir", 0, help_mode_dir);
        ModeBinaryText = new FlagArgument("mode-binary-text", 0, help_mode_binary_text);
        ModeBinarySkip = new FlagArgument("mode-binary-skip", 0, help_mode_binary_skip);
        ModeDirRecurse = new FlagArgument("mode-dir-recurse", 0, help_mode_dir_recurse);
        Exclude        = new StringArgument("pattern-exclude", 0, help_exclude);
        ExcludeFile    = new FileArgument("pattern-exclude-file", Argument.EXISTING, help_exclude_file);
        ExcludeDir     = new StringArgument("pattern-exclude-dir", 0, help_exclude_dir);
        Include        = new StringArgument("pattern-include", 0, help_include);
        registerArguments(ModeBinary, ModeBinaryText, ModeBinarySkip, ModeDevice, ModeDir, ModeDirRecurse);
        registerArguments(Exclude, ExcludeFile, ExcludeDir, Include);
        NullTerm = new FlagArgument("null-term", 0, help_null_term);
        Patterns = new StringArgument("patterns", Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.MANDATORY, help_patterns);
        PatternFiles = new FileArgument("pattern-files", Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING, help_pattern_files);
        Files = new
            FileArgument("files", Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING | FileArgument.HYPHEN_IS_SPECIAL, help_files);
        registerArguments(Patterns, PatternFiles, Files, NullTerm);
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    public CpCommand() {
        argSource = new FileArgument("source", Argument.MANDATORY | Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING, HELP_SOURCE);
        argTarget      = new FileArgument("target", Argument.MANDATORY, HELP_TARGET);
        argForce       = new FlagArgument("force", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_FORCE);
        argInteractive = new FlagArgument("interactive", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_INTERACTIVE);
        argUpdate      = new FlagArgument("update", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_UPDATE);
        argRecursive   = new FlagArgument("recursive", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_RECURSE);
        argVerbose     = new FlagArgument("verbose", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_VERBOSE);
        registerArguments(argSource, argTarget, argForce, argInteractive, argRecursive, argUpdate, argVerbose);
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    public Md5SumCommand() {
        argPaths      = new FileArgument("paths", Argument.MULTIPLE | Argument.EXISTING, help_paths);
        flagRecursive = new FlagArgument("recursive", Argument.OPTIONAL, help_recurse);
        argCheckfile  = new FileArgument("checkfile", Argument.SINGLE | Argument.EXISTING, help_check);
        registerArguments(argPaths, flagRecursive, argCheckfile);
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     * Instantiates a new word count command.
    public WcCommand() {
        filesArgs = new FileArgument("files", Argument.OPTIONAL | Argument.EXISTING | Argument.MULTIPLE);
        bytesArgs = new FlagArgument("bytes", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BYTES);
        linesArgs = new FlagArgument("lines", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_LINES);
        charsArgs = new FlagArgument("chars", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_CHARS);
        wordsArgs = new FlagArgument("worlds", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_WORDS);
        maxChars  = new FlagArgument("maxCharLine", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_MAX_CHARS);
        registerArguments(filesArgs, bytesArgs, linesArgs, charsArgs, wordsArgs, maxChars);
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