* $Id$
* Copyright (C) 2003-2014 JNode.org
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
* License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this library; If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.jnode.command.file;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jnode.shell.AbstractCommand;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.Argument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.FileArgument;
import org.jnode.shell.syntax.FlagArgument;
* Count the words, lines and bytes or characters in a file or stream.
* @see <a href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7990989775/xcu/wc.html">POSIX "wc" command</a>
* @author cy6erGn0m
* @author Yves Galante
public class WcCommand extends AbstractCommand {
private static final String STR_SUPER = "Print newline, word, and byte counts for each file.";
private static final String STR_TOTAL = "total";
private static final String STR_ERROR_DIR = "File is a directory : ";
private static final String STR_ERROR_NOT_EXIST = "File not exist : ";
private static final String STR_ERROR_CANT_READ = "File can't be read : ";
private static final String STR_ERROR_IO_EX = "IO error";
private static final String HELP_BYTES = "Write to the standard output the number of bytes.";
private static final String HELP_LINES = "Write to the standard output the number of newline characters.";
private static final String HELP_CHARS = "Write to the standard output the number of characters.";
private static final String HELP_WORDS = "Write to the standard output the number of words.";
private static final String HELP_MAX_CHARS = "Write to the standard output the number of characters of "
+ "the longest line.";
private boolean printBytes = false;
private boolean printLines = false;
private boolean printChars = false;
private boolean printWordsCount = false;
private boolean printMaxCharsInLine = false;
private final FileArgument filesArgs;
private final FlagArgument bytesArgs;
private final FlagArgument linesArgs;
private final FlagArgument charsArgs;
private final FlagArgument wordsArgs;
private final FlagArgument maxChars;
* Instantiates a new word count command.
public WcCommand() {
filesArgs = new FileArgument("files", Argument.OPTIONAL | Argument.EXISTING | Argument.MULTIPLE);
bytesArgs = new FlagArgument("bytes", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_BYTES);
linesArgs = new FlagArgument("lines", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_LINES);
charsArgs = new FlagArgument("chars", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_CHARS);
wordsArgs = new FlagArgument("worlds", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_WORDS);
maxChars = new FlagArgument("maxCharLine", Argument.OPTIONAL, HELP_MAX_CHARS);
registerArguments(filesArgs, bytesArgs, linesArgs, charsArgs, wordsArgs, maxChars);
public void execute() {
List<WcStream> results = new ArrayList<WcStream>(1);
FileInputStream fis = null;
// Initialize arguments
// Read from files
if (filesArgs.isSet()) {
for (File file : filesArgs.getValues()) {
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
results.add(new WcStream().processStream(file.getName(), fis));
} catch (IOException io) {
getError().getPrintWriter().println(STR_ERROR_IO_EX + " : " + file.getAbsolutePath());
} finally {
if (fis != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
fis = null;
} else {
try {
// Or read from input stream
results.add(new WcStream().processStream(null, getInput().getInputStream()));
} catch (IOException io) {
// Print results
printResults(getOutput().getPrintWriter(), results);
private void checkFile(File file) {
if (!file.exists()) {
getError().getPrintWriter().println(STR_ERROR_NOT_EXIST + ' ' + file.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (file.isDirectory()) {
getError().getPrintWriter().println(STR_ERROR_DIR + ' ' + file.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (!file.canRead()) {
getError().getPrintWriter().println(STR_ERROR_CANT_READ + ' ' + file.getAbsolutePath());
* Initialize arguments.
private void initArgs() {
if (bytesArgs.isSet() || linesArgs.isSet() || charsArgs.isSet() || wordsArgs.isSet()
|| maxChars.isSet()) {
printBytes = bytesArgs.isSet();
printChars = charsArgs.isSet();
printLines = linesArgs.isSet();
printWordsCount = wordsArgs.isSet();
printMaxCharsInLine = maxChars.isSet();
} else {
// Default arguments
printLines = true;
printBytes = true;
printChars = false;
printWordsCount = true;
printMaxCharsInLine = false;
* Prints results.
* @param printWriter the print writer
* @param listWc the world count stream list
private void printResults(PrintWriter printWriter, List<WcStream> listWc) {
long totalBytesRead = 0;
long totalCharsCount = 0;
long totalLinesCount = 0;
long totalWordsCount = 0;
long maxCharsInLine = 0;
int paddingSize = 0;
for (WcStream wc : listWc) {
totalBytesRead += wc.getBytesRead();
totalCharsCount += wc.getCharsCount();
totalLinesCount += wc.getLinesCount();
totalWordsCount += wc.getWordsCount();
if (maxCharsInLine < wc.getMaxCharsInLine()) {
maxCharsInLine = wc.getMaxCharsInLine();
// Compute the padding size for printing result on a table
paddingSize = Long.toString(
Math.max(totalBytesRead, Math.max(totalCharsCount, Math.max(totalLinesCount, totalWordsCount))))
for (WcStream wc : listWc) {
printLine(printWriter, paddingSize, wc.getLinesCount(), wc.getWordsCount(), wc.getCharsCount(), wc
.getBytesRead(), wc.getMaxCharsInLine());
if (wc.getFileName() != null) {
printWriter.print(' ' + wc.getFileName());
// need print total line ?
if (listWc.size() > 1) {
printLine(printWriter, paddingSize, totalLinesCount, totalWordsCount, totalCharsCount, totalBytesRead,
printWriter.println(' ' + STR_TOTAL);
* Print a line result
* @param printWriter
* @param paddingSize
* @param linesCount
* @param wordsCount
* @param charsCount
* @param bytesRead
* @param charsInLine
private void printLine(PrintWriter printWriter, int paddingSize, long linesCount,
long wordsCount, long charsCount, long bytesRead, long charsInLine) {
boolean first = true;
if (printLines) {
print(printWriter, first, paddingSize, linesCount);
first = false;
if (printWordsCount) {
print(printWriter, first, paddingSize, wordsCount);
first = false;
if (printChars) {
print(printWriter, first, paddingSize, charsCount);
first = false;
if (printBytes) {
print(printWriter, first, paddingSize, bytesRead);
first = false;
if (printMaxCharsInLine) {
print(printWriter, first, paddingSize, charsInLine);
first = false;
* Print a result
* @param printWriter
* @param first
* @param paddingSize
* @param value
private void print(PrintWriter printWriter, boolean first, int paddingSize, long value) {
StringBuffer sValue = new StringBuffer(paddingSize + 1);
while (sValue.length() < paddingSize) {
sValue.insert(0, ' ');
if (!first) {
sValue.insert(0, ' ');
* The Class WcStream.
private static class WcStream {
* The Class ByteCountInputStream.
private static class ByteCountInputStream extends InputStream {
private InputStream inputStream;
private long bytesRead = 0;
* Instantiates a new byte count input stream.
* @param in
* the input stream
private ByteCountInputStream(InputStream in) {
inputStream = in;
* Gets the bytes read.
* @return the bytes read
public long getBytesRead() {
return bytesRead;
public int read() throws IOException {
int rchar = inputStream.read();
if (rchar != -1) {
return rchar;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int wasRead = inputStream.read(b, off, len);
if (wasRead > 0) {
bytesRead += wasRead;
return wasRead;
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
int wasRead = inputStream.read(b);
if (wasRead > 0) {
bytesRead += wasRead;
return wasRead;
public int available() throws IOException {
return inputStream.available();
public boolean markSupported() {
return false;
public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
long rChar = inputStream.skip(n);
if (rChar > 0) {
bytesRead += rChar;
return rChar;
private String fileName = null;
private long bytesRead = 0;
private long charsCount = 0;
private long linesCount = 0;
private long wordsCount = 0;
private int maxCharsInLine = 0;
private int charsInLine = 0;
private WcStream() {
// default constructor
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public long getBytesRead() {
return bytesRead;
public long getCharsCount() {
return charsCount;
public long getLinesCount() {
return linesCount;
public long getWordsCount() {
return wordsCount;
public int getMaxCharsInLine() {
return maxCharsInLine;
* Process the stream.
* @param fileName
* the file name, can be null
* @param inputStream
* the input stream
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
private WcStream processStream(String name, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
ByteCountInputStream bic = new ByteCountInputStream(inputStream);
InputStreamReader reader = null;
fileName = name;
reader = new InputStreamReader(bic);
boolean wasR = false;
boolean wasWord = false;
int iChar = reader.read();
for (; iChar >= 0; iChar = reader.read()) {
char cChar = (char) iChar;
if (cChar == '\r') {
wasWord = false;
wasR = true;
if (charsInLine > maxCharsInLine) {
maxCharsInLine = charsInLine;
charsInLine = 0;
} else if (cChar == '\n') {
if (!wasR) {
if (charsInLine > maxCharsInLine) {
maxCharsInLine = charsInLine;
charsInLine = 0;
wasWord = false;
wasR = false;
} else if (cChar == ' ' || cChar == '\t') {
wasR = false;
wasWord = false;
} else {
if (!wasWord) {
wasWord = true;
bytesRead = bic.getBytesRead();
return this;
* The main method.
* @param args
* @throws Exception
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new WcCommand().execute(args);